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View Full Version : Anyone here ever visiting Free Guy Club in Chiang Mai ?

March 3rd, 2010, 16:09
if so, would you please share some of your experience ? Thanks

March 3rd, 2010, 16:18
See my review from one year ago: http://shamelessmack.wordpress.com/2009/05/02/free-guy-freebies/

March 5th, 2010, 11:11
I've been there three times, most recently a couple of weeks ago. Just reread Mack's post and I'd say it still holds for me, including a noticeable lack of crowd at Free Guy. I enjoy the eyecandy and the shows are ok. If you like the Shan look (which I do, among others) it's a good place for the view. It helps, I think, to speak at least some Thai at Free Guy, more than at most other establishments. The two times I ventured off with staff members were just about entirely unsatisfying. That can happen any place, of course, but Thai friends have reported the same.

For comparison and only slightly off-topic, Circle was packed as recently as last week and New My Way seemed to be holding its own for customers as the high season ends. I am not a fan of Circle in particular (personal reasons that should not inhibit anyone else), but during my recent rounds it had a combination of show and customer enthusiasm I don't see a lot in CM these days. In my own opinion the new Adam is okay if one is able to accept the fact that the old Adam is gone for good. I didn't find the show compelling enough to sit through but talked to and tipped a couple of friendly staff.

I don't do the circuit often and seldom report, so thought I'd throw in what I picked up, or more specifically didn't pick up, on my short holiday at home.