View Full Version : Science as witchcraft?

January 8th, 2010, 13:32
KorTose always harped on science to guide us as if it were beyond illusion. I wonder what he thinks of this science which deals with the holy grail of psychology, the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) one of the biggest compendiums of fairy tales ever conjured and fobbed off on mankind! KorTose thought his worries were over when they removed homosexuality from their list of mental illnesses.
Well, these scientists are now coming in the back door, as it were, and all in the name of that oasis of illusion known as the science of psychology, so defined by our beloved KorTose. It turns out they were the moving force behind the new Ugandan law which makes homosexual acts subject to the death penalty.

Toronto: global epicenter for oppression of sex and gender minorities

You know those reparative therapy "experts" who influenced the homophobic death penalty legislation in Uganda? For sex and gender minorities, that movement is not led by religious zealots, but by a handful of Toronto psychologists like Kenneth Zucker who still get taken seriously in their field.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) decided that gay people were no longer mentally ill, but that changed nothing for trans and gender-variant people. In fact, "experts" led the push to create a new disease called "gender identity disorder," which they successfully got added to the APA's big book of mental illnesses, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Though trans activists have been protesting to get this mental illness removed in the 2012 revision, these Toronto "experts" hold key positions among the people doing the revising.

Even worse is a sub-disease they created called "gender identity disorder in children." They have made a lot of money claiming to "cure" hundreds of children who are "too feminine." While they also treat kids who are "too masculine," in most clinics which have adopted their methods, 5 to 30 times more children assigned as males are treated. The methods? No playing with dolls, no drawing with the "wrong" colors like pink or purple, and no playing with or drawing pictures of girls. The anxious parents who bring their children in to be "cured" are expected to enforce all rules. They are sent home with instructions to make the child go through all their possessions and remove anything "inappropriate," as well as ways to use reinforcement to "correct" their child's thinking and behavior. How did nonconformity become a disease? And how did Toronto become infamous for this? It's a textbook case of pathological science with roots in the 20th-century eugenics movement, and it shows how a few misguided people can have impact all over the world.

(Screenshot: gender reparative therapist Kenneth Zucker appearing on TVO Parents)[attachment=0:29a1bknb]zucker-tvo.jpg[/attachment:29a1bknb]

January 9th, 2010, 02:37
KorTose always harped on science to guide us as if it were beyond illusion. I wonder what he thinks of this science which deals with the holy grail of psychology, the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) one of the biggest compendiums of fairy tales ever conjured and fobbed off on mankind!So you've been conned by the psychologists into believing that psychology is a science? It is at best what's known as a "social science" and therefore not truly science at all. Try reading this article on whether psychology is a science. (http://www.arachnoid.com/psychology/index.html)

January 9th, 2010, 11:12
KorTose always harped on science to guide us as if it were beyond illusion. I wonder what he thinks of this science which deals with the holy grail of psychology, the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) one of the biggest compendiums of fairy tales ever conjured and fobbed off on mankind!So you've been conned by the psychologists into believing that psychology is a science? It is at best what's known as a "social science" and therefore not truly science at all. Try reading this article on whether psychology is a science. (http://www.arachnoid.com/psychology/index.html)

Thanks for the fantastic link Copper Pheel!
I wouldn't even glorify psychology by calling it a "social science". Witchcraft is its only realistic definition.

And they just keep at it. As this article below points out, by 2013 when these loons finish work on their update of the DSM, virtually all of us will fall into at least one of their so-called "mentally disordered" categories. Today instead of lobotomies they use drugs as a means to achieve even more appalling ends. And the pharmaceutical behemoths continue to oblige with an endless flood of nostrums which keeps their profits flowing in a veritable cash tsunami. Every time someone uses that phrase "helping people" for these demonic ends we should reach for our holsters.

"You will become mentally ill in 2013"

Toronto is a lovely and tolerant city full of amazing resources for LGBT people and their allies. My many visits resulted in nothing but the fondest of memories. However, Toronto/Ontario taxpayers unwittingly harbor and nurture the most reactionary sexologists in the world. They are all clustered at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), formerly the Clarke Institute, nicknamed "Jurassic Clarke" for its antiquated views on sex and gender minorities.

Now CAMH "experts" have set their sights on declaring many of you mentally disordered because of your sexual preferences. Do you prefer people who are "too fat," or "too skinny," or "too tall," or "too short"? Do you think transgender people are beautiful, or do you prefer to date disabled people? Do you get tingly watching sexy cartoons or prefer dressing up and roleplaying during sex? Do you like dating people who are "too old" or "too young" for you? Under the expanded definition of "paraphilia" which CAMH experts hope to codify in 2013, you will likely become a mentally ill paraphilic. This diagnosis could then be put in your medical records and other databases, with all the attendant joys of being declared mentally disordered.

And if that diagnosis doesn't fit, there's always "video game addiction" and "internet addiction," both under discussion for inclusion in the APA's 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

January 9th, 2010, 12:45
Thanks for the fantastic link Copper Pheel! I wouldn't even glorify psychology by calling it a "social science". Witchcraft is its only realistic definition.OK so now you've said that psychology isn't science after all, when will you be apologising to Khor Tose?

January 9th, 2010, 14:40
Thanks for the fantastic link Copper Pheel! I wouldn't even glorify psychology by calling it a "social science". Witchcraft is its only realistic definition.OK so now you've said that psychology isn't science after all, when will you be apologising to Khor Tose?

Khor Tose is the one who insists that psychology is a science beyond any shadow of doubt or illusion! He accepts the proclamations of the psychologists as ex cathedra.

[attachment=0:1ky2jv2f]KhorTose kisses ass.jpg[/attachment:1ky2jv2f]