View Full Version : You Gotta see this!

April 8th, 2010, 10:37
I am not going to bombard you wth copy and Paste and/or endless links to youtube clips, but this is worth your time.It is not thai or gay related just raw talent.


April 8th, 2010, 10:39
You would love El Duo.

April 8th, 2010, 19:43
Gotta see what? Some fat kid singing in a language he clearly doesn't understand.

I really, really, didn't need to see that.

April 8th, 2010, 21:11
Hey, he sings it better than Whitney sang it on her last tour in Australia! (It was reported as a shocker... she completely bombed... couldn't sing properly and kept needing breaks).

April 8th, 2010, 22:34
What does this have to do with Thailand?

The cunt deletes my harmless jabs at allieb, but he glosses right over garbage that is clearly out of place.

April 8th, 2010, 23:30
What does this have to do with Thailand?

The cunt deletes my harmless jabs at allieb, but he glosses right over garbage that is clearly out of place.

Relax Twat and remember ....I will always Looovvee Yooouuuuuuu :ser:

April 9th, 2010, 20:51
Ye-e-e! Good song! I saw this video yesterday...

April 9th, 2010, 20:54
I must say I don't get this whole new trend of falling all over ugly people who happen to sing well -- as if voice were someone attached to looks.

You know that someone with the voice of Susan Boyle or this Chinese kid, but with an average appearance -- would be completely unremarkable.

Get over it, people.

April 9th, 2010, 21:36
Here is Whitney doing the same song. There's no comparison, when she was in her prime (this was apparently done in 2006) she was an order of magnitude better than this kid, who is good, but not "as good as", IMHO


April 9th, 2010, 22:20
I must say I don't get this whole new trend of falling all over ugly people who happen to sing well -- as if voice were someone attached to looks.

You know that someone with the voice of Susan Boyle or this Chinese kid, but with an average appearance -- would be completely unremarkable.

Get over it, people.

Twat ,it is about the voice mostly ,and also about an average looking person getting recognition for their talent.You have to try and appreciate peoples qualities other than just looks.


April 9th, 2010, 22:33
If that is an "average-looking" person where you come from, please remind me never to visit.

The only thing that makes these videos go viral is that it is an ugly or odd-looking person with a voice that doesn't match.

A bit patronizing, don't you think?

April 9th, 2010, 22:45
eeehhhmmm Ok. Reminder: Please Never Visit.

April 10th, 2010, 21:30
If that is an "average-looking" person where you come from, please remind me never to visit.

The only thing that makes these videos go viral is that it is an ugly or odd-looking person with a voice that doesn't match.

A bit patronizing, don't you think?

It's the contrast between appearance and reality. You see this very ugly, unglamorous person get up on stage. Then an amazing voice comes out of him/her and everybody is surprised. I guess it also gives all the average or ugly people hope that they too, despite their unfavourable looks, could be something. (Except you, BBB/andyinoz.... you'll never be anything but a lard arse troll).

Anyway, this guy does have some talent in replicating all the little nuances in the way Whitney sings that song. I reckon 90% of people would think it's Whitney herself singing if they were only listening and not watching him sing.

April 10th, 2010, 21:31
Here is Whitney doing the same song. There's no comparison, when she was in her prime (this was apparently done in 2006) she was an order of magnitude better than this kid, who is good, but not "as good as", IMHO


Sure is a long way from her most recent performances! It's a shame really. How could she let the show go ahead knowing she would give such a terrible performance? Money desperate?