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June 11th, 2010, 12:03
Painfully honest and truly a delight to read as usual Mr. Dodger.

Thank you.

I agree the yaba situation is not getting any better in the tourists areas of Thailand. Talking to a lot of farangs, it is obvious to me many don't have a clue as to the extent of the yaba situation.

It's not that I have hard evidence (pun intended) but if you actually get to know a boy and he trusts you, he will admit that most working boys do use yaba at some level.

I'm Sorry Dodger to take away from a very positive post but the drug usage factor really annoys me mainly because there isn't a whole lot we can do about it.

Just a reminder to all, as lovely as the boys are to be around and as much as we love their attention and happy spirit, money makes the world go around. In other words, be careful with your phones/computers/wallets/watches and your hearts---at all times.

June 11th, 2010, 19:54
How do these places stay open.........with boys in diapers.....can you off these boys or is it a case of just looking

June 12th, 2010, 16:17
I have found about a third of the boys I have tested turn up positive for yaba.

I visit bars primarily in Sunee Plaza, but also on Pattayaland Soi 1 & 2. Upon finding a lad who is a real winner I tell him I had a wonderful time, and I would like to book weekly trysts for the future.

For reasons of safety I prefer not to have a boy who is desperate for money, a situation in which a few yaba addicts find themselves. Consequently I ask the lads if they would mind taking a test. They have always cheerfully agreed -- even those who fail.

June 12th, 2010, 16:55
тАЬis that a test in which they have to blow on your wienerтАЭ

Hey, I like your way more!

No, hereтАЩs the test kit. ItтАЩs a little smaller than a 1,000 bt. note. You can get them at a pharmacy next door to HowardтАЩs Hotel. The name of the pharmacy is two letters like P&K Pharmacy or some such. You should have no problem, but if you do, you can ask Mark of Crazy Dragon.

I think the cost is 100 bt. Each, or 800 bt. For ten.

Oh, if they fail the test I tell them I am so sorry. That they are so studly and handsome (which is true), but that I cannot see them again. They have never voiced any objection, so it seems they understand. Many are accustomed to being tested by the bars, and other jobs, so it may not be a big deal for them.

June 12th, 2010, 18:30
Well, now that you askedтАж

I was not so cautious until about six years ago I opened the door of my condo to a lad I had seen several times. His girlfriend broke a Fanta bottle over my head; he held a knife to my throat and they forced their way inside. I gave them money, they took my mobile, pulled the phone cord out of the wall, told me not to contact anyone for five minutes and left.

I had other phones available, but did not call security to prevent their escape as by the time I made my plight known the pair would have been off the premises. Also I was grateful they had not killed me which would have been for them the safest course. Subsequently I devised a system which makes such occurrences much less likely.

It occurred to me that, over the years, every time I had answered the door to someone who had come unbidden it was someone I did not want to see, usually a boy wanting money. How foolish I had been to continue answering the door; it was asking for problems. Now when there is an unbidden knock on the door there is no response. It has never caused a problem.

When I off a lad I leave his ID with condo security. The boy understands condo security will not return his ID to him. It will only be given to me when I return to reception with him.

When staying at a hotel in BKK I put the boyтАЩs ID in a safe deposit box at the desk. The boy knows that I am the only one who can take it out.

I donтАЩt post this because I think it is interesting, but in hopes someone may find some useful ideas .

The miscreant was off the street, which I no longer do. That is riskier than from a bar, but bar boys can still be problems. Several years ago a farang was murdered by Pattaya bar boy.

June 12th, 2010, 19:25
I have to say I'm not sure I would go around testing people either also because if I did that in Milan between cocaine and exctasy I'd find myself wanking till I'm 6 feet under lol

But I do appreciate your other suggestions for IDs & hotels.. I will of course be holding all valuables locked up in the safe although I can hardly lock up my clothes and THAT is the part that worries me the most to be honest lol
I dread to think I could wake up and find my wardrobe completely emptied.. honest to god I'd chase the guy screaming Rossini's Armida to get my clothes back even if I had to walk barefoot to friggin Timbuktu

That's why I don't plan to have anyone sleep over...

Well, now that you askedтАж

I was not so cautious until about six years ago I opened the door of my condo to a lad I had seen several times. His girlfriend broke a Fanta bottle over my head; he held a knife to my throat and they forced their way inside. I gave them money, they took my mobile, pulled the phone cord out of the wall, told me not to contact anyone for five minutes and left.

I had other phones available, but did not call security to prevent their escape as by the time I made my plight known the pair would have been off the premises. Also I was grateful they had not killed me which would have been for them the safest course. Subsequently I devised a system which makes such occurrences much less likely.

It occurred to me that, over the years, every time I had answered the door to someone who had come unbidden it was someone I did not want to see, usually a boy wanting money. How foolish I had been to continue answering the door; it was asking for problems. Now when there is an unbidden knock on the door there is no response. It has never caused a problem.

When I off a lad I leave his ID with condo security. The boy understands condo security will not return his ID to him. It will only be given to me when I return to reception with him.

When staying at a hotel in BKK I put the boyтАЩs ID in a safe deposit box at the desk. The boy knows that I am the only one who can take it out.

I donтАЩt post this because I think it is interesting, but in hopes someone may find some useful ideas .

The miscreant was off the street, which I no longer do. That is riskier than from a bar, but bar boys can still be problems. Several years ago a farang was murdered by Pattaya bar boy.

Here is the miscreantтАЩs photo. He doesnтАЩt look like much, but he did have good hair.

June 12th, 2010, 20:19
You must be planning something interesting :-) I've never needed to bring any expensive clothing to Thailand. I can't think of any occasion that would call for 200 dollar shoes.

Not really.. I just wear and travel with what I own..lol

I thought you were thinking about having a boy for the day, or are you planning to take him off, send him home and let him come back the next day? Don't worry to much about boys stealing. Sure, it happens but not often enough to get paranoia about (not saying that you are)

I didn't phrase that "day" question right.. I didn't mean FOR THE DAY, I meant DURING THE DAY... as in.. if I wanted to have a session during day time not that I would keep the boy with me all day, that'd be nuts...

June 12th, 2010, 20:28
lol.. nuts in reference to my personality and preferences... I put the B in Butterfly.. (or the S in Slut, if you wish)
i can't have any sort of ties, i need to be free and do what (who!) I wish without having to worry or explain anything..

I didn't phrase that "day" question right.. I didn't mean FOR THE DAY, I meant DURING THE DAY... as in.. if I wanted to have a session during day time not that I would keep the boy with me all day, that'd be nuts...

Hehehe, not as nuts as you might think.

I always intend to have quickies only. Till I meet that guy that turns out to be good company and before i know it, it has been days.

Come to think of it..there are NUTS involved.

June 13th, 2010, 00:52
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us LMTU.

Be assured I shall give them the consideration they deserve.

June 13th, 2010, 06:02
Thanks for your post
I myself would never ask a boy if I could test him for drugs, It's got nothing to do with me if they take drugs. Most young people everywhere use drugs. up to them . what I do is. not take anyone from a gogo bars in fact I don't off boys from bars, and I've only been in 2 gogo's bars which I found it very sad. a good friend that has a bar in Sunnee used to test them. that's cool he's the owner and needs to know what there up to.
A boy I have know for a few years tells me most bar boys and girls use drugs of some kind. if I had to spend my life selling my body believe me I would also have to take something to sleep with some of the people I see around.
I have worked with addicts for years and most sell themselves to fund there habit. in all the years I worked with drug addicts I have never meet a happy one
They hate themselves so much, They tell me. I have to take drugs to sleep with the people I do not like, ( I'm not even gay ) and when it's over I used more so I don't have to think about it.

one dose not need to test them. most drugs are only in the body for about 3 days . so even if it come back that they are clean. that does not meen they don't use drugs
things to look for
1 Not eating much ( very underweight )
2 look into there eyes you can tell if someone is off there head if your not to pissed
3 Mood swings up and down for no reason. addict come over as happy when high and depressed on the come down and change quick when they take something
4 money going missing
5 checkout there friends addicts always hang out together.
6 Never trust anyone you have just meet, not just Thai all people (give it time)
7 Never let them more in ( all they like to do is watch TV and sleep it's all in Thai and will drive you mad. in a condo
8 People that take drugs like yabba can not get to sleep, but when they stop they will sleep for maybe 24 hours maybe a few days
9 if you meet a boy/girl you like. ask around about then. Don't bother asking a Thai they are not going to be honest with you. because they do the same as there friends ask the expats that live here they know most of the boys in Sunnee Plaza ask the bar owner if he knows the boy
10 remember only bar workers take drugs very rich people use as well
11 don't fall in love remember, you don't really know this person, you see what they want you to see and tell you what they want you to know.
12 enjoy Thailand and it's people have fun, always play safe and never take anyone from the streets you just asking for a problem
13 Always check there ID age and leave there ID in reception. and tell the reception you will come down with them when they leave or ask him to call the room before they leave. give the reception a tit from time to time. They will look out for you
I have lived in Pattaya for 4 years and have never had a problem become I'm careful. I don't get pissed up. some boys and others are looking for a drunk to rob. or even kill
Tell a friend where you are , who you are with. just do what you do at home and hopefully you will not have a problem
Oh just one more thing I never lend Money to a Thai's. remember to Thai's we are rich. I have about 4 times never got it back. Well I did once that was only become I told him I would be calling into the big hotel where he works and have a word with the manager ( which I would not do ), but he was not to know that and I got my money back quite quickly.
I love to travel and meet new people from all over, but I have to say I love Thailand more than anywhere It's been hard making friends with Thai's people I've got 3 thai friends. one I trust. he has never even been in a gay bar and is doing well, working and has an expat bf for 12 years. one is ex nice person and I trust him now we are not together, but not with money and one other, who is a drug addict. that I love as a friend. I take him out for food from time to time, but I never lend him money, I've told him never to ask, as it will be a no. I'm not keeping an addict if fact I'm not rich so I would not keeping anyone He asked about 2 years ago never did again
One thing I have learned over my life is never believed anything an addict tells you. an addict life is all about them. they use to live and live to use. that's the way it is. that does not mean they are all bad people, It just they are addicts.

I have also come to believe that most Thai people that work in bars don't give a flying fuck about us. There there to get a punter, get some money and get the fuck out of there as soon as poss. most have many bf's good for them that's what I say if we are so stupid to believe they love us, we are insane most don't know what love is. and it not a fat old man in a bar in Pattaya.

I don't have a BF and don't need or want one. and I would never never have a Thai as a boyfriend again, Once was fine but never again. but I still like a shag from time to time. what happened at your room, That is very bad. if I was you I would have called the police. they can check the CCTV and that can help find them. if not we are telling them. it's ok to rob people and it's not, even if they don't have a job.
As a teen I lived on the streets myself. So I know how hard life can be first hand. to eat I stole from shops, not people and yes I did sleep with a few people that I would not have wished to do so. I smiled and told them a sad story of my life, I was 14 at the time very young. what I was looking for was love not some cunt who was into staging kids.

June 13th, 2010, 07:01
Who CARES if he is a drug user or not? You're just going to fuck him, not marry him. Besides, half the johns are probably drug users, too. I know one guy in particular who favors a gin-and-Xanax cocktail every night.

June 13th, 2010, 07:32
Opps I Did It Again wrote:

Who CARES if he is a drug user or not? You're just going to fuck him, not marry him.

Hey...speak for yourself. I married the crazy bastard.

June 13th, 2010, 08:08
Well, that makes YOU crazy...like anyone else who goes looking for a longtime relationship with a prostitute.

June 13th, 2010, 18:01
Opps Again...

Well, that makes YOU crazy...like anyone else who goes looking for a longtime relationship with a prostitute.

You're absolutely right about me being crazy, but one point of correction: I'm not looking for a longtime relationship with a prostitute - I'm having one.

Also, owning up to the fact that I am just as crazy as he is comes the responsibility of admitting that I am just as much a prostitute as he is as well. We have both sold portions of ourselves for the sake of fulfilling our needs and have done so in a manner where neither of us feels compelled to label the other as anything other than simply being a human being.

The way I see it, those who buy sex are pretty much on the same scale as those who sell sex. Not that it's a bad scale - just the same scale.

Open Your Eyes

June 13th, 2010, 19:16

You're absolutely right about me being crazy, but one point of correction: I'm not looking for a longtime relationship with a prostitute - I'm having one.

Also, owning up to the fact that I am just as crazy as he is comes the responsibility of admitting that I am just as much a prostitute as he is as well. We have both sold portions of ourselves for the sake of fulfilling our needs and have done so in a manner where neither of us feels compelled to label the other as anything other than simply being a human being.

The way I see it, those who buy sex are pretty much on the same scale as those who sell sex. Not that it's a bad scale - just the same scale.

Open Your Eyes[/quote]

Touche Dodger! It seems you do not delude yourself, and are in a relationship with both eyes wide open.Thank you for your posts which I find are honest ,entertaining,and informative.I know you (as a battle hardened poster LOL) can see through the phonies and will not be deterred.