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View Full Version : ANTI-FAT jab, for obese jomtien beach visitors

July 17th, 2010, 17:48
No thanks. First, I'm not fat. Second, I'm not about to start shoving shit in my body, which alters its natural processes like that. Took several hundred thousands of years for my body to evolve into its current state, so I'll stick with mother nature and my natural processes. No need to go altering that.

If I ever need to lose weight, I'll just do the standard thing; stop eating so much, get more exercise, and drink loads of water.

July 17th, 2010, 19:07
I'm with young Matthew on this one. In preclinical development that shit caused thyroid cancer in some rats and mice and it's also done some nasty things to the pancreas of some patients! Not a drug to be taken lightly. Its only approved use is for diabetes anyway, not otherwise healthy fatties, and given its potential side effects its likely to stay that way. Now if only we could make a drug to stop old men wearing speedos.

July 18th, 2010, 00:41
... Now if only we could make a drug to stop old men wearing speedos.

Try using a telephoto lens on Dongtan beach ... then post the pictures on this forum.
Embarrass them into covering up.

July 18th, 2010, 03:33
Silomrimmer wrote:

Try using a telephoto lens on Dongtan beach ... then post the pictures on this forum.
Embarrass them into covering up.

I think you would need a wide-angle lens to take it all in.

July 20th, 2010, 15:24
I find that a visit to Thailand itself is a good way to loose weight. I returned recently from a three week stay some four pounds lighter than when I went. Being vegetarian helps as it's not that easy to find decent vegetarian meals and there is a limit to the amount of rice and noodles I can eat. I eat less anyway as the heat also reduces my appetite.

Back in the UK I cycle and walk for exercise but find it too hot for either in Thailand but swimming is a good substitute. I was less than average weight before I went to Thailand and will probably gradually put the weight back on that I lost but I'm one of those people who actually finds it hard to gain weight. By the time I've put it back on it will be time for my next visit!

July 20th, 2010, 19:47
Silomrimmer wrote:

Try using a telephoto lens on Dongtan beach ... then post the pictures on this forum.
Embarrass them into covering up.

I think you would need a wide-angle lens to take it all in.

I think we could do without those sights altogether...

July 20th, 2010, 20:01
...Being vegetarian helps as it's not that easy to find decent vegetarian meals ...

and you love to recycle all your trash?
you are a member of 'Friends of the Earth or GreenPeace'?
you vote Liberal?
you are into 'Home-Brew' or make Elderberry wine?
you need to visit a good hairstylist?

Please add more Tree-Hugger stereotypes ..... :velo:

July 20th, 2010, 20:06
And the good Lord gave them to you so that you could tear meat from bone.

I'll let you into a little secret...

The "Good Lord" is a myth but if you think your teeth are capable of eating raw meat then best of luck.

July 20th, 2010, 20:08
and you love to recycle all your trash?
you are a member of 'Friends of the Earth or GreenPeace'?
you vote Liberal?
you are into 'Home-Brew' or make Elderberry wine?
you need to visit a good hairstylist?

No to all of those. Anything else you'd like to add while you're exposing your insecurities?

July 20th, 2010, 20:46
If you choose not to eat meat, you are inflicting a diet on your body that it was not designed for.

Nobody "designed" my body and I eat fish anyway. I just choose not to eat meat which isn't unusual in many diets around the world and as vegetarians live longer on average it's obviously not a problem.

July 21st, 2010, 04:15
Nobody "designed" my body and I eat fish anyway. I just choose not to eat meat which isn't unusual in many diets around the world and as vegetarians live longer on average it's obviously not a problem.

My niece's husband, and now herself are vegetarians. He became vegetarian when, as part of his veterinarian training, he worked in a slaughter house for a short while. I wonder if seeing what goes on in one of those place would be enough to make me vegetarian also.

July 21st, 2010, 05:09
That would explain all the gay gynaecologists I guess.


July 21st, 2010, 08:05
My niece's husband, and now herself are vegetarians. He became vegetarian when, as part of his veterinarian training, he worked in a slaughter house for a short while. I wonder if seeing what goes on in one of those place would be enough to make me vegetarian also.

I think many people get a bit far from reality. What if they went on safari?

July 21st, 2010, 14:41
think many people get a bit far from reality. What if they went on safari?Huh?!! You've never been in a slaughterhouse or seen what goes on in one,have you? What if all the people burned in Auschwitz went to the beach and got a sunburn instead?.

July 21st, 2010, 15:11
Huh?!! You've never been in a slaughterhouse or seen what goes on in one,have you? What if all the people burned in Auschwitz went to the beach and got a sunburn instead?.

And your point is? Slaughterhouses, Auschwitz, beaches and sunburn; have you been drinking or popping pills?

July 21st, 2010, 17:20
think many people get a bit far from reality. What if they went on safari?Huh?!! You've never been in a slaughterhouse or seen what goes on in one,have you? What if all the people burned in Auschwitz went to the beach and got a sunburn instead?.

Slaughterhouse? Yes. But I think the way these animals live is worse than the way they're killed.

My point with the safari is killing animals is what happens naturally in the wild... and it ain't too humane there either.

July 21st, 2010, 19:00
Have you actually been on a safari? Do you think it is just one predator after another killing prey round the clock? To compare one to a slaughter house is laughable.

If you are going to have an opinion on every fucking topic at least try and have them be sensible.

July 21st, 2010, 19:12
Slaughterhouse? Yes. But I think the way these animals live is worse than the way they're killed.

You get more bizarre by the day. You live in Australia, for Christ's sake, where all livestock is free range before it gets anywhere near a freezing works. How could that possibly be worse than having a metal bolt thrust into your skull, or your jugular slit by a slashing knife?

I went to a vegetarian restaurant/cafe once and I asked the owner what was the dumbest question he gets asked by his customers? He pointed to a large bowl of thick red tomato sauce resplendent with tomato pulp and seeds (he makes it fresh every day) and said "Customers who come in, look at the tomato sauce and then ask 'Are their any tomatoes in the tomato sauce?'"

Pork chop anyone?

July 21st, 2010, 20:37
Have you actually been on a safari? Do you think it is just one predator after another killing prey round the clock? To compare one to a slaughter house is laughable.

So what's your point? You think we shouldn't eat animals? Or are you picking at something because you feel like having a bitch?

The safari point wasn't about killing round the clock. It was to illustrate killing animals is what happens in the wild. Slaughter houses just do it in... higher volumes.

You live in Australia, for Christ's sake, where all livestock is free range before it gets anywhere near a freezing works. How could that possibly be worse than having a metal bolt thrust into your skull, or your jugular slit by a slashing knife?

I was referring to operations in Asia. Not Australia. I've seen both the good and the bad in Asia.

In most cases the animal is stunned before being killed... which is humane enough.

July 22nd, 2010, 00:09
Have you actually been on a safari? Do you think it is just one predator after another killing prey round the clock? To compare one to a slaughter house is laughable.

If you are going to have an opinion on every fucking topic at least try and have them be sensible. I love reading your post Beachlover,most of them are interesting and I would really miss you if you left.But,I could'nt agree more with boy geenious .This deserves a repeat. :rolling:

July 22nd, 2010, 03:04
A pity so much of the vegetarian food I encounter is prepared with very little imagination.Often I get the feeling the meat simply seems to get replaced by raw salads. Do those vegetarians think people are rabbits or what? Another popular alternative is where the meat gets replaced by all sorts of "fake meat" (vegetarian burgers, quorn, ...).
Fortunately there's Indian or Lebanese cuisine, much easier to forget about meat when recipes are that inspired and tasty (sorry if you don't like spicy).
I also know of no desserts with meat in them, now that's vegetarian food most Westerners really like (they may contain gelatin, but I'll leave that as an issue for fundamentalist vegetarians).

July 22nd, 2010, 03:43
To get back on topic, for those that indulged a bit too much in food, vegetarian or not, it looks like several potential medical aids are under consideration in the battle of the bulge.

The jab mentioned in the original post looks like it's not coming soon, but there's several other medicines against obesity that have applied for approval.

Contrave (http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-06-25/orexigen-drug-helps-diabetes-patients-lose-weight-cut-glucose.html)

Lorcaserin (http://www.technologyreview.com/biomedicine/25808/)

Another contender, Qnexa looks like it's not going to be approved quickly (http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9H2BOC00.htm)

Another discussion (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-20010236-10391704.html)

July 22nd, 2010, 06:22
There's a jab for everything these days - except premature ejaculation - but I hear that's coming quickly.


July 22nd, 2010, 07:06
Have you actually been on a safari? Do you think it is just one predator after another killing prey round the clock? To compare one to a slaughter house is laughable.

If you are going to have an opinion on every fucking topic at least try and have them be sensible. I love reading your post Beachlover,most of them are interesting and I would really miss you if you left.But,I could'nt agree more with boy geenious .This deserves a repeat. :rolling:

This one's not boygeenyus... It's some random. I think it might be romania reincarnated.

July 22nd, 2010, 14:30
To get back on topic, for those that indulged a bit too much in food, vegetarian or not, it looks like several potential medical aids are under consideration in the battle of the bulge.

The jab mentioned in the original post looks like it's not coming soon, but there's several other medicines against obesity that have applied for approval.

Contrave (http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-06-25/orexigen-drug-helps-diabetes-patients-lose-weight-cut-glucose.html)

Lorcaserin (http://www.technologyreview.com/biomedicine/25808/)

Another contender, Qnexa looks like it's not going to be approved quickly (http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9H2BOC00.htm)

Another discussion (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-20010236-10391704.html)

Why can't these lard-arses take two simple steps:
1. Don't eat so much or so often.
2. Take some exercise.

They should ask themselves ... How many fat people came out of Auschwitz?

July 22nd, 2010, 16:38
Why can't these lard-arses take two simple steps:
1. Don't eat so much or so often.
2. Take some exercise.

Why can't alcoholics just stop drinking and stop getting cirrhosis of the liver?

Why can't smokers just stop smoking and stop getting lung cancer?

Why can't drug addicts just stop taking drugs and stop dying?

Why can't sex tourists just stay at home and stop getting arrested?

Why can't RIMMERS just stop sticking their tongues up other people's arseholes and stop getting Hepatitis A&E?

So many questions....

July 23rd, 2010, 16:20
Chuai Duai, I liked your comments and it sounds like to maintain a healty diet as well.

I am not a vegatarian, and opt for high protein/low carb/low fat eating habits, although think that people who eat too much red meat suffer the consequences. Any suggestions that one should take any kind of medication( or chemica)l to help reduce body fat is like putting a gun to your head. There's only one way to reduce body fat and that is too eat right and excercise daily. Eating right requires adherance to two basic rules: 1) No what bad food is, and 2) Don't eat it.

Opps Wrote:

You wouldn't find it hard to gain weight if you consumed a diet intended for humans.

See those little triangular teeth in the corner of your mouth? They're called canines. And the good Lord gave them to you so that you could tear meat from bone.

The good Lord also gave us our tongues which are perfectly designed to help moisten the meat around the bone. If done properly, the meat around the bone will start to heat up and expand, thus providing us with much more meat than we started out with. The contour of the tongue is also perfectly designed to cradle the meat in a manner where the natural juices (high in protein) can be retained and devoured to obtain the full nutritional value of the meat. Canines are for cavemen.

July 23rd, 2010, 19:00
The good Lord also gave us our tongues which are perfectly designed to help moisten the meat around the bone. If done properly, the meat around the bone will start to heat up and expand, thus providing us with much more meat than we started out with. The contour of the tongue is also perfectly designed to cradle the meat in a manner where the natural juices (high in protein) can be retained and devoured to obtain the full nutritional value of the meat.

Thank you for that pornographic description.
I bet you give great blow jobs :rolling:

July 24th, 2010, 10:37
SilomRimmer Wrote:

I bet you give great blow jobs

Don't we all?