View Full Version : Amazing Turkey

May 11th, 2010, 18:07
Hello all. I really like to know what will you think about my article about a muslim country ...

Most of my friend couldn't believe me when I told them .. This is your turn :D

I have been in Turkey in Istanbul 2 weeks ago for business , and before I went there I had many prejudices like most of my friends.. And when I left the airport it start to smell young Turkish boys ( all about my gay nose :D ) So I started to get horny hour by hour and I finished my appointments in a few hours тАж and in the night my target was the one of popular gay club in Istanbul.. When I get in the club it wasnтАЩt different then the other clubs I have seen around the world тАж I was afraid to say hello to someone and I was afraid to look as a foreign.. In the middle of the night I have meet the owner of the club and he gave me a few advice , he told me something about a tour operator ( I wont advertise them) and he said that тАШтАЩ They are working wiht all Europa and serving only for gays and its cheap try it and get protected , meet real friends etc. I didnтАЩt mindтАж I left club and turned back to my hotelтАЩтАЩ ..

Second day was a very hard working day for me , so I couldnt have time to search places to spend my night.. While I was thinking about this , I found the card in my pocked which is given to me by club owner.. And I called and meet a gay (his name is Murat ) he is such a nice gay friendly guy.. He gave me more information more than I need about Istanbul Gay Night Life on the phone , his friendly voice impressed me and I asked him to host me for tonight , he told me he has 3 more guests and if I wish I can join them, It was beter than I wantтАж So I met them in the Taksim Square ( you have to see that great avenue) . We have gone to same club , I was there yesterday nightтАж An hour later we were talking about gay life in Istanbul and drinking I saw a really hot guy and Murat told me that he know him :D He joined us his name was Idris and his 2 firends joined us tooтАж It started to be funny тАж They were nice guys but their English wasnтАЩt enaugh , who care I have my own guide :D drinking, chatting , touching , KISSING , it was a great time but I didnt want to broke up with them and we left the bar together ,and visited 2 more gay clubs, Maybe you wont believe me but I had sex with 3 handsome healthy Turkish Guy till the sunlightsтАж

Maybe a muslim country is not looking suitable for gay fun but it was totally different than boring gay bars of Paris and much beterтАж

I totally spend around тВм 50-70 for all drinks , entrance fees and I didnt pay for sex they werenтАЩt rental boys, I hate paying for sexтАж And most important point is I never worried about watching my back тАж It was a real real different experience for me
I wanted to tell this story and thank to my friend Murat and of course Idris ..

Take care mates and Please share your comments

May 11th, 2010, 19:23
Interesting... thanks for sharing.

May 11th, 2010, 22:13
My comment: I think you're probably the only one here surprised by the wide availability of gay sex in Muslim countries.

May 12th, 2010, 06:49
the wide availability of gay sex in Muslim countries.
[X] Not of gay sex. Of sex between males. And frankjames did not even claim that.

May 18th, 2010, 04:00
It is widely known I am an avid Arab lover and I must make something clear right away: Turkey cannot be considered or defined a "Muslim country" the way you suggest.
Yes, Islam is the Nation's most prominent religion but they are the most moderate "Muslim country" in the world where almost everything is possible. in fact their habits and culture don't really differ much from any other mediterranean country.

Of course this only applies to the big cities like Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara, Bodrum, Antalya etc

I have to say that Istanbul bars are packed with escorts, sometimes very weird/aggressive ones that resemble the Moroccans, so it's not all pink as you paint it.

PS: I will disagree with the Paris statement. I love Paris, perhaps my favourite city in the world and coming from an Italian it really means something!
First of all Paris is PACKED with hot Arabs! Secondly there are very nice bars and parties.. my fave has to be Raidd in the Marais.. they have such stud waiters I get weak in the knees just seeing them serving me a cocktail.. just imagine when they get in the showers (they have showers in the club and the models get in and shower naked for the audience)

And a real Fashion Victim could never miss the CLUB SANDWHICH party (usually at Espace Pierre Cardin) where you meet the Gotha of the Fashion Industry, in the most stylish setting, with the best music and with hot cosmopolitan people..

[youtube:2airhz0j]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh60od2As0A [/youtube:2airhz0j]