View Full Version : The Best Thing About Thailand Is.........

April 27th, 2010, 02:11
The best thing is living here and not living there! (Opinion may not be factual).

April 27th, 2010, 17:54
The best thing about Thailand is if you are a protester, you can sleep illegally on government property, take over the financial district or even an airport ; meanwhile, if you ride your mortor bike without a permit, you get a ticket.

April 27th, 2010, 19:14
Thai boys.

They are cute, friendly and lots of fun to hang out with.

April 27th, 2010, 21:40
I got fine for not wearing a helmet as boys and girls were passing by with no helmets, as the cop spoke some english I asked him what about them? He replyed no problem they don't need a permit till they are 17.

April 27th, 2010, 21:56
Thai boys.

They are cute, friendly and lots of fun to hang out with.

Granted they can be fun, but to hang out with? How old are you?

April 27th, 2010, 22:08
I got fine for not wearing a helmet as boys and girls were passing by with no helmets

lol. My friend implied that the driver also doesn't need one in most cases, just the passenger. I have no idea what the law is, exactly. I had to wear a helmet two-sizes too small so I just purchased a farang-sized helmet that I'll bring with me next time.

The best thing about Thailand is obviously the Thai people...I sure don't go there for the weather. The guys are thin, smooth, and have attentive/mothering qualities that you don't get in a Western guy. I could find a boyfriend here at home but they are way more hassle and don't have the qualities that the Thai do.

April 28th, 2010, 04:06
I have to say, mlomker, it's not the boys' mothering qualities that keeps me going back!!

April 28th, 2010, 04:21
I have to say, mlomker, it's not the boys' mothering qualities that keeps me going back!!

Mothering qualites means how much for Mama.

April 28th, 2010, 04:35
I could find a boyfriend here at home but they are way more hassle and don't have the qualities that the Thai do.

heh, yeah, before I used to think a Thai boyfriend would be way less hassle than a Western boyfriend. Have to say though, I don't think that anymore. :-)

April 28th, 2010, 06:47
" ... I got fine for not wearing a helmet as boys and girls were passing by with no helmets ... "
.... and, (guaranteed), the cop later rode away on his motorbike, with no helmet.

April 28th, 2010, 14:53
I could find a boyfriend here at home but they are way more hassle and don't have the qualities that the Thai do.

heh, yeah, before I used to think a Thai boyfriend would be way less hassle than a Western boyfriend. Have to say though, I don't think that anymore. :-)

I have had both Thai BF's in Thailand and Asian BF's in USA, both can be hassles, problems and complications.. You trade one set of problems for another---same-same but different. Sometimes better than the alternative of being alone/butterfly which also comes with hassles, problems and complications. Just live with it, you're sometimes fucked and that's life.

April 28th, 2010, 23:10
I have to say, mlomker, it's not the boys' mothering qualities that keeps me going back!!

lol. The other activity only takes up a small percentage of the day (for me anyway). The personality of the guys that I've met in Thailand does matter...I find them very good companions. They are thoughtful in a way that Americans are not (we are taught to be independent). It's all the little things from fussing over my grooming and health to wanting to share food with me at dinner. I like the whole package but ymmv.

I have had both Thai BF's in Thailand and Asian BF's in USA, both can be hassles, problems and complications.

I've had guys over there that wanted to be my 'boyfriend' but it's just not practical when I visit 2 weeks/year. I don't bother dating or having sex in America anymore...I spent 20 years going from relationship to relationship and it just never works out long-term for me.

I vacation in Thailand for my fix of the 'boyfriend experience' as I've heard some people call it. I am going to try to keep in touch with the host bar boy that I met on the last trip since I think it'd be fun to take him to Chiang Mai on my next visit...he's from Chiang Rai and proved himself to be a good guide and companion in Pattaya.