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January 7th, 2006, 22:21
During the very first night of my last holiday I was strolling around the soi's of Sunee Plaza and heard a familiar voice call my name. Assuming it was one of the boys from the past, I turned to great him. I recognized him immediately as someone I knew very well, but for that first mega second I couldn't place him.

The minute he started speaking again I remembered who he was and the hand shakes and hugs were on. I guess one reason it took me a minute to place him is that I knew him from Bangkok and never saw him in Pattaya before. His name is Nu and he was a very dear friend and sometimes live-in companion of my old friend Jon from England. Jon had first introduced me to Nu about 1 year prior to his moving to Thailand and openly adored this boy as one of his closest companions.

I remembered Nu as being vibrant and full of life, who spoke with a refined British accent making him sound more like a very young Paul McCartney - than a 19 Y/O boy from the streets of Bangkok. His manners were also refined which also reflected Jon's influence on him over the years.

This time, something was different.

His smile, which used to stretch from ear-to-ear and could light up a soi on a dark night, was now wilted. His voice sounded lower than I remembered and his speech was staggered. Even the strong British accent I remembered so well seemed dampened and somewhat flat. We sat down at the beer bar he was working at and I was soon to learn why.

My very first question to NU was...how's Jon doing? I hadn't spoke with Jon since he accepted the full time position at a university in Bangkok earlier that year and was anxious to hear how he was doing. Jon was also instrumental in motivating me to explore rural Thailand in April 04' and provided me with a tremendous amount of good advice drawing from his expansive knowledge of Thailand and Thai culture. Nu's response to my question left me both stunned and depressed, as he informed me that Jon, who some of you may remember as ZZZ on our old PG Forum, had passed away 3 weeks earlier. Jon (ZZZ) also posted on Sawatdee, but for the life of me I can't remember the name he used.

I sat with Nu for over an hour and heard about the final days preceding Jons death and the funeral which was arranged by his family members in England. As a result of the families acknowledgment of Nu, and their understanding of the bond that existed between Jon and Nu, the family allowed Nu to bury Jons ashes at sea, which was Jons request. The tears flowed down Nu's cheeks as he described the boat ride from Jomtien Beach and the final words he spoke to Jon as he released his ashes to the sea.

I altered my plans for that night which included seeing Boy Special who had just been released from the hospital following a motor bike accident. Instead, I phoned Boy Special and told him that I would see him later in the evening, and I explained why.

I payed Nu's off fee at the bar and took him to JJ Karaoke which I knew would be empty at that early hour. We drank and ate, and drank some more, until people started flowing in and we decided to leave.

The heart-wrenching story I heard from Nu was not all that uncommon in the world of the Thai working boys, 95% of which never get an opportunity to meet and share their life with someone as special and genuine as Jon. Jon provided Nu with a place to sleep, food to eat, and more importantly, a caring and trustworthy friendship that was never compromised in the 3 years they were together. Nu is now torn in half and left with no other choice but to hit the streets in an effort to survive by selling himself.

I'm telling this story with the assumption that the announcement of Jon's passing was made to our forum members back in October.

When I returned home from my October holiday I had 2 messages from Jon in my in-box. One was asking me to call him so we could meet for dinner during my short stay in BKK, and in the other went on to describe how he was feeling under the weather lately. I said my final farewells to Jon in the long e:mail message I returned to him - knowing that it would remain unread in this life time.

Jon will be missed dearly by all those who knew him...and by one dazed looking Thai boy who truly loved him.

January 7th, 2006, 23:07
Sometimes I forget that the guys I post with on the board are more than fonts and pictures and are real people with real lives.

The story you write is touching and sad and begs me to wonder about things that are none of my business and I have no real right to know. I also feel as if there should be something we could do for him, for zzz.

If anyone plans to take a collection for him or if he has an Ikobo card, I would be happy to donate to him, much the same way people do here for friends who have lost a lovedone.

PS. Great to see you made it onto the board :)

Brad the Impala
January 7th, 2006, 23:29
Thanks Dodger.

January 8th, 2006, 00:10
" ... Jon (ZZZ) also posted on Sawatdee, but for the life of me I can't remember the name he used ... "
Thanks for the story Dodger ... ZZZ is sorely missed on this New Sawatdee as well.

Just for your info, ZZZ posted with that same handle on the original Sawatdee . . . you can still see his name up there as a "Last Poster" (coincidental as well as sadly ironic) on one of the threads in the Archives.
Do a "Search" here and many of his posts wll come up, even if they were posted on the old EZBoard version of Sawatdee.

Cheers ...

January 8th, 2006, 00:16
if he has an Ikobo card, I would be happy to donate to him

That's a great idea. Get him an Ikobo card, and post a link to the deposit page. We can help Nu.

January 8th, 2006, 00:52
I do not know what a Ikobo card is, but I will be more that happy to help a little bit.

It is sad when a friend dies; I personally have had three Thais...one lover and two close friends who have passed and they are a part of my heart that will not heal.

Sometimes when I come to Thailand I miss seeing friends and it is damn hard to get information about what has happened to them...sorry...mind is wandering. :(

January 8th, 2006, 00:54

I don't know how an Ikobo Card works, but I'd be the first person to donate if this gets established.

If anyone is visiting (or living in) Pattaya and interested in passing your regards onto Nu personally, he was last seen working in Sunee at the small beer bar which sits directly across the soi from KAOS. He has shoulder length black hair, speaks fluent English and is extremely good looking...you should spot him easily.

If by chance anyone here sees him please tell him that he remains in my prayers.

January 8th, 2006, 01:07

Giving the gift of the iKard allows your friends and family members the ability to make purchases, withdraw cash, or receive money from anyone, anywhere in the world in less than 30 seconds. Money can be sent to any person with an email address instantly.

1. Send money using a credit or debit card.

2. Recipient receives an iKard - a re-loadable VISA debit card.

3. VISA debit card works at over 1.2 million ATMs and 20 million merchants worldwide.

4. VISA debit card is re-loadable instantly at iKobo.com.

Does he have an email address, Dodger? He needs to have one. That is how his PIN # is sent to him. One person (I suppose in this case Dodger) needs to register an account and preload some funds using a visa card. They then send Nu a pre-loaded Visa Debit card in the mail. Do you have a mailing address for him? If not, maybe you can send it to him at the bar he works at. I have done exactly that before.

Once he receives his card, other members here can register ikobo accounts and list Nu as a recipient. Dodger will have the necessary details (account #) by then to share with us so we can do that.

Edit-It has been a while since I have used this. I just logged-on to my Ikobo account. Once you have registered an account, when you add a recipient who already has an ikobo card, you just need to enter either the recipient's account# or their email address.

January 8th, 2006, 01:22

Nu did not have an active e:mail address the last time I saw him, and suggest that we make sure that he's still in PTY before setting up the account.


Would someone who is in Pattaya now, or plans to visit shortly, voluteer to go to the beer bar to see if Nu is still there, and if he is, please get his e:mail address.

January 8th, 2006, 01:28
.....Or help him set-up a free one, such as Hotmail or Yahoo. Is he very WWW savy? Also you'll need a mailing address (that part should be kept private) Only Dodger needs to know the mailing address, the rest of us only need his email address in order to add him as a recipient once he receives his card.

Ikobo FAQ page (http://ikobo.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/ikobo.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php?p_sid=162oq1Zh&p_lva=&p_li=&p_new_search=&p_srch=&p_sort_by=&p_gridsort=&p_row_cnt=99&p_prods=&p_cats=&p_pv=&p_cv=&p_search_type=answers.search_nl&p_nav=head&p_page_head=1&p_page_foot=1)

January 8th, 2006, 02:58
I'll be in Pattaya 18 january. I will try to find this beer bar and Nu.

To Dodger : where is Kaos ? If I find Nu, what do you think about going with him to internet shop and then I can log in SawatdeeGayThailand and let him know and read what we are talking about ? Do you know the name of the beer bar ?
I know where Topman and Howard's guesthouse are, if you can help me to find his work place ?

January 8th, 2006, 03:39
I remember ZZZ very well from his posts at sawatdee.
Like most guys in the Forum I never met him, but i gained a lot of respect for him from his postings and took pleasure many times from his humour.

When i read your post Dodger, it sent a shiver down my spine.
How strange that sat here in England right now I feel like I have lost a friend I never actually knew and would probably never meet.

I had presumed he had got fed up with some of the more irritating members who have posted here and used to attack him on occasion and moved on. I never imagined he may have passed away. Sad indeed.

And once again this forum proves to be a mine of information. I had never heard of a Ikobo card. It sounds like it could be very useful to those of us with bf's in asia.

And of course, the board is made up of human beings with compassion. We have seen examples of this previously with the Book shop charity, Monty's charity and other examples of helpfulness for people in need.
Help for Nu will no doubt become another of those examples.

However, does this topic also raise another subject for discussion?
I know several farangs here have long term boyfriends and provide for them. Have you (we?) made provision for them when we are no longer around? We are almost all a LOT older than them so i guess it is going to happen to all of them at some time.
Would we like our bf's to have to follow Nu's example to survive?
Time for reflection methinks...

January 8th, 2006, 03:54
Hint Hint, Try the Three Zone Bar.

January 8th, 2006, 04:01
Hint Hint, Try the Three Zone Bar.

Thanks, Mr. S. Your karma just went up! :wink:

January 8th, 2006, 04:09
If someone can advice me I like to help in Feb and mars, i will be in Pattaya, ma-be i help him white some money, or other tings like help him to have a room,, ma-be he must sleep in a bar, i can rent a room for him something like that ?
As many from you go to Pattaya and we all do something ? All together can be a lot !

January 8th, 2006, 04:50
Actually i use to like the informative posts from poster BRIAN chop poonchai or whatever his name was.I remember him saying he was building a house for his then BF.I recall he had a stroke in his home in America.In Florida or somewhere,must of been nearly 12 months ago,dunno if anyone remembers that poster.Theres been a few who have kicked the bucket on this forum actually,anyone remember the colonel,i think i heard he went and there was some old bloke on here who was 93yo.YeRE 2005 saw a few deaths from sawatdee members.

January 8th, 2006, 05:24
Amaretto...You're on !

Thank you for you offer and we'll wait to hear back from you.

Once you're in Sunee Plaza, just walk down to the KAOS Gogo Bar and the small beer bar where Nu works is directly across the street.

Good luck...I have a feeling that you'll do exactly what you said you would...must be a karma thing!


January 8th, 2006, 07:10
Some topics are good to make fun, but some topics need a ignore but tom as well , i think :twisted:

January 8th, 2006, 07:17
Before i slide again read again and understand some topic must be ignored for some people

January 8th, 2006, 07:46
Dodger, thanks for reminding us of Jon, and for the update on Nu. I was on the road at the time Jon passed away. His passing was announced here by Traveller Jim I believe.

Jon was a prolific and highly-regarded poster on gay Thailand boards over the years, under a number of nom-de-plumes (although no more than one at a time I believe !). I didn't know Jon well. We actually only met face-to-face once, but communicated regularly by email from different parts of the world when we were working on common interests a few years back. He was most recently 'zzz' here and on PG, and earlier 'Tintag' on PG, but had been quiet for a number of months before his passing.

Reflective of the complicated lives that some of us have led due to our sexuality, Jon left an ex-wife (with whom he was apparently on excellent terms), two young adult sons of whom he was very proud, a greatly loved boyfriend just graduated from medical school in Chiang Mai, and many Thai friends especially in Bangkok. But Jon did not keep the different parts his 'family' separate from each other; they all knew each other and reportedly got on very well.

Included in this unique family was Nu. At various times I believe Jon described him endearingly as amneusis and houseboy. Nu was essentially self-taught in English. Nu is one of those unique Thai guys for whom the inequities of Thai life seem particularly galling to us. In the West he would have had scholarships and 'opportunities'. He deserves better from this life. One hopes that he finds it, before his 'physical' atrributes begin to fade.

Nu's other connection to the readers of this board is as probably Somporn's greatest friend. Jon was one of the posters who originally bought Somporn's plight to the notice of the the gay farang community on GB's board, eventually leading to his life-saving kidney transplant.

I managed to find a picture of Nu on the Wayback Machine of the Thais4life site, visiting Somporn early on after his admission to Chonburi hospital. Nu's photo is right at the bottom - he's second from the left.
http://web.archive.org/web/200305100221 ... l+2002.htm (http://web.archive.org/web/20030510022150/www.gardencentre.com.au/timftp/Progress+Reports+on+Somporn+-+March+and+April+2002.htm)

There is also a photo of Jon with Somporn here, under the May 5 report:
http://web.archive.org/web/200305100224 ... d+june.htm (http://web.archive.org/web/20030510022404/www.gardencentre.com.au/timftp/latest+may+and+june.htm)

Has anyone seen Somporn recently ? I believe he is working in Bangkok. I know that he has been greatly affected by the passing of the friends who have been so instrumental in saving his life - first David Ferguson, then Oud, recently Ian McKnight, and then Jon.

January 8th, 2006, 07:49
To reply to IwanUK: I keep a small amount of term insurance which is not too expensive for my boyfriend...unfortunately the beneficiary has changed to often to my likes. It cost me about US$20 per US$10,000 or about 400,000TB. This is for a smoker at age 60. Damn...I am getting old. :lol:

January 8th, 2006, 11:50
While fully sympathizing with NuтАЩs loss I fail to understand how the offer of financial support is anything other than a quick fix solution which in the long term could prove to be counter productive.
Here is a young man who has made a choice of returning to the bar scene despite given his language abilities having other choices that might have been considered.

Why does this choice merit extra financial rewards?

Many Thais I have known throughout the years in Pattaya have great difficulty in moving away from the Bar scene, as in comparison to other employment in Thailand the financial incentives are all on the negative side.

The relatively laid back lifestyle coupled with sometimes alcohol and drug abuse makes the transition to a more regular lifestyle all the more difficult.

It would seem to me that an offer of friendship and or vocational guidance (if desired?) might be a more appropriate measure to help this young man come to terms with his loss.

Financial support without a long term plan will do little to impact on his future prospects.

January 8th, 2006, 13:02
I can confirm that NU works daily in Three Zone in Sunnee Plaza.
I have copied the above posts and will give the material to him this evening.
It will be easy enough if anyone wishes to donate cash to him.

January 8th, 2006, 14:45

Thanks for sharing a little more of Jon's history and the pics were great. I haven't seen Somporn in over a year, although, according to Nu, he is still working in Bangkok and doing fine.
Jon once posted a topic (under the Tintag guise) on the old forum called something like "Eye Candy" where he included a picture of Nu...I just can't find it.


I agree with some of your statements and don't really know how to go about helping someone in this situation. Money is always a good short term fixer - but somewhere along the line the person in the situation has to want to change his path, and only he can do that. Nu is a very intelligent guy. I was actually hoping to hear to he left the bar, but it sounds like he's still there.


Thanks for your offer. When you see Nu, please tell him Vic says hi...he doesn't know the name Dodger. We'll be anxious to hear the results of your visit.

mai pen rai

January 8th, 2006, 19:18
Thanks Dodger and Hmmm for your personal accounts. It's posts like yours that make visiting the Board a pleasure.

I and a number of the London based Sawatdee crowd remember Jon from our London meets in 2004. I'm pleased to say that I'll remember Jon having put on quite a bit more weight than he appears to show in Hmmm's photo.

As regards Nu, we ought to consider other reasons that may have led him to work in Sunee. He doubtless has many friends there able to offer emotional support, and to his way of thinking, if he is indeed looking to meet up with another 'good' farang, where else can a boy with limited means go to find him?

My own bf once asked me if I knew of any good farang for his friend. His friend is also gay and had never worked the bars (he's a nurse from Khorat it turns out ~ only ordinary looking but described as faithful and endearing), and from what my bf had told him of his lifestyle with a gay farang, had quickly deduced that having a farang boyfriend was most certainly a better way to live your lifestyle if you were Thai, poor, and liked boys not girls. So if Nu indeed has 'qualities', his desire to find a boyfriend might well be the predominent reason that led him to the bars. And if Jon was a good judge of character, then here is a lad who comes with a ready made reference. Sure, giving him money is fine, but what he might really need is love and commitment. We ought be looking to find him a decent boyfriend not just another meal ticket. So to any jai dee farang out there on the ethernet who might be interested; you've got the address and you've got his picture. Go for it!

January 8th, 2006, 19:57

I appreciate your perspective on this and agree wholeheartedly with your read on Nu's motives.

If there's a farang out there who's interested in finding an honest and sincere guy, not just for a short time fling, but with the aspirations of finding a TRUE boyfriend, than Nu would be worth meeting.

He not only speaks fluent (and perfectly pronounced) English, but also reads the Bangkok Times and can discuss the differences between Christianity and Buddhism with the intelligence of a western college graduate. He also loves to party and will dance your legs off if you're into that. Besides his wonderful personality and intelligence remains one more considering factor...he's a doll.

mai pen rai

January 8th, 2006, 20:32
I'm confused...

I thought ZZZ had a Bf in Chiang Mai that was training to be a doctor?
Is this boy Nu?

Or is Nu just a mia noi or close friend or ex-boyfriend?

If Nu is not the Trainee Doctor does anyone know what has happened to him?

I would guess that zzz would be more concerned about this boys welfare above all else?

January 8th, 2006, 23:01
I have just returned from Three Zone and spoken with Nu. I gave him a copy of the comments on the board.
He has an email address and says he checks it most days.


He asked me to thank Vic for remembering him.

January 8th, 2006, 23:32
I must confess to some confusion too, agreeing with Max1 and IwanUK.

A will is as relatively simple to make and enforce here (in Thailand) as it is in most countries, yet very few farangs appear to include their long term Thai partners - there are exceptions, but they are so few that they are actually remarked on as being "generous" rather than routine. I have never understood why.

I have no reason to doubt that Nu is a nice person, but am lost as to why he should be singled out as such a worthy charity case - no matter how cute he may be. This may appear cynical, but surely there are more deserving charities where the recipients are unable to help themselves?

January 9th, 2006, 00:26
I come here at least twice a day. I feel very much a kin to many who post here. It may be unfortunate but I rate this community as one of my top 5 relationships. When I hear that someone will no longer be posting, I am saddened. When I hear that a friend of the departed may be suffering in sorrow and loss, I want to comfort him. To quote a cheesy song, "I am famly!"

If the general concensus is to financially assist Nu through his sorrow and grief, my family ties here will guide my actions.

My condolences to Nu and chock dee for his future.

January 9th, 2006, 02:21
No, the Med school student is a different person from Nu, Colmx. I assume that he is financially better-off than Nu.

It sounds to me like any funds donated might be best used towards educational persuits, if that is what he wants to do. Is it?

January 9th, 2006, 02:25

Thank you for making the contact with Nu and getting his e:mail address.


I understand your point, although never met Jon's BF in CM. All I really know is when it came time for the tire to hit the road - it was Nu who was asked to perform the burial. Frankly, knowing a little about Jon's character, I assume that his BF was not forgotten.

Gone Fishing,

The sole purpose of this post was to provide the opportunity for me to share my inner feelings with my friends, not to cultivate another charity. The mere fact that our members are aware of this boy named Nu, and the significance of this person in Jon's life, will provide a benefit to Nu. I believe it already has.

Thanks to everyone here for showing your compassion...I'm sure that's what Jon would have hoped for.

mai pen rai

January 9th, 2006, 06:21
Hmm....Nu looks very cute--actually even cuter than that!! By all reports intelligent, sincere, loyal. I have a feeling he's going to be surrounded by a bevy of understanding men looking to cheer him up. He'll be beating them off with a stick, so to speak.

For those that delay their retirement until they have just enough money or until the stars are in alignment, consider that life is fleeting and there is a point where a delay or postponement might mean never. (Retire now Smiles!)

Considering the number of recent deaths of those that frequent this board, I'm pondering pursuing some Life Extension strategies. There is an article in the January issue of GQ about neuretics, HGH, and testosterone therapy for those men of a certain age. Perhaps a clinic in Thailand would represent a good business opportunity.

January 9th, 2006, 17:00
As I pointed out in my post, Nu was not Jon's bf. That place was reserved for Jon's "teerak", to whom he was devoted. But Jon worked in BKK and teerak in CM. Teerak knew Nu. But I don't know what transpired with teerak after Jon's sudden death.

I don't know if Jon had a will. I believe he once discussed "living wills' on the PG board. As I pointed out, he had two young adult sons (possibly still studying ?). Hopefully they and teerak were provided for.

Jon and Nu did have a special relatioship though. In the interest of explaining the unique nature of this relationship, I offer this post from Jon in November 2004. Although he didn't mention Nu by name, it was Nu to whom he was referring. 'Amneusis' and 'houseboy' were terms that Jon had used to refer to Nu on the PG board; both convey elements of their relationship.

I seem to have been adopted!

I recently moved into an apartment in Bkk. One guy, who I have known for years, and whom originally I used to тАШoffтАЩ regularly, came to visit me (at my request) one evening тАУ weтАЩre past the sex stage of our friendship, but I still enjoy his company.

He has been here ever since. Sleeps in the spare bed. He cleans the apartment for me, washes dishes, irons shirts, cooks, makes me my morning coffee, does the shopping etc.

He has never asked me for a cent! Sure I provide him with accommodation and free meals, but thatтАЩs all. IтАЩve even taken to leaving money in a drawer for him to use for shopping. He accounts with receipts for every satang he takes.

When I come in the evening he takes off my shoes and socks, he has laid out my casual clothes and he hangs up my business ones.

He has quit his bar job and does bits and pieces of part-time work the income from which he uses for his personal spending.

He is parentless, so no requests for money for family.

I think he has adopted me as his papa!

I donтАЩt think there is any тАШcatchтАЩ to this, but it sure goes against much of what I have read about Thai/Farang friendships..

To the naysayers, please devote your efforts to causes you feel are worthy. Those of us here who actually know Nu know that he deserves our concern. It has nothing to do with how 'cute' he is. I am sure he would be happy to tell you his life story if you were willing to listen.

January 9th, 2006, 18:05
For me, it has more to do with zzz than it does about Nu. I am sure he is a nice person but what I give to him is out of memory and respect for ZZZ.

January 9th, 2006, 20:59
Considering the number of recent deaths of those that frequent this board, I'm pondering pursuing some Life Extension strategies. There is an article in the January issue of GQ about neuretics, HGH, and testosterone therapy for those men of a certain age.

As a self-confessed 'Old Git' Im also interested in this subject!
(Aren't we all?)
The current issue on sale here is February :(
Tried to find the article via their website but failed .
Any links to this or similar articles welcome! :)

Erm... on second thoughts - dont want to hyjack this thread so i will start this as a new topic.

January 10th, 2006, 00:09

my intention was not to be a naysayer by any means, nor to be some sort of wet blanket on the flames of compassion, nor to put off anyone wishing to help Nu, but was primarily to emphasise why it is so important to make a will and to keep it up to date for those who we care about. I do not know anything about either Jon or Nu, so cannot comment on their relationship or on anything about them, but I cannot understand why it was necessary to describe Nu as "a doll" and "cute", and even to post his photo, so that those who knew him could offer their condolences. Maybe I missed something, but your inference that Jon's two sons and his b/f in CM would have been beneficiaries of his will, but not Nu, who was the one tasked to dispose of his ashes, has only made me more confused.

"A son can bear with composure the death of his father, but the loss of his inheritance might drive him to despair" (Machavelli, 1517)

January 10th, 2006, 03:42
Hi Vic
Can you send me a e,mail I have lost yours.

January 10th, 2006, 18:03

Done...check your in-box.

January 11th, 2006, 12:11
You think your so good dont you Dodger,so bloody high and mighty,like your a king or something.Well i dont like you,i just wana make that clear pal you understand. Im better than you,dont start thinking your better than me because no one is.Im simply the best,better than all the rest,better than anyone,anyone at all,simply the best !

January 11th, 2006, 12:36
Vic๊ pens do seu assim que bom nใo voc๊ trapaceiro, assim que elevados e poderosos sangrentos, como o seu um rei ou um something.Well que eu nใo gosto de voc๊, wana justo de i fazem que pal desobstruํdo voc๊ compreende. Im melhor do que voc๊, nใo come็am pensar do seu melhor do que mim porque no.one is.Im simplesmente o mais melhor, melhor do que todo o descanso, melhor do que qualquer um, qualquer um em tudo, simplesmente o mais melhor!

Oh yeah, baby! Ah! Ah! Ahh! Oh God!!! Yes! Yes!!

Sorry, I just love Portuguese!

[Tina Turna reserves all rights to this song!]

January 11th, 2006, 13:06
Especially; if you have a short fuse.

At the risk of being called, 'high & mighty;' I'm ashamed of you and ashamed of myself for becoming angry--So angry I cried--I'm, almost, never angry & almost never cry but this is a new low, even for you!
Please, please, add me to your shit-list, too __Sydney. I'd be proud to be a member of that club.
(Please excuse me, all who have him on your ignore list--but there are some things that should NOT go unnoticed.)

You think your so good dont you Dodger,so bloody high and mighty,like your a king or something.Well i dont like you,i just wana make that clear pal you understand. Im better than you,dont start thinking your better than me because no one is.Im simply the best,better than all the rest,better than anyone,anyone at all,simply the best !

This started as news of a lost friend & a kind tribute--And has deteriorated to the above quote.
Perhaps it is time to close it?

R.I.P., dear ZZZ.

January 11th, 2006, 15:25
I'd just like to say, on a less appalling note, that ZZZ's last posts were being made about the time I was starting to post on this forum. He was one of the more intriguing and enjoyable members, and I noticed at the time that he suddenly had stopped posting. I was very sad and surprised when I saw the announcement that he had died, and disappointed that I never had the chance to meet him or get to know him.

January 12th, 2006, 02:39
So angry I cried--I'm, almost, never angry & almost never cry but this is a new low, even for you

Edith,Im sorry darling,i didnt mean to make you cry.Please forgive me,you know I love you.You know when i go to America i need you to look after me . Im sorry darling.You know i didnt mean it.Do u forgive me?

"Its my party and I ll cry if I want to"
"boys dont cry"

January 12th, 2006, 03:41
This started as news of a lost friend & a kind tribute--And has deteriorated to the above quote.
Perhaps it is time to close it?

R.I.P., dear ZZZ.

Agreed. Dodger, please keep us posted on Nu's situation by posting a new thread when you get an update.