View Full Version : After market iPod speakers ...

January 9th, 2010, 10:14
I've got so much music on my iPod. But other than using a decent set of earphones (which I have already) I have no way of playing any of this stuff where it can boom through the living room.

Anyone got good experience with a decent-sounding iPod/MP3 non portable loudspeaker? I have been looking at the JBL on stage 200 and 400 series as well as the Altec Lansing iM 600. Both available where I live in HH and in the price range I want (5000 ~ 12000 baht). If anyone has any favourites that they're particularly happy with I 'd like to hear about it.

The Bose is I'm sure a good choice, but I don't want to go up to 18000+ baht. We already have a very nice stereo system in the house (not for iPod docking unfortunately), so I'm not going to go overboard on the price of another one just for iPod playing.

January 9th, 2010, 10:33
I know about as much about an Ipod as I know about an Iphone......zilch.

However, I certainly could help you load up some real music.....perhaps some Sek Loso and Carabao???

January 9th, 2010, 18:46
You could have a look at this. It's a connector kit to allow you to watch videos on a TV - but if I read it right, it has the connectors to allow you to connect to a stereo as well:
http://store.apple.com/uk/product/MB129 ... A4MjUwMzk# (http://store.apple.com/uk/product/MB129ZA/B?fnode=MTY1NDA0OQ&mco=MTA4MjUwMzk#)

Brad the Impala
January 9th, 2010, 18:58
Ceejay is right. The simplest and cheapest solution is just to connect to your own stereo, which just requires cables, and will give you a better sound too. You should be able to get these for around 500 Baht, and any semi-tech sales person can tell you what you need.

The next step up would be a docking station, with a remote control, so that you can control your ipod, playing through your stereo, from the hammock!

January 9th, 2010, 21:31
Ideally you should listen to both and pick the one that has the best sound. I personally thought the JBL was a little tinny compared to the Lansing but you may feel otherwise. But both pale next to the Bose. Well worth the extra cash in my opinion.

January 10th, 2010, 09:43
Thanks guys for all the tips. The connection kit mentioned by Brad and Ceejay is certainly an excellent consideration, but frankly, I'd prefer a smaller, 'almost' portable speaker that I can easily take upstairs to the other rooms of the home.
I don't want it 'super' portable (i.e. to take it to the beach for instance), but just enough to easily carry it into other rooms.

Between posting the original question and now ~ a day later ~ I've taken a test ride on the JBL 200 and the Altec Lansing 612. For-the-money the JBL sounds really good ... but I must admit to being not a music freak and am perfectly happy with less than perfection.
Still looking, but close ...

January 10th, 2010, 13:21
take a look at http://www.memorybits.co.uk they have several small speaker kits.
Alternative site http://www.zoombits.co.uk
If you see one you would like, PM and I'll bring it out in April.