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View Full Version : Trying to figure out relocating & working in Bangkok

April 11th, 2010, 23:27
First, thanks for all the great info I've been reading in the forum -- lots to learn & many viewpoints. I'd like to ask for any thoughts on my situation:

Quick introduction, I'm 53 yo Caucasian, pretty average, 6', 190 lbs, am healthcare tech exec & Web wiz (kinda like Cheese wiz for those who know it). I'm a geekie-guy. Unfortunately hot guys intimidate me so wandering up to guys to meet them isn't real easy for me to do. I like the Thai system which seems a bit more structured & lower chance of rejection. Don't mind paying. Hobbies: Like gym, meals with friends, lots of sex, computers & tech, cats, dogs, walking around.

I want to move internationally. So far recruiter found one job in Saudi Arabia (where they stone gay people to death, a disadvantage) and one in Bangkok in Medical Tourism Industry (I have much experience here) but she warns it will take a long time to triumph over the bureaucracy. Am in no rush. My boggle:

1. Do I need to learn to speak Thai? I'd learn a bit anyway, but do I have to really get it down? The job does not require it and I'd be living in Bangkok.

2. I know everyone asks you guys this and sorry to be one more, but I'm trying to figure out how to approach salary. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I'd need to be paid annually in Thailand to have about the same lifestyle as earning $150,000-$200,000 US annually? I am not a lavish kinda guy; not a lot of travel, no vacations, no boat, no expensive furniture nor art, jewelry. Rent here $3,500/mo but it's beachfront. I wear shorts & T shirt every day, have pretty basic apartment, no drugs, no expensive wines (I told you I was a nerd -- boring too!). Have expensive computers & electronics but not mega-expensive. No debt. I think my costs probably average out to normal for this salary bracket, but in different categories. Any thoughts? Thanks a lot for any ideas. I appreciate it.

April 11th, 2010, 23:35
First, thanks for all the great info I've been reading in the forum -- lots to learn & many viewpoints. I'd like to ask for any thoughts on my situation:

Quick introduction, I'm 53 yo Caucasian, pretty average, 6', 190 lbs, am healthcare tech exec & Web wiz (kinda like Cheese wiz for those who know it). I'm a geekie-guy. Unfortunately hot guys intimidate me so wandering up to guys to meet them isn't real easy for me to do. I like the Thai system which seems a bit more structured & lower chance of rejection. Don't mind paying. Hobbies: Like gym, meals with friends, lots of sex, computers & tech, cats, dogs, walking around.

I want to move internationally. So far recruiter found one job in Saudi Arabia (where they stone gay people to death, a disadvantage) and one in Bangkok in Medical Tourism Industry (I have much experience here) but she warns it will take a long time to triumph over the bureaucracy. Am in no rush. My boggle:

1. Do I need to learn to speak Thai? I'd learn a bit anyway, but do I have to really get it down? The job does not require it and I'd be living in Bangkok.

2. I know everyone asks you guys this and sorry to be one more, but I'm trying to figure out how to approach salary. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I'd need to be paid annually in Thailand to have about the same lifestyle as earning $150,000-$200,000 US annually? I am not a lavish kinda guy; not a lot of travel, no vacations, no boat, no expensive furniture nor art, jewelry. Rent here $3,500/mo but it's beachfront. I wear shorts & T shirt every day, have pretty basic apartment, no drugs, no expensive wines (I told you I was a nerd -- boring too!). Have expensive computers & electronics but not mega-expensive. No debt. I think my costs probably average out to normal for this salary bracket, but in different categories. Any thoughts? Thanks a lot for any ideas. I appreciate it.

Lots of expats live in Thailand successfully for decades without learning how to count to ten in Thai. It depends solely on your interest. That said, speaking at least some of the language will insure you have a much, much more rewarding experience.

If you are looking to live at the same level as someone making $150-$200,000 in the US...I would say you would also need $150-200,000 here. Though some things are a lot cheaper, other things aren't. If you are living an expat life, at an expat level, and want to continue to sock away some savings, then ask for the same salary here as you would at home. Most salaried expatriates make a lot MORE money here than they would at home -- with lots of extra perks.

Do not let them try to bargain you down by trying to claim that living is cheap here. It isn't.

That's my advice, anyway.

April 11th, 2010, 23:52
Andy have you visited Thailand yet? If not take a two or three weeks holiday and check the place out first. In Bangkok visiting bars in Silom Soi 4 such as Telephone, Balcony or Sphinx you should meet and get to chat with ex pats who are both retired or working so can get some first hand knowledge. Other than that Singapore Sexpat has given you good advice, don't drop your salary level, go for gold which will enable you to live well and also to save..........

April 12th, 2010, 00:01
Andy have you visited Thailand yet? If not take a two or three weeks holiday and check the place out first. In Bangkok visiting bars in Silom Soi 4 such as Telephone, Balcony or Sphinx you should meet and get to chat with ex pats who are both retired or working so can get some first hand knowledge. Other than that Singapore Sexpat has given you good advice, don't drop your salary level, go for gold which will enable you to live well and also to save..........

I have no idea how telling Andy to go to Telephone, Balcony or any other gay cafe answers any of the concerns that this man has? :dontknow: Lay off the Zanex and wake up and smell the roses!

Ha! Talk about medical tourism!

April 12th, 2010, 00:52
I could probably get an answer to how facile the tai boys are in bed, which I am assuming is very.

Actually the unfortunate -- don't know what to call it -- insurrection, civil war, strife, angry disagreement, is providing a terrific window for me as I can document increased cases and net revenues from my efforts and pay for myself (how often have we business guys heard that?). Also, Tailand is worried as India is making aggressive moves to take a chunk of the medical tourist market away from them, and this is nothing but bad news for the Thais, who aren't in a position to respond.

One thing I hear, and thank you so much, is that I'll increase my salary request is my recruiter can lock down this position. I didn't even budget for boys! oops.

I did think Thailand would be cheaper than the U.S., but it's good to learn otherwise. I'm guessing Bangkok is more expensive and smaller cities/towns are less expensive (but they probably do not perform expensive medical procedures).

Thanks very much, guys. Do you happen to know if the Thai government pays for many of their residents' basics, like housing, transportation, air travel, food allowance, housekeeping allowance? I know that question may sound stupid. One of the things I had to tell the Saudi's as part of my application was how much money I expected in all of those categories, so your salary there is basically just yours, as Saudi Arabia has no taxes. I would guess the Thai government would not pay for offing boys.

April 12th, 2010, 00:58
Are you by chance Andy In Oz?

April 12th, 2010, 03:57
Hi Equalizer,

No, I'm not Andy In OZ, although some days it feels that way.

Just tryin' to figure out what I can before I talk to the recruiter again, and would very much like to experience Thailand because of the heavy Buddhist influence, which supposedly gives native Tais a bit of a different view of things (and one I would like I think), and, of course, offing boys. Although I can't match up the Buddhist traditions with the disruption going on now.

And although it's not universal, and I can't emphasize how much I don't know these things, the Asian boys I "off for free (i.e. pick up) have a different view of old guys (I mean me, I'm 53 y.o.) but these gorgeous 18-whatever guys are happy to get together & have sex & get together again, and when I ask 'em they say they prefer older guys and my age isn't something they think about. And several are bi- or maybe straight, but "eager" in bed, which is wonderful 'cause I'm not getting younger. Although since I'd be in medical tourism Plastic Surgery would only be down the hall from my ofc! I hope!!!


April 12th, 2010, 13:40
Seems you are getting ahead of yourself, Andy.

Most important is terms of your employment and your living in conditions.

You'll have plenty of time to worry about the boys later. Don't let your little head do the thinking for your big head.

April 12th, 2010, 20:48
Hi Singapore Sexpat:

Yes, definitely, and thank you for the advice you've helped me with. Thinking about the boys can be somewhat -- stimulating, I guess -- whereas the basics of life are a bit less fun but much more important.

It looks pretty likely I'll pass on this Thailand gig 'cause depending on the coverage it gets in Europe and America, the Medical Tourism industry may slow way way down, making the job of increasing it from where it is now difficult or impossible. Next month there's a global Med. Tour. conference that should give me an idea of how bad things get. India badly wants to take some business from Thailand, and has lots of money to invest, and I'm thinking the civil unrest in Thailand is giving them an opportunity.

There are 2 jobs open in India for what I do but I don't really want to live in India. Unless they have a ton of cute, very available boys! Just kidding.

Thank you again, though. You've been really helpful. I probably do seem a bit scattered (which I am all the time anyway) but living in America right now isn't a very pleasant experience, with a vocal minority wanting to leave the "United" states and succeed, celebrate slavery, threatening violence against our government, and gun sales are through the roof. It's just a sad place to be in some respects.