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March 9th, 2010, 06:55
hi guys....
i'm sure i've seen posts before on how much living expenses are in Bangkok
but i can't find any recent threads.

i've visited for up to a month 5 times before, but have mostly been a tourist.
i'm planning a 6 month stay starting in april. i have plenty of income and
don't need to work in thailand. i'm just curious what your normal, real
monthly expenses are in bkk. anyone have an itemized budget, minuse the
boy bars, etc?


March 9th, 2010, 11:21
Since your major expense will probably be an apartment, that can run a wide range from 20,000 per month to infinity. Depending on the size, electric can run you 3000-10000 per month. Not sure where you are from but supermarket expenses will average out to the same as I pay in USA. Some things such as cheese are considerably more expensive and fruits and vegetables way less.

I find going out to western food restaurants comparable to USA but Thai restaurants make going out much less expensive. Transportation by BTS or taxi is cheap and how much to budget for will depend on the location of your apartment versus where you like to spend time.

Bottom line is it is impossible to answer your question without more info.

If you want to PM me with more detailed questions , I will try yo help you and also can give you my monthly expenses for the last 4 months living here but again not sure the relevance it has to you.

March 9th, 2010, 11:49
Since your major expense will probably be an apartment, that can run a wide range from 20,000 per month to infinity.

There are no places to live in Bangkok that are under 20K per month? Puhleeze.

March 9th, 2010, 14:59
Yeah, tough to answer your question, without an idea of what standard of living you think is acceptable. Your expenses can be 8000/month, and they can also be 500,000/month. Up to you.

I'd say the basics will cost you 20,000 - 30,000/month. That's nothing special, but will get you a small, clean place to stay, and food. Budget yourself for 60,000/month, and you should be fine, with more than enough money to go out and enjoy yourself when you want. Again, all depends on what you think an acceptable standard of living is. Do you need a nice 2 bdrm condo with hardwood floors, or is just a simple studio apartment ok? Are you ok with eating at a stall for 40 baht sometimes, or do you need a 500 baht meal three times a day?

March 9th, 2010, 17:06
i'm looking at a few apartments around 25,000 to 30,000 baht. not gonna rent a car,
i'd be crazy to try to even ride a motorbike in the city. i love eating at the food courts
but will go out with friends often too.

i'd just like to get a better idea of transportation costs with taxis and train, food
costs, going out, ... normal stuff, not the vacation style of spending when you're
buying a bottle for the boys at the bar or taking half a dozen thais to karaoke
every night. i'm not trying to live on a tight budget, just not interested in living
like a rock star for 6 months straight. thanks for your insights.

March 9th, 2010, 17:09
Andrew Ferrett: Bangkok Budget Apartment Guide. Over 400 apartments and condominium properties for rent in Central Bangkok. (2007) ISBN 9789740940340

Good properties below 30,000 Baht per month just arenтАЩt found easily. Owners find it unnecessary to advertise as there is a ready demand, and agents are more interested in the higher commissions. This book is designed to give you access to most of the interesting Bangkok properties in this price range. Aimed primarily at rents from 8,000 Baht upwards, we have included some rooms as low as 3,000 Baht where we felt it worth mentioning. http://www.dcothai.com/product_info.php?products_id=871

Bilingual Bangkok's Accommodation Guide. Over 600 hotels, serviced apartments, guesthouses and hotels (2008)
ISBN: 978-974-04-3043-8 http://www.thinknet.co.th/06/eng/product.html

March 9th, 2010, 17:26
Very interesting thread - can I widen it a little:

If we were to say, for argument's sake, that 100,000B a month would enable you to have a reasonably good lifestyle in BKK (all inclusive) then what would be the equivalent amount required for, say, Pattaya?

:bounce: :bounce:

March 9th, 2010, 20:52
I found that rental expense between Bangkok and Pattaya to be very similar for the same Sqm and quality/amenities. There are cheap places and expensive in both places. The only thing really cheaper in Pattaya is go-go off fees and drinks but not everyone lives for the go-go bars. Some say that Pattaya is a lot cheaper when it comes to expected tips or the negotiated fee for sex but not really. There's low end and high end options in Bangkok. You just have to know where to go. Transportation cost, restaurants, buying food and electric all costs about the same.

You can live the high life, the low life or something in between in either place. Bangkok, though, has more options.

You want to rent for 6 months? There's contracts available for 6 months but a lot more for the one and two year agreements and generally with better prices. The best way to find a place in my opinion is to walk and walk, ask and ask. Speak to one of the local Motocy boys and ask him what's for rent in the neighborhood. You can even have him take around to look and wait for a set price, something like 100-150 per hour or whatever you can negotiate. These motocy boys know the condo guards and some even know some of the going rates in the buildings. I am forever being asked what I pay per month when a motocy boy drops me off.

March 10th, 2010, 00:09
Transportation -- depends on where you live. One of my requirements was within walking distance to anywhere I'd want on a near daily basis (convenience store, coffee shop, maybe some restaurants and pubs, etc.). Other than 8 baht songkaews, and the occasional tuk-tuk when we go out for a night, we have no transportation costs. Maybe 1000 baht a month, and that's pushing it. If you're taking three taxis everyday though, then obviously, you're looking at more.

Food, again, all depends up to you. You can spend 3000 baht on one meal, and if you're really thrifty, can stretch that to last the entire month. I'd say on average, the two of us spend 250 baht a day on food, so say 8000 baht a month. And these days, we eat like kings, and delicious food as well (assuming you're ok with Thai food). I actually have to start cutting back, because I'm starting to gain a bit of weight, since Kim likes to order enough for four people.

That's the great thing about Thailand. We live dirt cheap, but we actually live like kings. I have a better standard of living here, than I did in Vancouver, and for probably 15% of the cost. For example, I couldn't imagine spending 15,000 baht on one night out again, which was somewhat common in Vancouver. Again, personally, I'd say with 60,000/month, you'll be alright to live a decent life, with being able to enjoy yourself every once in a while when wanted.

March 10th, 2010, 01:33

Thanks, that's really interesting, I had naively assumed that accommodation costs in BKK would be significantly higher than in Pattaya, but from what you say it seems not.



March 12th, 2010, 00:13
Food, again, all depends up to you. I'd say on average, the two of us spend 250 baht a day on food, so say 8000 baht a month. And these days, we eat like kings, and delicious food as well (assuming you're ok with Thai food)...... We live dirt cheap, but we actually live like kings.

The only "kings" who could eat on 8,000 baht a month for two are kings of the road - that's around my monthly budget for my dogs. In "local" style restaurants a reasonable bowl of noodles (gwitio) costs around 25 baht, and a reasonable plate of boiled rice and chicken, pork, etc (khao man gai, khao moo dang, khao kha moo) is 30 baht, khanom chiin 15 - 20 baht, and a small bottle of water 10 baht - slightly less outside Pattaya or Bangkok, but not much unless there is less meat and vegetables, and certainly not much less in a major town. My partner and I only eat twice a day, but if we "eat out" its usually a couple of bowls each (and at 55 and 75 kgs we are hardly fat); add in the usual "proper" meals cooked at home and some better quality dinners out (300 baht or so), plus some fruit, and a more reasonable budget (and a healthier diet) would be around 15,000 baht a month for two.

It all depends on how long you expect that piece of string to be .....

March 12th, 2010, 00:47
I don't know GF, not sure what to tell you. For example, today for lunch we went to the market, and it cost 60 baht. Not sure what we ate, as Kim takes care of that one. Then this night, we decided to go out for a nice dinner, and had "jaao haawn". For those who don't know, it's somewhat the same as Thai BBQ, but instead of getting a BBQ, you get a burner with a pot of broth, and you make your own soup with a bunch of raw meat and vegatables. It's delicious, and nowadays, by far my favorite Thai food. Anyway, that came to 140 baht.

Then later on, Kim grabbed some food off a stall which came to 50 baht, and that was it. So 250 baht exactly. Oh, I grabbed a bag of chips from 7/11, so that's what? An extra 20 baht, or something? And this is a night out. Some days we don't bother, and food ends up costing say 150 baht for the day.

I don't know, I honestly don't keep track of our living expenses, and I just know it's cheap. It's definitely far cheaper than the say 150,000 baht a month I was spending in Vancouver to live a "half-decent, but nothing special, and just getting by" life. Honestly, I would be fairly surprised to find out we spend more than 10,000 baht a month on food.

March 12th, 2010, 01:04
Not sure what we ate, as Kim takes care of that one.

You had no idea what you ate? Maybe we can help you figure it out.

First, was it animal, vegetable, or mineral? Was it bigger or smaller than your head?

March 12th, 2010, 08:09
For example, I couldn't imagine spending 15,000 baht on one night out again, which was somewhat common in Vancouver.

$500 for a night out? Hmmm, I would usually spend under $100 when I was in Toronto, and I am not a cheap charlie.

March 12th, 2010, 10:48
I rang my friend in Pattaya who has been looking around at condos as I thought the almost same price for BKK and Pattaya was strange. He stated that BKK condos are usually let long term whilst Pattaya a seaside resort, has more leased short term. Often weeks between tenants. He felt you would get better quality condo for the money in BKK than in Pattaya, but owners tend to like long term offers.

He would be interested what offers you get for 6 months only.

March 12th, 2010, 18:20
For example, I couldn't imagine spending 15,000 baht on one night out again, which was somewhat common in Vancouver.

$500 for a night out? Hmmm, I would usually spend under $100 when I was in Toronto, and I am not a cheap charlie.

Obviously it depends what you include on a "night out". Even if it only comprised some drinks, some decent food, and a few hours at a nightclub (and all ON YOUR OWN) then you would certainly not be able to do that for the equiv. of $100 in the UK.

If you were also looking for some commercial "action" you would be hard-pressed to be able to finance a wank for an additional $100.

:occasion9: :occasion9:

March 12th, 2010, 19:03
$500 for a night out? Hmmm, I would usually spend under $100 when I was in Toronto, and I am not a cheap charlie.

I guess $500 is on the high-end, but definitely possible. Go out and have a couple drinks starting at 4pm, followed by a nice dinner at the Keg or somewhere, then some stand-up comedy at Yuk-Yuk's, hit the liquor store before it closes to stock up, then off to the bars until 2am. Yeah, $500 is doable. I will admit, that's on the high-end though for a good night out.

March 12th, 2010, 22:33
I don't know GF, not sure what to tell you. For example, today for lunch we went to the market, and it cost 60 baht. Not sure what we ate, as Kim takes care of that one......

You are not sure what you ate? And you are complaining elsewhere about the Thai "up to you" attitude? Not totally unexpected, as the longer you are here the less you seem to have any grasp of what is going on around you at all. Maybe your mother-in-law's look of horror on meeting you for the first time had nothing to do with the missing wai, but was simply "Oh shit, is that farang kee nok the best my son could do for our pension plan?"

March 12th, 2010, 23:29
You are not sure what you ate? And you are complaining elsewhere about the Thai "up to you" attitude? Not totally unexpected, as the longer you are here the less you seem to have any grasp of what is going on around you at all. Maybe your mother-in-law's look of horror on meeting you for the first time had nothing to do with the missing wai, but was simply "Oh shit, is that farang kee nok the best my son could do for our pension plan?"

Beautiful GF......

March 13th, 2010, 13:07
For example, I couldn't imagine spending 15,000 baht on one night out again, which was somewhat common in Vancouver.

$500 for a night out? Hmmm, I would usually spend under $100 when I was in Toronto, and I am not a cheap charlie.

$150 is normal for an average night out... $300-$400 every now and then for a big night out. Don't think I'd ever spend $500 though. I mean... you'd need pay $250 for dinner then down $20 cocktails every half an hour the whole night to do that.

March 13th, 2010, 13:12
I don't know GF, not sure what to tell you. For example, today for lunch we went to the market, and it cost 60 baht. Not sure what we ate, as Kim takes care of that one......

You are not sure what you ate? And you are complaining elsewhere about the Thai "up to you" attitude? Not totally unexpected, as the longer you are here the less you seem to have any grasp of what is going on around you at all. Maybe your mother-in-law's look of horror on meeting you for the first time had nothing to do with the missing wai, but was simply "Oh shit, is that farang kee nok the best my son could do for our pension plan?"

I can't believe you guys are so pedantic you need to give him shit about not knowing what he was eating for that one meal.

It's insignificant. Who cares? A Thai guy took me to dinner at a Thai place earlier this week and I have no idea what he ordered either. I just suggested he order what he thought was good there since he was eager to show me the place. There was a big fish in some white coloured soup. Something to do with coconut. I forget what the rest of the dishes were. They were all delicious.

March 13th, 2010, 13:58
I can't believe you guys are so pedantic you need to give him shit about not knowing what he was eating for that one meal.

Don't worry. This is coming from people who probably almost always eat at farang-orientated restaurants, which have English on the menus. I'm not really allowed that luxury, because Kim won't eat farang food, and hates farang-orientated places. If I want to eat farang food, I'm on my own, plus I piss Kim off for eating by myself, leaving him to eat by himself. I mean, if we goto some market that has 50 small stalls / restaurants, each with dozens of things on the menu, how am I supposed to know what Kim orders? I just know it tastes good. :-)

I can generally read the menus these days, but I still don't know what any of the food is. I'm still learning, but will figure it out in time. For example, last night we had "dtawm yam puan kai" (р╕Хр╕нр╕бр╕вр╣Нр╕бр╕Ь р╕╕р╕▓р╕Зр╣Др╕Д -- yes, yes, I know that's not spelled correctly, it's my best guess). How am I supposed to know what that is?

It's like taking a rural Thai who doesn't speak English out to a Western restaurant, getting him say, filet mignon with scallops and crab cakes, then calling him stupid the next day because he can't remember the name of what he ate.

March 13th, 2010, 14:19
Don't worry. This is coming from people who probably almost always eat at farang-orientated restaurants, which have English on the menus. I'm not really allowed that luxury, because Kim won't eat farang food, and hates farang-orientated places. If I want to eat farang food, I'm on my own, plus I piss Kim off for eating by myself, leaving him to eat by himself. I mean, if we goto some market that has 50 small stalls / restaurants, each with dozens of things on the menu, how am I supposed to know what Kim orders? I just know it tastes good. :-)

That's a good point about the Thai menus.

You should probably ease towards a happy medium... Not quite fair if you can never eat farang food without pissing him off.

Maybe you should start encouraging him to push his comfort zone... with some things like farang food, farang places, flying, normal restaurants (instead of wheeled BBQs) etc... after all, he is 19, not 89.

I can generally read the menus these days, but I still don't know what any of the food is. I'm still learning, but will figure it out in time. For example, last night we had "dtawm yam puan kai" (р╕Хр╕нр╕бр╕вр╣Нр╕бр╕Ь р╕╕р╕▓р╕Зр╣Др╕Д -- yes, yes, I know that's not spelled correctly, it's my best guess). How am I supposed to know what that is?

You can read/write Thai characters already? That's impressive.

March 13th, 2010, 14:42
Obviously, he can't, as he can't even spell "tom yam" correctly.

March 13th, 2010, 14:59
Obviously, he can't, as he can't even spell "tom yam" correctly.

Sorry, I just confirmed with Kim, it doesn't have a р╕н sound in it. It's р╕Хр╕╕р╣Йр╕бр╕вр╕│. I screwed up on the р╕вр╕│ part though, and should have caught that myself.

Whatever, you're a guy would will criticize because I haven't perfected the Thai language yet, but if I was just a typical sex-tourist, would also criticize for not spending any time to learn Thailand. Go figure...

March 13th, 2010, 14:59
[EDIT: double post]

March 13th, 2010, 14:59
[EDIT: triple post -- blame internet]

March 13th, 2010, 15:19
Sorry, I just confirmed with Kim, it doesn't have a р╕н sound in it. It's р╕Хр╕╕р╣Йр╕бр╕вр╕│. I screwed up on the р╕вр╕│ part though, and should have caught that myself.

try again: р╕Хр╣Йр╕бр╕вр╕│....and the rest of the name of the dish is a bit of a mystery too - р╕Ьр╕╕р╕▓р╕Зр╣Др╕Д - you cant write р╕Ьр╕╕р╕▓р╕З it breaks grammar rules, but I have no idea what word you are trying to write.... and р╣Др╕Д should be р╣Др╕Вр╣И if you mean egg or р╣Др╕Бр╣И if you mean chicken

March 13th, 2010, 19:59
Sorry, I just confirmed with Kim, it doesn't have a р╕н sound in it. It's р╕Хр╕╕р╣Йр╕бр╕вр╕│. I screwed up on the р╕вр╕│ part though, and should have caught that myself.

try again: р╕Хр╣Йр╕бр╕вр╕│....and the rest of the name of the dish is a bit of a mystery too - р╕Ьр╕╕р╕▓р╕Зр╣Др╕Д - you cant write р╕Ьр╕╕р╕▓р╕З it breaks grammar rules, but I have no idea what word you are trying to write.... and р╣Др╕Д should be р╣Др╕Вр╣И if you mean egg or р╣Др╕Бр╣И if you mean chicken

It's р╕Хр╣Йр╕бр╕вр╕│р╕Юр╕з р╕Зр╣Др╕Вр╣И - tom yam with baby eggplant (lit. tom yam with "bunches of eggs" since eggplants grow in bunches).

Let it no longer be a mystery what Matt had for lunch!

March 13th, 2010, 21:29
Not from Bangkok but I have some estimations from my stay in Hua Hin and Chun buri city.

10.000 Rent house+Cabel TV+Internet
1.400 Electricity (1 airco included, no airco 600 less)
4.500 Rent scooter plus oil
16.000 Weekly Lotus shopping (shampoo, soap, canned food, peanut butter, T-shirts, dogfood, milk etc)
4.000 Cinema 4- 5 times per month with popcorn and the works (2 persoos + sometime friends)
10.000 Buying things 4 the house (Pots and pans, glasses, plates, posters etc plus visits to 7/11)
9.000 Eating many times in, mostly cheap, restaurants. Sometimes visit beer-bars (2 persoons, sometimes with friends and/or family)
15.000 Travelling around/Holiday/airport taxi/visa run/hotel costs (With bus: VIP-class, hotels between 500-1.200)

69.900 Baht (per month Average over 6 months).

Myself, I spend around 80.000/per month. I don't know why there is a 10.000 Baht gap in my story :)

If you have a special somebody, there will additional costs for pocket money, presents for him/her and the family.
A visit to a doctor (for something simple as coldness) can easily set you back 3000 Bath. (I didn't want to take any risk when my special friend caught a cold from a Van-airco, during the swine flu thingy).
Renting a Motorcycle is fun but I only just found out that the insurance is only for the damage to the motorcycle itself, if you damage something else it will have to come from your own pocket.

March 13th, 2010, 21:49
A Thai guy took me to dinner at a Thai place earlier this week and I have no idea what he ordered either. ..... There was a big fish in some white coloured soup.

Only a guess, but I would say you had fish .....

March 13th, 2010, 22:17
if I was just a typical sex-tourist

There was a big fish in some white coloured soup
[ ] We are typical novices carrying out ethnographic field work in Thailand. Our special area? White coloured soup.

[ ] We are typical sex tourists carrying out ethnographic field work in Thailand. Our special area? White coloured soup.

[ ] We are normal gay men carrying out ethnographic field work in Thailand. Our special area? White coloured soup.

[ ] We are typical linguists carrying out ethnographic field work in Thailand. Our special area? White coloured soup.

A white coloured fish for a white coloured soup?

March 13th, 2010, 23:10
This is coming from people who probably almost always eat at farang-orientated restaurants, which have English on the menus.

Matt, you're usually pretty wide of the mark when you post about something from personal experience, but when you make assumptions about others, be they Thai or farang, your posts become utter nonsense.

My partner and I eat together 99% of the time, and 90% of that is Thai food, either at home or in Thai restaurants where the vast majority of the customers are Thai (and the menus in Thai). I don't tell him where to eat, and he doesn't tell me - its done by mutual consent, not by what one person wants to the exclusion of the other; that's how most successful adult relationships work.

After spending a lot of time in the Middle and Far East, and 17 years here, I find "farang food" rather stodgy and seldom eat it and miss it even less, but if I ever did want "farang food" I wouldn't be left "on my own" any more than I leave him "to eat by himself" when he decides to have some exotic Issan/Lao dish (although I will seldom actually tuck in). If just eating my native food was enough to piss my partner off, then I think I would be looking for a new partner.

..... how am I supposed to know what Kim orders?


I can generally read the menus these days, but I still don't know what any of the food is..... For example, last night we had "dtawm yam puan kai" (р╕Хр╕нр╕бр╕вр╣Нр╕бр╕Ь р╕╕р╕▓р╕Зр╣Др╕Д -- yes, yes, I know that's not spelled correctly, it's my best guess). How am I supposed to know what that is?


.....and you obviously can't read the menus, otherwise you would know what it was. Its not a question of perfecting the Thai language - you are simply deluding yoursef that you learn't to read Thai in three lessons. You didn't. My Thai is basic, and I am the first to admit it. I speak half a dozen languages to varying degrees and I find Thai by far the most difficult not because of the alphabet (Arabic, Nepalese and Hindi also use different alphabets) but because of the tones - I am genuinely tone deaf and cannot sing a basic scale. Everything you have written so far in "Thai" makes it very clear that you don't understand even the most basic Thai phrases and constructions, so if you want to learn the language get a better teacher - as you are apparently teaching yourself this shouldn't be difficult.

It's like taking a rural Thai who doesn't speak English out to a Western restaurant, getting him say, filet mignon with scallops and crab cakes, then calling him stupid the next day because he can't remember the name of what he ate.

No, its nothing like it. He would be "a rural Thai who doesn't speak English" while you have been here for 9 months and claim to be perfecting your Thai. He would probably remember the next day that his Surf & Turf included fish and steak, while you were "Not sure what we ate". ... And I wouldn't call him stupid.

March 13th, 2010, 23:23
Are we still speaking about the cost of living in Bangkok? :dontknow:

March 13th, 2010, 23:37
I don't know - I thought you were talking about your "stay in Hua Hin and Chun buri city" and those staples of peanut butter and popcorn.

March 14th, 2010, 03:34
and 17 years here

Exactly... I'm quite certain within the next 16 years, I'll have it figured out too.

while you have been here for 9 months and claim to be perfecting your Thai.

No, I claim to be learning Thai (on my own nowadays). Didn't put any time in during the last couple months in Pattaya, but have stepped it up again. Not to mention, I generally work anywhere from 8 - 16 hours a day, all depending. Some days I just don't have the time (or mental stamina) to be bothered with it.

As for the rest, it seems as though your just going to read negatively into everything I write, so in my mind, that somewhat negates everything you say.

March 14th, 2010, 05:33
Everything you have written so far in "Thai" makes it very clear that you don't understand even the most basic Thai phrases and constructions, so if you want to learn the language get a better teacher - as you are apparently teaching yourself
Good god Gone fishing,give Matt a break already.Like he said,he's only been there nine months,how many can learn Thai in nine months? And stop always sticking up for his boyfriend just because he's Thai.He isn't helpfull in assistng Matt with learning Thai. If his boyfriend asked Matt what some English word meant and Matt refused to help him,you'd be bashing him no end.

March 14th, 2010, 14:53
Not from Bangkok but I have some estimations from my stay in Hua Hin and Chun buri city.

10.000 Rent house+Cabel TV+Internet
1.400 Electricity (1 airco included, no airco 600 less)
4.500 Rent scooter plus oil
16.000 Weekly Lotus shopping (shampoo, soap, canned food, peanut butter, T-shirts, dogfood, milk etc)
4.000 Cinema 4- 5 times per month with popcorn and the works (2 persoos + sometime friends)
10.000 Buying things 4 the house (Pots and pans, glasses, plates, posters etc plus visits to 7/11)
9.000 Eating many times in, mostly cheap, restaurants. Sometimes visit beer-bars (2 persoons, sometimes with friends and/or family)
15.000 Travelling around/Holiday/airport taxi/visa run/hotel costs (With bus: VIP-class, hotels between 500-1.200)

69.900 Baht (per month Average over 6 months).

Myself, I spend around 80.000/per month. I don't know why there is a 10.000 Baht gap in my story :)

If you have a special somebody, there will additional costs for pocket money, presents for him/her and the family.
A visit to a doctor (for something simple as coldness) can easily set you back 3000 Bath. (I didn't want to take any risk when my special friend caught a cold from a Van-airco, during the swine flu thingy).
Renting a Motorcycle is fun but I only just found out that the insurance is only for the damage to the motorcycle itself, if you damage something else it will have to come from your own pocket.

I'm staggered that you spend 16000 baht a week in Tesco Lotus. My monthly shopping bill is no where near that figure. Four thousand a month on cinema visits?? Do you have gold plated seats? On the other hand, I wish I had your electric bills LOL

March 14th, 2010, 17:40
I'm staggered that you spend 16000 baht a week in Tesco Lotus. My monthly shopping bill is no where near that figure. Four thousand a month on cinema visits?? Do you have gold plated seats? On the other hand, I wish I had your electric bills LOL

It must be my poor English... I spend 16.000/month in Lotus (every week about 4000).
About the cinema: I try to take the sofa, that is 400 Baht normal rate and 600 for 3D movies

How much do you pay for the electric bill?

March 14th, 2010, 18:01
My monthly supermarket/market bills are about 6-7000 baht in total, but my electric bill is around 3500 baht a month.

March 14th, 2010, 19:00
AVERAGE GOOD LIFE SEEMS TO BE 65,000 baht a month.

Your more to the point FOF, I would say the average 10,000 baht a month for food and cleaning & Supermarket items, plus electric, all according to the size of your home, how many A/Cs you have on, mine can be 2000 it can be 3500 or it has been 5000, but thatтАЩs because I choose to live in a very Big House in Bangkok.
You can live quite easy on fifteen thousand a month expenses, including rent, if you live very reasonably, total for 25000 a month, but I would say for a total of 65000 a month, you can live a very good life, and if you want to live like a Queen 100,000 a month would be ideal, all depending on if you off boys, have regular liaisons, drink in bars a lot and like good food, but if you like to cook, you can eat well also, if for 40 baht as they say many Carts are good value also.

There are many pensioner living off 30,000 or less in Pattaya, I know of, but thy only go to beach for a Coffee, Go To a Host bar and chat with friends and have an Orange or Coffee and eat at the few cheap Buffet Meals around Pattaya, and some times have a treat and go for a pig out for 500 baht.
I would say after you have fitted out your Condo or House 35,000 Average living, but you can chat to mates and thatтАЩs what many guys love the most.

For 65,000 a month you can notch up your spending and go to more regular restaurants with better menus, rather than only relying on Buffet style meals every day, which must get boring, Plus you can take off or have more lovers.

For 100,000 a month you can have a wonderful life style, in Pattaya Bangkok and Chaing Mai to which would be at least 15% less for the same, but as I said, the best things guys like about Pattaya, you can make friends there, not so easy in Bangkok or Phuket or Chaing mai, as even though CM does have a few places to locally socialize, but mostly they wont let you break in, unless may be if your brought in by a local resident more like a clicky club, Bangkok also not so friendly for the over 40s as unless you sit outside Dicks caf├й every night or The Balcony Restaurant or @Richards, may be the Telephone Bar where Jimmy use to hold Court in my day and organize tours and trips for fun, now he only gets all wound up, sorting out cheap rooms for his gay Customers within the Pinnacle Hotel, I would say also Phuket can be 15% more. And quite unfriendly for retirees.

March 15th, 2010, 00:14
Everything you have written so far in "Thai" makes it very clear that you don't understand even the most basic Thai phrases and constructions, so if you want to learn the language get a better teacher - as you are apparently teaching yourself
Good god Gone fishing,give Matt a break already.Like he said,he's only been there nine months,how many can learn Thai in nine months? And stop always sticking up for his boyfriend just because he's Thai.He isn't helpfull in assistng Matt with learning Thai. If his boyfriend asked Matt what some English word meant and Matt refused to help him,you'd be bashing him no end.

"how many can learn Thai in nine months"? Very few, and certainly not me, which is why I find his claims to have learnt to read the language in 3 lessons, be able to read the menus, and his use of Thai phrases (or what he thinks are Thai phrases) to be both ridiculous and self-indulgent.

"... always sticking up for his boyfriend just because he's Thai"? Are you joking? I have made my views on what I think Kim is doing when not with Matt, based on Matt's posts and his descriptions of Kim's behaviour, very clear, and I would have kicked a selfish little child who sulks when I want to choose my own food (amongst other things) out a long time ago. As usual with Matt, though, unless you say what he wants to hear then you are just being negative.

Far more importantly, I have also said a number of times that they both seem to be getting what they want from their relationship which is ultimately all that matters - I wouldn't call that "negative".

March 15th, 2010, 02:19

The Cost of Living

Every new arrival wants to know тАЬcan I survive or live well in Bangkok or rural Thailand on 30,000 baht a monthтАЭ? or perhaps 40,000 or even 50,000? ItтАЩs always a difficult question to answer because each person has different needs, but I thought it would be interesting to compare the lifestyles and spending habits of some teachers currently living and working in Thailand. We are concerned with what they earn, but more so about what they spend money on and what it costs each of them to enjoy a certain kind of lifestyle. After each case study, IтАЩve added comments of my own.

http://www.thaipro.com/cgi-bin/jump.pl? ... living.htm (http://www.thaipro.com/cgi-bin/jump.pl?www.ajarn.com/Banter/costofliving.htm)

March 15th, 2010, 03:09
These numbers all seem very high to me just looking at the exchange rates. I live in Philadelphia; not the highest priced city in the US but no one of the lowers either. My total budget for my partner and me is about $4000USD/month, which is what about 130,000 baht. That include a mortgage payment on a nice house, car payment, insurance, food, utilities, etc. So I'm a bit surprised at guys that seem to be spending that much and more in Thailand. I know Thailand's not the inexpensive place it was 15 years ago when I first started to visit, but unless you were going out the bars everynight buying 300 baht beers and drinks and a boy, I'm hard pressed to see how one couldn't live quite nicely for around $3000 a month and probably less.

Even when I vacation in Thailand, I generally only spend around $1000 US a week and that's not skimping on drinks, food or boys, of course I'm at an age a boy each and every night would probably kill me.

March 15th, 2010, 03:17
which is why I find his claims to have learnt to read the language in 3 lessons, be able to read the menus

Ok, I can PRONOUNCE the Thai menus and words, but can't READ them. Once again, my apologies oh great one. I generally have no clue what the words mean, but I can spit them out. Tones are wrong many of the times, and I get the words wrong sometimes, but I'm actually doing pretty decent there.

I have made my views on what I think Kim is doing when not with Matt

Fuck, these days I only wish he'd leave me alone more often (of course, like everything, you'll blow that sentence out of proportion as if there's huge problems, both of us are idiots, and blah, blah...).

March 15th, 2010, 04:05
I've enjoyed reading Matt's posts over the last few months, detailing his developing relationship with Kim. I can't for the life of me,though, understand why he comes back time after time to have that life criticised. He's obviously happy with where they are as a couple. Why does he need to come on here to be criticised left, right and centre for how he lives his life, how much he spends, etc.

I'm pleased to be able to read positive posts about life in LoS - something I could only dream about. But if I were living that life, I don't think I'd be here daily trying to explain my decisions to total strangers.

Matt, I really wish you and Kim well. Enjoy your life together.

March 15th, 2010, 04:30
I've enjoyed reading Matt's posts over the last few months, detailing his developing relationship with Kim. I can't for the life of me,though, understand why he comes back time after time to have that life criticised.

How about because it's a total fantasy?

I'm not saying it is, just a suggestion


March 15th, 2010, 04:42
I'm glad I'm not quite that cynical. Thanks SG for making me feel better about myself.

March 15th, 2010, 07:12
I've enjoyed reading Matt's posts over the last few months, detailing his developing relationship with Kim. I can't for the life of me,though, understand why he comes back time after time to have that life criticised.

How about because it's a total fantasy?

I'm not saying it is, just a suggestion


the same thing occurred to me, from the start of the saga

March 15th, 2010, 16:36
I've enjoyed reading Matt's posts over the last few months, detailing his developing relationship with Kim. I can't for the life of me,though, understand why he comes back time after time to have that life criticised. He's obviously happy with where they are as a couple. Why does he need to come on here to be criticised left, right and centre for how he lives his life, how much he spends, etc.

I'm pleased to be able to read positive posts about life in LoS - something I could only dream about. But if I were living that life, I don't think I'd be here daily trying to explain my decisions to total strangers.

Matt, I really wish you and Kim well. Enjoy your life together.

Totally agree... but he sounds like he has thick skin.

I imagine this board would be a good place to bounce off ideas on all the little niggly things that happen when you're with a Thai boy who is so different.

But yeah... it's nice to hear how it's progressing. It's one of the best things that's happened on SGT since I joined, I think.

March 15th, 2010, 23:08
Fuck, these days I only wish he'd leave me alone more often (of course, like everything, you'll blow that sentence out of proportion as if there's huge problems, both of us are idiots, and blah, blah...).

No, I have never thought both of you were idiots.

March 15th, 2010, 23:39
Fuck, these days I only wish he'd leave me alone more often (of course, like everything, you'll blow that sentence out of proportion as if there's huge problems, both of us are idiots, and blah, blah...).

How old are you, give us a clue?

March 16th, 2010, 18:32
I think he said he is 28.

I don't get why dave_syd and Scottish think it's made up. What reason would he have to lie? He's probably the most sincere board member here.

March 16th, 2010, 18:39
Fuck, these days I only wish he'd leave me alone more often

Oh is he molesting you again? Your cute affectionate Thai boyfriend? You poor over loved man... lol

March 16th, 2010, 20:15
I think he said he is 28.

I don't get why dave_syd and Scottish think it's made up. What reason would he have to lie? He's probably the most sincere board member here.

just my feeling. the whole thing seems like another fantasy, as we have had from other posters who seem to enjoy making up stories just for the sake of it. maybe I am wrong.

March 17th, 2010, 04:04
Oh is he molesting you again? Your cute affectionate Thai boyfriend? You poor over loved man... lol

Nah, he just doesn't like being left alone, that's all. If I want to goto a coffee shop or pub for a change of environment to get some work done, most times he'll come, unless I blatantly tell him I want to be alone. When I do that though, he gets sad, and wonders why I don't want him to come. That type of thing. (GF, no worries dude, no psychoanalysis needed on this one -- I got 'er figured!)

I don't get why dave_syd and Scottish think it's made up. What reason would he have to lie?

Ehhh, no worries. If you put together everything I've posted over the past 9 months, it's a pretty good stretch of the imagination to consider it fiction. But whatever, let people believe what they want. Not going to affect my life any, especially considering I'll probably never meet any of them in my life. This is just a great outlet for me to express my thoughts and feelings, plus get feedback on them.

Besides, if people have decided you're a liar, it no longer matters what you say. Regardless of what you say, they'll use it to justify their already made-up minds about you, so it's pointless to even try to defend yourself. If some people want to think I'm lieing, by all means, go for it! I could really care less.

March 17th, 2010, 04:38
"spent 30+ years teaching 7th grade English in the coves and hollows of Delaware County, NY.

On the rare occasion that one of my students agreed with me on any given topic, he would often say, "So don't I."

When I tried to set him straight on the correct usage, as likely as not he'd shrug his shoulders and say, "Same difference."

The difference between "could/could not care less" represents kind of a high point for me."

March 17th, 2010, 18:51
Oh is he molesting you again? Your cute affectionate Thai boyfriend? You poor over loved man... lol

Nah, he just doesn't like being left alone, that's all. If I want to goto a coffee shop or pub for a change of environment to get some work done, most times he'll come, unless I blatantly tell him I want to be alone. When I do that though, he gets sad, and wonders why I don't want him to come. That type of thing. (GF, no worries dude, no psychoanalysis needed on this one -- I got 'er figured!)

Aw... that's sweet. But yeah, it could get annoying. I really need to be left alone if I am working (or be with someone else who is similarly working).

Maybe he feels insecure so he keeps needing reassurance from you. If you don't give him attention for a bit he gets worried. Sure he'll learn after a while...

Just don't leave him alone at night with the vampire lady and all lol.

April 5th, 2010, 08:00
I lived in Bkk for 3 months . The rent for a nice condo not too far from the BTS was 12000, with 24 security , pool and even a nice gym .
I managed to live there with a budget of around 30000 baht , had no problems with that.

June 2nd, 2010, 17:27

The Cost of Living

Every new arrival wants to know тАЬcan I survive or live well in Bangkok or rural Thailand on 30,000 baht a monthтАЭ? or perhaps 40,000 or even 50,000? ItтАЩs always a difficult question to answer because each person has different needs, but I thought it would be interesting to compare the lifestyles and spending habits of some teachers currently living and working in Thailand. We are concerned with what they earn, but more so about what they spend money on and what it costs each of them to enjoy a certain kind of lifestyle. After each case study, IтАЩve added comments of my own.

http://www.thaipro.com/cgi-bin/jump.pl? ... living.htm (http://www.thaipro.com/cgi-bin/jump.pl?www.ajarn.com/Banter/costofliving.htm)
It is certainly interesting how some english teachers can survive without washing dishes. Maybe their spotting fees for large condos might off set their low wages.
It must be hard for unqualified teachers to work in Thailand, in quality schools.