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April 21st, 2006, 00:52
I came back from Thailand at beginning of Feb and within a week or 10 days caught a very strange flu type illness, which lasted 3 days essentially (achy bones that sort of thing, but no sniffles, sore throat, chestiness or that sort of thing), during the middle of that I also was getting a strange discharge from my stools/anal area with also little blood in it - I knew what it was straight away (from my experience a few years back) and lucky that I did recognise it, these type of things in that area can go unnoticed. Thought I picked "someat up in Thailand"

Anway, to cut a long story short, it was gonorrhea. I was a little displeased to say the least, especially when I'm active - had to think how on earth did this happen when I'm active. I went through every scenario, and narrowed it down to someone pressing their penis against me on the front of my body and around the anal area slightly; or a guy who stuck his finger in my anal area. I kept thinking back to Thailand encounters but thought "no" because by this time I had been in the UK for about 10 days and the clinic said, "probably a little out of the range of dates" and probably caught back in the UK (as described in the "scenarios" above). It was treated anyway by the clinic.

However, you know what was going through my mind, flu like symptons so near after picking this up, apparently even within a few days, flu like symptons could be seroconversion.

I did all my reading up, as you do, eventually went for a "the" test, and it was clear.

The point I am making here is that, lets be basic here, the doctor said it was more than likely the guy who "stuck his finger up you" is where you caught the infection - however, I thought, you catch one thing and it could "piggy back" something else into your system and really did freak me out. However, the doctor who did the "test" did say, that I had it all out of perspective, and that there was an element of a risk, but it was basically negligible.

Even practising safe as I do, I caught gonorrhea from someone putting their finger inside me - and whilst catching something else was basically zilch, it did freak me out.

The moral of this thread is "be careful where someone sticks his finger".

Another point here is that I trusted the doctor I went to see on this occasion for the test. I have on occasions caught NSU on the front side and been to an NHS clinic to get it "sorted out" only to be freaked out by the specialist (with attitude) and say "you could have caught something else also, quite easily, get checked out in 3 months".

April 21st, 2006, 05:02
Thank you Dr. boygeorge, I've just filed this valuable information.

April 21st, 2006, 05:16
Please do STD checks on all boys you off.

How do you suggest we do that?

Can you tell if he has STD by just looking

If he looks OK is alright to bareback then?

April 21st, 2006, 05:48
"Before we begin this encounter, I have a few forms I need for you to fill out - basic mediacal and family history, plus the dates, names and contact information of all of your sexual encounters. Manwhile, I'll be inserting this long swab into your urethra..."

Like the commercials are saying "there is no such thing as a safe cigarette" and as the original post points out, "safe sex" can't cover it all - but ou might have had gonnorhea pop up in other places as well if you hadn't been practicing.

the best way to check ofr STDs? Listen outside the bathroom when they piss - if you hear screaming, then there is a good chance that not all is well. If you don't hear a scream, you might want to check the urinal for teeth marks.

Wat this post also helps to point out is that, in the era of AIDS, other STD's tend to be forgotten - until you get them... Luckily the worst I've had was a case of crabs (yecch) from a guy in San Francsico. I am lucky in that I was able to contain and control them - eventaully teaching them little circus tricks.

If HIV/AIDs aren't enough to scare you, then don't forget old friends like Hepatitis and anti-biotic-resitant staph strains that can kill you far faster!

I don't know much about genital warts - although I did know a frenchman who had them, and part of getting rid of them included circumcision - or else the probability that his foreskin would split.

Lovely thoughts on a rainy day in the midwest

April 21st, 2006, 05:52
Condoms do nothing to prevent genital warts. So, the best advise is to take a shower with your partner in good light, and casually "inspect" the balls, shaft, and anal areas. If you see anything freaky, give them 500 baht to go away and tell them no thanks, go see a doctor! 500 baht well spent. Genital warts are easily transmitted by touch. I have never had the "pleasure" but friends have had have related the treatment regime is seriously not fun.

Anal warts look like this:

Condoms are quite effective in preventing the clap, syph, and HIV. It is not practical to test all casual partners. Just use condoms. Every time for everything. Also a good idea to use a barrier when digitally playing with somebody's fun hole. Really, I meant digital, not ANALog.

April 21st, 2006, 07:34
So, the best advise is to take a shower with your partner in good lightThai boys are, of course, well known for their love of showering with the customer and (in many cases) appearing naked with the light on. Those small issues aside ...

April 21st, 2006, 10:09
Could someone tell me how u get gonhorrea digititally?

April 21st, 2006, 10:51
Could someone tell me how u get gonhorrea digititally?
Not sure about that one, but you can get HIV digitally if the inserter has a cut on the finger(and the insertee is pos) or the insertee has a cut and the finger has HIV cum on it.

April 21st, 2006, 12:02
I actually offed a boy who had genital warts .
Also apparenty if you get warts you will go mad.

April 21st, 2006, 14:37
Could someone tell me how u get gonhorrea digititally?
Several possibilities, I suppose. If he has gonhorrea in his dick (or any place, for that matter) and doesn't wash his hands thoroughly with warm soap and water after handling the affected area, the big g could be under his nails or simply on the skin tissue. Insert the affected digit, and voila ... transfer inside the nice warm rectum.

April 21st, 2006, 14:43
Is anyone or anyone had genital warts?


April 21st, 2006, 21:15
Could someone tell me how u get gonhorrea digititally?
Not sure about that one, but you can get HIV digitally if the inserter has a cut on the finger(and the insertee is pos) or the insertee has a cut and the finger has HIV cum on it.

"Digitally" - exactly what happened to me in the "original" thread, although I'm baffled as to how it takes hold - apparently a 15% to 40% of catching gonhorrea if "the other person has it", so its fairly high. And also gonhorrea can also be caught in the eye (ermm! can you imagine that one) and throat also. Not sure how long the bacteria is "alive" for, probably as long as it on the affected area irrespective of how long it is outside the body - maybe someone can clarify that one, as opposed to the HIV "virus" which is basically "not alive" after it has been exposed.

April 21st, 2006, 21:24
Apparently, well certainly in London, genetal warts are fairly common. HPV (Human papillomavirus virus) is fairly common, correct me if I'm wrong, but once you have had a wart, you are infected with the HPV virus. A lot of people get small warts that they don't even notice they are there and some get larger ones which need treatment, so one can imagine how many have HPV. I'm not sure if it is a "lifetime" thing or what. Apparently if a genital wart is not treated, it will go away on its own accord but not for about 3 years - not sure how true that it. And they are highly infectious. I met a guy once who had them in his rectum, not just one or two, but spread all around from his scrotum to basically the top of his, what is that bone called, the one with the hook at the end, "cr...." or someat like that. HPV is very common indeed but not life threatening, I read somewhere, in some parts of the world, like London, 50% of gay people have it.

April 22nd, 2006, 01:15
.... what are you like ....

April 22nd, 2006, 01:25

Anal warts, also known as condyloma acuminata, are small warts that can occur in the rectum.


Initially appear as tiny blemishes that can be as small as the head of a pin or grow into larger cauliflower-like protuberances. They can be yellow, pink, or light brown in color, and only rarely are painful or uncomfortable. In fact, infected individuals often are unaware that they exist. Most cases are caused by sexual transmission.

Most individuals have between one to 10 genital warts thtat range in size from roughly 0.5-1.9 cm2. Some will complain of painless bumps or itching, but often, these warts can remain completely unnoticed.

Causes and symptoms

Condyloma acuminatum is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the United States. Young adults aged 17 to 33 years are at greatest risk. Risk factors include smoking, using oral contraceptives, having multiple sexual partners, and an early coital age. In addition, individuals who have a history of immunosuppression or anal intercourse are also at risk.

Roughly 90% of all anal warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) types 6 and 11, which are the least likely of over 60 types of HPV to become cancerous. Anal warts are usually transmitted through direct sexual contact with someone who is infected with condyloma acuminata anywhere in the genital area, including the penis and vagina. Studies have shown that roughly 75% of those who engage in sexual contact with someone infected with condyloma acuminata will develop these warts within three months.


According to guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the treatment of all genital warts, including anal warts, should be conducted according to the methods preferred by the patient, the medications or procedures most readily available, and the experience of the patient's physician in removing anal warts.

Treatment options include electrical cautery, surgical removal, or both. Warts that appear inside the anal canal will almost always be treated with cauterization or surgical removal. Surgical removal, also known as excision, has the highest success rates and lowest recurrence rates. Indeed, studies have shown that initial cure rates range from 63-91%.

Unfortunately, most cases require numerous treatments because the virus that causes the warts can live in the surrounding tissue. The area may seem normal and wart-free for six months or longer before another wart develops.

Laser surgery is another possibility, but requires local, general, or spinal anesthesia, depending on the number warts and where they are.

Electrocoagulation, a technique that uses electrical energy to destroy the warts, is usually the most painful of the procedures done to eliminate condyloma acuminata of the anus, and is usually reserved for larger warts. It is done with local anesthesia, and may cause discharge or bleeding from the anus.

Follow-up visits to the physician are necessary to make sure that the warts have not recurred. It is recommended that these patients see their physicians every three to six months for up to 1.5 years, which is how long the incubation period is for the HPV virus.

Carbon dioxide laser treatment and electrodesiccation are other options, but these are usually reserved for extensive warts or those that continue to recur despite numerous treatments. However, because HPV virus can be transmitted via the smoke caused by these procedures, they are usually reserved for the worst infections.

For small warts that affect only the skin around the anus, several medications are available, which can be applied directly to the surface of the warts by a physician or by the patients themselves.

Such medications include podophyllum resin (Podocon-25, Pod-Ben-25), a substance made from the cytotoxic extracts of several plants. This agent offers a cure rate of 20-50% when used alone, and is applied by the physician weekly and then washed off 6 hours later by the patient.

Podofilox (Condylox) is another agent, and is available for patients to use at home. It can be applied twice daily for up to 4 weeks. Podofilox offers a slightly higher cure rate than podophyllin, and can also be used to prevent warts.

Trichloroacetic and bichloroacetic acids are available in several concentrations up to 80% for the treatment of condyloma acuminata. These acids work to cauterize the skin, and are quite caustic. Nevertheless, they cause less irritation and overall body effects than the other agents mentioned above. Recurrence, however, is higher with these acids.

Bleomycin (Blenoxane) is another treatment option, but it has several drawbacks. First, it must be administered by a physician into each lesion via injection, but is can have a host of side effects, and patients must be followed carefully by their physician.

Imiquimod 5% cream is also available for patients to apply themselves. It is to be applied three times weekly, for up to 16 weeks, and has been shown to clear warts within eight to 10 weeks.

Finally, the interferon drugs, which are naturally occurring proteins that have antiviral and antitumor effects, are available. These include interferon alfa 2a and 2b (Roferon, Intron A), which are to be injected into each lesion twice a week for up to eight weeks.


Once a diagnosis of anal warts has been made, further outbreaks can be controlled or sometimes prevented with proper care. Unfortunately, many cases of anal warts either fail to respond to treatment or recur. Patients have to undergo roughly six to nine treatments over several months to assure that the warts are completely eradicated.

Recurrence rates have been estimated to be over 50% after one year and may be due to the long incubation of HPV (up to 1.5 years), deep lesions, undetected lesions, virus present in surrounding skin that is not treated.


Sexual abstinence and monogamous relationships can be the most effective form of prevention, and condoms may also decrease the chances of transmission of condyloma acuminata. Abstinence from sexual relations with people who have anal or genital warts can prevent infection. Unfortunately, since many people may not be aware that they have this condition, this is not always possible.

Individuals infected with anal warts should have follow-up checkups every few weeks after their initial treatment, after which self-exams can be done.

Sexual partners of people who have anal warts should also be examined, as a precautionary preventive measure.

Finally, 5-flourouracil (Adrucil, Efudex, Fluoroplex) may be useful to prevent recurrence once the warts have been removed. Treatment must, however, be initiated within 1 month of wart removal.

April 22nd, 2006, 02:10
Now that my friends is a PAIN IN THE ASS.

April 22nd, 2006, 09:00
... but is it the "end" as Boygeorge states

April 22nd, 2006, 10:34
What are human papillomaviruses, and how are they transmitted?

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are a group of more than 100 types of viruses. They are called papillomaviruses because certain types may cause warts, or papillomas, which are benign (noncancerous) tumors. The HPVs that cause the common warts which grow on hands and feet are different from those that cause growths in the throat or genital area. Some types of HPVs are associated with certain types of cancer.

Of the more than 100 types of HPVs, over 30 types can be passed from one person to another through sexual contact. Although HPVs are usually transmitted sexually, doctors cannot say for certain when infection occurred. Most HPV infections come and go over the course of a few years. However, sometimes HPV infection persists for many years, with or without causing cell abnormalities.

What are genital warts?

Some types of HPVs may cause warts to appear on or around the genitals or anus. Genital warts (technically known as condylomata acuminatum) are most commonly associated with two HPV types, HPVтАУ6 and HPVтАУ11. Warts may appear within several weeks after sexual contact with a person who is infected with HPV, or they may take months or years to appear, or they may never appear. HPVs may also cause flat, abnormal growths in the genital area and on the cervix (the lower part of the uterus that extends into the vagina). However, HPV infections usually do not cause any symptoms.

What is the association between HPV infection and cancer?

HPVs are now recognized as the major cause of cervical cancer. Studies also suggest that HPVs may play a role in cancers of the anus, vulva, vagina, and some cancers of the oropharynx (the middle part of the throat that includes the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the tonsils). Data from several studies also suggest that infection with HPV is a risk factor for penile cancer (cancer of the penis).

Are there specific types of HPVs that are associated with cancer?

Some types of HPVs are referred to as тАЬlow-riskтАЭ viruses because they rarely develop into cancer. HPVs that are more likely to lead to the development of cancer are referred to as тАЬhigh-risk.тАЭ Both high-risk and low-risk types of HPVs can cause the growth of abnormal cells, but generally only the high-risk types of HPVs may lead to cancer. Sexually transmitted, high-risk HPVs include types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 69, and possibly a few others. These high-risk types of HPVs cause growths that are usually flat and nearly invisible, as compared with the warts caused by types HPVтАУ6 and HPVтАУ11. It is important to note, however, that the majority of high-risk HPV infections go away on their own and do not cause cancer.

Source: US National Cancer Institute

April 22nd, 2006, 10:59
You are wrong,people with warts get penis cancer and anal cancer.
How do u think anal cancer is spread.Its caused by warts and anal sex.
Warts on the penis become cancerous.

Already i have known about 50 people who died of getting gental warts.

Surely that is worthy of a listing in the Guinness book of Records
How many people do you know that have died of Aids.

April 22nd, 2006, 14:53
What boygeorge states is usually drivel. I stopped reading his posts some time ago!

April 22nd, 2006, 16:21
Rogered, yeah I know that, probably its Mr Sydney.

April 22nd, 2006, 18:02
Oh now I am thinking of when I was young. I had warts several times on my penis, it was in the day where there was no HIV virus. We did not use condoms in these days. Having gonorrhea no big deal was the thinking, just go to the clinic and be treated. I must have been quite promiscuous because I can not count it on 10 fingers. Then I got a syphilis without knowing it, but was told from the one who gave it to me. Then I began to question my lifestyle. But the one who made me hurt was the warts in my anus, (now I am only active, he he), it was to painful, I was treated with laser, no way to try to kill the pain, because as the doctor said, it would be as painful to have an injection, before removing them. I had it done 3 times. A friend of mine was under full narcoses when they removed them. Sometime I think because of my lifestyle at that time, I have been so lucky not to get HIV or Herpes. But what I find most strange is that when I was into a very big check 15-20 years ago, I was told I have had hepatitis (without knowing it), and should therefore not be vaccinated, last year they could not see it in my blood anymore, so I took my Havrix. Just some thoughts and I think it is so nice there are something like condoms. ;-)
Take care out there.
I will at least, arriving in BKK 6 days from now ;-)

April 23rd, 2006, 00:36
This may seem a stupid question but is it possible to catch this from someone's towel. I am thinking of these fitness centres where often the towel you are handed has not been washed beforehand but merely dried after the last person to use it.

April 23rd, 2006, 01:12
"This may seem a stupid question but is it possible to catch this from someone's towel. I am thinking of these fitness centres where often the towel you are handed has not been washed beforehand but merely dried after the last person to use it."....I've been to many fitness centers in Pattaya, which one did you go to that is passing out dirty towels?

April 23rd, 2006, 07:30
I've never been to a place, knowingly, where towels have not been washed. You can generally tell, as there is that alement of smell even after it being used only once.

April 23rd, 2006, 15:08
"...is it possible to catch this from someone's towel.
If a place washes in cool - tepid water and dries outside--As do many small hotels and salons in Pattaya--it is possible to get scabies and lice from towels and bedding. Only info I can find says warts require person-to-person contact--So, even if they are as much fun as popping bubble wrap, leave bf's warts alone!

But the advantage, for you, Beery--Your thingie would double in size!

[quote="boygeorge"Also apparenty if you get warts you will go mad.
What comes after the chicken dance: Are you drinking your own bath-water yet, Beery?

April 23rd, 2006, 20:04
Honey, the way to ensure your boy has no visible manifestations of STDs is, like RICK did, back in those olden days of the DN Board - take a torch (flashlight) with you to the gogo, and have an inspection. This also comes in handy for checking out the size of the schlong, Darl.....

As for making the gruesome discovery, AND THEN forking out 500B?????? Honey, he should be paying you for your wasted time................

April 23rd, 2006, 20:30
The only thing I've learnt from this thread is not to stick my fingers up White Desire's bum

April 24th, 2006, 09:22
.... there is no chance of that mate, which is how I caught something in the first place Homitern. Therefore, I certainly wouldn't want you near me with any part of your hands - lol

April 24th, 2006, 11:10
Honey, the way to ensure your boy has no visible manifestations of STDs is, like RICK did, back in those olden days of the DN Board - take a torch (flashlight) with you to the gogo, and have an inspection. This also comes in handy for checking out the size of the schlong, Darl.....

As for making the gruesome discovery, AND THEN forking out 500B?????? Honey, he should be paying you for your wasted time................
Interesting point.
Never happened to me, but I think I would pay the 500 baht for a couple of reasons.
If you offed a boy, and then he took the time to go home with you, and then got naked in the shower with you, well, you have used his time and you did off him. He might actually feel entitled to a full "tip" whether you want to do anything or not, so I imagine some boys would became mad at the 500. Certainly, alot more would become very mad at being paid nothing, so I would still consider 500 money well spent to avoid a scene, save his face, and to be charitable, help defray his medical expenses (30 baht?). It doesn't happen everyday, and such a boy certainly shouldn't be actively working, but face it, lots of diseased boys are working, the reason being they want to eat. Life isn't fair.

April 24th, 2006, 17:16
The reason I posted the question regarding dirty towels is that this was one of the reasons offered offered by the doctor who examined my friend. It was removed with laser treatment and he certainly didn't get the infection from me. Having read the replies I am now more inclined to think that my friend has not been too honest in our relationship which has now been going for over 6 years.

April 25th, 2006, 00:16
I cannot understand why we are not all dead.

April 25th, 2006, 00:47
I cannot understand why we are not all dead.
The dead ones are no longer posting.

April 25th, 2006, 01:17
And some are dead from the neck up....... and some are dead from the waist down. :cheese:

April 25th, 2006, 03:11
And some are dead from the neck up....... and some are dead from the waist down. :cheese:
No, I meant dead dead. The examples you stated are still posting.

April 25th, 2006, 03:26
Is anyone or anyone had genital warts? I speak of experience : Aldara (Imiquimod) from 3M worked fine. Never got genital warts again. Genital warts are a virus, so once immunised one is safeтАж

April 25th, 2006, 05:28
Is anyone or anyone had genital warts? I speak of experience : Aldara (Imiquimod) from 3M worked fine. Never got genital warts again. Genital warts are a virus, so once immunised one is safeтАж

How does "that work", surely a "different episode" you would still pick the virus up!

April 25th, 2006, 05:34
.... there is no chance of that mate, which is how I caught something in the first place Homitern. Therefore, I certainly wouldn't want you near me with any part of your hands - lolCould I end up warts on my tongue?

April 25th, 2006, 05:41
Well i know a bloke who had a small wart on his dick,and he had to go to a Doctor who freezed it off.I think he died from it later.Is anyone or anyone had genital warts?

Human Papillomavirus and Genital Warts
WHATHuman Papillomavirus and Genital Warts
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the world. More than 100 different types of HPV exist, most of which are harmless. About 30 types are spread through sexual contact. Some types of HPV cause genital wartsтАФsingle or multiple bumps that appear in the genital areas of men and women including the vagina, cervix, vulva (area outside of the vagina), penis, and rectum. Many people infected with HPV have no symptoms.

There are high-risk and low-risk types of HPV. High-risk HPV may cause abnormal Pap smear results, and could lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, or penis. Low-risk HPV also may cause abnormal Pap results or genital warts.

Health experts estimate there are more cases of genital HPV infection than any other STI in the United States. According to the American Social Health Association, approximately 5.5 million new cases of sexually transmitted HPV infections are reported every year. At least 20 million people in this country are already infected.


Genital warts (sometimes called condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) are the most easily recognized sign of genital HPV infection. Many people, however, have a genital HPV infection without genital warts.

Genital warts are soft, moist, or flesh colored and appear in the genital area within weeks or months after infection. They sometimes appear in clusters that resemble cauliflower-like bumps, and are either raised or flat, small or large. Genital warts can show up in women on the vulva and cervix, and inside and surrounding the vagina and anus. In men, genital warts can appear on the scrotum or penis. There are cases where genital warts have been found on the thigh and groin.


Some types of HPV cause common skin warts, such as those found on the hands and soles of the feet. These types of HPV do not cause genital warts.


Genital warts are very contagious and are spread during oral, vaginal, or anal sex with an infected partner. They are transmitted by skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, anal, or (rarely) oral sex with someone who is infected. About two-thirds of people who have sexual contact with a partner with genital warts will develop warts, usually within 3 months of contact.

In women, the warts occur on the outside and inside of the vagina, on the opening to the uterus (cervix), or around the anus.

In men, genital warts are less common. If present, they usually are seen on the tip of the penis. They also may be found on the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum, or around the anus.

Rarely, genital warts also can develop in your mouth or throat if you have oral sex with an infected person.

Like many STIs, genital HPV infections often do not have signs and symptoms that can be seen or felt. One study sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) reported that almost half of women infected with HPV had no obvious symptoms. If you are infected but have no symptoms, you can still spread HPV to your sexual partner and/or develop complications from the virus.


Your health care provider usually diagnoses genital warts by seeing them. If you are a woman with genital warts, you also should be examined for possible HPV infection of the cervix.

Your provider may be able to identify some otherwise invisible warts in your genital tissue by applying vinegar (acetic acid) to areas of your body that might be infected. This solution causes infected areas to whiten, which makes them more visible. In some cases, a health care provider will take a small piece of tissue from the cervix and examine it under the microscope.

If you have an abnormal Pap smear result, it may indicate the possible presence of cervical HPV infection. A laboratory worker will examine cells scraped from your cervix under a microscope to see if they are cancerous.


HPV has no known cure. There are treatments for genital warts, though they often disappear even without treatment. There is no way to predict whether the warts will grow or disappear. Therefore, if you suspect you have genital warts, you should be examined and treated, if necessary.

Depending on factors such as the size and location of your genital warts, your health care provider will offer you one of several ways to treat them.

тАв Imiquimod cream
тАв 20 percent podophyllin antimitotic solution
тАв 0.5 percent podofilox solution
тАв 5 percent 5-fluorouracil cream
тАв Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

If you are pregnant, you should not use podophyllin or podofilox because they are absorbed by your skin and may cause birth defects in your baby. In addition, you should not use 5-fluorouracil cream if you are expecting.

If you have small warts, your health care provider can remove them by one of three methods.

тАв freezing (cryosurgery)
тАв burning (electrocautery)
тАв laser treatment

If you have large warts that have not responded to other treatment, you may have to have surgery to remove them.

Some health care providers use the antiviral drug alpha interferon, which they inject directly into the warts, to treat warts that have returned after removal by traditional means. The drug is expensive, however, and does not reduce the rate that the genital warts return.

Although treatments can get rid of the warts, none get rid of the virus. Because the virus is still present in your body, warts often come back after treatment.


The only way you can prevent getting an HPV infection is to avoid direct contact with the virus, which is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. If you or your sexual partner has warts that are visible in the genital area, you should avoid any sexual contact until the warts are treated.

Research studies have not confirmed that male latex condoms prevent transmission of HPV, but studies do suggest that using condoms may reduce your risk of developing diseases linked to HPV, such as genital warts and cervical cancer. Unfortunately, many people who donтАЩt have symptoms donтАЩt know that they can spread the virus to an uninfected partner.



Some types of HPV can cause cervical cancer. Other types are associated with vulvar cancer, anal cancer, and cancer of the penis (a rare cancer).

Most HPV infections do not progress to cervical cancer. If you are a woman with abnormal cervical cells, a Pap test will detect them. If you have abnormal cervical cells, it is particularly important for you to have regular pelvic exams and Pap tests so you can be treated early, if necessary.

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Genital warts may cause a number of problems during pregnancy. Sometimes they get larger during pregnancy, making it difficult to urinate. If the warts are in the vagina, they can make the vagina less elastic and cause obstruction during delivery.

Rarely, infants born to women with genital warts develop warts in their throats (laryngeal papillomatosis). Although uncommon, it is a potentially life-threatening condition for the child, requiring frequent laser surgery to prevent obstruction of the breathing passages. Research on the use of interferon therapy with laser surgery indicates that this drug may show promise in slowing the course of the disease.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the world. More than 100 different types of HPV exist, most of which are harmless. About 30 types are spread through sexual contact. Some types of HPV cause genital wartsтАФsingle or multiple bumps that appear in the genital areas of men and women including the vagina, cervix, vulva (area outside of the vagina), penis, and rectum. Many people infected with HPV have no symptoms.

There are high-risk and low-risk types of HPV. High-risk HPV may cause abnormal Pap smear results, and could lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, or penis. Low-risk HPV also may cause abnormal Pap results or genital warts.

Health experts estimate there are more cases of genital HPV infection than any other STI in the United States. According to the American Social Health Association, approximately 5.5 million new cases of sexually transmitted HPV infections are reported every year. At least 20 million people in this country are already infected.

April 26th, 2006, 06:49
Could I end up warts on my tongue?

eeeh Homitern, now then, that would be a real treat for you perhaps - not sure if it would be for me though!!

April 26th, 2006, 06:58
Someone brought up the above subject, whilst this is not common, my friend's father had this problem and to cut a long story short, he opted to have his penis taken away completely, he now just has a slit there. Ok this person is in his late 60's or early 70's, and I think it could have been prevented - I am not totally sure of how it came about, as I did not delve too much into asking questions but I think it may have been caused by not washing his penis regularly, and it actually went black, at which point he had it taken away completely. As I said, I am surprised someone let the condition get that far, and what I have said on this thread is "exactly how his son told me what happened".

April 26th, 2006, 07:57
I checked the date on my calendar - it turned out not to be April 1

April 26th, 2006, 14:11
Warts on your dick also cause cancer and you have to have your dick cut off mostly.As i said before I know of at least 50 people who have died from this.
Also you should check your balls a lot too for lumps on your balls because of testicular cancer.I had a lump on my ball but the DR said it was a cysyt not cancer.
Also you should check your prostrate but the DR done a blood test called a PSA as i didnt want him shoving his finger up my bum.

Did you get a HIV test when you were at the doctors.
you said you have never had one.

April 27th, 2006, 10:44
Boygoerge - you should watch Little Britain on the episode where Davyd went to the clinic for tests

April 27th, 2006, 10:47
.... its absolultely true about the penile cancer, I'm not joking - I know I have used basic language here, but that is all my friend used. I could have put medical terminologies here but that would be confusing. Whilst penile problems of this nature are very rare, it does happen.

April 30th, 2006, 02:37
.... has anyone ever contracted LGV disease - another nasty one!

April 30th, 2006, 05:04
.... has anyone ever contracted LGV disease - another nasty one!

Lymphogranuloma Venereum
Version en espa├▒ol


What is lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)?

LGV is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or infection involving the lymph glands in the genital area. It is caused by a specific strain of chlamydia.

Who gets LGV?

The incidence is highest among sexually active people living in tropical or subtropical climates. It has also occurred in some areas of the southern United States.

How is LGV spread?

The infection is spread by sexual contact.

What are the symptoms of LGV?

The first symptom may be a small, painless pimple or lesion occurring on the penis or vagina. It is often unnoticed. The infection then spreads to the lymph nodes in the groin area and from there to the surrounding tissue. Complications may include inflamed and swollen lymph glands which may drain and bleed.

How soon do symptoms appear?

The onset of symptoms varies widely. The initial lesion may appear from three to 30 days after exposure.

When and for how long is a person able to spread LGV?

An individual remains infectious as long as there are active lesions.

What is the treatment for LGV?

Treatment involves the use of certain antibiotics, specifically tetracycline or sulfamethoxazole.

What can be done to prevent the spread of LGV?

There are a number of ways to prevent the spread of LGV:

Limit your number of sex partners.
Use a male or female condom.
Carefully wash genitals after sexual relations.
If you think you are infected, avoid any sexual contact and visit your local STD clinic, a hospital or your doctor.
Notify all sexual contacts immediately so they can obtain examination and treatment.

April 30th, 2006, 05:24

What kinda music does everyone listen to?I hope yall know I was full of it When I said that about boygoerge and goerge ... :3some:

April 30th, 2006, 07:38
by Baziel
"...I hope yall know I was full of it..."

Oh Yes.
You're full of it alright!

April 30th, 2006, 09:45
Nope.........never got that one?
I have had HEP B and A vaccinations and I recently had a flu vaccination.

Most important that wooly moofs get Hep B and C vaccinations.Hep B can be caused by saliva.

Congratulations on being a good wooly moof.

Now how about your HIV test before you come barebacking in Pattaya again.

April 30th, 2006, 10:45
Dear Doctor Lonelywombat,

I recently went on a nine day Easter break to Bangkok. It was very hot and humid. I played tennis every-day followed by a swim and a massage, Candle T was by far the best for the massage (more of that later) the massage I can assure you was more or less Wat Po style. In-between these activities I visited some hectic and heavily polluted and populated markets both in Bangkok and in the provinces outside. Avoiding all livestock sections for fear of death,though I couldn't help standing a few isles from the mini turtle dove section to hear their sweet liquid coos once again. I never patted any dogs but spoke kindly to them from a distance I only drank sparkling water from a bottle through a previously fully wrapped straw. Needless to say I showered with soap and water twice a day and dried myself well. I was also particularily clever at avoiding being doused in water during the Sonkraan festivities. Though one squirt got me with a water gun from behind a stall.

As you can see I have been a sensible traveller however on my return I have begun to notice some strange circular patches of rough skin on my one leg, they are about the size of a large coin, to date there are three such things. So far and its been a week since my return they have remained the same very precise circular patches of rough reddish skin. What could these be? Did I do something I should not have done? As far as I know the fungal ring worm causes the same but produces rather a more moist slightly inflamed lesions of the same shape. Are these the early stages and can you contract it from other people or furniture ? And do I need an injection?

PS (I also picked up many children,who could resist they are so blessed and I played a few rather more contact than normal games of football which I am useless at. I also stayed in a six star hotel that provided fresh linen and towels twice a day and I never went barefoot through the lobby or any-where else not even on the pool deck)

Any help would be highly appreciated


April 30th, 2006, 14:10
As you can see I have been a sensible traveller however on my return I have begun to notice some strange circular patches of rough skin on my one leg, they are about the size of a large coin, to date there are three such things. So far and its been a week since my return they have remained the same very precise circular patches of rough reddish skin. What could these be? Did I do something I should not have done? As far as I know the fungal ring worm causes the same but produces rather a more moist slightly inflamed lesions of the same shape. Are these the early stages and can you contract it from other people or furniture ? And do I need an injection?

Too late for an injection You need urgent amputation.

I would suggest shoulder high should cause your symptoms to cease being a problem.

April 30th, 2006, 15:28

Have you ever considered chin implants? Might do wonders for your appearance. Wowpow Teepee should be able to recommend a few good surgeons in Thailand. The same goes for you, American Teacher.

April 30th, 2006, 17:26
..... as you said you are a sensible traveller, I suspect it is something either linked to the heat, i.e. fungal or it could be blood borne, ie. you could be lacking "something" in your blood which can be sorted out. I had a friend who had similar symptons on his legs, well mainly sores of some sort, and the platlets in his blood were low. I suspect it could be something like that. I also suspect you have been to your doctor by now to see what it is. It also, as you may realise yourself, could be fungal, which is easily treatable.

On a second note, I recently went on a trip round London with my parents on an open top bus (tour guide). Apparently the rhyme:

Ring a ring a roses
A pocketful of poses
A tishu a tishu
We all fall down


Ring a ring a roses (the rings rashes on your body)
A pocketful of poses (the medicine/herbs/spices given to you to help cure)
A tishu a tishu (constant sneezing, etc etc i.e. the final stages)
We all fall down (the end, you don't survive)

They used to sing this during the "the plague" in 1665. I'm sure you wanted to know that.

On this trip I was told also how the terminology "laugh your head off" came about. Do you wanna know. Well, apparently the Duke of Marlborough was going to be executed at Tower Hill and was watched my many people who were laughing, cheering etc as the Duke of Marlborough was about to have his head chopped off, THEN, there was a stampede of some sort and lots of speculators were killed as they were trampled on, or there were riots and they were trampled on, something like that - hence the Duke of Marlborough was laughing profusely, as this was happening, right up to the point when his head was chopped off - hence, the expressioin LAUGH YOUR HEAD OFF. Nothing to do with picking up sexual diseases in Thailand I know, before anyone says.

April 30th, 2006, 19:19
there was a stampede of some sort and lots of speculators were killed as they were trampled on

Harold Wilson also thought speculators were a problem in the City, but I don't think he actually got round to bringing in the guillotine or axe for them.

May 1st, 2006, 01:03
there was a stampede of some sort and lots of speculators were killed as they were trampled on

Harold Wilson also thought speculators were a problem in the City, but I don't think he actually got round to bringing in the guillotine or axe for them.

"I think Harold Wilson was a few hundred years more into civilisation that the Duke of Marlborough in the 17th century lol"

May 1st, 2006, 02:48
This thread is long-running - almost worthy of a clap?

May 1st, 2006, 03:31
This thread is long-running - almost worthy of a clap?

yeah but this is false competition, since White Desire post everything twice :clown:

May 1st, 2006, 08:12
yeah but this is false competition, since White Desire post everything twice :clown:I don't think that vitiates the clap

May 1st, 2006, 08:19
Thanks every-one for your help with my leg. No I dont have the plague whitedesire. And no I have not been to the doctor yet. I learnt self reliance from a very early age, but if there is even the slightest possibility of loosing my leg or body from the neck down as the very helpful doctor lonelywombat (no wonder its lonely) suggested then I will fester until my trip in June to the Euro zone and go to the sensible doctors of the Netherlands. Until then a fungal cream seems to be doing fine for the rash. I also helped wash all five of our dogs in anti-fungal shampoo as you never know I might have passed it on. Given their size and lust for life this was no mean feat.

A little tip, the Dutch have the very best doctors, surgeons and dentists. Avoid Harley street like the ring a ring a rosies' and any-thing NHS, what do the Nigerians know about western medicine any-way. Plus the Dutch serve up an excellent cup of coffee met wat while you wait and if you are on the NHS its still free. Talking of which Australians and South-africans have the very best Vets, just in case your ex-pat pets need treatments. Im not sure what the Americans do best, post treatment litigation?

May 1st, 2006, 09:21
http://upload3.postimage.org/207382/dick.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/207382/photo_hosting.html) Ok Dick Miss Sybil Thrope has a point. As much as I hate doing the gay eye for the straight thing PLUCK your eye-brows!
http://upload3.postimage.org/207384/14242830584392203a24a03.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/207384/photo_hosting.html)

May 1st, 2006, 20:00
... Jetsam and others - I haven't inserted threads twice, far from it, the only thing I do is if it is a separate statement, then I will do that separately. Agreed, this thread is going on a bit must admit - but an interesting one also, mainly talking about STDs which is informative to each and every one of us

May 2nd, 2006, 10:32
Would surprise quite a few people, but probably not here, to know that the HIV figures for western Europe indicate that the fastest growing age group testing positive are the over forty year olds!

May 2nd, 2006, 16:35
Would surprise quite a few people, but probably not here, to know that the HIV figures for western Europe indicate that the fastest growing age group testing positive are the over forty year olds!

Really, where did that information come from?

May 2nd, 2006, 19:06
Would surprise quite a few people, but probably not here, to know that the HIV figures for western Europe indicate that the fastest growing age group testing positive are the over forty year olds!

Please give us your reference for this valuable information. I assume you are quoting a reliable source.

We would all appreciate gaining the benefit of your experience, and knowledge.

May 3rd, 2006, 11:13
Sorry lonelywombat WhiteDesire, we are having a monsoon storm thing. I think it was the Sunday Times.

May 3rd, 2006, 13:44
I HAD a friend who got all his medical advice on internet message boards...free.

I miss him.

May 4th, 2006, 05:36
... on the tele tonight, a wife clipped off her husband's penis and through it at the side of the road, however, the police picked it up and it was rushed to the hospital where a ground breaking operation was carried out and it was sewn back on

May 4th, 2006, 05:36
... on the tele tonight, a wife clipped off her husband's penis and through it at the side of the road, however, the police picked it up and it was rushed to the hospital where a ground breaking operation was carried out and it was sewn back on

May 4th, 2006, 18:29
... on the tele tonight, a wife clipped off her husband's penis and through it at the side of the road, however, the police picked it up and it was rushed to the hospital where a ground breaking operation was carried out and it was sewn back on

Didn't that happen several years ago to Mr. Bobbit?...After his wife bobbed it?

May 5th, 2006, 05:53
I remember something like that happening, and perhaps it was the same story "recorded for TV".

May 5th, 2006, 07:50
Yep, ol' sweet Lorena Bobbit, pissed at her rather drunk and passed-out hubby, cut off a fair chunk of his penis, took off in her car, and threw the appendage out the window on the freeway. Hubby must have called the police as hubby went to the hospital while the cops talked to his wife and, based on her description of where she tossed his penis, searched and found it. They took it to the hospital and it was sewed back on. She was charged criminally and think she was convicted and was fined and placed on probation. Mr. Bobbit later made a few porn movies with his supposedly grotesque sewed-on member.

What intrigues me about this true story is how the cops dealt with the issue. Imagine yourself a patrolman getting a radio message that you were supposed to go out to a certain location on a freeway and look for some guy's dick. I, for one, would have passed on that duty.
Then, imagine again, the cops on foot looking for the severed dick and then one of the cops actually spotting it. I can hear it now:
Cop#1: I can't believe we're out here looking for a friggin' dick!
Cop#2: Yea, me neither. We gotta be nuts. Maybe it's a joke!?!
Cop#1: Whoa, hey Ed, I think I see the damn thing! Geez, is that ugly! What the hell do we do with it now?
Cop#2: Pick the goddam thing up!
Cop#1: No friggin way! I ain't touching it!

I can only guess the razzing from fellow cops that the guy took who collared the clipped member.

May 6th, 2006, 00:07
... on the tele tonight, a wife clipped off her husband's penis and through it at the side of the road, however, the police picked it up and it was rushed to the hospital where a ground breaking operation was carried out and it was sewn back onPerhaps this could the basis of a new Reality TV show - compered by our very own Young Master Cedric

May 8th, 2006, 20:55
.... the cops could have been gay and even more could have been into S&M

May 9th, 2006, 04:55
.... the cops could have been gay and even more could have been into S&M

Lol. And I suppose the supposed gay cops would have transported the severed member to the station by sitting on it...... :cheers:

May 10th, 2006, 20:35
"reads" on this thread - that must be a record

May 10th, 2006, 21:14
"reads" on this thread - that must be a record
Just say ~ "gonorrhea" ~ and you've instantly got a captive & attentive audience ... around here.

Nothing like the mental image of a (large fat) cock leaking yellow-y pus to bring the mob leering closer to the edge of the stage.

Carry on .... :wav:

Cheers ...

May 16th, 2006, 00:44
... at least we know how to prevent it, as we should be doing, very painful if you get it anywhere, in the eye, anal, penis, and even throat. Can one imagine, how would you know you have it in the eye, as opposed to something like conjunctivitis?

May 16th, 2006, 17:31
Can one imagine, how would you know you have it in the eye, as opposed to something like conjunctivitis?

A friend got hit with "it" in the eye.
First he thought if was eye strain.
Next he thought conjunctivitis.
Finally he got himself to a doctor...just in time, he said, to prevent it from infecting his brain--
And, eventually, 'death,' he said.
The eye, however; had to be removed.
When ever I see him he says, "I'm keeping an eye out for you, Sonny." :fucyc:

May 17th, 2006, 06:13
Whenever a loved one goes down with gonorrhea why not send them a get well soon gift of a basket of seasonal flowers from Niddy's Nook On Line Shop. For only $50 you can get a custom-design flower arrangement that truly personalizes the occasion. Niddy's use any type of flowers you wish (subject to availability) and any color-schemed or occasion-themed arrangement you'd like
................................ Can they do something with Weeping Willows? :flower: :flower: :flower:

May 17th, 2006, 16:13
Whenever a loved one goes down with gonorrhea why not send them a get well soon gift.... Can they do something with Weeping Willows?

Why? I've always heard gonorrhea is the gift that keeps on giving.
But a condom bouquet might be appropriate...with an OUT OF ORDER sign--and 800 milligrams of Lexinor.

May 22nd, 2006, 04:36

May 22nd, 2006, 16:55

An antibacterial. Has other names: Norfloxin, for one.
One 800 milligram dose will, usually*; cure a dose (of gonorrhea).

*But see a doctor, and be tested. There may be mitigating factors. For instance, if you've been taking it for stomach bugs (Amoebas) or have allowed the Clap go untreated for so long it's become a 'standing ovation': when peeing makes you jump up off the pot and whack 'it' against the wash bowl: because it feels better than just plain peeing.
To be kind: Perhaps; not realized you had contracted it--Like: got a dose in the arse...er...nose: all that runs may not be a summer head cold.

Why did I just receive a pop-up for an 'Adjustable tile-spacer'? Some 'cookie' is clued in to pick up on the word, gonorrhea?...Hence subtly suggesting: "You have the clap--So you may as well lay tile?"

May 29th, 2006, 08:19
When my friend caught gonorrhea, he said he caught it many times, continously he said and that he was in a country where he could buy the medicine over the counter, what he said he didnt realise was that it kept coming back, time after time, due to the fact that he became resistant to the drugs. In the end he had to go to the doc for a different prescription.

July 3rd, 2006, 17:44
has gone all blotchy with little red spots and rashes, it looks awful. My friend it is fungal and called thrush and probably due to the heat in the UK atm, Ive started to use Canestan and it looks as if it working, any serious suggestions out there.

July 3rd, 2006, 18:20
White Desire... this bunch of loonies cannot even agree on what constitutes an acceptable cheeseburger so I wouldn't ask them.

See a doctor rather!!!

July 3rd, 2006, 22:01
Thanks Brett, Ive actually just looked on the internet and there are pix of thrush on the penis, that look very similar to mine, so first I will get the canestan and try that before the dr. I know what you mean though, and thanks. Its probably caught due to hot weather and that sort of thing.

July 4th, 2006, 04:16
Im wondering if I have gonorrhea.About five years ago I had a green/yellow discharge out of my penis after recieving oral sex from a coworker.It went away and I havnt gotten checked for it since.I think I need a new doc as my last trip from LOS last November I feared I had contracted hiv.So he did the hiv and hep b and c test.The hiv and hep c came back negative but b was positive,which I had contracted back in 1982.I asked to be tested for syphylus also and he responded"how many diseses could you have caught in one trip?". :colors: Not very profesional,anyway after a second hiv test came back negative he relented and had me test for syphylus,came back negative. I should have requested a full std panel at the start instead of this piecemeal approach.When I go next month to LOS im going to get checked for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

July 4th, 2006, 06:14
You could have had NSU, rocket - Non Specific Urethritis. As for being tested for syphilis - I strongly recommend it; your doctor sounds a complete prick (many doctors are) - get a new one

July 4th, 2006, 07:00
Yes Homintern,That is a possibility,the nsu,I hope they can check for that in LOS.I know untreated std's can have serious consequences,thats why I had them do the bloodtest for syphyllus,i think thats how Caligula died.An entertaining movie from 1980 that i highly recommend.

July 4th, 2006, 07:03
Thanks Brett, Ive actually just looked on the internet and there are pix of thrush on the penis, that look very similar to mine, so first I will get the canestan and try that before the dr. I know what you mean though, and thanks. Its probably caught due to hot weather and that sort of thing.

This is actually more common than you think.

yes it can be a heat problem. - and yes canestan works well.

I suffered this last year and after trips to doc and STD clinic turned up nothing it was diagnosed as heat etc - was advised to wear boxers more...hate the damn things!

July 4th, 2006, 07:05
syphyllus,i think thats how Caligula diedNot unless the swords were infected :bounce:

It's now thought that syphilis was imported to Europe from the Americas by the crews that sailed with Columbus and those explorers who followed him (well after Caligula, too)

http://www.archaeology.org/9701/newsbri ... hilis.html (http://www.archaeology.org/9701/newsbriefs/syphilis.html)

July 5th, 2006, 09:48
has gone all blotchy with little red spots and rashes, it looks awful. My friend it is fungal and called thrush and probably due to the heat in the UK atm, Ive started to use Canestan and it looks as if it working, any serious suggestions out there.

That stuff is really going around. And I don't think it is the heat. Another one to try is Nystatin. And as an experiment, try hydrogen peroxide. It is used to treat oral fungus and might help on other parts.