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January 13th, 2010, 00:33
Arrived at 330pm. Checked into View Talay 6 next to Central Festival. Have a beautiful 48 sq. meter Studio for 1300 baht a day. Love the Location!!!!

Went to Little Mango for dinner and as usual it was quite good and reasonable. Stopped at a few Beer Bars and they were busy early in the evening. Most of the offable staff was mid 20's -30. I saw no young kids even on the street. Euro Boys was the first GOGO Bar I stopped at.

As reported by others the boys actually dance here and smile and the atmosphere is very nice. Boys here are the small and slim variety. You need to check id's here but I have a friend that tells me all but one or 2 are 18 and maybe a couple of 17 year olds. So beware. But certainly not any young boys!!! I offed a boy from here and asked him to meet me at my apartment later in the evening. More on that later.

I then moved to Oud's Bar which was busy but Oud was upcountry with family problems. Boys here are very attractive and very safe age wise. There are a few I would guess to be 23 or 24 and I found out they were 31. So super safe here(lol).

I walked out soi Yensabi and grabbed a baht bus to Funny Boys. Since I had a boy coming , i was just planning on looking. Bar was very busy at 10pm. I stopped counting at 28 boys. Unless you are looking for real muscle, I can't imagine you not finding something here that suits your tatse. Well no Ladyboys!!! Mamasan Rose runs a class establishment with Hand Wash and cold face cloths. I found a boy I had previously seen and booked him for tomorrow.

Back to my suite to meet my boy from Euro Boys. Unfortunately he was a dud and with such a beautiful face. I should have known. Can't win all the time.

Fired up my computer and within 15 minutes had a boy from GayRomeo heading my way. He made up for the dud from Euro Boys and then some.

Six more days and I'll try to report every day.

January 13th, 2010, 02:34
Thanks for the report. Always nice to read people's experiences. :-)

January 13th, 2010, 06:24
Any chance of the name of the DUD from euroboys im going pattaya soon and like euroboys but dont want to waste my time on a pretty face alone thanx :glasses7:

January 13th, 2010, 06:35
See PM I sent you.

January 13th, 2010, 16:46
Yes thnxs :headbang:

January 13th, 2010, 21:52
Firecat, can you send me the number too please. Im in pats now!

January 13th, 2010, 23:10
Day 2 started out with a morning get together. Boy I met in Happy Boys and he posts on Gay Romeo also. So date was made on GayRomeo.

I told him to arrive at 9am and don't be late because I have a dentist appointment. He arrived at 910am which is definitely on time for a Thai boy. In the last year he has learned a lot on his job and the encounter was just wonderful.

Barely kept my appointment at 11am and afterwards went to Central Festival for lunch. Back to my apartment and looked to see if anyone interesting on GayRomeo. A number of cute boys at 3pm and by 4pm there was a knock on my door. Once again no disappointment . I Love GayRomeo.

Took a nap and headed out for dinner and a look at BoysTown Bars. Stopped for dinner at Pan Pan on Beach Road next to Royal garden Plaza.

I had eaten at the Jomtien one a year ago and was pleased. This one however leaves a lot to be desired. I had a Pasta dish and Watermelon Shake. The pasta was average and the service deplorable. The bill was 480 baht. I can get a good meal many places for that. Shows you how a good location with a revolving clientele can be successful even when the food sucks.

It was now 830pm and I wanted to start at the Bars early in order to improve the chances of seeing the best boys before they were offed.

Lucky 777: 10 boys , 1 customer (me) Average looking on the slim side. Nothing that interests me in the least.

Cupidol: 12 boys ,2 customers. Overall some good looking boys and they wear the Square Cut briefs which I much prefer. Saw a boy in there that was a mamasan at Lavender Power Boys in Chiang Mai 1 month ago. I guess business was not too good. Some athletic boys here as well as slim.

Before I continue I should tell you my preference starts with the Face. I have an eclectic taste for the Body but face is most important to me.

Sawatdee Boys: 14 boys and 2 customers. Pretty average looking boys here on the slim side and not much to lust after (IMO). Except 1 boy who had the face of an angel. Small boy . I asked him over and bought him a drink. Asked him how long he had been working. Said this was his first night and I could see he was nervous. I was not about to take him because I am sure he would have been really limited in what he did and I did not feel like trying to instruct him on this night, Will check on him later in the week though.(lol)

WildWest Boys : They really screwed this bar up with the change in seating. But since there were almost no customers at 945pm, it made no difference. About 22 boys maybe more and some really good looking ones. Body Types were slim to Athletic and nothing I would turn down in a pinch, unlike all the bars before.

I had a boy sit with me here and paid his off with a delayed pick up around 11pm. More on him later. They wear the Square cuts here also and I have to say there were some great asses on display including the boy I offed.

Toy Boys: 22 boys, zero customers if you don't count me. Keep in mind it is now 10pm. Boys were rotating ok so maybe mamasan finally got the message. Real average looking boys and some young looking ones. I'm sure they are probably of age but have not seen many in the Sunee bars that looked any younger.

Funny Boys: Ended the bar tour here because I needed to book someone for Thursday night. Not as many customers as last night (maybe 6) and about 20 boys. It was pretty close tonight between WW Boys and Funny Boys for the best looking staff. Tonight Wild West Boys won. (IMHO)

Picked my boy up in front of WW Boys and headed home. On a scale of 1-10 he was a 6. Easily the best looking body I have been with this trip and he was sweet. Just he did not compare with my GayRomeo boys in the sex department.

So far 2 GoGo Bar Boys 1 a dud and the other a 6. 4 GayRomeo boys who all scored at least a 8 and at least one scored a 10.

I guess I'll check out Sunee Plaza tomorrow.

January 13th, 2010, 23:18
Your in pats? How lovely. Is that a new country I never heard of? Is pats what you people call the kitchen? Your in pats. Is pats another name for a jumpsuit? Are you trying to be hip and trendy by calling Pattaya pats? Your coolness just flows way over my head. Let me try: I went to bang, met a bo, went ho, had sx, fk, down by the riv, he ws cu. Your in pats, what a joke.

January 13th, 2010, 23:31
Your in pats? How lovely. Is that a new country I never heard of? Is pats what you people call the kitchen? Your in pats. Is pats another name for a jumpsuit? Are you trying to be hip and trendy by calling Pattaya pats? Your coolness just flows way over my head. Let me try: I went to bang, met a bo, went ho, had sx, fk, down by the riv, he ws cu. Your in pats, what a joke.

what a twa :thebirdman:

January 14th, 2010, 20:32
Thanks giggly, I couldnt be arsed to reply ...

January 15th, 2010, 01:08
Arrived at 330pm. Checked into View Talay 6 next to Central Festival. Have a beautiful 48 sq. meter Studio for 1300 baht a day. Love the Location!!!!

Hi Firecat, could you please tell me where I can rent apartments in View Talay 6?

January 15th, 2010, 03:46
Regarding your comment on Pan Pan Pizza - I was alos very disappointed in my pizza there recently. Last year it was great, this year it tasted like crap with wierd cheese and not crisp and they want 320 baht for a sausage pizza and 70 baht for a 9 baht bottle of soda. I noticed that in addition to the one near Jomtien, they also have a new branch at Central. I think they overbuilt and now the quality in the Beach Road restaurant has deteriorated. I would not go back.

Anyone else have a suggestion for good pizza restaurants?

January 15th, 2010, 04:52
Day 3:

I had an appointment with a boy from Gayromeo at 9am. As always I made it plain not to be late. At 730am I get and sms that he is up an ready. I tell him good, see u at 9am. He must have fell back to sleep and I never heard from him again. No big deal. I had a real estate appointment and a trip to Jomtien take up most of my day.

At 4pm the cashier from Euroboys was to arrive. He arrived at 410pm which is late for him. Anyways it turns out the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. Burning the candle at both ends the previous 2 days left me unable to take advantage of my favorite boy. So an easy day for the boy and I don't really care as he is a great kid .

So now I am in Sunee Plaza earlier then I should have been. Went to PoPot for dinner. Good meal and excellent service for 1/2 the price I paid at PanPan the night before. Gourmet it is not but good value for money and a fairly diverse selection.

As always Beer bars had customers and some cute Boys but GoGo bars did not look promising. Stuck my head in Jimmy Jimmy James and a couple of others next door and no reason to stay. Few boys and zero customers.

9pm time for Krazy Dragon. I think 3 customers and 8 boys when I first sat down. Boys started to increase to maybe 14 but still few customers. Maybe I'm getting old (definitely) but it sure is dark in this bar. Hard for me to tell if I like the face of a boy unless he is on top of me. Anyways a mix of boys with nothing special , but maybe they are all taking a day off before. the Big Birthday Party.

Playing rap music when I first arrived which I hate but the volume was ok. Then I saw this kid doing essentially a brake dance on the Bar right in front of me. He is all the things I dislike in a kid. Lots of tattoos, tough guy look with too much jewlery but I couldn't take my eyes off him. First of all he was an incredible dancer and just had a body to die for. So what if it was covered with too many tatoos. I would call it a gymnast type body with great abs , pecs etc. Wonderful legs. No doubt in my mind probably strictly a Top which is no good for me but I want to bounce 10 baht coins off his abs and see how high they would bounce(hehe). I didn't take my eyes off him for 20 minutes and gave him a couple of tips. I'd like to take photos of the kid , he is that Hot (IMO).

Still not sure what his face will look like in daylight but pretty sure about the rest. By the way the music did change from Rap and this kid continued to dance up a storm. My bill for my drink and 2 drinks for boys was really cheap. This bar gives you great value for your money.

Time to move on to NiceBoys. Walked in at 945pm. I did not count the boys but I'm sure over 20. 4 customers. The boys are all jerking off which in all honesty is not my scene. I would call the boys young, slim and not that attractive to my eye. In my opinion definitely some underage boys which this mamasan is famous for. I had 45 minutes to kill so I stayed way longer then normal. Some kid shot his load and collected small amount of money in the cup. I continued to look for a diamond in the rough but I saw nothing other the average looking Issan boys who needed a good meal etc. Still only 4 customers at 1015pm and I am starting to feel sorry for the boys still all jerking off and no money to be won. Of course I know nobody will cum until there is something to be won.

I paid my bill and stuck 200 baht in the cup. Everyone looked at me wondering why I was putting money in the cup for when I was up and leaving. I had to explain to them that I was starting the next contest off with some money and had no interest in seeing the winner.

Will not revisit this bar!!!!!

Walked back to Funnyboys via Walking Street. Walking Street is very crowded, so there are people in Pattaya, just not in the Gay go go bars.

I had a reservation at Funnyboys with a kid recently out of the Army. I had seen him 6 weeks ago and wanted to reconnect. he was waiting for me at the appointed time and we headed back to my room. He has a really good body and just one nice tatoo on his chest. I was still not feeling very horney and was afraid that maybe I would end the night the way the afternoon went. Told the kid my fears and he must have taken that as a personal challenge. He could be called a professional at his job. It took a little time but he continued to push various buttons until the engine started. The difference between a boy who knows what he is doing and one who is just waiting for you to take the lead and finish.

Wonderful ending to a soso day.

Not likely to post much more unless I find something different or newsworthy. I have been to all the Bars I would ever go to and although I may revisit some, no reason to bore you with the details.

My overall comments would be I am glad I don't own a gay GoGo Bar in Pattaya. I can't imagine how they can be making money.

Beer bars are doing good business and I bet Gayromeo is doing well. It may be high season somewhere but not in Gay Pattaya.

January 15th, 2010, 05:15
Crikey... it's like fitting a year's sex into one week. Some of you guys must be sex camels lol.

Nice that you're having a great time there. I wonder what it's like to have sex with 21 different boys in a week...

January 15th, 2010, 12:51
Anyone else have a suggestion for good pizza restaurants?

thread hijacked - and pizza is such a personal thiong! But try the Italian restaurant opposite Dicks cafe (where Exit bar used to be) - thin and crispy with good quality tasty toppings ..... used to be located inside Jomtien Complex but have moved and expanded ..

January 15th, 2010, 14:35
Thank you so much for the pizza tip patty!! I simply adore pizza, especially when it is made with quality ingredients. I will definately give this place a try. When I travel to Asia, I sometimes long for the taste of "home" and pizza is the delectable taste I always crave. When I mention to my future husband that I'm hungry, he will ask what I want to eat. When I tell him pizza, his eye's become wide, and a smile comes to his face because he loves pizza as much as I do!! I will be in pats next week and the first place my future husband and I are going to eat at is the pizza place behind Dick's!