View Full Version : Senior Army officer behind Red Shirts named

May 5th, 2010, 18:00
This is a frightening article, whether it can be believed or not ,it maybe answers/ fills in a lot of unasked questions on this forum.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 ... whats_news (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703866704575223772181634604.html?m od=rss_asia_whats_news)

May 5th, 2010, 18:35
Nothing new about this guy, his activities, or his real name. He's been on the wanted list for quite a while.

May 5th, 2010, 18:39
A few days ago after the protesters cleared part of the barrier to allow evacuations from Chula hospital it was Kattiya who ordered the barricade closed again. Subsequently the lane was again opened. It is probably Kattiya who will not allow the protest to retreat to behind the Saracin intersection.

May 5th, 2010, 18:51
Its also suggested that he might be behind the men in black...(I'm being polite here)

May 5th, 2010, 19:08
As always this protest has nothing to do with what is best for Thailand, but only what is best for the few 'despots' such as Toxsin and his followers...

May 5th, 2010, 19:10
And what about some of the sleaze who are in the current government? No different at all, they are all out to line their own pockets. It looked like a rogues gallery on TV this morning..

May 5th, 2010, 19:27
And what about some of the sleaze who are in the current government? No different at all, they are all out to line their own pockets. It looked like a rogues gallery on TV this morning..

Totally agree, God knows what the answer is, let's just hope it doesn't escalate into full bloodshed on the streets....

May 11th, 2010, 14:59
I saw this article about two days ago in the "Washingtoon Times", which is a "Moony" paper accdg to Wikipedia (I'm not sure what to make of that). The article about the rogue General Kattiya definitely gave me the "willies".

Since it has subsequently been seen on TAN and now on the Thai Visa, I'll note it here in case you haven't seen it.

http://www.tannetwork.tv%2Ftan%2FViewData.aspx%3FDataID%3 D1028949

Renegade joins Thai Red Shirts
Strikes fear with leaders