View Full Version : trip report part 1

July 19th, 2010, 21:19
I arrived on Wednesday26 at 11am, from paris on the air france flight, first class, no complaints there, was picked up by private car. Great service, . www.pttaxiservice.com (http://www.pttaxiservice.com)
Straight to the hotel in pattaya, being my first time in Thailand, the smells and the sights were all new to me, even the crazy driving by all the other drivers, my driver was superb.
I think it took us just under 2 hours, the hotel was the Pius place, somebody on here recomended it. Was just what i wanted, small, very gay friendy and very clean and happy staff. Also the swimming pool came in handy too. It was 3 min from sunee plaza and 10 min to boyz town and only 10 bahts to jomtein beach, perfect.
After walk about and getting my bearings, was back to hotel for wash and change of cloths.
The first night for my meal was to vickys french resturant, i had met the manager-waiter on gayromeo and promised i would go there, could not beileve it was only round the cornner, accross the road from another french resturant. The welcome was lovely, they treated me like a old friend they knew for years, the meal was superb, and so was the service. It was then i relised that wine in thailand is expensive, im not really a beer drinker, love my red wine. Told the waiter we could meet and go out the next night after he finished work. I wanted to wonder about for myself on my first night. Wanted to find this famouse sunee plaza. Took me 3 min to get there, seen the resturant mango, and said to myself i will eat there tomorrow, read so many good reports about it. First call was the MMB, only one of the owners was there, was very friendy and got chatting, was weird sitting in a bar on a sofa and watching the world going by, so so many lovely , handsome boys.
After afew drinks time to move on, there was only me and the owner and a few boys in MMB, wanted to see the rest of sunee plaza, it was busy and very very hot, i must have been only walking 2 minutes when i heard my name being called out, GOD i thought ,how can that be??? Then from queens bar this stunning blond boy came running over to me, it was a boy i was chatting with on gayromoe about 2 months before i went to thailand, how could he remember me????
We went into queens for a drink, he said he would finnish work at 12 midnight, if i wanted to meet him, i said yes, i would wait for him at the cornner ( forrest bar).
Midnight came and the stunning blond came round the cornner on his motor bike, we had another drink together then it was off to my hotel. He left in the morning, no money was exchanged.
To day it was time to find the beach, got on the 10 baht bus to the beach, stopped off for some coffee and toast. The beach was quiet but was nice. that way for me, spent most of the day there chatting to everyone, i really felt good and welcomed every where i went. Also met the ice scream seller, so so funny and nice boy, he sat down and chatted with me for about 20 min, so so funny.
It was time to go home for a sleep,
Woke up shower change and off to eat at the mango, the meal was lovely and for nothing, so so cheap, the staff were great there, so nice to me. Time to go and meet my friend from vickys resturant, he was all ready for me, looking very handsome. He asked if i had been to boyz town, i said no, so taxi and off we went, only a few minutes and we were there. Went to the bar at the top, people watching, was very very quiet there, he knew some of the staff and they all were chantting to me, asking me where i was from and was i enjoying thailand, very very friendly. We then went over to see a show, the bar to the left, show was so so, not my thing really, not many there, more people in show that costomers, the funny thing was when the show was finished, the boys came onto the stage, jesus they all were ugly, not even 1 was half decent looking, so the people they had in all left, not surprissing lol.
It was time to take my friend home andshow him my hotel, he never stayed all night, wanted to leave, well it was about 6am, once again no money changed hands.
Time was going fast, now my 3rd day, back to beach, seen my blond friend there, looking even better in shorts ,
This night wanted to see jomtein at night, heard about the venue bar, so it was off there to eat some where and get the show in after. Now this was my first and last mistake in thialand.
The resturant was french, le olivers, there was a few2 tables taken, it looked nice from the out side, so off i went. Got sat down, very very camp waiter, maybe a lady boy part time served me. I have to be honoust, the decor was nice but the food was the worst in the whole of thailand i experienced. Payed the bill and went off to the venue for the show. The show was superb, really good, apart from Ray the part owner and compere, a bit old for the job and lacking the profesionalism in the job, the other old man in the corner, who said he was the sound engineer was a sandwich sort of a picknick.
The whole show was great, could have been in london, paris, new york, was that profesional.
Even down to the young waiter who song (mimend) and gave me a rose at the end, Ray said he liked me and was free for the night, really. Not for tonight, was going back to sunee plaza, wanted to see the blond boy again.
Forgot it was Friday night, was very busy in sunee plaza, compared to the bars in jomtein. So many nice boys and so many bars to go to. This time stoped of at the cornner bar, met the American owners, odd couple but nice. No boys took my fancy, had a few drinks and then he poped up, on his bike, my little blond friend, he wanted me to go to queens and chat with him, so off i went, few more drinks and then off to hotel on the back of the bike, via a eating house think called gossip, which is open 24 hours, just 2 min from my hotel, we eat some food, was very nice and good value.
Once again no money changed hands, was thinking to myself, he must like me. When he was going on the bike, i gave him 1000 bahts and told him to get some petrol or something, at first he said no, but i was pushy, felt for him, he was 19 and so so sweet.
It was now saturady, beach and nail cutting and massage day, so so cheep and nice.
I think it was tonight that in sunee plaza there was a miss competion, i just had to see this. But first had to eat, someone mentioned the ritz in jomtein was good. So taxi and off i went. Have to say it was better than good, it was excelent, John the owner is from oz, lovely guy, but think he needs a new hip. The food you could not fault, i had spicy ribs then roast lamb with fresh veg and roast potatoes. Then some apple crumble, very very very good, and great value for money and the waiters were all lovely and sweet.
Walk around jomtein, all bars empty, so taxi off to sunee plaza to se this Miss sunee plaza comp. When i arrived you could hear the music, the place was packed, full, all the bars had put table and chairs out side, there was a big stage in the middle of the road, the show did go on a bit, but was fun, and a lot of money was raised for good causes, on that night met the owner of Euro boys, had enough so off to forrest bar again was sitting there, watching the world go by and this little guy about 20 years old said hi, i said hello back and we started to chat, he worked in boyz town in copa copa but not busy so he had no money, i bought him some drinks and he said he wanted to come back to my hotel i asked how much, he said only 500 bahts so off we w ent, he was so so horny and very very good in bed, i was knackerd in the morning lol.
Sunday now, have to plan my flight to chaing mai and transport to airport and hotel in chaing mai, will plan today and book tomorrow.
Off to beach to relax and get a massage,
Where to eat tonight i was thinking, thats all you seem to think about where to eat and who to shag lol.
Decided to have a indain to eat that is, not shag, so i seen one on the way to boyz town, was nice and hot, a bit on the expensive side as indains went, but nice, just off walking street.
Had a walk about walking street then off to boyz town for the second and last time. Still no people, went into copa copa to see the under water show, i was the only costomer, seen my little friend he said hello, think he thought i wa going to off him, not tonight.the drinks were very very expensive there, maybe that is why there was no one in the place. Show was boring and pointless.
Left there went to the top bar and chatted to some of the boys who rememberd me. Was getting late and boring, off to sunee plaza to finish the night off, MMB were having a party one of the owners bf birthday, nice time to finish the night off. Was walking home on my own when blondy showed up, he was asking where i had been all night, he had been driving round looking for me, how sweet. SO on i got , his bike and off we went again for something to eat, then back to my hotel, this lad knew what i liked and i knew what he liked. We woke up with his fone rining, about 10am, he said he had to go, family problems. I got ready, thought i would try the twoguys guset house for breakfast but changed my mind when i walked by the place, its only 2 min from the hotel but not very invitting. Off to the beach then.
Came back early to book my flight to chaing mai, Bangkok airways, seemed very cheep and allowed more kgs than air Asia.
Then onto agoda and booked my hotel, once again very very cheep, i chose the hotel ramming lodge. Booked a car to pick me up,
So it was my last night in pattaya, wanted to do so much and see evry one again. Where to eat???? Somebody recomended a resturant not far from my hotel and next to DOT,COM center, can not remmeber the name of it, think it was belguim place, had the set menu,, lovely and very very cheep, it was very very busy, seemed to be local residents, they seemed to know the staff, and some brought there own wine.
After meal went for a walk about to the market, walking street, then boyz town still empty, then headed for the sunee plaza, Kracy dragon tonight, was good and fun, made very very welcome, had a walk about sunee plaza popping into a few other bars, never got t he names, but alll seemed busy and alive unlike the boyz town. Did not want to get drunk or pick anyone up on my last night so off i went home, early start to chaing mai.
To be continuedтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтАжтА тАжтАжтАжтАж..

July 19th, 2010, 21:52
I arrived on Wednesday26 at 11am, from paris on the air france flight, first class, no complaints there...

That's as far as I got before falling off the seat in surprise....

You spent weeks asking us about good "deals" on hotels, but you can afford to fly first class on Air France?

I'm guessing, but I'd be surprised if it would cost any less than ┬г6000.00

I'm confused!


July 19th, 2010, 22:12
hey scotty
i paid 1100 euros for 1 st class, flew from madrid to heathrow then to paris, then paris stright to bkk
booked it last August, so im waitting to book a deal again for next year
that simple

July 19th, 2010, 22:18
hey scotty
i paid 1100 euros for 1 st class, flew from madrid to heathrow then to paris, then paris stright to bkk
booked it last August, so im waitting to book a deal again for next year
that simple


You simply cannot fly 1st Class from Europe to BKK for 1100 Euros (not even one way!) The minimum would be ┬г3000-4000

Do you mean business class?


July 19th, 2010, 22:23
I don't think he knows scottish guy, remember how he used to go on and on about meeting up with the poster who kept slanging him off in here. Perhaps he was the 'blonde' that he met up with in Sunee and kissed to make up.

July 19th, 2010, 22:39
yes sorry business class, thought it was the same, on air france flight it was only business class
sorry for the confusion.
and combat very funny

July 20th, 2010, 05:41
IF he's a real person and IF he actually made it to Thailand and had a nice trip, I'm happy for him. I'm not slamming him, as I could be off base here... However...

For a person who needed to be repeatedly asking what seemed like endless questions on everything but how to spell Thailand while not showing any evidence of being able to do any research of his own, then seemingly ignoring all advice given and making his arrangements on the fly, it's just too "very very" far-fetched to be believed, sorry.

Unless there's a credible member who met him and can vouch for it I myself think he's pulled off one of the most detailed and well-responded-to wind-ups in SGT history. I'd be pleased to be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

Kudos, paperboy. Well done!

BTW, if a credible member (and I know a handful here) wishes to vouch for him I'd happily (and with my apology) retract my post.

July 20th, 2010, 06:21
Of course Homo never went to Thailand. Nothing about his story sounds believable. Someone he met on the internet recognizes him the first couple days he's in Thailand and screams out his name. Yeah, right, like that happened. Him getting all this free sex, yeah, that happened too. I'll give Homo credit for going through a lot of research for his fantasy report on his "trip" to Thailand. He didn't even know where he was sitting on the airplane!!

July 20th, 2010, 06:23
Actually, I thought it was Diec (with a 43rd handle). One t---- knows another well. :headbang:
Nice going Bao Bao: an accusation, not accusation ~ very Robert Graves ~ ... but probably well founded. (The 'probably' is a cop out as well. Nobody-Knows-Nuttin' on the WWW)

July 20th, 2010, 09:33
Whilst i enjoy many of the trip reports posted on this site, this one by paper boy is certainly not one of them. It totally lacks credibility and all this nonsence about:

" no money was exchange,." plus all the other lies and story telling is an embarassment.

Is the OP's real name Pinnochio??

July 20th, 2010, 10:26
I don't buy this story either.This blonde guy keeps popping up out of nowhere.Why someone would make up all that,I don't know.If it is true,I apologise.What bar is mmb,btw? :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: My 500th post.When will I be a freak? :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9:

July 20th, 2010, 12:01
This guy's going to a lot of trouble to not look like a troll... Is it our lardy friend andyinoz?

July 20th, 2010, 12:47
I don't buy this story either.This blonde guy keeps popping up out of nowhere.Why someone would make up all that,I don't know.If it is true,I apologise.What bar is mmb,btw?

MMB = Memories Music Bar...in Sunee


July 20th, 2010, 15:15
A little bit too much disbelief that needs to be suspended by readers of the OP's trip report, especially the ubiquitous blond boy if he is the same as rainbow_boyz on Gay Romeo. Taken as fantasy, the report is pleasant reading.

July 20th, 2010, 17:10
""blond boy if he is the same as rainbow_boyz on Gay Romeo""
And same blonde boy on Privateboymovies as well :lam:
And no way he does anything for free .
Report load of Bull.

July 20th, 2010, 17:58
listen do i care you believe me or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ask the boys in MMB was a young good looking spanish boy in there bar, back in june
ask the blond boy too who has a motor bike
:sign3: why not go to the hotel and ask too :laughing3:
part two this week all about chaing mai

July 20th, 2010, 19:27
............Unless there's a credible member who met him and can vouch for it I myself think he's pulled off one of the most detailed and well-responded-to wind-ups in SGT history. I'd be pleased to be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

Wow the egos on you guys are unbelievable! (not you bao bao, but you comments nicely encapsulate the reaction around here)

Why would anybody (other than a complete loser) go to such lengths as to make up a story with the sole purpose of getting in with you lot who, at the end of the day, are mostly a bunch of clapped out old mincersтАЩ with not much more going for them than to hang around in creepy dumps all day, unless it was true?

What on earth would somebody get out of doing that ?

July 20th, 2010, 22:24
...a young good looking spanish boy in there bar, back in june
Having met both of the owners of MMB while walking back from dinner one evening I'd consider them credible sources, and MMB posts on GTT, so perhaps he'll back him up since paperboy said it was only the two of them there visiting and he undoubtedly has quite an accent. Granted, I'd bet there are precious few customers such as the described one above wandering around Sunee.

I did not call him a liar, I just said I questioned if 2 + 2 could really equal 5. Just my two satang.

Please note: I don't fault paperboy for his spelling or grammar in any way, shape or form if he's indeed writing in a second language. My Spanish is pretty rusty, too.

July 21st, 2010, 00:38
....My 500th post.When will I be a freak?:

Better have that watch repaired!


July 21st, 2010, 00:40
You simply cannot fly 1st Class from Europe to BKK for 1100 Euros (not even one way!) The minimum would be ┬г3000-4000

Not that it has much to do with it but once, I almost flew 1st class from Ho chi Minh city to LAX for 2000 usd one way. I canceled my plans otherwise I would have done it.

You're right! That has absolutely NOTHING to do with it!

:rolling: :rolling:

July 21st, 2010, 00:42
......Why would anybody (other than a complete loser) go to such lengths as to make up a story with the sole purpose of getting in with you lot who, at the end of the day, are mostly a bunch of clapped out old mincersтАЩ with not much more going for them than to hang around in creepy dumps all day, unless it was true? What on earth would somebody get out of doing that ?

:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: Why would anybody (other than a raddled old bag) take the time to point this out? :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

July 21st, 2010, 01:01
I too have posted on his trip report, but does some unimportant sex tourist warrant all this attention? I think not.

You were not discussed


July 21st, 2010, 03:41
Posting it twice doesn't make it any wittier..


July 21st, 2010, 04:28

I'm with you.


Hasn't Fern (Blonde) always been a free-lancer???

Paperboy Wrote:

We went into queens for a drink, he said he would finish work at 12 midnight

and then went on to say...
Once again no money changed hands

Well, that certainly rules out Fern. There must be a new blonde in town.

Anyway, Paperboy thanks for the trip report. You were either there, or your imagination took you there. In any case you sound like you are enjoying it - so rock-on and keep us updated.

July 21st, 2010, 05:05
Nowvoyager's "hair" looks kinda blond when it's just out the washing machine.........and he couldn't possibly charge for sex .....maybe it was him?

Paperboy - Do you recognise this man? Did you make jiggy-jiggy with him?


July 21st, 2010, 05:09
If you go to Gay Romeo and look at "rainbow_boyz" Guest Book enties you will see that many guys address him as "Earth"
A also recogise him from the Queens Bar and wasnt his Gay Romeo handle once "aot_baby" ?
Follow any of that?!

July 21st, 2010, 14:50
Wow nowvoyager is working in New Queens Bar .... :sign5:[attachment=0:akl01xzn]racoon.jpg[/attachment:akl01xzn]

July 21st, 2010, 16:24
homesoon Wrote:

Must I believe from these comments that any boy that doesn't give you a free bee wouldn't do so with someone he finds attractive?

No, actually you shouldn't draw this conclusion from my comments at all, because there are plenty of boys who have sex without asking for money, particularly when they are with their Thai boy friends, or in the rare event that a HOT 25 y/o farang crosses their path.

July 21st, 2010, 16:50
I think it took us just under 2 hours, the hotel was the Pius place, somebody on here recomended it. Was just what i wanted, small, very gay friendy and very clean and happy staff. Also the swimming pool came in handy too. It was 3 min from sunee plaza and 10 min to boyz town and only 10 bahts to jomtein beach, perfect.

I would appreciate if someone here could help me out .I have tried to find the above hotel (Pius Place ) on google maps..but it shows it to be pretty far from Sunee Pl. From the above description it sounds quite nice except I would need confirmation of paperboy's description of the location.I am not doubting what he says...I just can't find it to be close to SP. Thanks

July 21st, 2010, 17:16
hi zebadee
it would be easy just to look at the web site :love4:
this hotel is great, its small and very very gay friendly, no joiners fee, got a little car park too, so the boys can park there bikes there.
the swimming pool comes in handy after been on the beach all day, just to refresh up and cool down.
as i said before, its just round the corner from sunee plaza,

i will be staying there next year too

July 21st, 2010, 17:29
"Author: Oops He Did It Again ┬╗ Wed 21 Jul, 2010 11:23 am
Strange name for a hotel in sin city. Is it run by the local Catholic priests?"

:sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

With so many cute boys around I think it is quite possible that they are running it

:sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

July 21st, 2010, 17:36
hi zebadee
it would be easy just to look at the web site :love4:
this hotel is great, its small and very very gay friendly, no joiners fee, got a little car park too, so the boys can park there bikes there.
the swimming pool comes in handy after been on the beach all day, just to refresh up and cool down.
as i said before, its just round the corner from sunee plaza,

i will be staying there next year too

Thanks paperboy,I thought I knew the area ...clearly not ...and I am always on the lookout for gay friendly ,and conveniently located accommodation....as a kind of "backup" ...if my usual is booked out.I enjoyed your trip report ..thanks for taking the time and trouble to share it with us.Any problem bringing back "guests"?

Sorry ,just reread your post above about joiner fees....ignore my question above.

July 21st, 2010, 17:52

about Pius Place: sounds very good and a very good price!!.

Is it only gay (because it is so near to Sunnee Plaza)?

Is breakfast included in the price? And what about the quality of breakfast and the rooms?

July 21st, 2010, 17:58
no its not only gay. mix, but i never saw anyone else there, had the pool to my self every time, the rooms are cleaned every day, and bed sheets too. The boy working at the reception was like a lady boy i think, could never make my mind up if he was a boy or girl, but very very friendly.
I never had any problems bringing back my boys to the hotel, there is a night watchman, hes nice too. Rightout side to the left is a 7/11 to the right is a lovely resturant forgot to mention that in my report, also right out side are motor bike taxi too.
im sure you will love this place, the postion was just perfect for me

July 21st, 2010, 18:12
some places ive stayed abroad only cleaned room every day and changed sheets every other day,

so sorry, im not like you and stay in 6 star caravans

July 21st, 2010, 18:35
Just for the record, it seems some clarification is in order.

1. I was not in Thailand when paperboy reported he was visiting, nor is that important.
2. I've received a few emails vouching that someone who may well have been paperboy was there.
3. One email said the report posted here and on SGT should be taken as just that: one member's report. I second that. Those few of you who know me know that perhaps I spoke in a manner that's a little out of character for me.

I apologize to those who thought it was an attack on paperboy as a person. Never met him, don't plan to, but stories are stories and are appreciated as such. His story is his story, as all posts here are, and obviously only he knows the facts.

If he had an enjoyable visit and can add his story to the forum, more power to him. Thank you for the read, paperboy.

July 21st, 2010, 18:38
Who was that "someone"? Did he meet him?

July 21st, 2010, 18:48
in my report, i said i met the 2 owners of MMB (english), the 2 owners of the corner bar (american)
1 owner of the euro boys ( sweedish i think). the lovely people in mango resturant will remember me.
what about putting me on a lie test machine :notworthy:

July 21st, 2010, 19:08
. The motorbike that he drives around in Pattaya is just as much his trademark as getting a lolly up his bum in the movie.

Homesoon any chance you could post a link to the movie?.....I love lollies!!! I tried privateboy movies but no success.Cheers.

July 21st, 2010, 20:33
Do they serve any breakfast in the hotel, or do you to take for your self in the morning?

no its not only gay. mix, but i never saw anyone else there, had the pool to my self every time, the rooms are cleaned every day, and bed sheets too. The boy working at the reception was like a lady boy i think, could never make my mind up if he was a boy or girl, but very very friendly.
I never had any problems bringing back my boys to the hotel, there is a night watchman, hes nice too. Rightout side to the left is a 7/11 to the right is a lovely resturant forgot to mention that in my report, also right out side are motor bike taxi too.
im sure you will love this place, the postion was just perfect for me

July 21st, 2010, 20:38
no its not only gay. mix, but i never saw anyone else there, had the pool to my self every time, the rooms are cleaned every day, and bed sheets too. The boy working at the reception was like a lady boy i think, could never make my mind up if he was a boy or girl, but very very friendly.
I never had any problems bringing back my boys to the hotel, there is a night watchman, hes nice too. Rightout side to the left is a 7/11 to the right is a lovely resturant forgot to mention that in my report, also right out side are motor bike taxi too.
im sure you will love this place, the postion was just perfect for me

There is also a page on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pattaya-T ... ajaxpipe=1 (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pattaya-Thailand/Piusplace/304043814355?v=photos&__a=4&#!/pages/Pattaya-Thailand/Piusplace/304043814355?v=info&__a=3&ajaxpipe=1)

not sure it is the same hotel, but maybe paperboy knows!!!

July 21st, 2010, 20:49
yes same place
no they dont do breakfast

July 22nd, 2010, 06:14
some places ive stayed abroad only cleaned room every day and changed sheets every other day,

so sorry, im not like you (Oops I Did It Again) and stay in 6 star caravans

I always said he was redneck trailer trash.


July 22nd, 2010, 06:23
thought i seen him in saltcoats caravan park, sandie lands :occasion9:

July 22nd, 2010, 06:37
thought i seen him in saltcoats caravan park, sandie lands :occasion9:

That would be too upmarket for our very own Cletus.

July 22nd, 2010, 13:15
trip report 2 to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai has been posted to gaytingtong.
a good read.
congratulations to the obvious subjects for forcing yet another poster away from SWD


July 22nd, 2010, 14:02
started to read part 2 of this fiction until it became obvious once again full of embellishments and lies. How wombat can say it is a good read I do not know.
We want believable trip reports not fiction designed to give the writer(but no one else) a hard on as to what might have been but never was.

July 22nd, 2010, 15:24

Load more fiction..... :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

July 22nd, 2010, 19:21
started to read part 2 of this fiction until it became obvious once again full of embellishments and lies. How wombat can say it is a good read I do not know.
We want believable trip reports not fiction designed to give the writer(but no one else) a hard on as to what might have been but never was.

Well, they all seems to love it on GTT.

July 23rd, 2010, 02:29
They all love it on GTT because it's a welcome break from the latest update on the owner's dental treatment.

July 23rd, 2010, 06:55
i have come to the conclusion, that you lot dont believe me, because you are all so so jelouse.
while i was there for 3 weeks i met some lovely thai and ex pats, so i dont know who you lot are!!!
you all must be in your little houses living your sad little lifes, with nothing better to do, than attack
people, WHO has really enjoyed there first visit to thailand and wanted to share there experiances
with others.
that is why I did not post my second trip report here, nor will i do my third,
your that sad and pathetic you have to copy and paste from a quality web site on this shit.
any, i will now delete my account on here, and wishh you all the best in your sad old old old old pathetic
lives, look on the bright side, you will all be dead soon, and I wil still be going to thailand
so i get the last laugh, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh how sad it must feel to be old and useless


July 23rd, 2010, 07:12
Great - So you've just insulted TWO boards.

July 23rd, 2010, 13:35
paperboy has started to post on GTT photos of his trip including the waiters from Vickys and Forrest Bar, and the blonde boy from Queens. There are also several pics from the Miss Sunee competition.

Those who are expats can verify if they are real people. Those who never visit Pattaya or very rarely can afford to, have some thing to consider.


July 23rd, 2010, 15:11
i have come to the conclusion, that you lot dont believe me, because you are all so so jelouse.
while i was there for 3 weeks i met some lovely thai and ex pats, so i dont know who you lot are!!!
you all must be in your little houses living your sad little lifes, with nothing better to do, than attack
people, WHO has really enjoyed there first visit to thailand and wanted to share there experiances
with others.
that is why I did not post my second trip report here, nor will i do my third,
your that sad and pathetic you have to copy and paste from a quality web site on this shit.
any, i will now delete my account on here, and wishh you all the best in your sad old old old old pathetic
lives, look on the bright side, you will all be dead soon, and I wil still be going to thailand
so i get the last laugh, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh how sad it must feel to be old and useless


Well I tried to give the sad old SOB the benefit of the doubt till I read this posting .... in which true colours are revealed I believe ...

July 23rd, 2010, 15:22
Well...looks like Paperboy was telling the truth after all.

The pics on GTT seem real to me. That's definately Fern (Blonde) on his motorbike...I'd recognise those yaba eyes anywhere.

Sorry Paperboy, but you're probably better off over at GTT anyway. This place is not for the faint-hearted.

July 23rd, 2010, 15:38
The only thing the photos prove is that Blondy has been ingesting far more yaabaa than is good for anyone. Now looks more like a street kid sitting on a stolen motorbike.

July 23rd, 2010, 15:44
Paperboy might well still be visiting LOS after many others have 'passed' on, but what he fails to understand is Thailand was actually MORE of a paradise during the 1970 -80's than he could ever imagine it to be now.

July 23rd, 2010, 17:32
Well...looks like Paperboy was telling the truth after all.

The pics on GTT seem real to me. That's definately Fern (Blonde) on his motorbike...I'd recognise those yaba eyes anywhere.

Sorry Paperboy, but you're probably better off over at GTT anyway. This place is not for the faint-hearted.

At least somone has a heart!! Although the "Yabba eyes" comment was unnecessary. I have offed "Earn" many times over about 2 years or so,and have "offed "many others also.Earn was ALWAYS delightful,sexy ,and "obliging" I never had any trouble with him and it was always clear as to the "deal" we entered into.

I find it odd to say the least that ppl here have the audacity to comment on /hint at the"boys"antics.....as if they ( fcuking) falangs are in Sunee to visit the temples and "find themselves"

People in glasshouses......etc

July 23rd, 2010, 18:03
i have come to the conclusion, that you lot dont believe me, because you are all so so jelouse.
while i was there for 3 weeks i met some lovely thai and ex pats, so i dont know who you lot are!!!
you all must be in your little houses living your sad little lifes, with nothing better to do, than attack
people, WHO has really enjoyed there first visit to thailand and wanted to share there experiances
with others.
that is why I did not post my second trip report here, nor will i do my third,
your that sad and pathetic you have to copy and paste from a quality web site on this shit.
any, i will now delete my account on here, and wishh you all the best in your sad old old old old pathetic
lives, look on the bright side, you will all be dead soon, and I wil still be going to thailand
so i get the last laugh, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh how sad it must feel to be old and useless


hahaha, don't let the fact that some of us enjoyed reading your story, giving you the benefit of the doubt, confuse you with us believing it.

This last post proves to me who you really are. Sorry, but you're not intelligent enough to write English as Spanish native would do. How delusional must you be that any of us care that you moved on. There probably was A Spanish boy in Pattaya and he run around with earn. Don't you really wish it ws you?

How sad you must be to go through such lengths... spiteful and sad. If I were you I'd spent my money on buying a life.

Go on be a devil and share with us your wisdom and end the suspense. Who do you believe paperboy is really??????

July 24th, 2010, 12:34
Maybe a member living in CM can comment on the his 2 pics of boys from Secrets bar, on GTT
Do they exist. He posts a pic of his german friend and a rear view of himself. That should excite a lot here.

July 24th, 2010, 13:20
Of course they exist. They're photographs aren't they?

Nothing conclusive so far... He could post a photo of his face and it still wouldn't be conclusive unless someone credible actually reported meeting him.

July 24th, 2010, 13:22
Paperboy might well still be visiting LOS after many others have 'passed' on, but what he fails to understand is Thailand was actually MORE of a paradise during the 1970 -80's than he could ever imagine it to be now.

Really? More of a paradise in what way?

July 24th, 2010, 18:05
Really? More of a paradise in what way?

No Global Warming.

July 24th, 2010, 20:29
Well, ok, but how has that affected Thailand?

July 24th, 2010, 21:51
Agree paperboy has now revealed his true colours and what a very unpleasant individual he shows himself to be.the pictures he posts shows one Thai who is known as "harbour tunnel" and you can guess why, and others are so "out to lunch" it is painful!

July 25th, 2010, 02:02

hahaha, don't let the fact that some of us enjoyed reading your story, giving you the benefit of the doubt, confuse you with us believing it.

This last post proves to me who you really are. Sorry, but you're not intelligent enough to write English as Spanish native would do. How delusional must you be that any of us care that you moved on. There probably was A Spanish boy in Pattaya and he run around with earn. Don't you really wish it ws you?

People who live in glass houses .....................................

July 25th, 2010, 03:50
Agree paperboy has now revealed his true colours and what a very unpleasant individual he shows himself to be.the pictures he posts shows one Thai who is known as "harbour tunnel" and you can guess why, and others are so "out to lunch" it is painful!
So why not post photos that you find appropriate to your liking.
Or is just that you want to bitch about the others not doing what you are capable of doing?

July 25th, 2010, 08:39
The senile sniffing about a boy some cant afford to have or would be rejected by the boy, as "Harbour Tunnel" is hilarious.
Of course it opens the way for the boy to post , some old farang are known in Sunni as pencil dwarf or limp dicks.
Have you thought there might be more than a few farang that would enjoy a boy with such a capacity.

How shameful it is for a tourist to pick up , dare I mention the word a known prostitute. and enjoy himself????????? and then tell people about it.

These bitchy posters are obviously the big spenders who wait till the bars are closed in the hope of getting laid for 200 baht.

July 25th, 2010, 09:21
cut and paste from a posting from the owners of Memories Music Bar to GTT yesterday

Yes, paperboy came into the bar on several ocassions, and we have, in fact, had pms from a few GTT and SGT board members regarding this issue. Of course, Oogleman is quite right: we have absolutely no reason - nor right - to reveal anything about any of our customers: we would like to think that confidentiality is the right of every patron and that we respect that confidentiality. As for being half the normal age of our patrons: we find it really rather tiresome when a (supposedly) intelligent man has digs at bars because their patrons are of a certain age; there are a good many forum members on gaytingtong that come to the bar, as well as from SGT and GT, that are in their 30s/40s. As bar owners, we really aren't intersted how old our customers are provided they are over 20 years old and they spend!

July 25th, 2010, 09:32
cut and paste from a posting from the owners of Memories Music Bar to GTT yesterday

Yes, paperboy came into the bar on several ocassions, and we have, in fact, had pms from a few GTT and SGT board members regarding this issue. Of course, Oogleman is quite right: we have absolutely no reason - nor right - to reveal anything about any of our customers: we would like to think that confidentiality is the right of every patron and that we respect that confidentiality. As for being half the normal age of our patrons: we find it really rather tiresome when a (supposedly) intelligent man has digs at bars because their patrons are of a certain age; there are a good many forum members on gaytingtong that come to the bar, as well as from SGT and GT, that are in their 30s/40s. As bar owners, we really aren't intersted how old our customers are provided they are over 20 years old and they spend!
I am, and I do.

July 25th, 2010, 11:27
Welllll! It looks like it's a wrap. Lonelywombat has good standing here ,and the msg from the owners of MMB, IMO is equally acceptable.
Paperboy!!! Come to the podium (and recieve your many apologies from your detractors) you have been fully and publicly vindicated.
Blondie!!!Come to my loom and receive ME!!! I hope to be there soon. :hello2:

July 25th, 2010, 13:21
Paperboys trip report was perceived by many here as badly written, with embellishments and fictions, plus in my opinion it totally lacked any humility or humour. Whether in fact his report is or is not true is not the issue, the perception is all important. If someone writes a trip report it should be entertaining and informative not reading like a mere attempt to ingratiate himself with others here or as comes across with his report merely to massage his inflated ego.
Members were perfectly entitled to forcefully express their misgivings about his report, and do not deserve the kind of sour grapes and unpleasant remarks that paperboy and others are now expressing which not only shows what a nasty person paperboy really is; but also tells us that he cannot take criticism and is someone whose delusional self image is vastly different from the reality of a very shallow and hate filled individual.

July 25th, 2010, 13:50
Paperboys trip report was perceived by many here as badly written, with embellishments and fictions, plus in my opinion it totally lacked any humility or humour. Whether in fact his report is or is not true is not the issue, the perception is all important. If someone writes a trip report it should be entertaining and informative not reading like a mere attempt to ingratiate himself with others here or as comes across with his report merely to massage his inflated ego.
Members were perfectly entitled to forcefully express their misgivings about his report, and do not deserve the kind of sour grapes and unpleasant remarks that paperboy and others are now expressing which not only shows what a nasty person paperboy really is; but also tells us that he cannot take criticism and is someone whose delusional self image is vastly different from the reality of a very shallow and hate filled individual.

Zinzone,allow me to address your above post with the dignity it deserves.


July 25th, 2010, 14:06
Paperboys trip report was perceived by many here as badly written, with embellishments and fictions, plus in my opinion it totally lacked any humility or humour. Whether in fact his report is or is not true is not the issue, the perception is all important. If someone writes a trip report it should be entertaining and informative not reading like a mere attempt to ingratiate himself with others here or as comes across with his report merely to massage his inflated ego.
Members were perfectly entitled to forcefully express their misgivings about his report, and do not deserve the kind of sour grapes and unpleasant remarks that paperboy and others are now expressing which not only shows what a nasty person paperboy really is; but also tells us that he cannot take criticism and is someone whose delusional self image is vastly different from the reality of a very shallow and hate filled individual.

Well put Zin zone, agree with all you say!

July 25th, 2010, 14:43
Yes Adios Guap├┤ to Mr.Paperboy or who ever he is :nud:

Bring back BRANDON ... :sign5:

July 25th, 2010, 17:29
Zebedee: Paperboys' history on this forun dates back many months before the trip report. To put things in perspective if you have the time you should view his posts in the archives. His defection should be viewed as a blessing not as a loss.

Thank you Nowvoyager,please do not take this as a slight against you,but if I were to delve into the diffences of opinion and bad behaviour of posters here....I would never be able to make an honest post .....it would be corrupted/biased by some perceived/deliberate slight made in the past!
I do not know paperboy..maybe I'm wrong..but I think he made some physical threats at some stage to a poster here.Is this the basis for the scandalous treatment he has been getting ? You have stated in another post you know LMTU,( some say you are one and the same..he he ) would you not have a degree of empathy for paperboy....especially now that his visit to Thailand has been verified?
In any event,I value trip reports highly,when reading these, at times one can gain a different insight to thailand experiences that otherwise are denied to us.Not to mention an appreciation for the very real effort by the poster for taking the time and trouble to share it with us.
Thank you again paperboy.

July 26th, 2010, 01:22
In one of Paperboy's posts to GTT after he got home he apologised to the two guys in Miseries Music Bar for denying he was Paperboy when asked?????? So, how could they confirm he was there? This is getting better than Diana's conspiricies theories :laughing3:

sticky rice
July 26th, 2010, 06:16
yes this is getting better by the day :hello1: :laughing3:
hollywood should do a movie on paperboy :alc:

July 26th, 2010, 07:07
Yawn, much ado about nothing.

July 28th, 2010, 13:25
Whether in fact his report is or is not true is not the issue, the perception is all important.
Oh, so true.

And, further, once a posting member gives the perception of being a flake, troll or imbecile, it may not be possible for them to ever regain respect and credibility.

It's all about perception.