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July 11th, 2010, 20:31
Bar on the beach in the 80s where it was well know for water rats being offered.

The Residents singers in Cafe Royal will not be having there contacts renewed when there contracts run out and the all new robust amusing and very well liked new entertainments MANAGER STARTS IN August.

Were the 'water rats' BBQ'd or boiled?

Not having their 'contacts' renewed! Does it mean they will have to do their act blind?

July 11th, 2010, 22:13
"Last edited by Seen and Heard on 11 Jul 2010 18:03, edited 1 time in total."

Apparently not for clarity. Behold the dangers of posting when looking through the bottom of an empty gin bottle.

July 12th, 2010, 10:07
Another typical biting retort. Reminds one of a 5 year old's response of "I know you are but what am I"
Honestly dear ... if this represents the best you can do these days, clearly you're (note the correct usage) remaining time on earth would be better spent back in public toilets on your (note the correct usage) knees giving blow jobs.

July 12th, 2010, 18:16
Another typical biting retort. Reminds one of a 5 year old's response of "I know you are but what am I"
Honestly dear ... if this represents the best you can do these days, clearly you're (note the correct usage) remaining time on earth would be better spent back in public toilets on your (note the correct usage) knees giving blow jobs.

I'm the last one to correct someone's English, writing as badly as i do...but I'm pretty sure it should be YOUR

YOU'RE right, it should be!

Once in a While should remember it's always a mistake to correct someone's grammar and then make a similar error yourself!


July 12th, 2010, 18:24
\Its cant be true: - The oldest bar "smallest" owner in Pattaya: - sunee plaza, is now in Prison, she was part owner of another notorious bar on the beach in the 80s

Is this confirmed?

The talk for years has been that either she was married to a Cop or the Cops owned the bar and she ran it, hence there had never been any action taken despite the "offerings" being blatantly "undercooked", not to mention the "home-delivery" service to a nearby "hotel".

And before anybody makes any snide comments - it's all common knowledge.


July 12th, 2010, 19:00
\Its cant be true: - The oldest bar "smallest" owner in Pattaya: - sunee plaza, is now in Prison, she was part owner of another notorious bar on the beach in the 80s where it was well know for water rats being offered.
I'm sorry, S&H, but can you translate that into understandable English, please?

The oldest bar owner in Pattaya? The smallest bar owner in Pattaya? The owner of the oldest and/or smallest bar in Pattaya? The owner of Sunee Plaza? Water rats?

July 12th, 2010, 19:58
Seen and Heard reported that Mike of Bar la Cage had suffered a heart attack.

Can anyone give an update on his condition?

July 12th, 2010, 20:42
homesoon.....Yes I do stand corrected. My mistake entirely.

As for Seen and Heard .... I can say lots of nice things "abut" people ... Sadly I can't seem to find anything nice to say "abut" you. I can assure you that I am neither bitter nor twisted. I do however enjoy a glass of bitter from time to time, sometimes even with a twist. If you think that I could possibly be jealous of you then you are even more delusional than you come across. I will admit to one guilty pleasure and that is winding you up every now and then. Granted, not much a challenge with a fuckwit like you but you get your laughs where you can. I assume your line about cancer consuming the host is purely Freudian, or we have reason to hope?

July 13th, 2010, 14:45
Ah, kinda like a Mrs Al Capone...

....ends up in jail for something quite different from what you would expect her to end up in jail for.


July 13th, 2010, 15:08
As far as the incomprehensible things that were written by "Seen and Heard", I can only assume that English is NOT his first language, or he didn't complete 4th grade. He writes as though us ( the readers ) know or care about what the hell he is writing about.


July 13th, 2010, 18:42
Oh dear,тАЭTeacherTradeтАЭ or is that Tootsie Trade, fancy admitting you just cant understand the Queens English.

If the 'Queen of England' wrote or spoke as you do she would not be 'Queen' simple as that.

BTW Numbers clocked up as having read a post has nothing to do with anyone being interested in what you might have to say or understanding what the hell you are on about. It's probably got more to do with who and what has been written in reply! If members were interested then you might have more supportive replies rather than the normal WTF is he on about now?

July 13th, 2010, 19:37
...the Queens English...

Actually she's half Scottish!

:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

July 13th, 2010, 19:51
[quote="Seen and Heard":16yeriy5]...the Queens English...

Actually she's half Scottish!

:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:[/quote:16yeriy5]

Plus a bit of German and, and ,and whatever other European nationality thrown in.

July 13th, 2010, 20:29
insanely jealous by the sound of it

Oh, no one is jealous of you, LMTU. Seriously, you live the most worthless life imaginable. As a leech, a con man, a criminal and a purveyor of one of the worst crimes of our day.

What does it say when it would be better for both England and Thailand (and your family) if you just dropped dead tomorrow? Better yet, dig a hole for yourself first (on a low-value plot of land) so all they have to do is fill it in.

I think you live poncing off others to much, is what my info tell me, you must have to much time on your hands struggling to live off your small pension, it proves life is not good for you

Wow... completely describing yourself there... with the living by "poncing off others" and "struggling to live off" a small pension and all.

As far as the incomprehensible things that were written by "Seen and Heard", I can only assume that English is NOT his first language, or he didn't complete 4th grade. He writes as though us ( the readers ) know or care about what the hell he is writing about.

Actually English is first language and he lived in Blackpool, England. In fact, he's a lowly English teacher in Thailand now, who CLAIMS to have graduated top of his English teaching course.

Numbers clocked up as having read a post has nothing to do with anyone being interested in what you might have to say or understanding what the hell you are on about

That's right. People are hypnotised trying to see what this illiterate, lying con-an, Walter Mitty of a moron will try to write next...

July 13th, 2010, 21:06
[quote="Seen and Heard":bjvdho7x]...the Queens English...

Actually she's half Scottish!

:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

Plus a bit of German and, and ,and whatever other European nationality thrown in.[/quote:bjvdho7x]

And a bit of Horse by the look of them.


July 13th, 2010, 21:52
tarnish my perfect image.

How do you define "perfect"?

Desperate for the past not to catch up with you?

July 14th, 2010, 00:01
Some bitch in prison, who probably deserves it.

2 Pages of insulting drivel that no one in their right mind is going to bother reading.

BUT, ever helpful and popular Mike has a heart attack and NOT ONE of you squabblers has passed their codolences , best wishes or even reported on his condition.


Get well soon Mike.

July 14th, 2010, 00:24
He was the Manager of La Cage in Sunnee Plaza and recently Oscars in Boystown. Shortly (or already) to be at Cafe Royal.
Deeply involved with Pattay Gay Festival and Thais for Life Bookshop.
Many other activities Im sure.

July 14th, 2010, 00:53
He was the Manager of La Cage in Sunnee Plaza and recently Oscars in Boystown. Shortly (or already) to be at Cafe Royal.
Deeply involved with Pattay Gay Festival and Thais for Life Bookshop.
Many other activities Im sure.

Does that mean El Duo are safe then ?

July 14th, 2010, 01:30
He was the Manager of La Cage in Sunnee Plaza and recently Oscars in Boystown. Shortly (or already) to be at Cafe Royal.
Deeply involved with Pattay Gay Festival and Thais for Life Bookshop.
Many other activities Im sure.


I think you have got it a bit mixed up...

THE CURRENT OWNER at Mike's LaCage is the one who has had chest pains,
per friends who have spoken to him recently.
I will stop by and see how he is doing...

David is the FORMER OWNER of LaCage and owns Oscars in Boyztown.
He has had Oscars for sale...and has been an important leader in recent years
guiding the successful charitable efforts of Thais4Life Bookshop.

I admire both of them for their energy and good stewardship of
their businesses for our enjoyment.,,Great Guys!

And wish them both good health!!


July 14th, 2010, 02:19
Traveller Jim
Sorry, you are of course quite right! I had just realised when I saw your post.
Again my apologies at this time!

July 14th, 2010, 02:37
Soooooooooo let's get this str8.....

It's NOT David, it's Mike

David DOESN'T own LaCage, Mike does.

But David USED to own it, before Mike bought it.

David DOES however own Oscars, Mike doesn't

But soon David won't own it EITHER because it's up for sale

Maybe Mike will buy it

Meanwhile, Mike is not shortly to be the Manager at Le Cafe Royal, David is

And NEITHER of them has had a heart attack.

.........Tune in for next weeks episode of SOAP


PS: Hope nobody was feeling guilty at not having sent a wreath.

July 14th, 2010, 03:22
Soooooooooo let's get this str8........being politically correct?!

episode of SOAP ........................I would call it "Bar of Soap".

July 14th, 2010, 07:01
NOT ONE of you squabblers has passed their codolences , best wishes or even reported on his condition.

Sorry... I never bothered reading the original post. Too convoluted and messy. Also, I have no idea who Mike is... but all the best to 'him or whoever did have a heart attack' and all... I'm sure someone in Pattaya had a heart attack today. Is LMTU, the original poster just that demented?

July 14th, 2010, 09:47
The information about the heart attack was not in the original post. Fuckwit only edited it in after another poster had mentioned it. Ace reporter misses another scoop.

July 14th, 2010, 13:08
[quote="Once In A While":3t71ddbp]The information about the heart attack was not in the original post. Fuckwit only edited it in after another poster had mentioned it. Ace reporter misses another scoop.

So lets see this other so called scoop you turd, dated and linked

The factsm as i printed do worry about the soap fantacy.

Mike Owns La cage, now Mike had the Heart attack.

David Sold La cage to Mike.

David Sold OSCARS a few months ago.

David is going to be the Manager of La Cafe Royal.

End of Soap Drama :occasion9:[/quote:3t71ddbp]

Start of the Soap Drama...

Wrong again! As my informants tell me he isnt 'going to be' but has been in residence as Night Manager since May 1st! I am sure if you get YOUR informants to go in there they will see him as mine host. Caught again with your pants down! :hello1:

July 14th, 2010, 16:00
Mods!!! If you have the slightiest bit of empathy for your fellow gays.....for pity sake ,will you please silence him, that non stop gibberish from you know who! I have Never begged anyone ,for anything in my LIFE.But the pain,... the pain for FFS the PAIN!!!! Oh God!!! The Pain!!!!

July 14th, 2010, 19:03
You know if you really wanted, one way to really silence him would be to put his moronic face up on the site. That's if you REALLY wanted to get rid of him. I think there's enough shots of him going around to pick a nice one from. Of course it would be breaking board guidelines... so maybe leave it to the mods to do it if they choose.

July 14th, 2010, 20:30
This will be great. I will get someone I know who knows David extremely well, to see if you have ever spoke to him yourself..as you claim.....This should be very interesting as to who is telling the truth. When you are going to tell lie make sure you have the back up. :hello1:

Sorry Himmi My Boy!тАж. :tongue3: I donтАЩt have an Informant it was the lovely DAVID himself told me, he is starting Aug 1st after a break from selling OSCARS, but the date is meaningless, its the quality of the changes for the better we are all looking forward to. ItтАЩs been a long time since The Cafe Royal was at its best, after every one was winding down, you could go to either the BOYS BOYS BOYS, DISCO CRUISING AREA what happened to that, or the Royal Cafe Piano Bar. LetтАЩs put some fun back into gat Thailand.

July 14th, 2010, 22:15
I'm still trying to figure out what "The factsm as i printed do worry about the soap fantacy." means.

One would have thought that illiteracy would have precluded use of the internet.

July 15th, 2010, 00:01
I'm still trying to figure out what "The factsm as i printed do worry about the soap fantacy." means.

One would have thought that illiteracy would have precluded use of the internet.

Dont you realise his modus operandi is to confuse the punter so much that you yourself are not sure if it is you that has written the drivel HE writes.
When you have spent so much time with all the handles he has, you are not sure who you are! Yesterday, Tomorrow or the day after!. All his previous ex friends do not know themselves if he is Arthur or Martha, as I am sure he doesn't know himself. Walter Mitty to a tee. But Hey, that,s a Gay life in the fast lane. :alc:

July 15th, 2010, 02:53
Dont tell! I told you so?

Yes, yes... you told us, let me tell you!


July 15th, 2010, 05:27
I'm slightly concerned - if I retire to Thailand, will my understanding of English deteriorate the longer I am there? Would I become incomprehensible to other native English speakers? Maybe I'll retire to the Canary Islands. They speak perfect English there.

July 15th, 2010, 06:38
No no, LMTU was already this brainless before moving to Thailand. Chose this path from a young age.

July 15th, 2010, 23:35
I'm slightly concerned - if I retire to Thailand, will my understanding of English deteriorate the longer I am there? Would I become incomprehensible to other native English speakers? Maybe I'll retire to the Canary Islands. They speak perfect English there.
Actually, your English comprehension won't suffer, per se, but you might catch yourself talking "Thainglish" which you need to suspend when you travel back home.

Things like: "Sorry, finished" (No longer have), "Same same," "Friend you" (your friend), "You li' go beach?" (Would you like to go to the beach?) etc.

It's just easier to get your point across when you speak the same level of English. Kind of like the path of least resistance.

Now, to the real issue: the fellow to whom you allude who posts the "incomprehensible English" here is somewhat a mystery. He has, at times, posted perfectly lucid, sane and logical items, but they are few and far between.

July 16th, 2010, 04:36
Now, to the real issue: the fellow to whom you allude who posts the "incomprehensible English" here is somewhat a mystery. He has, at times, posted perfectly lucid, sane and logical items, but they are few and far between.

I think you will find those particular 'items' were cut and pasted rather than written by our roving (raving) reporter.

July 16th, 2010, 07:17
Hey you Squabblers, you still haven't written ONE WORD of consolation for Mike, or wished him well, or reported on his condition (and dont we have the "ace of the base" reporter amongst us?) ...is this Sawatdee at it's absolute best?

Get Well Mike...

July 16th, 2010, 08:45
" ... you might catch yourself talking "Thainglish" which you need to suspend when you travel back home.
Things like: "Sorry, finished" (No longer have), "Same same," "Friend you" (your friend), "You li' go beach?" (Would you like to go to the beach?) etc. ... "
.... and automatically saying "krup" when you get handed your change for bread and milk purchases at 7-11, in Canada!
I've walked out the door with a smile on my face more than once when I've realized what I just said.

July 17th, 2010, 02:32
Most here don't even have a handle on reality.


July 17th, 2010, 02:45
Mods!!! If you have the slightiest bit of empathy for your fellow gays.....for pity sake ,will you please silence him, that non stop gibberish from you know who! I have Never begged anyone ,for anything in my LIFE.But the pain,... the pain for FFS the PAIN!!!! Oh God!!! The Pain!!!!

Do you not think your PAIN could be caused by the spring you have up your arse?


July 17th, 2010, 11:32
Seen and Heard reported that Mike of Bar la Cage had suffered a heart attack.

Can anyone give an update on his condition?

If he had a heart attack it must have been mild. Email this week indicates he has working or drinking in his bar every night this week and was in attendance at Mics birthday party, last night.
Mike was asked about the report by LMTU and he laughed and said he has never met him, and he does not patronise La Cage.