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View Full Version : Thaksin Draws Comparison between Abhisit and Hitler

March 17th, 2010, 16:28
From Thaksin's latest video conference:

The ousted premier also claimed that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has a mental disorder similar to Adolf Hitler's.
Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems.Maybe some of our Sawatdee posters are surrounding Thaksin?

source: http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/tan/ViewD ... ID=1026349 (http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1026349)

March 17th, 2010, 16:38
From Thaksin's latest video conference:
[quote]The ousted premier also claimed that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has a mental disorder similar to Adolf Hitler's.
Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems.

Maybe some of our Sawatdee posters are surrounding Thaksin?
source: http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/tan/ViewD ... ID=1026349 (http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1026349)[/quote:9tx9t2ck]

As long as they are not wearing a 'skirt'........

March 17th, 2010, 16:50
Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems.Isn't Thailand a gay paradise where the Thais openly welcome gay people? I'm confused.

March 17th, 2010, 16:55
Dagnabbit. I meant to say: "Maybe some of our Sawatdee posters are surrounding Abhisit?"

March 17th, 2010, 17:37
Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems.Isn't Thailand a gay paradise where the Thais openly welcome gay people? I'm confused.

you need to cut through the hype ..... prejudice here may be much less than your homeland, but can still be present, especially outside of the tourist sex trade. Admittedly most people really don't care, but there are some for sure, especially with some of the chattering classes who have adopted selected western values ...

March 17th, 2010, 18:02
If anyone is being compared with Hitler it should be Taksin, who is also the one with mental problems. The statements he made were outrageous and a sure sign of desperation. He described Abhisit as being surrounded by purple people (purple or violet being the gay colour in Thailand) in a clear poke (sic) at Prem. He also claims the government have been poisoning water supplied to the red shirts. What a moron.

March 17th, 2010, 18:05
I have heard that the demonstrators are being paid cash to attend and stay at the rallies.

How much is it costing for this alleged support.

March 17th, 2010, 18:11
How much is it costing for this alleged support.

4000 baht per head.... Link to Nation Multi Media Story (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/03/13/politics/Red-shirts-handing-out-cash-to-&039;find-democracy-30124588.html)

March 17th, 2010, 18:28
How much is it costing for this alleged support.

4000 baht per head.... Link to Nation Multi Media Story (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/03/13/politics/Red-shirts-handing-out-cash-to-&039;find-democracy-30124588.html)

Absolutely nothing for a man as wealthy as Toxin.

BTW If one knows about the political system etc in LOS then they will also know that it is quite common practice to pay not only for votes but also for demonstrator to travel to Bangkok......

March 17th, 2010, 18:38
How much is it costing for this alleged support.

4000 baht per head.... Link to Nation Multi Media Story (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/03/13/politics/Red-shirts-handing-out-cash-to-&039;find-democracy-30124588.html)

Absolutely nothing for a man as wealthy as Toxin.

BTW If one knows about the political system etc in LOS then they will also know that it is quite common practice to pay not only for votes but also for demonstrator to travel to Bangkok......

Yes true.But the yellow shirts could only afford 200-300 baht a day.

March 17th, 2010, 18:43
I wonder how Thaksin's former government spokesperson and adamant loyalist Jakraphop Phenkhair feels about the gay chides -- being an openly gay man himself.

March 17th, 2010, 21:27
Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems.Isn't Thailand a gay paradise where the Thais openly welcome gay people? I'm confused.

Yes you are confused. The Thaksin era was characterized by growing homophobia in a country where this phobia had not previously been prevalent. A number of years ago I visited a former colleague in his senior post on secondment to Thailand. I was introduced to the CEO who made a great display of being a close associate of Thaksin and was clearly intent on offering me a position. I've always lived Out&Proud and after the meeting my former colleague told me not to consider any offer that might come my way as the gentleman in question had recently "moved heaven and earth to sack" two gay expatriate staff.

Today's evidence that Thaksin is a rabid homophobe second only to Mugabe, comes as no surprise.

March 17th, 2010, 21:43
From Thaksin's latest video conference:

Thaksin also said that Abhisit is surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems.

Probably sour grapes... Abhisit is, after all, a far more attractive man than the prune-faced idol of the Red Shirts.

March 17th, 2010, 22:05
It is more likely a direct jab at Prem, the reds' public enemy number one, than it is at Abhisit or anyone in his circle.

March 17th, 2010, 22:32
Isn't Thailand a gay paradise where the Thais openly welcome gay people? I'm confused.
Unlike Papa and Mama, papa-san and mama-san welcome anyone in Thailand.

March 18th, 2010, 00:04
It's when Thaksin compares his own plight to that of Aung San Suu Kyi that I reach for a bucket to vomit into.

March 18th, 2010, 01:48
I gotta say he must be sick and tired of having to pack his suit cases as each country finally moves him on. Now UAE has enough of his political shit stirring from inside its shore. It seems the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Nopw the family are in Germany. I hope they all took lots of woolly coats. That won't suit Ms Potjaman.


March 18th, 2010, 01:54
Sure it will. She loves a chance to show off her furs, and there's not much chance to do that in Thailand (or Dubai).

March 18th, 2010, 09:45
The Beeb report that Adolf Toxin has been granted citizenship of Montengro. No doubt he paid a hefty amount for it.

March 18th, 2010, 14:55
Thaksin is highly intimidated by Abisit who is much better educated than Thaksin and is anti-corruption, has appeal and charisma. According to an Asian Correspondent recent poll, this is what most Thais say about their leader Abisit's superior leadership qualities ...

Where Abhisit Leads
Keeping his cool/emotions
On strictness in morality
Shows respects for other government leaders
Honesty in regards to corruption
Democracy advocate
Looks after the public interest instead of their own/cronies
Has charisma, appeal
Can place trust in them
Uses morality in making civil service appointments
Doesn't abandon the people when becomes PM

The red shirts fear Abhisit as they know that if anyone is ever going to turn Thailand around and END the rampant corruption prolific in the Thaksin era then that be would be Abhissit.

Yes, homophobe Thaksin is obviously the more comparable to Adolf Hitler, we all know that. But perhaps Abisit should compare rapacious Thaksin to a failed Attila the Hun. CURSE Thaksin with Atilla's fate which was either 1) suffer a severe nosebleed and choke to death in a stupor or 2) succumb to esophageal varices, aqn internal bleeding haemorrhage after heavy drinking where dilated veins in the lower part of the esophagus rupture, or 3) be pierced by the hand and blade of his own (ex)wife.

Thaksin finally gets his fantasy to live in an "elite tourist destination" now in Montenegro on the Adriatic Coast. Too bad he could never make Thailand that elite-only destination he so desired to gain from for him and his cronies. I did not know that Montenegro was also a haven for criminally convicted fugitives (those with the bucks, of course). Is Montenegro also know as a billionaire offshore tax haven like the British Virgin Islands? What other global criminal fugitives have been given refuge in Montenegro?

Thaksin's personal, life-threatening hatred expressed toward Abisit is spooky and revolting.

Thaksin the jao paw of excrement tossing meanderering Phi Ta Khon ghouls, conjours witchcraft, curses and now gay hatred and promoting homophobia ... What next as the frustration boils over and their situation gets even worse? Right into the cobra pit!

March 18th, 2010, 21:18

March 19th, 2010, 12:48
If anyone is being compared with Hitler it should be Taksin, who is also the one with mental problems. The statements he made were outrageous and a sure sign of desperation. He described Abhisit as being surrounded by purple people (purple or violet being the gay colour in Thailand) in a clear poke (sic) at Prem. He also claims the government have been poisoning water supplied to the red shirts. What a moron.

Thaksin is a complete idiot and a CROOK. He stole millions of Baht from the Thai people then he runs off and "prostitutes" himself out within Cambodia. Unfortunately the "red shirts" who are predominantly poor and uneducated farmers from the North and North East of Thailand have fallen for this fool. Thaksin is an unfortunate bi-product of all the corruption and abuse of power in Thailand. He should be forced back to Thailand to face crimminal charges but Thailand is much better off without him.

March 19th, 2010, 13:06
There are very few people on this planet (believe it or not) that I would advocate someone just putting a bullet in their head.

Thaksin is one of them.

I'm surprised it hasn't happened so far.

March 19th, 2010, 14:48
I find this Board an interesting place. It's largely populated by guys who have sex with boys from the North East whose families apparently are Thaksin supporters, but who know better than their fuck buddies what is best for Thailand. There's a general acceptance that military coups are the norm for Thailand and that the democratic decade fom the mid nineties to the mid noughties was some sort of freak event, never to be repeated or worth repeating. I hear tell the yellow shirts believe that the red shirts are just a bunch of ignorant peasants for whom democracy is clearly too good and that looks like a pretty common attitude among posters too. From the outside Thaksin doesn't look much different to Berlusconi in Italy but there don't seem to be any suggestions there that the army should take over or that someone should assassinate him, so Thailand is unique and doesn't deserve anything better? To put it another way it deserves everything that has happened. Don't any of you wish Thailand well?

March 19th, 2010, 15:18
Wishing for the return of Toxin is wishing the country well? What planet do you live on?

March 19th, 2010, 15:42
Wishing for the return of Toxin is wishing the country well?That's a rather perverted comprehension of what I wrote which was all about democracy and democratic institutions, no taxation without representation, one man one vote, all those things we Westerners supposedly value for ourselves but apparently not for the Thais, they are not good enough. As I recall you are the poster who says that Thailand can do no better than be the brothel for Asia.

March 19th, 2010, 16:18
Wishing for the return of Toxin is wishing the country well?That's a rather perverted comprehension of what I wrote which was all about democracy and democratic institutions, no taxation without representation, one man one vote, all those things we Westerners supposedly value for ourselves but apparently not for the Thais, they are not good enough. As I recall you are the poster who says that Thailand can do no better than be the brothel for Asia.

Welcome back, Colonel.

March 19th, 2010, 16:30
[quote="Fuck-Face"Welcome back, Colonel.[/quote]What does that mean?

March 19th, 2010, 16:33
[quote="Fuck-Face"Welcome back, Colonel.What does that mean?[/quote]

It means you're a stupid, bald old cunt and serial game-player. Do you really expect us to believe that a first-time Pattaya sex tourist has any knowledge of or interest in Thai politics?

You must really think we're thick.

March 19th, 2010, 16:55
From the outside Thaksin doesn't look much different to Berlusconi in Italy but there don't seem to be any suggestions there that the army should take over

So you missed the news of the Purple protest in Rome on Sunday against Berlusconi. Bizarre coincidence that the purples and reds chose the same day.

Thai Dyed
March 19th, 2010, 17:26
Where the hell is "giggsy" who got snookered into buying a misspelled and overpriced mug and t-shirt, and shouting "I invoke GOODWINS LAW"? Where is that stupid ass anyway? I want to sell him some more fucking crap that he'll eat right up.

His avatar said "I'd rather walk alone" and maybe he walked alone so far that he fell off the edge of the earth in his area of the universe and completely missed this thread?

I want to sell giggsy some "Abhisit-Goodwin" mugs and party hats.

By the way giggsy, in case you're reading this, Godwin's Law has been revoked by Seebach's Law. Fat chance you have of unloading all that stupid misspelled shit you bought!

[attachment=0:3jdgj2ux]giggsy and his dumbassed hat.jpg[/attachment:3jdgj2ux]

March 19th, 2010, 17:27
From the outside Thaksin doesn't look much different to Berlusconi in Italy but there don't seem to be any suggestions there that the army should take over So you missed the news of the Purple protest in Rome on Sunday against Berlusconi. Bizarre coincidence that the purples and reds chose the same day.No I watched it on the news with interest but I must have missed the demands for an army takeover. Can you provide a link? If Fuck Face bothered to read any of my posts I said from the very first that I'm a reporter.

Thai Dyed
March 19th, 2010, 17:56
And speaking of asses, where the hell has Khor tose been? He has been a big supporter of Thaksin and the "Reds", and even began making less than thinly veiled comments about a certain deeply revered and highly esteemed person about which any pejorative comments whatsoever are strictly prohibited. Khor tose, a self-confessed government agent who should know better than to think he is above the law. Or is that the new "norm" in American thinking? Maybe they really believe they are above the law? I would love to see some of his comments in this thread.
[attachment=1:uwve6pyl]Khor tose.jpg[/attachment:uwve6pyl]
Or has his goose already been cooked?
[attachment=0:uwve6pyl]Khor tose goose is cooked.jpg[/attachment:uwve6pyl]

March 20th, 2010, 01:10
Yes true.But the yellow shirts could only afford 200-300 baht a day.

Exactly what the red shirts were paying at the same period (my in-laws were offered payment by both sides - they turned down the yellows once it was clear that they would not be allowed to leave once they had gone into Government House and decided to play it safe when things became violent with the reds). Both sides clearly have their financial backers.

There are very few people on this planet (believe it or not) that I would advocate someone just putting a bullet in their head.Thaksin is one of them.I'm surprised it hasn't happened so far.

If someone were to shoot Thaksin it would be unlikely to be a yellow supporter. He is worth far more to them alive as a clearly corrupt figure to attack at home and internationally and to divert attention away from the undeniable truth that his policies, for whatever reason, served to empower the poor and to improve their lot with medical treatment and education. On the other hand his death would make him a martyr, there would no longer be a convenient stick with which the yellows could beat the reds, and his policies rather than his practices would become the focus of attention. Interesting .....

The red shirts fear Abhisit as they know that if anyone is ever going to turn Thailand around and END the rampant corruption prolific in the Thaksin era then that be would be Abhissit.

You seem to have been reading Abhisit's own publicity (and somehow you fell for it). Nobody "fears" Abhisit. As far as the reds are concerned he is a nonentity who has never had to work for a living and who has done little wrong since taking office by simply doing nothing at all.

Abhisit is in office simply because he is supported by Newin Chidchob, who is probably the most corrupt of any head of a Thai political party and indeed any Thai politician (although he himself is currently banned from actually holding any political office), as the focus of the various corruption scandals that have directly targeted the poor and the young (such as tainted school milk and low grade fertiliser). Abhisit himself has clearly lied about his own assets, which are obviously insufficient, for example, to pay for his sons' education at Eton and Winchester.

The "poll" would seem flawed - no other reports indicate that "most Thais" support Abhisit, and the general informed opinion appears to be that neither side would win a majority in an election, showing just how polarised Thai opinion is.