View Full Version : Sawatdee Gay Forum dying?

December 21st, 2009, 08:03
...Compared to 5 years ago when I first joined this website, it seems that there is less activity and variety of posts on Sawatadee Forum. Also, the majority of the members seem to be more of the 67yrS + age based in Pattaya. Nothing wrong with this but when discussing dance clubs/ new trends/ fashion/ or topics not dealing with go-go boys, the responses seem to dry up.

Is there another Thai gay website that is out there that I don't know about ? (gaytingtong and gaythailand I know about)

Note: spelling correction for the old queens.

December 21st, 2009, 09:13
I realize that you are into new trends, fashions, etc. Just want to correct your spelling, it should be dying as in ceasing to live.

December 21st, 2009, 09:46
Is there another Thai gay website that is out there that I don't know about ? (gaytingtong and gaythailand I know about)

Have you tried BahtStop?

December 21st, 2009, 10:27
Sawatdee Gay Forum is my life blood. When I cannot visit, I love to hear about all the changes and new seasons - more boys and everything.

It used to comply with the rules but still be a little more spicy. Rah, rah for the good ole days.

December 21st, 2009, 11:21
Its certainly not as busy or interesting as it used to be. There are few topics worth contributing to. And as noted, its all about Pattaya and rent boys. There must be more to gay life than that.

December 21st, 2009, 12:41
try these two..
pattaya passion www.pattayapassion.com (http://www.pattayapassion.com)
thai visa gay http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Gay-Peopl ... d-f27.html (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Gay-People-Thailand-f27.html)

December 21st, 2009, 12:50
Just want to correct your spelling, it should be dying as in ceasing to live.You should understand that thrillbill's occupation is teaching English illiteracy in Pattaya.

December 21st, 2009, 13:39
Just want to correct your spelling, it should be dying as in ceasing to live.You should understand that thrillbill's occupation is teaching English illiteracy in Pattaya.

I hope you're paying attention to painai2's definition, Copper Pheel/homintern - 'dying as in ceasing to live'. You've shown some confusion about that in the past.

Thai Dyed
December 21st, 2009, 14:06
Its certainly not as busy or interesting as it used to be. There are few topics worth contributing to. And as noted, its all about Pattaya and rent boys. There must be more to gay life than that.

Regardless of age, most come to Thailand for what they cannot get anyplace else, namely sex with pretty young things, and this is true of gays and straights alike. The "more to gay life than that" of which you speak already exists in abundance in farangland so if that is what is important to you, just go home. It's that fucking simple.

As an alternative you could start a sewing circle or take up a hobby like bird watching or Zen gardening. The possibilities are endless if you stop to think about it. Hair dressing and ballet are both great and largely gay opportunities that you could indulge in right here in Thailand. Start your own ballet classes for underemployed male prostitutes! Stop grousing and get creative!

Why not get the ball rolling by posting a few exciting topics yourself right here and now.

December 21st, 2009, 15:09
.......Also, the majority of the members seem to be more of the 67yrS +

How do you arrive at the figure 67?

If you're going to just invent a figure (which you undoubtedly HAVE done) why not just round it up to 70?

Unless of course it's because you're 66 yourself and want to think of yourself as a chicken.

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:

December 21st, 2009, 15:20
Hogwash. Not everyone comes here to fuck rent boys - although the majority of posters of SGT probably do, but you are in a minority. Some of us have fuller lives than that, and can still be real gays too.

December 21st, 2009, 16:01
Might be due to the fact many people don't have the money to tour around Thailand right now. They're preoccupied with keeping themselves alive.

December 21st, 2009, 18:05
Bottoms up/LMTU we need you back we are dieing/dying here! :dontknow:

You've gone too far!

Far too far!

:hello1: :hello1:

December 21st, 2009, 18:30
Bottoms up/LMTU we need you back we are dieing/dying here! :dontknow:

What little brain LMTU had died off many years ago...............

December 22nd, 2009, 17:07
At least a little brain is better than no brain at all! :hello1:

And a little knowledge is dangerous.
The board is deteriorating to the point of obscene, The Pattaya queens have always had a strong foothold on the board but now and then some people came up with interesting and entertaining subjects. I would imagine most of these "sensible" contributors realised that the board wasn't worth the effort as their writing were soon converted to sordid rubbish by the likes of LMTU :thebirdman: and his ilk.

On a lighter note I wish all who still read this drivel a very Happy Christmas and a safe, prosperous, healthy 2010.

December 22nd, 2009, 17:45
At least a little brain is better than no brain at all! :hello1:

I might agree with you LMTU/Bottoms Up/hereforme if a duncical like you could stick to posting under one name.....

December 22nd, 2009, 17:53
.....I wish all who... read this drivel a very Happy Christmas and a safe, prosperous, healthy 2010.

Very self-effacing, not to mention accurate.

Tee Hee

:hello1: :hello1:

December 22nd, 2009, 18:14
Why does LMTU, the very public persona of a fading British "gentleman", a golden ager forced to spend his declining years as yet another English teacher in Thailand, have a compulsive need to spill the beans, falling all over himself to be the first with a scoop? Is it a race to win so that he can prove that he is "in the know," a veritable VIP, a modern day Hedda Hopper without the hat, someone privy to the lofty swirl that we, the lowly mere mortals, can never hope to be part of?

This time he posted about Kevin Quill in a thread that quickly broke down into name calling and included a pithy warning tangentially directed to another poster: "Truth Please not fantacy, MR KKK no good putting the ropes over the sign yet, you may be hanging from it, if your not careful [sic]."

I would have preferred to see one of Quill's boys, who have posted here before, release the news in a proper fashion. But then, folks say LMTU has shown he doesn't much care about proper.

Let me confess one thing right off: I believe LMTU is a buffoon and is helping to kill this board.

There are myriad examples that go towards proving the point hovering out there in Internetland, like low-hanging fruit for very lazy bats, all waiting to be effortlessly prodded with the stick of wanton mockery, like so much intellectual road kill, like so many squished squirrels on the cracked highway of life. This much I happily acknowledge and gratefully avow others words in this posting.

Nevertheless, I have always firmly believed that it is only through our shared humor, dismay, and general cringing revulsion when faced with purportedly human detritus that we are better able to come together as a people, to unite and laugh, and soak in the glow of enlightenment and progress. We're all in this together, I always say. Well, not really. But let's just go with it.

Let us begin...

If you're anything like me, you can't help but be completely overwhelmed by one devastating, all-encompassing thought whenever you see any of those floating nightmares known as LMTU's postings.

You think of sewage. Right? Don't you?

It's all I can do not to imagine the mountains of waste LMTU produces on your average forum thread where he deigns to post, often with ill-disguised anger: the heaps of verbal garbage spewing up, all those fetid misspelled words, those clammy turns of phrase, rotting byzantine thoughts, and soggy News of the World opinions, seemingly unprocessed and unfiltered by anything remotely resembling a cottage cheese filled brain.

I fully believe LMTU is one of nature's most desolate contrivances, an extremely sad, low-vibrating form of despair, a fabrication cleverly disguised as a putative human being which, if you spend more than a few minutes reading the twaddle, can subtly and calmly urge you to jump from a condo and join the Legion of Flying Farangs.

Hence, it was utterly impossible for me to stifle a bone-deep shudder when fresh words by what might be Thailand's least loved adopted personality (has it been called The Bombastic Buffoon and was it the winner of The Imbecile of the Keyboard award for an unprecedented string of consecutive years?) who has upwards of 225,000 brain cells and an ego that seems several times larger than the largest of the gaseous planets, recently lumbered across my computer screen. This online persona is not merely terrifically ugly, not merely a bizarre testament to man's voracious desire to spew the silliest, most ill conceived thoughts that it can possibly can, not merely stupidity and misplaced bravado and unchecked ego run amok... Oh wait, that is exactly what it is.

I suppose the good news is, whenever this Joe Schmo character posts on the board - usually because of a sporadic outbreak of tiny thoughts that turns its grey matter into a free floating vomitorium - I'm wont to recall others on this board who share pitch-perfect and classic opinions and information that set the standard for collegial participation. Far as I'm concerned, anything that re-ignites an appreciation for intellect can't be all bad.

Continuing on...

Shall we play a quick little game? It's very simple: You take some seemingly distinct nouns or adjectives, mash them together violently, rub them on a doxy's poxy crotch for five full minutes and, voila, you've got a new LMTU posting, a veritable show, on SGT!

Here, I'll start: Shoes! Sex in toilets! Pensions! Fraud! Successful hotel! Underage boys! 43 PMs! Sweet Jesus, add a few bottles of vodka and some lawn darts to this game, and you've got yourself a weekend.

As a result, it is with an aggressively limited appreciation for the LMTU form that I have winced in deep intestinal pain at the creation of a new posting of old news, conjecture really, from an "official source" or another "Sorry I like to be fair and Balanced (sic)" screed against all who laugh at him or a "Next Big Thing" announcement from the chosen aspect of a man who deems himself special because 50 years ago, he may have been in a room with someone who had public wattage.

In Texas, the local ranchers would look up and say, "All hat; no cattle."

Make no mistake: I am well aware of LMTU's entire psychological raison d'├кtre. (Even though the ASPD DSM-IV criteria have been heavily criticized because not enough emphasis was placed on traditional psychopathic traits such as a lack of empathy, superficial charm, and inflated self appraisal, have a look at DSM-IV-TR = 301.7 (http://wapedia.mobi/en/Antisocial_personality_disorder) and see if it applies.) And this is the way it manifests itself: create the weirdest, most obnoxious, most explosive, most bizarre of purported facts or ill formed opinions, spin an online flight of fantasy about them, and wait for the attention to roll in so that somewhere, somehow he can, if only for a moment, stop feeling that life has not given him his fair due.

And don't forget to keep clicking on the topic so it seems that the readership numbers imply popularity.

I get it. Most such sideshows are painfully easy to parse. I am also aware that there is far nastier fare out there than yet more sad manufactured personalities trying to fill the gaping void in their psyche. There is true evil afoot in places like Uganda, evangelical churches, and Glenn Beck's mind. Regardless, I can't help but wonder who, really, believes the fiction when LMTU posts about a fantasy life? Is it the same people who simply cannot wait for a traffic accident so that they can slow down to see a mangled body, an intestines-scattered-on-the-pavement disaster? Maybe they really don't believe the ravings but just want to gawk at the damage. I believe it just might be so.

Moving on...

Behold this invention: LMTU, a fantastical contrivance, saying "we only deal with facts here. not fictional fantasy [sic]".

Can you believe it? Is it not a warm, sticky gift from Satan himself, an opening so wide that even a vastly bloated ego could fit through it? Not merely content to insult the intelligence of nearly every reader on this forum by posting, is this fine comedic and histrionic brainchild one of the most toxic hunks of dross known to mankind? All from the guy who rants on about his enemies and then just called someone Mr. KKK. What's next, comparing someone to Hitler?

(Every, and I repeat EVERY Internet argument should involve at least one comparison to either Hitler or the Nazis. This is one of the most basic requirements of an average Internet debate, and although ignorant outsiders may find it silly to compare a person arguing on the Internet with an individual responsible for the execution of millions, this action represents one of the most traditional pillars of every online debate.)

You know whatever LMTU posts, it's going to be special, very special.

If you must know, I think LMTU is a appliance that pretends to be grown up but is unable to mature. To him, citing only a few examples, that means spinning tales of gossamer that crumble on close examination (successful hotelier), making up stories about people (barmy army) and attacking people freestyle ("Raccoon on his head", while momentarily amusing, wore out its welcome years ago) and then trying to bask in distant reflected glory by talking about Elton John buying property in Jomtien. (Is Old Reggie a close friend? Don't you know the truth of that?) He denies he was caught skipping out on a room bill and had to be chased down the soi by the manager and calls a refusal to pay utility bills "a well recorded water and electric miss-understand, that was amicably sorted out [sic)," just as if that were true. Could it be it is so violently different from the truth, it makes you want to stab your eyes out with the swizzle stick from a drink not paid for?

How pathetic this personality, if you can call it that, grasping at any trivial mote of information, turning it into gossip. Like a spider: spin, spin, spin.

Ah, but let us not get carried away. Let us not get overly caught up in the descending vortex of his harangues and prattle. We hereby take a step back, draw a deep breath, and realize it's all going to be OK, that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of similar examples of the artfully artificial LMTU's meretriciousness out there dying to drag us down, and somehow, some way, good sense will prevail...

But occasionally, we must turn our heads and take a cursory glance. Just so we know. Just so we can register what sort of twists and downturns, regurgitations and devolutions a virtual buffoon devoid of judgement and good taste has taken of late, so when the Grim Reaper, El Muerte, finally swings by, we can take a quick inventory and say, without qualms, "Aha, yes, I know who you really want. Try over there."

I cannot claim to know why there is a public persona like this, nor what can be done about it. I just would like LMTU to know that every time he raises his puppet voice in support of one of his so-called opinions, the opposite opinion arises in my mind with equal and comparable vigour. He is the red flag to my raging bull, the friend to my enemy and the enemy of my friend, the opposite of everything I adore and the embodiment of everything I could do without.

Whenever he appears, I grit my teeth and sigh. It is a shame, a waste, and an embarrassment. The negative energy flowing that way must be unfelt.The disrespect, so strong that it might be tactile, is not absorbed. Perhaps that acknowledgment can never be madeтАФ for if it was, LMTU would crumple, an empty shell devoid of humanity fuelled not by positive regard from his peers, native intelligence, or a desire for camaraderie but propped up by the scorn and enmity of others.

LMTU can exist only by opposition; there is nothing to sustain himself with otherwise.

And now, a coda...

On a happier note, let me merely add my voice to the many that wish to pay tribute, to all those who've been so touched and inspired by the singular talent that is LMTU. Because the fact is, good people abound. But a truly unique voice, a virtual stooge, a dunderhead whom you can identify in a single sentence, so untethered and vivid and impenetrable that to follow it down their particular rabbit holes is to discover philosophical and syntactical landscapes you never knew existed, to trip new synapses and create mental linkages you never knew you were capable of, well, this kind of art is seldom found.

And, with luck, it will be seldom found here...

Readers, please note that I have not compared LMTU to a particularly revolting strain of bacteria living in a certain barnyard animal's anus nor have I accused him of having sex with dogs because of the evidenced intelligence and wit of a charcoal briquette. If I had, I would expect a furious reaction and counterattack, which would surely set me straight and leave me cringing in the midnight glow of my HP's computer screen.

December 22nd, 2009, 18:34
Ken Jung who ever you are, thank you so much for rekindling my belief in intelligent forum writing...Merry Christmas to you.....

December 22nd, 2009, 18:43
... included a pithy warning tangentially directed to another poster: "Truth Please not fantacy, MR KKK no good putting the ropes over the sign yet, you may be hanging from it, if your not careful [sic]."

The threats directed at me from LMTU mean nothing to me - they are no more than the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind.

LMTU is a buffoon, of that there is no doubt - more worrying is that there seems to be a clique who issue barely-veiled threats in an effort to stifle debate/discussion on contentious subjects.

:happy7: :happy7:

December 22nd, 2009, 18:51
LMTU is a buffoon, of that there is no doubt - more worrying is that there seems to be a clique who issue barely-veiled threats in an effort to stifle debate/discussion on contentious subjects.

:happy7: :happy7:

Hear, hear scottish-guy......

December 22nd, 2009, 19:16
Good god Ken, when is your next book coming out ? I f he annoys you that much just use the ignore feature. :sharm:

December 22nd, 2009, 19:24
Geez... I'm away for a few weeks and someone asks if SGT is dying.

Yes... partying and sex with cute boys is certainly part of Thailand's appeal alright. Living there... what could you complain about?

By night... the most insane gay nightlife in the world... Thai boys are so much fun... cute and friendly. By day... waking up in a gorgeous room with a great view... delicious cheap food everywhere... stress melting massage (also by a cute boy)... and fascinating places to explore.

December 22nd, 2009, 23:56
Why does LMTU, the very public persona of a fading British "gentleman", a golden ager forced to spend his declining years as yet another English teacher in Thailand, have a compulsive need to spill the beans, falling all over himself to be the first with a scoop? Is it a race to win so that he can prove that he is "in the know," a veritable VIP, a modern day Hedda Hopper without the hat, someone privy to the lofty swirl that we, the lowly mere mortals, can never hope to be part of?

This time he posted about Kevin Quill in a thread that quickly broke down into name calling and included a pithy warning tangentially directed to another poster: "Truth Please not fantacy, MR KKK no good putting the ropes over the sign yet, you may be hanging from it, if your not careful [sic]."

I would have preferred to see one of Quill's boys, who have posted here before, release the news in a proper fashion. But then, folks say LMTU has shown he doesn't much care about proper.

Let me confess one thing right off: I believe LMTU is a buffoon and is helping to kill this board.

There are myriad examples that go towards proving the point hovering out there in Internetland, like low-hanging fruit for very lazy bats, all waiting to be effortlessly prodded with the stick of wanton mockery, like so much intellectual road kill, like so many squished squirrels on the cracked highway of life. This much I happily acknowledge and gratefully avow others words in this posting.

Nevertheless, I have always firmly believed that it is only through our shared humor, dismay, and general cringing revulsion when faced with purportedly human detritus that we are better able to come together as a people, to unite and laugh, and soak in the glow of enlightenment and progress. We're all in this together, I always say. Well, not really. But let's just go with it.

Let us begin...

If you're anything like me, you can't help but be completely overwhelmed by one devastating, all-encompassing thought whenever you see any of those floating nightmares known as LMTU's postings.

You think of sewage. Right? Don't you?

It's all I can do not to imagine the mountains of waste LMTU produces on your average forum thread where he deigns to post, often with ill-disguised anger: the heaps of verbal garbage spewing up, all those fetid misspelled words, those clammy turns of phrase, rotting byzantine thoughts, and soggy News of the World opinions, seemingly unprocessed and unfiltered by anything remotely resembling a cottage cheese filled brain.

I fully believe LMTU is one of nature's most desolate contrivances, an extremely sad, low-vibrating form of despair, a fabrication cleverly disguised as a putative human being which, if you spend more than a few minutes reading the twaddle, can subtly and calmly urge you to jump from a condo and join the Legion of Flying Farangs.

Hence, it was utterly impossible for me to stifle a bone-deep shudder when fresh words by what might be Thailand's least loved adopted personality (has it been called The Bombastic Buffoon and was it the winner of The Imbecile of the Keyboard award for an unprecedented string of consecutive years?) who has upwards of 225,000 brain cells and an ego that seems several times larger than the largest of the gaseous planets, recently lumbered across my computer screen. This online persona is not merely terrifically ugly, not merely a bizarre testament to man's voracious desire to spew the silliest, most ill conceived thoughts that it can possibly can, not merely stupidity and misplaced bravado and unchecked ego run amok... Oh wait, that is exactly what it is.

I suppose the good news is, whenever this Joe Schmo character posts on the board - usually because of a sporadic outbreak of tiny thoughts that turns its grey matter into a free floating vomitorium - I'm wont to recall others on this board who share pitch-perfect and classic opinions and information that set the standard for collegial participation. Far as I'm concerned, anything that re-ignites an appreciation for intellect can't be all bad.

Continuing on...

Shall we play a quick little game? It's very simple: You take some seemingly distinct nouns or adjectives, mash them together violently, rub them on a doxy's poxy crotch for five full minutes and, voila, you've got a new LMTU posting, a veritable show, on SGT!

Here, I'll start: Shoes! Sex in toilets! Pensions! Fraud! Successful hotel! Underage boys! 43 PMs! Sweet Jesus, add a few bottles of vodka and some lawn darts to this game, and you've got yourself a weekend.

As a result, it is with an aggressively limited appreciation for the LMTU form that I have winced in deep intestinal pain at the creation of a new posting of old news, conjecture really, from an "official source" or another "Sorry I like to be fair and Balanced (sic)" screed against all who laugh at him or a "Next Big Thing" announcement from the chosen aspect of a man who deems himself special because 50 years ago, he may have been in a room with someone who had public wattage.

In Texas, the local ranchers would look up and say, "All hat; no cattle."

Make no mistake: I am well aware of LMTU's entire psychological raison d'├кtre. (Even though the ASPD DSM-IV criteria have been heavily criticized because not enough emphasis was placed on traditional psychopathic traits such as a lack of empathy, superficial charm, and inflated self appraisal, have a look at DSM-IV-TR = 301.7 (http://wapedia.mobi/en/Antisocial_personality_disorder) and see if it applies.) And this is the way it manifests itself: create the weirdest, most obnoxious, most explosive, most bizarre of purported facts or ill formed opinions, spin an online flight of fantasy about them, and wait for the attention to roll in so that somewhere, somehow he can, if only for a moment, stop feeling that life has not given him his fair due.

And don't forget to keep clicking on the topic so it seems that the readership numbers imply popularity.

I get it. Most such sideshows are painfully easy to parse. I am also aware that there is far nastier fare out there than yet more sad manufactured personalities trying to fill the gaping void in their psyche. There is true evil afoot in places like Uganda, evangelical churches, and Glenn Beck's mind. Regardless, I can't help but wonder who, really, believes the fiction when LMTU posts about a fantasy life? Is it the same people who simply cannot wait for a traffic accident so that they can slow down to see a mangled body, an intestines-scattered-on-the-pavement disaster? Maybe they really don't believe the ravings but just want to gawk at the damage. I believe it just might be so.

Moving on...

Behold this invention: LMTU, a fantastical contrivance, saying "we only deal with facts here. not fictional fantasy [sic]".

Can you believe it? Is it not a warm, sticky gift from Satan himself, an opening so wide that even a vastly bloated ego could fit through it? Not merely content to insult the intelligence of nearly every reader on this forum by posting, is this fine comedic and histrionic brainchild one of the most toxic hunks of dross known to mankind? All from the guy who rants on about his enemies and then just called someone Mr. KKK. What's next, comparing someone to Hitler?

(Every, and I repeat EVERY Internet argument should involve at least one comparison to either Hitler or the Nazis. This is one of the most basic requirements of an average Internet debate, and although ignorant outsiders may find it silly to compare a person arguing on the Internet with an individual responsible for the execution of millions, this action represents one of the most traditional pillars of every online debate.)

You know whatever LMTU posts, it's going to be special, very special.

If you must know, I think LMTU is a appliance that pretends to be grown up but is unable to mature. To him, citing only a few examples, that means spinning tales of gossamer that crumble on close examination (successful hotelier), making up stories about people (barmy army) and attacking people freestyle ("Raccoon on his head", while momentarily amusing, wore out its welcome years ago) and then trying to bask in distant reflected glory by talking about Elton John buying property in Jomtien. (Is Old Reggie a close friend? Don't you know the truth of that?) He denies he was caught skipping out on a room bill and had to be chased down the soi by the manager and calls a refusal to pay utility bills "a well recorded water and electric miss-understand, that was amicably sorted out [sic)," just as if that were true. Could it be it is so violently different from the truth, it makes you want to stab your eyes out with the swizzle stick from a drink not paid for?

How pathetic this personality, if you can call it that, grasping at any trivial mote of information, turning it into gossip. Like a spider: spin, spin, spin.

Ah, but let us not get carried away. Let us not get overly caught up in the descending vortex of his harangues and prattle. We hereby take a step back, draw a deep breath, and realize it's all going to be OK, that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of similar examples of the artfully artificial LMTU's meretriciousness out there dying to drag us down, and somehow, some way, good sense will prevail...

But occasionally, we must turn our heads and take a cursory glance. Just so we know. Just so we can register what sort of twists and downturns, regurgitations and devolutions a virtual buffoon devoid of judgement and good taste has taken of late, so when the Grim Reaper, El Muerte, finally swings by, we can take a quick inventory and say, without qualms, "Aha, yes, I know who you really want. Try over there."

I cannot claim to know why there is a public persona like this, nor what can be done about it. I just would like LMTU to know that every time he raises his puppet voice in support of one of his so-called opinions, the opposite opinion arises in my mind with equal and comparable vigour. He is the red flag to my raging bull, the friend to my enemy and the enemy of my friend, the opposite of everything I adore and the embodiment of everything I could do without.

Whenever he appears, I grit my teeth and sigh. It is a shame, a waste, and an embarrassment. The negative energy flowing that way must be unfelt.The disrespect, so strong that it might be tactile, is not absorbed. Perhaps that acknowledgment can never be madeтАФ for if it was, LMTU would crumple, an empty shell devoid of humanity fuelled not by positive regard from his peers, native intelligence, or a desire for camaraderie but propped up by the scorn and enmity of others.

LMTU can exist only by opposition; there is nothing to sustain himself with otherwise.

And now, a coda...

On a happier note, let me merely add my voice to the many that wish to pay tribute, to all those who've been so touched and inspired by the singular talent that is LMTU. Because the fact is, good people abound. But a truly unique voice, a virtual stooge, a dunderhead whom you can identify in a single sentence, so untethered and vivid and impenetrable that to follow it down their particular rabbit holes is to discover philosophical and syntactical landscapes you never knew existed, to trip new synapses and create mental linkages you never knew you were capable of, well, this kind of art is seldom found.

And, with luck, it will be seldom found here...

Readers, please note that I have not compared LMTU to a particularly revolting strain of bacteria living in a certain barnyard animal's anus nor have I accused him of having sex with dogs because of the evidenced intelligence and wit of a charcoal briquette. If I had, I would expect a furious reaction and counterattack, which would surely set me straight and leave me cringing in the midnight glow of my HP's computer screen.

Awesome damnation from a man who knows lmtu etal. Winner of the catawampuscat posting of the year award. Ken Jung also wins the second place award for his last trashing of the garbageman of SGT.. :notworthy:

December 23rd, 2009, 04:09
Catscat! It is you who needs a life!.....You are typical of so many people here! But you are not here....You continue to amaze many of us :dontknow: Have you nothing else to do? Instead of always being online why don't you look for meaningful employment?

And why don't you post under your original username of LMTU?

December 23rd, 2009, 04:18
Catscat! It is you who needs a life!.....You are typical of so many people here! But you are not here....You continue to amaze many of us :dontknow: Have you nothing else to do? Instead of always being online why don't you look for meaningful employment?

And why don't you post under your original username of LMTU?

Since I have hereforme on my foe list (ignore feature) , I don't read his nonsense unless
someone quotes him.. sanook, you might as well ask a bear why it shits in the woods..
it is just the nature of the beast..

December 23rd, 2009, 04:29
Since I have hereforme on my foe list (ignore feature) , I don't read his nonsense unless
someone quotes him.. sanook, you might as well ask a bear why it shits in the woods..
it is just the nature of the beast..

A very strange beast at that cat.....Merry Christmas to you.

December 23rd, 2009, 08:18
Right now If I could vote for the best forum for gays in Thailand I would recommend this place:
www.gaytingtong.com (http://www.gaytingtong.com)


December 24th, 2009, 23:28
[quote][Catscat look for a moment back at your post on Naked boys swimming in Sunni....Then look at my post regarding yours! I assure you I am not LMTU.....How many people do you know that you have spent New Years Eve going to a funeral with?/quote]

er...did I miss something??

December 25th, 2009, 02:23
[Catscat look for a moment back at your post on Naked boys swimming in Sunni....Then look at my post regarding yours! I assure you I am not LMTU.....How many people do you know that you have spent New Years Eve going to a funeral with?/quote]

er...did I miss something??

In the words of the great French detective, Inspector Clouseau, "c'est ├йl├йmentaire, mon cher jasperuk"; "herreforme" is not "let me tell you".
There are many pieces to the puzzle but hereforme provided the essential clue as to who is who or not who.
