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July 26th, 2010, 05:08
Strange, but when I went to log on to SGT a few minutes ago I spotted a web link entitled "Boy Speical on Chicago TV" posted on the internet just under the Sawatdee Gay Thailand link. I have no idea how this got placed on the internet, although after opening it found that it was none other than MY STORY which I posted on SGT 5 years ago. Oh well, I guess someone out there found it amusing.

Here's the link if anyone cares to read about a 5 year old Dodger adventure:

http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/246 ... -quot.html (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/2469/t/quot-Boy-Special-on-Chicago-TV-quot.html)

July 26th, 2010, 10:27
It was re-posted here last year as well:

gay-thailand-f9/few-you-were-looking-for-this-old-dodger-post-t16197.html?hilit=chicago#p161812 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/few-you-were-looking-for-this-old-dodger-post-t16197.html?hilit=chicago#p161812)

A hilarious cautionary tail... Did anyone else ever find out about this incident? I guess it explains the divorce!

Ron-Heng Vancouver
July 26th, 2010, 10:39
Wow, I am sorry but I was laughing so hard after reading this. It was great!
Also, an added note or two -- SGT entries seemed to have more substance, more narrative, more quality in those days than now. Just my observation as a newbie.

Also, here in Canada, we would never have this issue as the #1 Rule - NEVER take photos of your fun, or for that matter, ever bring them through Customs. If you are caught. you are jailed. (In Canada your playmate does not need to be of legal age, he MUST "appear" to be of legal age, 18.... Often when a single, older white male who has recently returned from Asia goes through Customs, officers routinely want to see the laptops, memory sticks, cell phones, cameras. Those citizens, so-called described above, if they travel too frequently to Asia, will be flagged.

Word to the wise.

Dodger, again, thanks for this very human and funny story.

July 26th, 2010, 11:06
Dodger, I'm frightfully sorry but I had to go back and read this story all over again. Same reaction as before ... screaming with laughter and still have a very broad smile on my face.

Obviously, you didn't end up as another statistic falling from the sky in PTY as you have writen even more stories since. This is really a cracker though and takes some beating (so to speak).

By the by, I hope you've got dibs on the movie rights?



July 26th, 2010, 13:43
V, you or a screen writer, actually could string those journeys together into a commercial screen play.

July 26th, 2010, 19:35
avidflying Wrote:

V, you or a screen writer, actually could string those journeys together into a commercial screen play

I've always held true to the motto that live is an Adventure, not a Destiny, although sometimes feel like my desinty is going to be the result of my adventures which is a little scary - if you get my drift...555.

Unfortunately, both of my parents passed away last year - but not before enjoying several candid disucssions about my gay lifestyle. Both were very accepting of this fact, although dad remained puzzled. Ed and Louise are doing fine, and Boy Special transitioned to a full-blooded ladyboy and went on the grace the stage at Tiffany's. My films have now been completely edited with the private parts kept on a seperate disc for my private viewing...no way is Boy Specials cock getting trashed...555

Thanks to all for your nice comments and I'm glad I could deliver some laughter to your doorsteps.

July 26th, 2010, 20:44
Unfortunately, both of my parents passed away last year

Sorry to hear.

not before enjoying several candid disucssions about my gay lifestyle. Both were very accepting of this fact, although dad remained puzzled.

Candid discussions? How was Dad puzzled? Or was it more disoriented male pride than puzzled? Just curious...

July 26th, 2010, 21:23
Beachlover Wrote:

Candid discussions? How was Dad puzzled? Or was it more disoriented male pride than puzzled? Just curious

I think disorientation and male pride had some influence here, but I think the cause of his disorientation was based on his ignorance on the topic of homosexuality in general. So many times peoples minds shift directly to the thoughts of "sex" when the topic of homosexuality comes up which immediately polarizes the thought process which I'm sure was the case with my father. Unfortunately, those who are not gay (or, have realized their own potential as being gay) are somewhat blind to the fact that an attraction between 2 people of the same gender goes much farther than just the sexual component - which is difficult if not impossible for hetrosexual people to comprehend. It's like trying to teach someone how to play a violin when they can't even strum a banjo.

July 26th, 2010, 23:28
Being gay is all about the sex, that's when the term gay comes into effect. A man can be very effeminate and still sleep with women, so that don't make him gay. A man can be very butch and rough but sleeps with men, that's what makes him gay. There is no gay lifestyle, you are only gay when you sleep with the same sex.

July 27th, 2010, 07:07
Diec Wrote:

eing gay is all about the sex

Is being hetrosexual all about the sex as well?

July 27th, 2010, 07:50
I have no idea how this got placed on the internet, although after opening it found that it was none other than MY STORY which I posted on SGT 5 years ago.

You posted it there, Dodger, that's how. Easyboard is now Yuku.com. This community was on ezboard when you posted it shortly before we got our own domain. That yuku board is the old ezboard.

July 27th, 2010, 08:59
Diec Wrote:

eing gay is all about the sex

Is being hetrosexual all about the sex as well?

Yes, when you are heterosexual it means you sleep with the opposite sex. Get the sex part? It has nothing to do with the way you live your life except for the sex.

July 27th, 2010, 11:08
I think disorientation and male pride had some influence here, but I think the cause of his disorientation was based on his ignorance on the topic of homosexuality in general. So many times peoples minds shift directly to the thoughts of "sex" when the topic of homosexuality comes up which immediately polarizes the thought process which I'm sure was the case with my father.

Ah yeah, that's true. I'm learning the stereotyping thing is a challenge to overcome. Gay guys can (and often want to) have great relationships and everything else, which comes with that too. But the image of gay sex (to hetero people) tends to be pretty distracting.

Unfortunately, those who are not gay (or, have realized their own potential as being gay) are somewhat blind to the fact that an attraction between 2 people of the same gender goes much farther than just the sexual component - which is difficult if not impossible for hetrosexual people to comprehend. It's like trying to teach someone how to play a violin when they can't even strum a banjo.

Totally true... homo/hetro-sexuality goes much further than sexual urges. Emotional attraction and desire to be close plays just as much of a role.

See, I can have sex with guys and girls... and I enjoy both. But it takes a long time for me to fall into a crush a girl (only happened a couple of times) than it does with a guy. With guys, it happens very quickly (I can have a crush after just spending one day with them) and the emotions run much deeper and broader.

I also find sex with a guy is so much more passionate. And the emotional connection is so much stronger. In some instances I almost become annoyed with a girl after sex... chatting away and stuff... when I'm totally not interested anymore lol. Never happens with a guy though.

July 27th, 2010, 16:42
Spike Wrote:

You posted it there, Dodger, that's how. Easyboard is now Yuku.com. This community was on ezboard when you posted it shortly before we got our own domain. That yuku board is the old ezboard

Spike...Regardless if our community is on ezboard or Yuku...I never posted that thread anywhere other than on our SGT forum 5 years ago. How did it get seperated out and posted on the internet with its own link? If you know how to remove it - please do. If there is some way that I can remove it - please advise.

Smiles: If you're reading this maybe you can shed some light as to how that seperate link can be removed.

July 27th, 2010, 17:14
Beachlover Wrote:

See, I can have sex with guys and girls... and I enjoy both. But it takes a long time for me to fall into a crush a girl (only happened a couple of times) than it does with a guy.

I appreciate your honesty, as well as the fact that you are liberated enough to explore your passions as freely as you do.

July 27th, 2010, 18:40
I spotted a web link entitled "Boy Speical on Chicago TV" posted on the internet just under the Sawatdee Gay Thailand link.

Dodger, the internet's a big place. Where was this link? Google? Some other gay Thailand site?

Spike...Regardless if our community is on ezboard or Yuku...I never posted that thread anywhere other than on our SGT forum 5 years ago. How did it get seperated out and posted on the internet with its own link? If you know how to remove it - please do. If there is some way that I can remove it - please advise.

If the link you posted is what you're talking about, then it didn't get separated and posted with its "own link". It just got moved there with the rest of what looks like a previous version of the board.

Maybe someone posted a link to it... There's really nothing to stop people linking to a web page, unless they've actually copied it to host somewhere else altogether.

July 27th, 2010, 19:05
That link IS to our Sawatdee Forum (where it was 5 years ago). That is exactly where you posted it and it's where it still is. The board we are on now is a different one we moved to a few months later.

July 28th, 2010, 07:49

That link IS to our Sawatdee Forum (where it was 5 years ago). That is exactly where you posted it and it's where it still is. The board we are on now is a different one we moved to a few months later.

Spike, I'm quite aware of where I posted that topic 5 years ago - which was on YOUR site - not wih the intentions of having it used as a seperate link to YOUR site. Any idea how this happened? Better yet, can you just remove the link?

Please advise.

July 28th, 2010, 10:13

That link IS to our Sawatdee Forum (where it was 5 years ago). That is exactly where you posted it and it's where it still is. The board we are on now is a different one we moved to a few months later.

Spike, I'm quite aware of where I posted that topic 5 years ago - which was on YOUR site - not wih the intentions of having it used as a seperate link to YOUR site. Any idea how this happened? Better yet, can you just remove the link?

Please advise.

Where was the link? on Google? That's what Google does. It gathers links to web pages and shows a list of those links to webpages that are relevant to whatever search terms you enter. Any webpage can be linked to by anyone from any other webpage. That's just the way the Web works. I'm curious: What search term did you use?

July 28th, 2010, 17:06

I just enter "sawatdee forum" in keyword search and various links appear including ours here (SGT). This stand alone link "Boy Special on Chicago TV" just appeared out of nowhere a few days ago. If it helps I always sign on to my computer with AOL.com.

I have no problems operating a computer, although in the dark when it comes to things like this involving web-sites, links to other domains, etc.

Does this help?

July 28th, 2010, 19:20
Oh, stop your sniveling.

You posted it on the internet, and it will be there forever, in the public domain. Stamp your feet and huff and puff all you like.

OOPS.WTF have you EVER posted of any interest? You grubby little man! Constructive comment is one thing but YOU ! You fcuking leech,sit back contribute NOTHING,and criticise someone that actually has talent,and is kind enough to share it with us.What bare faced cheek! You little prick you have chutzpah and nothing else!!!

July 28th, 2010, 20:02

I just enter "sawatdee forum" in keyword search and various links appear including ours here (SGT). This stand alone link "Boy Special on Chicago TV" just appeared out of nowhere a few days ago. If it helps I always sign on to my computer with AOL.com.

I have no problems operating a computer, although in the dark when it comes to things like this involving web-sites, links to other domains, etc.

Does this help?

Dodger, Spike can't directly control what does and doesn't show on search engines. That's determined by the search engine's own algorithm and changes all the time. It would be like controlling what a journalist writes and doesn't write.

Search engines index anything that's publicly viewable and anything indexed can come up in a search result. So the only way to control this would be to remove that thread from the Yuku (EZboard) site altogether and even then it would still appear in Google's caches for sometime.

July 28th, 2010, 21:15
Yes, Beachlover is correct. Search engines will do what they will do. They constantly update links to pages accross the web.

If it was this board, since I own the domain and can edit and upload files to the server it is hosted on, I could put a script in a file called robots.txt that would prevent search engines from reading threads, but that is the last thing I would ever want to do. I want to be well listed in search engines and have gone through great pains to optimize how well listed it is. The old ezboard (now Yuku) though is another thing. I never had any ability to edit or upload files there, nor did I ever really own anything. I was just renting a folder on ezboard where I was given administrative permissions to edit and move content and change layout.

July 29th, 2010, 07:28
Beachlover and Spike,

Thanks for trying to explain this to me. Admittedly I have a hard time following the technical aspects of cyber-world.

I really don't want to delete any of my postings from this or the previous EZboard, so will just have to live with seeing "Boy Special on Chicago TV" pop up every time I log on to our site.

Thanks again for at least trying to educate me.

Opps...you don't have to worry, I only stamp my feet when I drop a lit cigarette on the ground - and rarely allow trivial matters to burn up my positive energy...it's a karma thing!


July 29th, 2010, 08:58
Oh, stop your sniveling.

Thank goodness you never had kids... Hahahaha

July 29th, 2010, 11:27
I really don't want to delete any of my postings from this or the previous EZboard, so will just have to live with seeing "Boy Special on Chicago TV" pop up every time I log on to our site.

OK, This is the part I don't understand about what you are experiencing. Are you sure you mean that when you log on to sawatdee-gay-thailand.com this link literally "pops-up" (As in a pop-up ad?) If so that sounds like some sort of spyware on your computer.

I thought you meant that when you search for the term "sawatdee forum" on a search engine (for example Goolgle, Yahoo, Bing) that one of the results is a direct link to your post on the old ezboard (now Yuku).

July 29th, 2010, 11:48
I really don't want to delete any of my postings from this or the previous EZboard, so will just have to live with seeing "Boy Special on Chicago TV" pop up every time I log on to our site.

OK, This is the part I don't understand about what you are experiencing. Are you sure you mean that when you log on to sawatdee-gay-thailand.com this link literally "pops-up" (As in a pop-up ad?) If so that sounds like some sort of spyware on your computer.

I thought you meant that when you search for the term "sawatdee forum" on a search engine (for example Goolgle, Yahoo, Bing) that one of the results is a direct link to your post on the old ezboard (now Yuku).

No, what the maniac is trying to explain is... He opens his internet browser... The AOL search engine site comes up... He types in "Sawatdee forum" into the search engine and one of the search results "popping up" is his original post.

July 29th, 2010, 12:10
If he has sawatdee listed as a bookmark [favourite], then I suggest he deletes that, reboot and then type in the url, then reselect as a bookmark.

July 29th, 2010, 12:59
I really don't want to delete any of my postings from this or the previous EZboard, so will just have to live with seeing "Boy Special on Chicago TV" pop up every time I log on to our site.

OK, This is the part I don't understand about what you are experiencing. Are you sure you mean that when you log on to sawatdee-gay-thailand.com this link literally "pops-up" (As in a pop-up ad?) If so that sounds like some sort of spyware on your computer.

I thought you meant that when you search for the term "sawatdee forum" on a search engine (for example Goolgle, Yahoo, Bing) that one of the results is a direct link to your post on the old ezboard (now Yuku).

No, what the maniac is trying to explain is... He opens his internet browser... The AOL search engine site comes up... He types in "Sawatdee forum" into the search engine and one of the search results "popping up" is his original post.

OK. I think AOL uses Google results, and Google has an option that shows personal results based on the user's favorites, so I'm thinking this may be appearring only on Dodger's search results. If I search for "Boy Special on Chicago TV" I get this very thread as well as a link to the index of the old ezboard (Yuku) but no link directly to the original post on Yuku/Ezboard.

July 31st, 2010, 16:36
As quickly as it appeared - it has vanished...go figure!

July 31st, 2010, 18:57
As quickly as it appeared - it has vanished...go figure!

Yeah, but don't splutter over your morning coffee if it comes up again... SGT's content, which influences whether your page comes up in search results, chances frequently. And so do search engine algorithms.