February 1st, 2010, 18:48
I'm glad I don't live in Pattaya. I would not want my name on that crap.

February 1st, 2010, 19:02
a small price to pay for the happiness the go-go bars contribute to our lives

Happiness? Happiness is a go-go bar? Sad.

We know which bars offer what shows and at what times. At any of the "Special Events," the Pattaya

We? If your some Pattaya barfly who know noting of the rest of Thailand, can't speak Thai and have never been outside of Pattaya then maybe. Sad.

We were unhappy with situations back home, so we began looking for a place where we could live happy and productive lives.

Not everyone was unhappy back home. I was quite happy back home and am still quite happy here in Thailand. If you were unhappy back home eventually you'll be unhappy here too. Productive? Producing what?

The majority of the Pattaya Farangs are highly respectable people, who want to make sure that because we were here, Pattaya is a better place.

Oh come on! Pattaya farang, respectable? Just admit it, your in Pattaya because you can have sex with very good looking, very young (legal) boys for what you would pay back home for a quick lunch and a movie. Your past your prime, was not in a relationship back home and found the life in Thailand a better option. Not that that's a bad thing.

February 1st, 2010, 19:17
I have always believed that there is no such thing as "the Gay community" anywhere in the world - just a diverse collection of assorted oddballs, misfits and inadequates whose only means of maintaining any sense of self-esteem is to seek out others who are even more inadequate than themselves so that they may feel superior.

TrongpaiExpat's post seems to perfectly illustrate my theory - his self-loathing manifests itself with a vicious attack on people whom he clearly regards as inferior to himself.

:idea: :idea:

February 1st, 2010, 19:25

Wow now we know why your so odd....

This from a guy who posts to himself

:hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

February 1st, 2010, 21:53
If you can prove that ......

It's common knowledge/consensus of opinion - like inviting me to prove that the Earth isn't flat - what's the point when everybody knows it anyway.

It strikes me that about 90% of your contributions have some reference to food or restaurants - does your entire life revolve around eating? Your arsehole must be blown to bits with the constant farting and it's a wonder you don't leave a trail of shit from one Pattaya lestaulant to another.

:occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9:

February 1st, 2010, 22:34
Since the poor thing has had to give up his preferred practice of sucking anonymous dicks in public restrooms all across Thailand I guess he has had to find other ways to satisfy that oral craving.

As for the trail of shit, it may not be from one restaurant to another, but he certainly has left a trail of it across this board.

I shouldn't wonder that all the radiation and chemo is not behind this recent multiple personality disorder. One is almost tempted to wish for a metastatic recurrence.

:sharm: LMTU
:sign3: Jenny