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View Full Version : Gay Monks

April 22nd, 2006, 05:47
A documentary about gay monks will be shown on ITV at 10 PM this Saturday (22 April)...


April 22nd, 2006, 06:45
Is this the ITV in Britain you are talking about?

April 22nd, 2006, 12:50
I imagine that there are more gays who become monks than Catholics become priests. As I understand it, it is expected of every Thai man over twenty to be ordained into monk hood to pay tribute to deceased relatives and parents and that once ordained they can then choose to remain a monk or return to being a laymen. As many (most) Thai boys/men do this, there has to be a significant percentage who are gay.

I imagine it is the same with the army. As conscription and the lottery of picking the red or black ball (red ball you get two years in the army/black ball you are free to go) doesn't discrimate in sexuality.

There are probably a lot of gay soldiers and gay monks out there bemoaning the loss of their gelled, spike & coifed hairdoo's.

April 22nd, 2006, 17:02
It's ITV in Thailand.

You can watch this programme on the internet too. This http://thaitv.webcindario.com website broadcast all Thai TV stations including ITV on the internet. The Gay Monks programme is on air at 10 PM Bangkok time.

April 22nd, 2006, 22:38
Sorry, wrong time above. The programme is starting right now.

April 23rd, 2006, 20:06
Thanks chuckwow for the thaitv website. I saw the documentary and it showed after much patience waiting for it to start..haha. Even I can't understand Thai, I think its more of a commentary on effeminate monks using ladies bag, make up and slippers. The abbot of the monastery should at least set up rules what they can wear as it does project a bad image for the religion. Before they start their monkhood, they should at lleast be briefed what they have to sacrifice. Anyway, its not for long for most of these boys.... usually a week for a month?