View Full Version : Is Gaythailand down or is my local server

February 7th, 2010, 12:48
for the last 2 days I have been unable to access gaybutton sorry gaythailand.

It does not worry me except our goveernment is making noises about censoring websites

Not sure if it just not fees paid or good taste coming to the fore

February 7th, 2010, 13:00
Posted by GayThailand: " We are moving our server to a new configuration with more RAM and faster processor. It is at the same hosting company but it will change some things and if there is any downtime or any malfunction, this is the reason. My apologies in advance if any issues."

By your local server do you mean your in Thailand or is Australia censoring the internet?

I have not been redirected to that government page blocking any of the gay boards for a long time. I do get it with some porno sites and some political web pages but it funny, I just hit reload and most times it loads. If not the proxies do work. There was one site by some university students that criticized the Cultural Ministry and that required a proxy so it not just criticisms of you know who.

February 7th, 2010, 13:06
It does not worry me except our goveernment is making noises about censoring websitesIs Australia a totalitarian state now lonelywombat, like China or Thailand?

Thai Dyed
February 7th, 2010, 13:27
is Australia censoring the internet?

You are not aware that Australia is creating and putting in place a massive filtering system of the internet to rival what the Chinese already have? It was recently decided that grown women in OZ with small breasts cannot have their photos published since someone may mistake them for children.

This is all to protect the children, you know. Don't you want to protect the children???

Even satirical cartoons are now illegal according to the courts in Austraila. One man was just convicted and sentenced to a year in jail and put on the sex registry for having a Bart Simpson drawing.


February 7th, 2010, 15:24
Yes it will be an election issue and Senator Conroy will not back off. I doubt if he will survive as most of his big ideas are coming unstuck
The first reversal was only a day ago in South Australia.

February 7th, 2010, 19:28

Sweet... that's a great tool. Thanks.

February 7th, 2010, 19:33
Yes it will be an election issue and Senator Conroy will not back off. I doubt if he will survive as most of his big ideas are coming unstuck
The first reversal was only a day ago in South Australia.

Stephen Conroy is a clueless fuckstick.

It's absurd a Minister as religiously motivated and clueless (on the digital world) as he is would be given the communications/digital economy portfolio. I wonder if he realises millions of people see him as unbelievably ignorant and detached from what he's managing. He's done nothing to prove he understands the dynamics of it at all.

He is deeply religious too... part of that Opus Dei sect (the crazy one featured in Di Vinci Code).

February 11th, 2010, 14:33
Stephen Conroy is a clueless fuckstick.

It's absurd a Minister as religiously motivated and clueless (on the digital world) as he is would be given the communications/digital economy portfolio. I wonder if he realises millions of people see him as unbelievably ignorant and detached from what he's managing. He's done nothing to prove he understands the dynamics of it at all.

He is deeply religious too... part of that Opus Dei sect (the crazy one featured in Di Vinci Code).One of my friends emailed me today and said Conroy was reported as saying he wants Australia to folow the same Internet standards as Thailand. Surely you're not saying that's a bad thing?

February 11th, 2010, 17:26
Stephen Conroy is a clueless fuckstick.

It's absurd a Minister as religiously motivated and clueless (on the digital world) as he is would be given the communications/digital economy portfolio. I wonder if he realises millions of people see him as unbelievably ignorant and detached from what he's managing. He's done nothing to prove he understands the dynamics of it at all.

He is deeply religious too... part of that Opus Dei sect (the crazy one featured in Di Vinci Code).One of my friends emailed me today and said Conroy was reported as saying he wants Australia to folow the same Internet standards as Thailand. Surely you're not saying that's a bad thing?

Stephen Conroy should go have intercourse with himself.

What's worse than him and Rudd being in charge is the other side failed to sustain the two most intelligent candidates (Costello and Turnbull) and have put another conservative religious f*ckstick (Abbot) in as leader.

February 11th, 2010, 22:19
Unfortunately, it isn't the work of just one politician in Australian. It's part of a worldwide trend towards Orwellian totalitarianism. It's coming soon to the USA. Check out the Cyber Security act.

February 12th, 2010, 03:21
What other countries have mandatory walls in place? Is it just China and Thailand?

February 12th, 2010, 05:00
What other countries have mandatory walls in place? Is it just China and Thailand?

Serious question, or joke? Anyway, loads and loads. Iran for example, now no longer allows access to even Gmail. Instead, they setup their own government run e-mail service. How nice of them. :-)

Then basically every Islamic state out there has internet censorship. Gotta say, after spending a good amount of time in Malaysia, and getting to know quite a few people there, I'm not much for Islamic states. They make people stupid. And this is Malaysia, probably the most lenient Islamic state in the world. I shudder when I think about places like Qatar or Saudi Arabia.

February 12th, 2010, 11:31
A taste of things to come:


February 12th, 2010, 14:41
Listening to Alex Jones is about the equivalent of listening to the GOP. Don't do it, it's unhealthy for the brain!

February 12th, 2010, 17:11
What other countries have mandatory walls in place? Is it just China and Thailand?

Serious question, or joke? Anyway, loads and loads. Iran for example, now no longer allows access to even Gmail. Instead, they setup their own government run e-mail service. How nice of them. :-)

Then basically every Islamic state out there has internet censorship. Gotta say, after spending a good amount of time in Malaysia, and getting to know quite a few people there, I'm not much for Islamic states. They make people stupid. And this is Malaysia, probably the most lenient Islamic state in the world. I shudder when I think about places like Qatar or Saudi Arabia.

Serious question... I was just wondering.

Seems quite a few countries censor... But is Australia the first developed nation to do it?

February 12th, 2010, 19:47
Listening to Alex Jones is about the equivalent of listening to the GOP. Don't do it, it's unhealthy for the brain!

Alex hates Neo-cons. He says Bush et al are war criminals. He's been saying that for 10 years now. Anyway, this is his side-kick Bermas talking here, and, as always, if you check their facts, you will find they are not lying. The cyber-security act does exists. If you want to take any kind of political issue with what they are saying here, It would have to be that you are in favor of the cyber security act. Maybe you feel that violations of The Bill of Rights are good as long as they are carried out by a Democrat.

February 12th, 2010, 20:08
Serious question... I was just wondering.

Seems quite a few countries censor... But is Australia the first developed nation to do it?

Australia and New Zealand are leading the pack. The UK is just behind them followed by the USA and Canada. The EU is not far behind that. There is also a UN treaty (called ACTA) that is using copyright issues as a pretext to end the free and open internet. Check out this one from, of all places, Russia Today (Left enough for ya, cdmatt? :blackeye: )


February 12th, 2010, 20:23
Spike, you're believing the same guys who a few years ago, were screaming bloody murder that we're all going to be rounded up like cattle, and sent to FEMA concentration camps.

Again, they're on the fringe of society. Don't listen to them. Or listen to them if you want, but make sure to take everything else (including reality) into account while doing it. Really, they're almost worst than the scare tactics the GOP uses. Just ignore that shit, and concentrate on what's real.

Thai Dyed
February 13th, 2010, 00:29
Spike, you're believing the same guys who a few years ago, were screaming bloody murder that we're all going to be rounded up like cattle, and sent to FEMA concentration camps.

Again, they're on the fringe of society. Don't listen to them. Or listen to them if you want, but make sure to take everything else (including reality) into account while doing it. Really, they're almost worst than the scare tactics the GOP uses. Just ignore that shit, and concentrate on what's real.

Spike, just remember Matt is the same guy who is the subject of regular extortion attempts and is dealing with death threats on a frequent basis. I wish Matt would wake up and "concentrate on what's real."

Matt is going to need more than a weatherman to find out which way the wind is blowing.

Thai Dyed
February 13th, 2010, 00:34
Serious question... I was just wondering.

Seems quite a few countries censor... But is Australia the first developed nation to do it?

Australia and New Zealand are leading the pack. The UK is just behind them followed by the USA and Canada. The EU is not far behind that. There is also a UN treaty (called ACTA) that is using copyright issues as a pretext to end the free and open internet. Check out this one from, of all places, Russia Today (Left enough for ya, cdmatt? :blackeye: )

Your observations are spot on Spike!
Additionally, some of the best news in the world today is coming out of Russia and from Al Jazeera in Doha.

February 13th, 2010, 13:01
I'm pretty sure the cyber-security act is real. :ufo: I think The Patiot Act is real, too. I'm not sure about that, though, Matt.