View Full Version : Help! Manilla police tapping my e-mail for writing to Thai?

April 20th, 2010, 09:17
Hi gang,

I hope you are all safe & things are OK until this situation improves. I guess this is the bad & things will improve rapidly, I hope.

I just have a weird situation & wondered if anyone has had this happen to them? I was e-mail chatting with a guy on BBB Thaiboys, just e-mail back & forth, not even salacious. Nothing about sex. Today I got this in my e-mail:

this is no Spam and no Joke.
They maintain contact with Filipino under age. Further you offer him to him to pay if he makes SEX with you. Their email are given.
We draw the attention of you to the fact that you trade an inducement to the prostitution with Minor explains.
This is forbidden basically after Philippine and Thai criminal law.
We ask you unmistakably to omit from any contact with this as well as other youngster.
Otherwise your documents go to the pursuit and introduction of a penal procedure and the suitable management.

Yes, I know, there's never been prostitution in the Philippines (oh how shocking) and his age is stated as 18 on his pic. I can't imagine I'm in any trouble but I did write back to the group and said I wanted to see the court order to tape my e-mail & voice mail, and reminded them they had no id on me, just ip.

But is this common? How can these clowns tap my email? Who knows -- my phone is probably being listened to and I'm probably on a child predator list too. I told them I needed a sworn statement they did not do this.

Do you have any advice? What's this crap about? He sure looks 18 (is that the age of majority in Thailand?). Thank you for any comment and the best to everyone during this bad time.

April 20th, 2010, 11:38
Presuming what you said is true (I have my doubts), I wouldn't offer any advice as, given your incredibly less-than-smart moves so far (emailing them back, writing about it here, and not having already talked to a lawyer) you wouldn't recognize good advice let alone follow it.

April 20th, 2010, 12:09
Assuming that this is genuine, one might further assume that your statement that you were "e-mail chatting with a guy on BBB Thaiboys, just e-mail back & forth, not even salacious. Nothing about sex" would put you entirely in the clear. It's hard to believe, after all, that it could be an offence to chat to someone online about the weather or something else similarly anodyne

If your communications [i]have fallen into the hands of others, I suspect that it's less likely to be because of electronic monitoring than something much simpler. That might be because the boy has been arrested for something and his computer has been examined - but much more likely, I suspect, is that you have been lured into a honey trap and some attempted blackmail is now in its early stages.

Even though it is true that if the authorities want to get you they can easily do so by manipulating "evidence", I think that, if this is a scam of some sort, your firm stance so far will soon put them off and encourage them to seek out more compliant victims.

April 20th, 2010, 12:11
-- my phone is probably being listened to and I'm probably on a child predator list too.

Yes, Interpol coordinates all of this and it is funded by the American FBI and the English CEOP who look upon this with the same horror they reserve for terrorists as well.

What's this crap about? He sure looks 18...

It means you are going to prison. Mistake of age is no defense, not in the Philippines, not in Thailand and not anywhere in the world.

This information is top secret. Destroy yourself after reading.

April 20th, 2010, 13:22
Hi gang,

Yes, I know, there's never been prostitution in the Philippines (oh how shocking) and his age is stated as 18 on his pic. I can't imagine I'm in any trouble but I did write back to the group and said I wanted to see the court order to tape my e-mail & voice mail, and reminded them they had no id on me, just ip.

But is this common? How can these clowns tap my email? Who knows -- my phone is probably being listened to and I'm probably on a child predator list too. I told them I needed a sworn statement they did not do this.

Do you have any advice? What's this crap about? He sure looks 18 (is that the age of majority in Thailand?). Thank you for any comment and the best to everyone during this bad time.

It has all the hallmarks of a scam but firstly I would find out the source of the email by using the email headers to track & trace where it originated, at least that may pinpoint where the email came from. If the 'organisation' is genuine using the email track and the name of the 'organisation' should give you an indication as to it's validity.

More likely someone you have been talking to has seen an opportunity to start the process of setting you up for a request for money to be sent.

April 21st, 2010, 00:48
Hi Guys --

Thanks & really well done! You know what you are about.

I did have legal advice about 15 minutes after forwarding the message -- the lawyer was laughing so hard she was blowing coffee out of her nose.

Yes, I can certainly be dumb at times.

Yes, it was a scam to "eliminate child whatever in Manilla and Thailand" (wrong) and would certainly would have let to money. But by his second e-mail he was saying if I'd stop "my activity" we could forget all about it. No way! I had done no activity! I also wanted proof I was not on a child molester list, a no flight list, and the voluminous case files had been destroyed or I'd need to respond. At this point I'm getting apologies. I've sent his pic around the Web with a warning.

Yes, it's no defense to say I didn't recognize his age, but if I have it in writing (18 years old, on his picture, clothed, and it was sent by the police if it was legitimate), that changes things as far as who's in the wrong. Also, the police aren't allowed to dangle real 16 year olds as bait in front of people, on a sex site. But supposedly these folks did. In America they use really young looking (and cutie) cops for this kind of thing, but they are adults.

Interpol? I hardly worry about them. In America all our e-mail, phone calls, tweets, text messages, facebook posts, and everything else is copied and collected by the federal government -- a gift from George Bush and a new hobby for Barak Obama! I would wager they couldn't find a specific year in their files let alone a specific. Top salary for an IT professional in the fed govt is about $175,000. And WWII quality equipment! No money in it. Plus they tend to be idiots. Although the Tweets are held for 6 months then go to the Smithsonian.

The weird thing is he presented himself as a "guide," not a dancer or bar boy, and we didn't talk about money. He said he didn't like the "offs" which is why he was a guide, and talked a lot about a pagent he was making some costume for. I absolutely did not say anything disrespectful about any government other than the American, but they expect it. They may even crave it!

His i.p. appeared to be from Switzerland but it was washed through one of those kiddie-email programs so it's hard to tell where it started. Bounced 2x in South America.

So I guess it's time to get my scrambling and ip changing stuff back together. What a pain. But among you, you guys got everything right. Wow! That's great!

April 21st, 2010, 07:25
Do not think too much about it, in 1 or 2 weeks, you receive a email asking you to transfer some money to close the case!
I did cash an Amex traveller check in a manila hoteln, and receive a letter back home to tell me the poor staff made a mistake and could I reimburse her, as the Amex could not be cash ad she was out pocket!

April 22nd, 2010, 04:06
Anybody who thinks that the Police (of whatever description) are going to send an email "tipping off" the recipient that they are "on to" him, doesn't need legal advice - he needs his head examined by a reputable psychiatrist as soon as possible.

If the Police are genuinely "on to" anyone, the first that the subject is likely to know about it is when their front door is kicked in at 4am.

And yes, I'm still here!

:hello1: :hello1:

April 22nd, 2010, 04:46
A phrase made famous by P. T. Barnum comes to mind.

August 27th, 2010, 15:35
When will people use SSL / Secure SMTP. I even only log into Gmail as https://mail.google.com/mail/ (Note the "S" after the HTTP)

If you don't use this then i can steal your email password and all your emails if you log on to any wireless connection I happen to be monitoring.

Funny what you can watch people do on un-secured internet.

August 28th, 2010, 07:16
I am sure they follow everything you have ever said on here too, that could get you in really deep shit.

August 28th, 2010, 18:10
When will people use SSL / Secure SMTP. I even only log into Gmail as https://mail.google.com/mail/ (Note the "S" after the HTTP)

If you don't use this then i can steal your email password and all your emails if you log on to any wireless connection I happen to be monitoring.

Funny what you can watch people do on un-secured internet.

Why are you "monitoring" connections at all? Far less looking at other people's emails?

Is your own life so inadequate and sad that you have to piggy-back on to other people's lives - like some kind of flea or parasite?

Is there something the matter with you mentally?

No offence.
