View Full Version : Merry Christmas!

December 23rd, 2009, 14:37
Padding around London's West End yesterday, doing some of the things one has to do at this miserable time of the year, I began to notice something very merry - Asian boys, frisky of footstep and purposeful of mien, traipsing their sugar daddies round the more expensive clothes shops, almost certainly notching up the credit cards. Passing the men's shoe department in Selfridges I came across a slim young man examining a pair of ridiculously expensive shoes with great care, his patron having wandered over to the other side of the store. I nodded at the shoes with great approval, caught his eye and said 'Merry Christmas'. Initially he was a bit surprised, but he quickly caught on, looked over his shoulder furtively, and then collapsed into stifled giggles. He may or may not have been Thai, but it was the nearest thing I shall get to a Thai smile this holiday period.

Same-same Bangkok, Pattaya?

Merry Christmas to them, I say (with, of course, the customary replacement of some consonants by others).

December 29th, 2009, 16:57
Heh... I noticed the odd Thai boy/sugerdaddy combo walking around Sydney a bit too.

I don't know why... but if the boy is cute/hot I get this urge to flirt with him behind his older partner's back... must be some ancient "conquer and win" instinct kicking in or something. Or maybe it's just fun.