View Full Version : I can't get this guy out of my mind!

December 23rd, 2009, 14:32
I can't get yedo111's boyfriend/avatar out of my mind- I see his flash-like kiss all day long. Just a cutie- thanks for driving me crazy, yedo111! You lucky dog...if you ever dump him give me a holler.

(Btw, I have held off for weeks posting this because you have no PM way to reach you. I didn't necessarily want to let everyone else in on this but I had no choice)

December 25th, 2009, 20:25
Did someone ask recently if this board was dieing/dying/dead........ :pottytrain3:

December 29th, 2009, 17:02
Yedo...how did your bf come to create that avatar? was it a Valentine present? Do you have it on your mobile?>?

January 3rd, 2010, 07:59
Hey stay away from my bf will you ? :protest: :happy7:

He sent me the video one day we met on msn and I agree it was very sweet of him to do that. :love4:

January 3rd, 2010, 08:14
Re: I can't get this guy out of my mind!
Author: yedo111 ┬╗ Sat 2 Jan, 2010 8:59 pm

Hey stay away from my bf will you ?

He sent me the video one day we met on msn and I agree it was very sweet of him to do that.

Oh, of course yedo! Not to worry. Actually it's just the sweetest thing I've ever seen and you'd be amazed how many PM's I've gotten with the comment that they agree.

If anything, just knowing there are your bf's type out there makes the search all the more rewarding.

Cheers, JL

January 3rd, 2010, 11:47
Heh... thanks to Jack... Yedo's going to be on the next plane to Chiang Mai ready to belt away anyone he sees with his BF lol.

Yeah, that little video is really cute. I never really noticed it (and didn't think it was actually his BF) until it was pointed out.

January 3rd, 2010, 19:38
BL, I take it that the cuteness is obvious to you. You're about the same age and if you have a bf you should consider putting together your own video to show your love. What a sweet, sweet thing to do.

I'm booked on a flight that leaves in twenty minutes...I hope, for yedo's sake, that he is too!
