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December 20th, 2009, 09:25
There is a Shell gas/petro station on South Pattaya Road near Third Road. You should be aware of rigged pumps.

I went there the other day and asked for a fill-up for my motorbike. I did make sure that the pump operator put the pump back to Zero (at least I thought I did). When he was finished filling up my bike (which was not on empty) the price was 130 baht. My shocked look made him immediately say, тАЬI not cheat you! You see the pump on Zero yes?тАЭ I then said that it could not be right because I just filled up the motorbike and it was 65 baht. How could be 130 baht when my tank had less gas in it then than now?

Of course he tried to explain that the pump was on zero and that he did not cheat me. I reluctantly gave him 100 baht and went to the office to complain. This was in vain since all they could do was apologize and kept asking if I saw the pump on zero.

As I was leaving the station the pump operator ran over to my bike and started arguing that he did not cheat me and that the pump was on zero. I told him I did not believe the pump calculations and that he needed to move out of my way. He gestured that he wanted to fight but when I stood up to position myself for defense he backed away but kept yelling. I then just sat back down and drove off realizing that he felt challenged but not enough to gamble on an ass-kicking.

The only explanation is that the pumps can be rigged at the pump operatorтАЩs discretion. I refuse to go back there. I went to another gas station when my bikeтАЩs fuel gauge was actually on тАЬEтАЭ (empty) the fill-up cost at that station was 70 baht. Go figure...

December 20th, 2009, 10:37
This has been going on for years at that gas station - I refuse to use it and advise others to do the same.

December 20th, 2009, 13:08
Having worked in the petroleum industry for a while, it's a pretty simple task to remove the cover from a fuel dispenser and adjust the meter. Remove the seal and turn the wheel to the + side is all it takes. Newer meters require electronic calibration and are more difficult to tamper with.

December 20th, 2009, 21:30
I have had the same thing happen at the same station. When there is no customers around they drain the fuel left in the hose into a bottle for their own use later. When the unsuspecting farang pulls up to the pumps he is directed to the one with the empty hose.
The meter shows zero, when the pumping begins the hose needs to be refilled first. The secret is to pull in behind a Thai and fuel after them, they would never get away with it with a Thai customer.
I am not sure that the management is in on this, just some enterprising workers hoping to make a few baht on the side or at least free fuel for their bikes or to sell to friends.

December 20th, 2009, 22:46
This has been going on for years at that gas station

At least 20 years, as that is how long ago it was that they tried to charge me for twice as much petrol as my tank would hold - so obviously outrageous that they never objected when I told them to call the police or that I was leaving without paying (I left).

When there is no customers around they drain the fuel left in the hose into a bottle for their own use later. When the unsuspecting farang pulls up to the pumps he is directed to the one with the empty hose.The meter shows zero, when the pumping begins the hose needs to be refilled first.

I think this is more than a little imaginative. If you ever visit a self-service petrol station at home you will find that it is simply impossible to "drain the fuel left in the hose"without fitting an extra valve between the hose and the pump. Even if it were there are seldom "no customers around" at this particular petrol station and it would also mean keeping one pump for "farangs only", which is hardly likely to go unnoticed. Fiddling the meter is far simpler.

It is clearly impossible to say beyond any doubt whether "the management is in on this", but after this long and with so many complaints it would seem a pretty reasonable conclusion.

December 22nd, 2009, 22:42
"simply impossible to "drain the fuel left in the hose"without fitting an extra valve between the hose and the pump. Even if it were there are seldom "no customers around" at this particular petrol station and it would also mean keeping one pump for "farangs only""

It is very simple to do without any alteration to the pump. With the pump turned off, just squeeze the nozzle, the fuel in the hose is drained out, not pumped out.

December 29th, 2009, 09:45
Sounds like plenty of people know about it. Think of how many customers they've lost because of this scam... serves them right!

Nothing I like better than telling someone who blatantly tries to scam me to f*ck off.... especially if they are putting on an aggressive front.

December 29th, 2009, 09:52
The nearest I came to this con was many years ago while driving through Afganistan.

The arabic number 5 to uneducated western eyes looks like a 0.
The staff fill a can with 5 liters and swtich the pump off in the office.

A westener arrives and the hose is raised, lever pulled and inserted in the filling point.
The office then turn on the electricity and the fuel delivered is overcharged by 5 liters.

(BTW Greetings from Club 17, Pa Tong, Phuket)

December 29th, 2009, 11:58
I thought this would have died a natural death!

Yes, it would be possible to drain the fuel line as described, though the pump attendant would need access to the control switch, which is locked - that would put the management's involvement beyond any doubt.

BL, I doubt if they are worried about losing customers - it is probably the busiest petrol station in Pattaya.

December 29th, 2009, 21:31
My brother was a gas attendant in the US for many years. When filling your tank, if you simply unhook and holster the pump without draining it there resides in the hose at least 15 ounces of gas...the amount that is left at the bottom portion of the hose connecting the nozzle and the pump. Over the course of a few hours the amount not dispensed can be considerable, and can easily fill up a bevy of motorbikes with a weeks worth of gas.

No switches, no faking. It's just gravity holding up the delivery and an opportunistic operator. My brother always turned the hose upside down after every finish, draining every bit when using self service.

December 31st, 2009, 20:00
No switches, no faking.... My brother always turned the hose upside down after every finish, draining every bit when using self service.

Stupidity must run in your family.

HappyHere was correct in that the pump would need to be "turned off" for this scam to work. Anyone who thought they were getting any more because they "turned the hose upside down after every finish, draining every bit when using self service" is delusional; anyone doing so who "was a gas attendant in the US for many years" is a good example of the effectiveness of the US educational system.

December 31st, 2009, 20:07
Stupidity must run in your family.

HappyHere was correct in that the pump would need to be "turned off" for this scam to work. Anyone who thought they were getting any more because they "turned the hose upside down after every finish, draining every bit when using self service" is delusional; anyone doing so who "was a gas attendant in the US for many years" is a good example of the effectiveness of the US educational system.

No, you are wrong, you pedantic jerk. Once the gas clears the pump and into the hose it is at the mercy of GRAVITY when the pump stops. There is a residue, one that I've witnessed draining into containers many times. THINK about it. Once the pump stops the loop below the gas tank entry has no reason to move into the tank anymore. It's that residue most likely what the more savvy operators are actually draining off.

Why are you such a jerk, anyway?

December 31st, 2009, 20:12
G(o) F(uckyourself)-

I'll meet you at any Thai station and demonstrate that when the pump stops there is a residue in the hose lining that did not make the ascent into the tank after the pump mechanism ceased. I'll put 10,000 THB up on it to show what stupid pointless prick you are.

Brad the Impala
December 31st, 2009, 21:20
I think that Gone Fisting is currently going for the record for the number of threads in which his assertions are shown to be incorrect. As ever, when this is pointed out he starts spitting insults. The previous holder of this record was of course.........Gone Fishing!

December 31st, 2009, 21:40
when the pump stops there is a residue in the hose lining that did not make the ascent into the tank after the pump mechanism ceased.

Of course there is; unfortunately you cannot get it out without either pumping it out orturning the pump off and then squeezing the trigger to let gravity do its work. These pumps work with demand pumps, from underground tanks, not by gravity - you pull the trigger, and the pump pumps unless it has been turned off. Are you and Brad really that stupid?

December 31st, 2009, 22:01
and the bottom loop of the hose still holds a pint or so of petrol
unless you raise the whole hose to let it drain ino your tank.

get a brain

Brad the Impala
December 31st, 2009, 22:34
If you ever visit a self-service petrol station at home you will find that it is simply impossible to "drain the fuel left in the hose"without fitting an extra valve between the hose and the pump.

"Stupid" is someone who makes a statement like this!

"Idiot" is someone who continues to act like an expert on this topic, despite now having to acknowledge that it is in fact possible

Yes, it would be possible to drain the fuel line as described

"Imbecile" is someone who then mocks other opinions on the same topic, and calls them "stupid"!

"Unhelpful" is someone who has posted nearly 2,000 posts on this forum, and known for twenty years that the busiest petrol station in Pattaya is stealing from it's customers, but somehow neglected to mention it here!

December 31st, 2009, 23:38
As a New Year one-off, Brad, I'll give you the attention you so desperately crave and nobody else can be bothered to give you any more.

"Stupid" refers to someone who has no idea whether or not I posted on this subject in the old Sawatdee Forum 6 years ago (there was no Sawatdee 20 years ago) since it is no longer available to search, yet makes his normal unsubstantiated claims. It was (and still is) a minor point, but it was actually amongst the first subjects I contributed to, and it has been raised before.

"Idiot" "Imbecile" "Unhelpful" all refer to someone who continually contradicts one OP for personal reasons, whatever they may be, and whose advice is consequently sometimes dangerous to anyone who takes im seriously.

Boring is responding to an immature, childish little turd who has yet to make a constructive or helpful post on this forum.

╪г╪н┘Т┘Е┘О┘В ╪о╪п╪з ╪н╪з┘Б and Happy New Year, Brad (and keep taking the horse tablets, never mind the side effects).

January 1st, 2010, 08:11
Back to the topic:

Buy a one gallon container.
Fill it at the station.
Call the police if it holds too much more than one gallon, by their measure.

(there is usually a small space more than a gallon
in a one gallon gas container)

gallon used for reference.
I know they use liters.

January 1st, 2010, 11:39

Does this mean you won't take me up on my 10,000 baht bet???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA

The one thing I am sure you're an expert at is the side effect of HORSE TABLETS! The prancing, snorting, bucking then massive shit load exiting your gigantic asshole!

Happy New to you to, you fool! Please don't go away...luv, JL

January 1st, 2010, 19:03
Back to the topic:

Buy a one gallon container.
Fill it at the station.
Call the police if it holds too much more than one gallon, by their measure.

(there is usually a small space more than a gallon
in a one gallon gas container)

gallon used for reference.
I know they use liters.

Would the police do anything useful? Just wondering...

January 1st, 2010, 19:04

Does this mean you won't take me up on my 10,000 baht bet???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA

The one thing I am sure you're an expert at is the side effect of HORSE TABLETS! The prancing, snorting, bucking then massive shit load exiting your gigantic asshole!

Happy New to you to, you fool! Please don't go away...luv, JL

Just imagine how brown his keyboard is by now LOL.

January 4th, 2010, 19:53
Back to the topic:

Buy a one gallon container.
Fill it at the station.
Call the police if it holds too much more than one gallon, by their measure.

(there is usually a small space more than a gallon
in a one gallon gas container)

gallon used for reference.
I know they use liters.

I am not sure what involving the police would accomplish other than pissing off the pump operators even more so and placing your safety in jeopardy. I simply wanted to warn this board about a scam at that particular gas station in an effort to save them a few baht and headaches.

In the USA I would have reported this incident to the Department of Weights and Measures without involving the police. IтАЩd rather see them caught off guard by the authorities than warn them of a possible investigation. If there is any sort of agency here in Thailand that enforces pump accuracy please let me know and I will happily file a complaint with them.

January 5th, 2010, 07:51
Pumps must have changed since 1965. Or maybe not. In those years I had an early morning paper route I delivered on my scooter. I never bought gas...just pulled into a couple of closed stations on my route and emptied the hoses into my tank.

January 5th, 2010, 08:06
The change is that vacuum thingy, which is meant to complete a seal. I think any pump that doesn't have that can still be used as you did.