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View Full Version : OCEAN ONE TOWER, 01

April 18th, 2006, 13:11
This is the construction project located in Jomtien area in front of ViewTalay residence 2 :

OCEAN ONE Tower, O1 : 91 Storey : Pattaya

Name : OCEAN ONE Tower, O1
Location : Jomtien Beach, Pattaya
Project Description : 91 Storey Condominium Tower comprising 587 units, to be tallest building in Thailand-Tallest Residential Building in The world
Architects : Woods Bagot (Australia)
M&E : Lincoln Scott
Structural Engineer: Connell Wagner
Developer : Siam Best Enterprise Limited
Construction Contractor : K-TECH limited
Construction Starts : June 2006
Construction Finishes : December 2009

http://upload3.postimage.org/124331/MAJESTICTOWER.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/124331/photo_hosting.html)

http://upload3.postimage.org/124334/MAJESTICTOWER2.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/124334/photo_hosting.html)

http://upload3.postimage.org/124338/MAJESTICTOWER3.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/124338/photo_hosting.html)

April 18th, 2006, 13:26
On the right side of the picture.

http://upload3.postimage.org/124367/Thesite.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/124367/photo_hosting.html)

April 18th, 2006, 13:32
That is just too damned big for Pattaya, IMHO. I pray that safety standards are strictly observed in the construction of this behemoth.

April 18th, 2006, 13:33
Yeah, but will they let you hang your underwear on the balcony?
And, oh, what a jump!
Any idea how much per square meter?

I don't have any problem with over development in the Jomtaya/Pattien area. If you want pristine, there are always boats to the islands.
Bring it on!

April 18th, 2006, 13:35
...but not a drop to drink? Will it have its own desalination plant, or a very long queue of trucks bringing in water during the next drought?
Seriously, is there any plan for infrastructure to support such a massive development, or is it MAI BPEN RAI?
On the positive side, the views will be magnificent.

April 18th, 2006, 14:14
OCEAN ONE Tower, boasts a variety of (7) different plans to choose from, that offer spacious balconies and interesting mix of layouts.

STUDIOS : 50 Sq.m - 60 Sq.m
1 Bedroom+ : 120 Sq.m тАУ 170 Sq.m
2 Bedroom+ : 200 Sq.m тАУ 300 Sq.m
3 Bedromm+ : 300 Sq.m тАУ 380 Sq.m
Duplex Penthouse : 800 Sq.m тАУ 1200 Sq.m
Penthouse : 880 Sq.m

http://upload3.postimage.org/124541/majestic4.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/124541/photo_hosting.html)

April 18th, 2006, 19:33
View Talay residences 3 and 4 are just being completed next door to this monster. They're selling at 60,000 baht per square meter (as I remember), although you may get an offer to sell at 52,000. There's a two-lane road in front of these residences now. It's not particularly busy. But, can you imagine what will happen with a 91 story building here? There's no evidence of plans for road improvement. There's no other road to provide services to this building either. So, stand by for huge numbers of very large trucks beginning in June '06 when they start work here. Stand by for noise, dust, congestion.

Bye-bye quiet, peaceful Jomtien. Time to move farther down the beach I fear.

April 18th, 2006, 19:56

I see it's been designed by Australians. Looks like it's going to suffer from the same geological problem that Australia does. It's above sea level.

April 18th, 2006, 20:48
Any idea how much per square meter?

Sales office is temporary closed for Pattaya Songkran Festival and will opens again on April 20th.

The price starts from 125000 тВм for 1 bedroom. Yes, it's about 5,800,000 baht for 1 bedroom.
Right now they have sold 79 units already, yes...even it hasnt been officially launched yet..

April 18th, 2006, 21:40
Hmmm, 573 apartments and I count only 8 elevators. That's 1 elevator per 73 apartments. Enterprising somtam vendors could set up shop on each floor to cater to the hungry crowds waiting, and waiting, and waiting....

April 18th, 2006, 23:32
From what I have heard IT WILL BE MAGNIFANT, Just what the sex city of world needs.
It will have it's own decel / plant, parking, 5 star shops, Plus ,Plus , Plus,
If it is Aussie built , it will be great, as safe as the Opera House Or Sydney Harbour bridge.
I have been told that the cost will be about 100,000 bht per sq, meter.
But you can check that out with the sale office. When open.
I would love to own the roof top garden as a gay venue, I can just see it now,
MONTY'S,( I Can Dream)
SH, SH, SH, Don't tell L.M.T.U.
I have nicked his reading glasses So HE Can NOT Read This Post.

April 19th, 2006, 00:17
Three years ago I took many clients to view properties in Pattaya and the lucky ones bought condos, houses and land there. They have all made at least 100% profit, and in some cases even more, on their investments. Not that they are selling. They are sitting tight because they can see that the boom has only just started.

This month the Majestic Group announced they are building the 2nd tallest building in the world at Jomtien beach. Called Majestic Tower, it will soar more than half a mile up into the clouds. The starting price for a small unit on the lower end will start at 110,000 Baht/SqMeter. I don't have details yet on the cost of the 3 Penthouse units, but you can bet the price will be as high as the units are up in the air.

With developments like La Royale, The Sails, Northshore, Northpoint, and now Majestic Tower all under construction, Pattaya is poised to join the big leagues.

http://www.holt-realty.com/holt-realty- ... -feb06.php (http://www.holt-realty.com/holt-realty-newsletter-feb06.php)

April 19th, 2006, 02:06
I am unable to discern where this tower is to be located. From Amaretto's picture, I can't even figure out where the ocean is. Can someone help me out?

April 19th, 2006, 04:23
The photo Amaretto posted is looking North East from roughly the top of the Jomtien Complex, or those Condos nearer the beach next to the Jomtien Complex (name escapes me). In the lower left corner are the balconied buildings of the Jomtien Complex. The Trapraya Road can be seen also. The blue canvas looking area is the outdoor restaurants at the statue at the curve of Trapraya Road. The Family Mart is across the soi from the outdoor restaurants. You can see the Jomtien Palm Beach Resort on the lower right of the photo. This resort is near Jomtien Beach Road, on the right out of the photo, and the ocean is beyond that.

The unnamed building to the immediate left of View Talay Residence 1 in the photo is the Jomtien Revenue Office. The soi I was talking about in my post can be seen running past this building and the other View Talay Residence Condominiums. (The yellow buildings). The blank area across the street from Residence 2 (down right in the photo) is where the Tower will be. It's not a very big lot actually.

The street takes a hard turn (not visible in the photo) just past the Revenue Office, and goes past the new Aiyaree(sp?) hotel (the multi story L-shaped building with cupola in the photo), then takes another hard turn to get to Trapraya Road. You can see a bus on this road in the photo.

Behind the tower of the Jomtien Palm Beach Resort, and just to the right of View Talay Residence 4 is the new Immigration office. I think u can see a little of the shops associated with this office in the photo.

April 19th, 2006, 04:39
I wonder if Al Qaeda will fly a plane into this fat phallic symbol of decadence located in the heart of Thailand's farang sponsored whore town? Oh why go to all that trouble, a couple of trucks loaded up with fertilizer and petroleum will do.

April 19th, 2006, 08:08
Hmmm, 573 apartments and I count only 8 elevators.

Check again: Two of those appear to be service elevators. It looks like there is one elevator lobby with a bank of three elevators for high floors, and another elevator lobby with a bank of three elevators for lower floors?

April 19th, 2006, 14:03
Even worse then. One elevator per 95 apartments. Will people living on the higher floors have their own elevators? Imagine 40 stops before you get up to your place during the apres beach rush hour. It looks it will be some sort of View Talay senior citizens warehouse stood upright, rather than some 5 star tralala.

April 19th, 2006, 14:24
Sounds like a lot of sour grapes. The place sounds fabulous. I wish I could afford it!

April 19th, 2006, 17:17
That would mean at least 40 people on the elevator. My Gawd!! Even the lifts are gigantic.

April 20th, 2006, 02:59
http://upload3.postimage.org/135513/Thesite3.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/135513/photo_hosting.html)

http://upload3.postimage.org/135516/Thesite4.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/135516/photo_hosting.html)

The road in front of the site
http://upload3.postimage.org/135521/Thesite5.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/135521/photo_hosting.html)

Skyline : the future
http://upload3.postimage.org/135551/Thesite2.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/135551/photo_hosting.html)

April 20th, 2006, 10:19
"I can announce that the jomtium Beach Road you know today, will be no longer be the unkept fishing village style resort, you once knew, as Developers from UK< USA, Dubai to Australia and Hong Kong, are now eyeing it up, to turn Jomtium into a Luxury Classy 5 Star Miami Dubai, Sky Scraper Resort, you will not believe"

With developments like La Royale, The Sails, Northshore, Northpoint, and now Majestic Tower all under construction, Pattaya is poised to join the big leagues.

I find this to be a very interesting issue because there are so many things involved here. First of all why Pattaya? What is the draw here ? Does Pattaya have the nicest beaches in all of Thailand? I don't think so. Is it the night life? maybe. Is there that many sex tourist that would spend that kind of money to own a second home?Lets face it sex is the # 1 draw to that area. Are there really that many people who want to retire in Pattata and could afford to do so in such an expensive development? I would guess most that buy are not retired.There are so many issues here I wounder how this would really work out. With developers trying to draw the Ellette upper class to this area would they really be happy here? The beaches are nice but are also small and are not from what I can see maintained them very well. They have spent money to fix them up but then they just leave them to fall apart. (open or broken storm drain lids that many can fall in for example). Can it handle such a population boom? Traffic is bad enough now what will it be like once all these building are done? From what I see crime is on a rise and the police are being accused of corruption and seem to not be doing a antiquate job. Does Pattaya have a construction inspector?Seems to me so many construction jobs are being started and allot fail to be finished all over the place (side walks, building, parks etc.) To me Pattaya falls short in ares like city services like garbage collection, street cleaning, wild dogs and beach and park maintenance to name a few. Is all this a Rodeo Dr like they say in the article or will it just be confined to that building.With Pattaya being they way it is now will all these upper class farangs want to buy there and be satisfied with they way Pattaya is. The good news is this will open up allot of jobs for the Thai people with plenty of money to be maid and allot of business opportunity there also.To me this is a make or break type of project if all goes well you can forget the cheap days of living in Pattaya because the prices for everything will be going up dramatically and those on a fixed budget for retirement will be hard pressed. This also could be a huge flop like the Jontiem complex was 10 yrs ago (but just now is recovering). I don't know to me this is a very interesting issue and will surly change Pattaya as we know it for better or worse. With all this said I love Pattaya and in no way am I trying to downgrade it I'm just wondering how this will change it and if the upper class will love it for what is it as well.

April 20th, 2006, 11:58
Putting this "Majestic" monstrosity in Jomtien is obscene. There is no way the infrastructure can support this kind of development. Hua Hin is looking better and better.

April 20th, 2006, 12:20
Putting this "Majestic" monstrosity in Jomtien is obscene. There is no way the infrastructure can support this kind of development. Hua Hin is looking better and better.
You are correct.
It is obscene. This is Pattaya.

Time Magazine Asia said it quite well:
Which kind will Pattaya get? It doesn't actually matter. Pattaya has no historical buildings to preserve, no culture to erode. An invented place is free to reinvent itself, although Pattaya will probably always be a tabloid town with broadsheet pretensions.


April 20th, 2006, 12:45
My god what if there was a fire there. I have never seen a ambulance let alone a large enough fire ladder truck.

April 20th, 2006, 14:44

April 20th, 2006, 17:22
Called Majestic Tower, it will soar more than half a mile up into the clouds.

Help me out with the math here, fellows. The building is advertised as 91 floors. There are 2,640 feet in a half-mile. So.... each floor averages 29 feet (8.8 meters) in height??

And, that is assuming that the hype meant from the ground. If they meant from the bottom of the cloud layer, it's even more amazing.

April 21st, 2006, 06:28
Tallest building in the world is Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan (of course) and it's 1676 feet tall. That's considerably less than half a mile (2640 feet).
Most of the high rises are approximately 10 feet per story (usually first few stories are taller) so I'd guess it would be about
950 feet high if it's 91 stories. Still, of course, way too tall for the neighborhood......

April 21st, 2006, 09:19

April 21st, 2006, 10:12
I don't believe it can be finished in that time, that 2.14 floors per month,
there is a 5 floor hotel being built across the road from Monty's B&B , they have 40 to 80 people working on it 7 days a week, it might be open in 18 months.
I think it is back to the drawing boards,
I am all for this New Condo, But put out the right facts, if you want people to invest in it.
If it is OPEN in Dec 2009. I will buy you all a drink.
I hope I live long enough to see it finished.

April 22nd, 2006, 02:41
http://upload3.postimage.org/148016/MAJESTICTOWER4.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/148016/photo_hosting.html)

April 22nd, 2006, 12:53

April 23rd, 2006, 20:36
The tallest residential building in the world, is, at the present time, Q1 TOWER, Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise, Australia - 88 stories tall.

April 26th, 2006, 02:07
I'd guess it would be about 950 feet high if it's 91 stories. Still, of course, way too tall for the neighborhood......

It will be

345 Meters = 1132 Feet

April 26th, 2006, 10:56

April 26th, 2006, 20:41
I'd guess it would be about 950 feet high if it's 91 stories. Still, of course, way too tall for the neighborhood......

It will be

345 Meters = 1132 Feet


You are very knowledgable on this subject I have noticed. Anything to do with it or just got a hang-up about tall buildings?

Hi John,

I am just remembering what happened in Jomtien on July 11, 1997.

"At approximately 10:20 a.m. on July 11,1997, a fire began in a ground-floor coffee shop at the Royal Jomtien Resort at Jomtien Beach in Thailand.The fire killed 91 hotel guests and staff and seriously injured 51. It was reported that 11 volunteer rescuers responding to the incident were also killed when their pickup truck was involved in an accident...."

I fear, don't you ?

April 26th, 2006, 20:59
ditto Aunty, need some horse shit?

April 26th, 2006, 23:12
This building is going up whether you like it or not. Pattaya isn't standing still for anyone..more people means more farangs means more traffic jams and more boys flocking into town.

..and more cars to hire out Mr B.!..more customers at Montys'..more tourists to be dazzled by LMTU.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

April 27th, 2006, 14:38
3,000 Bangkok Buildings Confirmed Gravely Unsafe

3,000 buildings in Bangkok are dangerous and are under particular threat from fire. The government does not name which buildings, fearing a wave of law suites.

Thousands of Bangkok buildings gravely unsafe
List declared TOP SECRET

BANGKOK: Authorities in Thailand's teeming capital have listed 3,000 high-rise buildings as gravely unsafe saying many are under particular threat from fire, according to a press report.

The Bangkok buildings threatening public safety have not been named for fear of inciting a wave of law suits against the city, the president of the Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) reportedly said.

"The state simply says there are 3,000 unsafe buildings in Bangkok and stops at that," EIT's Totrakul Yomnak told the Bangkok Post.

"They fear being hit with defamation suits, so they say nothing."

Concern over Bangkok's high-rises surged with the collapse earlier this month of part of a city department store which killed one person and injured six others.

The building's owners had been ordered years ago to tear down its top floors as they were built illegally, and the collapse sparked concern that several city skyscrapers had violated the law or skirted construction regulations.

EIT's chairman Pichaya Chatranuwat was cited as slamming the lack of standardized fire prevention systems in the structures and said it was vital to raise the safety of buildings in the city, which is home to some 10 million people.

Thai hotels have been known to lock fire exits, while department stores block them with merchandise, he said.

"We should place our focus on the fire problem," Pichaya said in the English-language daily.

"Previous records have shown that most tragic incidents in high-rise buildings involved this type of accident."

He pointed to a deadly 1997 fire in the Royal Jomtien Hotel in the beach resort of Pattaya south of Bangkok, which killed 91 people.

-- Source: AFP 2004-06-20

April 27th, 2006, 14:46
Why not have a fire consultant survey the building for vulnerability / preparedness before buying a unit?

April 27th, 2006, 14:57
A fter motor vehicle accidents and domestic homicide, Thais are most likely to die from fire related accident at home, work or even in very public places such as shopping malls and hotels. There are on average about 3,000 reported fire accidents each year in Bangkok. These accidents are few in proportion to the city's population, but even a minor accident can left disastrious consequences. The risk of human casualty is far greater in a place like Bangkok if one take into consideration the urban density and poor safety standards. Although big skyscrapers 'inferno' are few it's not altogether uncommon. With many unscrupulous businessmen making illegal extension to buildings, not wanting to invest in the building's warning device, and other forms of negligence can be attributed to the poor fire safety records in Thailand. Government agencies and businesses now only begining to get serious on this issue. And this only come after a series of catastropic incidents in Thailand that occurred in recent years already claimed the lives of many innocent victims. On July 15, 1997 a fiery inferno broke out at the 36 storey Meridien President tower in downtown Bangkok. The accident occurred only days before the building was to be officially opened. The fire was believed to have started by an electrical fault in the building's air conditioning unit. At the time this accident occured, the safety system, including alarm and smoke detector were all switched off. Luckily the fire was contained in just over two hours and the building escaped any serious structural damages.
http://upload3.postimage.org/183000/pratunamfire.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/183000/photo_hosting.html)
http://upload3.postimage.org/183001/lpinferno1.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/183001/photo_hosting.html)

Thick billowing clouds of smoke coming out of the tower blackened the whole downtown area. Luckily the emergency rescue arrived at the scene quickly. Many people in the building were swift to safety by the helicopter. Even then, the rescue attempt was a near disaster - it came very close to more tragedy when the helicopter's pilot was blinded temporarily by the smoke and the chopper's tail rammed into the building's glassed facade. But eventually the pilot recovered and managed manoever away from the building and make successful crash landing at a nearby sportsground. The evacuer and evacuee were quickly treated at nearby hospital from burnt and smoke inhalation. Overall, there were only three fatalities in this incident.

In that same year, a fire also broke out at the Royal Jomtien Resort Hotel in the coastal city of Pattaya. This is a less fortunate incident with over 90 casualties, 11 of whom non-Thai nationals. The building's fire exit were 'accidentally' locked and so many people were trapped inside the building. State agencies were partly to blame for the high death toll in this incident. Pattaya City was poorly equipped with fire-fighting equipment to combat fires in the highrise zone (buildings over 10 storeys high). It took over 45 minutes for the first crane truck and helicopter to arrive at the scene from Bangkok. People outside the hotel can only watched in horror as the fire engulf the building and people scream for help. One tourist on a honeymoon watched his wife plunge to her death , when she made a desperate but failed attempt to flee the building from the ninth floor. This accident shocked the whole country and greatly damaged the reputation of this fun-loving seaside resort city. The local hotel association moved quickly to revoke licenses to 16 other medium sized hotels that was found to have no warning system installed at all. The government also enacted new legislation in a vain attempt to prevent another similar tragedy to occur.

Perhaps the biggest such tragedy ever recorded in Thailand was the fire at the 16 storey Royal Plaza Hotel (Nakhon Ratchasima) in 1993, which claimed 137 lives and left hundreds injured. The fire has causes the building to collapse. This building was later proved to have been illegally modified and thus making it structurally unsound (it was also rumoured that the building - 15 storey high when it was approved for construction - were modified to 16 floors because some hotel guests are superstitious about the level 13th) . Fifteen people in charge of the hotel's management were found guilty of serious negligence and thus sentenced to life imprisonment. Less fortunate are those who lost their loved ones through the tragedy and a number of those who survived but suffered permanent disability.
http://upload3.postimage.org/183007/pattayafire.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/183007/photo_hosting.html)

April 27th, 2006, 15:08
Every country in the world has examples of similar disasters.

Bottom line: have someone inspect the building before you buy, keep a couple of those cheap smoke masks on hand (most fire victims die from inhalation rather than heat), and take your chances.

April 27th, 2006, 20:36
Come on live dangerously..don't you see yourself as a nicer, chicer type of queen ?..get your 91st storey condo while they're still cheap, before they cut off your pension..

New Fire Precautions Revealed :

http://upload3.postimage.org/184536/1.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/184536/photo_hosting.html)

April 28th, 2006, 09:28
Speaking of potential high-rise tragedies in Thailand, how did the Hilton manage to open their new hotel across the Chao Phraya river from the Sheraton when it apparently had an unsafe construction (foundation? when it was originally built (as a Sofitel?)?

April 28th, 2006, 09:44
That was a stupid expat barstool rumor. There was never anything wrong with the foundation.

May 4th, 2006, 13:16
New condo tower going up in Atlanta, more proof that condo towers can be VERY LOVELY:
http://www.ajc.com/news/content/busines ... 0504a.html (http://www.ajc.com/news/content/business/stories/BizAtlantic0504a.html)

July 5th, 2006, 17:37
Ocean tower 01, the website is under construction : www.ocean1tower.com/ (http://www.ocean1tower.com/)

July 5th, 2006, 19:47
" ... I am unable to discern where this tower is to be located. From Amaretto's picture, I can't even figure out where the ocean is. Can someone help me out? ... "


Cheers ...

July 23rd, 2006, 02:55
http://upload4.postimage.org/669085/OCEAN1_2_.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/669085/photo_hosting.html)

July 23rd, 2006, 11:28
it's going up and selling like hotcakes..believe me I have investigated every aspect of it.

This will be one of the best if not finest buildings in Asia..what it spells for Jomtien and the madness of Pattaya I do not know but the fun will remain for many years yet. Make the most of it and snap up any old run down shack you can in Jomtien if you want a good investment.

July 27th, 2006, 06:20
Final planning permission granted for the тАЬOcean One TowerтАЭ.

A meeting now from Pattaya City Hall, convened to discuss planning permission for a major new condominium which is due to be constructed on Jomtien Beach. It is called the Ocean One Tower and Plaza and will the the tallest building in Thailand and the tallest residential tower in the World. It will be a 91 floor building with a planned height of 345 Meters comprising 587 units. The developer of this project is Siam Best Enterprises Ltd who were represented at the meeting by a team led by Mr. Bruno Pingal. The K-Tech company will construct the tower and the entire project is costing a staggering 6 Billion Baht and is due to be completed by September 2009. Final planning permission was granted at this meeting and construction can now begin.

www.pattayacitynews.net/news_26_07_49.htm (http://www.pattayacitynews.net/news_26_07_49.htm)

July 27th, 2006, 08:06
I am glad that there are no earthquakes in Thailand.

July 27th, 2006, 09:26
But there ARE earthquakes in Thailand.

July 27th, 2006, 09:31
" ... But there ARE earthquakes in Thailand ... "
Yes there are. And here's a solution I presented some time ago. but which made the touters of this tasteless horror commence to become beside themselves.
From an engineering standpoint, I still think it has merit.


Bangkok feels earthquake - January 23, 2003 ( http://2bangkok.com/quakes2.shtml )

Reports from the Post and The Nation. As usual, the Post's article is a "just the facts, ma'am" story. It seems recently many Post articles are based only on info from dry official MCOT press releases (a previous example). The Nation does a better job explaining the local mood (albeit in delightfully broken English--skycreepers of Bangkok). They even mention the "panic" 2b first reported yesterday: Many of them rang their friends and families while some rang the public service FM 100 radio stations asking for what happened, expressing their feeling and opinions. The panic reduced after the authorities announced through breaking news about the cause of vibration and said the situation is not that crisis. In Bangkok, the panic occurred in the centre of the city including the prime commercial areas like Siam Square, Silom and Sukhumvit. The similar but less degree panic had also reported in the central of Phuket, Songkhla, Trang and Satun.

Bangkok panic - January 22, 2003
11:17 am - Rumors are swirling through town now of buildings listing, or earthquakes, or tremors of some types moving through the city... We have confirmed one of the towers at Mahboonkrong has been evacuated after experiencing some kind of tremor.
11:30 am - Some buildings along Silom have been evacuated. And things are getting ridiculous. Building management where we are now (at Sathorn Road) just told us to "expect an earthquake in 1 hour." Thai-language radio is also mention some kind of shaking being felt in highrises in town.
11:58 am - Mexico City experienced a strong earthquake a couple hours ago and CNN is reporting large crowds milling around evacuated buildings. Their story was posted at about 10:37 am Bangkok time. Shortly after that buildings here started to be evacuated. Could this story have been misheard and then spread as a rumor causing many to believe Bangkok is experiencing earthquakes?
16:07 pm - The Nation and Thai Rath reports: Earthquake hits northern Sumatra, felt in Thai capital and MCOT says: People in high buildings in Sathon, Silom, Ploenchit, Sukhumvit, Bang Na, Klong Toey, and Lat Phrao areas could felt of the quake. And here it is on the USGS page. It struck at 10:30am.

Cheers ...

July 27th, 2006, 11:18
First all all stand by for 3 years of dust, noise, traffic jams with this new development. Can you say GRIDLOCK?

I don't know who (in their right mind) would chance purchasing property with the political climate in Thailand.

Anti- farang this and anti-farang that.... :albino: <<reminds me of the silly rabbit all over the Sunee buildings.

Anyway, this is not the tallest condo/apartment building in the world. There are several in the planning stages. Below is just one example.

So what is the selling point of having a high standing condo/apartment? Guess I worry to much about silly things like fires and earth quakes.

Below is just one of many developments that are far taller than the one going in at Jomtiem.

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"Burj Dubai is set to be the world's tallest building and the centerpiece of the Gulf regions most prestigious urban development, entitled Downtown Dubai. The Arabic meaning for the word Burj is 'tower', which gives Burj Dubai a meaning of 'Dubai Tower' or 'Tower of Dubai'. Its exact height hasn't been disclosed but it has been confirmed that it will be over 700 meters tall and its design was influenced by the six petal desert flower.

>>>>Jomtiem Ocean 1 is what ...345 meters??? Not even close. Whoever posts this nonsense should be slapped hard>>>>> bb

Burj Dubai is being constructed on Sheikh Zayed Road, just after the first interchange (Defense Roundabout) and it will be surrounded by a man-made lake. It will also be surrounded by a combination of residential, commercial, hotel, entertainment and leisure outlets, along with open green spaces, water features, and pedestrian boulevards.

Burj Residence (The Residence)
The Burj Dubai Residence will be one the residential area of Downtown Dubai containing nine luxury freehold apartment towers with open water, calming greenery, state-of-the-art gyms, pools and spas. These towers will contain 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites, penthouses, or villas.

Old Town
This development is located at the foot of Burj Dubai and will contain a variety of freehold properties, from low-rise three storey apartment buildings to exclusive mid-rise towers with penthouses. It will have traditional architecture and will have comfortable outdoor living areas like terraces and balconies. The development will also contain restaurant from five-star dining to outdoor cafes overlooking parks and waterways.

The Lofts (Loft Living)
The Lofts will be a series of double-storey freehold apartments along the 3.5 km (2.2 miles) long, 73 meter (240 feet) wide Burj Dubai Boulevard. It will be situated within an exclusive 3-tower complex of 27 to 30 storeys and raised from a 6-storey podium. The Lofts tower complex will offer one and two bedroom units with a maximum of 6 suites per floor, each with panoramic windows and outdoor balconies.

Dubai Mall
Downtown Dubai's major retail outlet will also be the world's largest shopping mall, which will cover 9 million square feet (836 thousand square meters). Burj Dubai Mall will have areas for leisure pursuits, including a world-class aquarium, fashion show arena, gold souk and an ice rink, as it intends to revolutionize the modern shopping experience".

Expected Completion Date - In 2008
Real Estate Developer - Emaar Properties
Location - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

July 27th, 2006, 11:59
I cant help but think this tower will bring a rising tide of price apreciation to jomtien.What properties are good buys?A realtor at East Coast Properties mentioned Jomtien condotel as being cheap beachfront property.Im thinking its too old a property myself but its a nice location.When I was looking at a unit at Star Beach the concrete was crumbling under my feet,love their pool though.Alas too far from the water.Ill be at Pattaya properties to get the low down on Ocean Towers. in a couple weeks,will also find out about my VT5 unit and if Ill keep it.I might forgo my unit and see if I can get one guaranteed for a foreigner,Ill miss the 21st floor view though.I know there are many doubters about real estate in LOS,but theres so much cash shuffling around out there looking for a place to park it.We will see,maybe you doubters will be right and there will be a glut and a crash,only time will tell.

July 27th, 2006, 13:15
".... in a couple weeks,will also find out about my VT5 unit and if Ill keep it.I might forgo my unit and see if I can get one guaranteed for a foreigner,Ill miss the 21st floor view though.I know there are many doubters about real estate in LOS,but theres so much cash shuffling around out there looking for a place to park it.We will see,maybe you doubters will be right and there will be a glut and a crash,only time will tell."......I spoke to the folks at View Talay 2 weeks ago. If you are a foreigner who has purchased in VT3 or VT5 and you have a one-year VISA and you have made final payment and you give VT power of attorney, then VT will get the title deed in your name at the Land Office. You don't have to be there in person. This "guarantee" is for VT3 or VT5 units only.

July 27th, 2006, 18:37
Here is another website with much discussing Ocean One Tower...

Skyscraper City website - message board:

http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthrea ... e=12&pp=20 (http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=339262&page=12&pp=20) .

The photos are incredible and detailed...


July 27th, 2006, 18:46
So rocket...why do you think the sudden appeance of hundreds of new condos onto the Pattaya market (when/if this building is finished) will result in the prices of older units going up?

July 27th, 2006, 21:16
..../apartment? "..the view perhaps !

"Guess I worry to much about silly things like fires and earth quakes."

I remember all this talk when from when I was just a small girl in Chicago and the first skyscrapers went up in the 1920's..the "end of civilization as we know it" people claimed.

July 27th, 2006, 22:53
Anyway, this is not the tallest condo/apartment building in the world. There are several in the planning stages. Below is just one example.

Below is just one of many developments that are far taller than the one going in at Jomtiem.

"Burj Dubai is set to be the world's tallest building and the centerpiece of the Gulf regions most prestigious urban development, entitled Downtown Dubai. The Arabic meaning for the word Burj is 'tower', which gives Burj Dubai a meaning of 'Dubai Tower' or 'Tower of Dubai'. Its exact height hasn't been disclosed but it has been confirmed that it will be over 700 meters tall and its design was influenced by the six petal desert flower.

>>>>Jomtiem Ocean 1 is what ...345 meters??? Not even close. Whoever posts this nonsense should be slapped hard>>>>> bb

We are talking about the World's tallest residential tower.
Ocean 1 will be the tallest residential tower, the Burj tower is a commercial tower.

July 28th, 2006, 00:09
I don't mind you quoting the tidbits but at least copy and paste the important parts////

Here is what you left out that to me sounds like apartment towers to me.......

Burj Residence (The Residence)
The Burj Dubai Residence will be one the residential area of Downtown Dubai containing nine luxury freehold apartment towers with open water, calming greenery, state-of-the-art gyms, pools and spas. These towers will contain 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites, penthouses, or villas.

So what you are saying is that the Burj Dubai Residences are not residences at all?

That the freehold apartment towers are not towers?

Sorry, but I disagree

July 28th, 2006, 01:05

Maybe we are splitting hairs here, but are you suggesting that O1 is 100% condos and no commercial business will be housed in this building--if so I stand corrected.

On the other hand, I have never heard of any tall buildings 50 stories--60 stories whatever not having some commercial interests (businesses) in the complex.

As I said, there are dozens of high rise buildings that have condos--apartments or hotel rooms in their respective towers alot taller than this O1 building that you speak of.

Try this website that shows an old tower in Chicago and is taller than O1 plans to be.


I still stand on my post that this O1 tower blitz is not all together true. I hope this PR company doesn't make further mis-statements about O1.

I guess my point here is for the buyer to be very very careful before buying property in Thailand, no matter how much hype and cute websites there are.

July 28th, 2006, 02:10
We are talking about the World's tallest residential tower.
Ocean 1 will be the tallest residential tower, the Burj tower is a commercial tower.

Not so.

If you look at the plans you will see that the first two floors of 01 are going the be a shopping mall.

July 28th, 2006, 14:41
Elton John as your neighbour..in Dubai all you will get is Michael Jackson and all those annoying children.

July 28th, 2006, 14:46
Elton John as your neighbour..in Dubai all you will get is Michael Jackson and all those annoying children.

That's right!

And do you know what time is bedtime at Micheal Jackson's place? When the big hand is on the little hand.

July 28th, 2006, 19:48
I looked at the floor plans from the web site and frankly, am not impressed:

In a 50 sq meter studio, do you really want part of that eaten up with a tiny "maids quarter" bedroom with no windows???

In the one-bedroom plan, not sure of the sq meters, there is again a windowless square room with what looks like conference room furniture suggested???

Or, are those just "suggested" finished versions with the unit sold as a bare unit a la View Talay units?

August 3rd, 2006, 01:04
Gtpm: Pattaya Today-

Posted by Admin / 1. August 2006, 01:39

An artistтАЩs impression of Ocean 1 Tower
Ocean 1 Tower breaks all records Within four years, Pattaya will be able to boast a most remarkable residential building. Known as Ocean 1 it will, in fact, be the 20th tallest building in the world overall (dwarfing anything in Europe, South America, Africa or Australia) and the tallest residential tower - 91 floors - in any of the five continents bar none. And it will be the tallest building in all of Thailand. Pattaya city council, at a full meeting on July 25, heard a presentation from Siam Best Enterprises Company Limited and gave the go ahead in principle for the gigantic residential project which will be located on a prime site on second road overlooking Jomtien beach, and not far from the immigration police office.

Bruno Pingel, chairman of Siam Best Enterprises, said afterwards, тАЬThis one building will change the whole image of Pattaya. When people worldwide think of the resort even now, they still tend to think in terms of bars and entertainment. From 2010, the anticipated completion date, Pattaya and Jomtien will become famous for having the tallest residential tower block in the world.
Bruno Pingle of Siam Best Enterprises
And thatтАЩs progress.тАЭ Bruno also leads the management team of Pattaya Properties Company Limited, which has established a reputation for innovation and comprehensive service with such nearby developments as View Talay Villas, View Talay Residence and Majestic Residence, all located in a highly prominent position at Jomtien beach. The total investment is in the region of five billion baht and will include 611 condominiums ranging from studios, one, two and three bedroom apartments plus one penthouse and two duplex penthouses. The Wave pattern is a dynamic combination of architecture and design to produce a landmark on the skyline which will become internationally famous. The architect Woods Bagot were given a brief to make a landmark residential building which in addition would be тАЬgreenтАЭ and include as many energy saving ideas as possible. For example, in the elevated zone, each balcony will have an automated system which will close balconies in high winds for safety. A recycling water system means that the water will be purified and reused, whilst hot air from the air conditioning system will provide self sufficient hot water. Double glazed windows will be fitted as standard. The anticipated financial returns on the project are enormous. It is expected to generate 800,000,000 baht to transfer taxes, whilst VAT income will be a similar amount. Sales to foreigners could generate $US 200,000,000 in foreign currency income. Thousands of jobs will be created for Thai families and the tower is bound to become a tourist attraction in its own right, boosting income to local businesses. Ocean 1, once completed, looks set to put Pattaya and Jomtien really on the big time map.

August 4th, 2006, 20:58
Pattaya Mail
Ariyawat Nuamsawat
Pattaya City Council has given its approval to the construction of a 91-story condominium tower on Jomtien Beach Road, a project that would be the tallest residential premises in the world.
Mayor Niran Watthanasartsathorn put the matter before the council during a meeting on July 25, asking them to study the proposal by Bruno PingelтАЩs Siam Best Enterprises Co Ltd to construct the 91-floor Plaza Ocean 1 Tower.
Niran said the building would be 305 meters high and have a total of 600 units, and that there would be a two-floor plaza structure 14.80 meters in height. The buildings would occupy a 17,000 square meter site and be constructed under a proposed budget of eight billion baht.
The project operators have already carried out studies on environmental effects and submitted them to the Office of Environmental Policy. But because of the high-rise nature of the project, the Office had requested information on PattayaтАЩs policies on high-rise buildings control, and had also requested Pattaya City CouncilтАЩs opinions on the proposed project.
Many members raised their concerns and objected to the project, stating landscape changes and the capacity of public utilities to handle such a large premises. Problems were foreseen with drainage, waste, traffic flow and electric power which could affect those living nearby and the future public works capacities. Even at present capacities, the city experiences water treatment and waste disposal problems, council members pointed out.
Siam Best Enterprises, however, said that they would implement proper systems to manage such aspects and that the project would help to attract tourism and increase employment cash flow. Finally, Pattaya City Council agreed to the project, and once full official approval is given work would begin immediately. Plaza Ocean 1 Tower would take four years to complete.

August 5th, 2006, 00:07
I won’t say this again, but as nice as these promotions sound, this is not the tallest residence tower or building in the world. Far from it.

If you google “tallest building or towers” you will see that O1 doesn’t even fit the description of a tower let alone the tallest residential tower. It is closer to a building according to International standards.

If in fact the O1 didn’t plan to have commercial businesses inside, then it may and I repeat MAY be one of the tallest residential / commercial buildings in the world (under construction) but that isn’t the case according to the promo information.

You guys that copy and paste everything you see without verifying the content should be a little more prudent, especially with the sources you use. Pattaya Mail??? Pattaya People?? Give me a break, they will print anything as long as you pay the piper. THINK PAYOLA !!!!

I realize that this enterprise involves a lot of companies that employ a lot of people and you will see all the flames about what I have stated above. Consider the poster and his sources. Don’t take my word—search Google......you will find out more than you really need to know about tall buildings in the world. While you are searching, try finding a Lawyer in your own Country who will tell you the truth about owning property in Thailand, especially with the current political situation at hand.

I will not comment any further on this topic. I have but four words for anyone considering buying ANYTHING in Thailand.....


Ok, let the vested businesses involved with this project start their counter-claims. :bom:

August 5th, 2006, 09:28
... that on Pattaya City News they mentioned that there would be a road widening programme between Pattaya & Jomtien. Very good for those who live in Jomtien but not so good for those who may be affected by the road works. Apparently any private properties affected by the road widening will be bought up (enforced I assume) and anyone living or owning a business on public land will simply be evicted.