View Full Version : Naughty Irishmen, naughty Frenchmen

December 18th, 2009, 05:56

Jesus! Not again! Sex with snotty noses! Lord, have mercy upon us!

┬╗A PAEDOPHILE priest at the centre of an abuse cover-up scandal was yesterday jailed for two years after admitting sexually assaulting a six-year-old altar boy more than 70 times. The court heard that as a result of the abuse carried out by Thomas Naughton (78), the now 33-year-old victim is a sex addict, has twice attempted suicide, suffers from post-traumatic stress and depression, and believes he will never be able to have a normal, lasting relationship with a woman.┬л

┬╗Try a man if you really need a normal, lasting relationship.┬л


┬╗The words "pedophile" and "pedophilia" are frequently misused in common parlance to refer to situations in which an older person has sexual relations with a person who is below the legal age of consent but is pubescent or post-pubescent, or whom is of legal age but perceived socially as being too young in comparison with the older person. The terms "hebephilia" or "ephebophilia" may be more accurate in certain cases. In legal practice, the word "pedophile" if used in a false and libelous fashion can be considered a form of defamation or construed as a related offense.┬л (Wapedia)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Portrait_of_King_Louis_XIV_and_his_Brother%2C_Duc_ D%27Orleans.jpg

Louis et Philippe. ┬╗Monsieur, en Espagne les moines [monks], en France les grands, et en Italie tout le monde.┬л

In his highly entertaining book Homosexuality & Civilization Louis Crompton writes about Philippe, Duke of Orl├йons, the younger brother of Louis XIV, and his second wife, Elizabeth-Charlotte, Duchess of Orl├йans:

Louis XIV, the Sun King, who came to the throne at the age of five in 1643 and ruled till 1715, typifies the age's contradictions. Contemporaries testify unanimously to the strength of his homophobia. Yet Louis had a homosexual father (Louis XIII),
a homosexual uncle (C├йsar de Vend├┤me, whose Hotel de Vend├┤me in Paris was popularly known as the H├┤tel de Sodome),
a flamboyantly homosexual brother (Philippe d'Orl├йans), and a son (the comte de Vermandois) whom he punished for his affairs with other youths. French society reflected these contrasts. [тАж]

Surprisingly, the man who seemed more concerned with beauty patches than feats of arms proved an effective warrior. The abb├й de Choisy wrote of Monsieur that ┬╗I have seen him during campaigns for an entire fifteen hours on horseback,┬л
risking not only his life but his complexion to sun and gunsmoke. [тАж]

When Henrietta died, he was married to Elizabeth-Charlott, daughter of the Elector Palatine, henceforth known as ┬╗Madame.┬л The second duchess's fifty years of correspondence describing the amours of her husband and dozens of other men in France and throughout Europe has been aptly called ┬╗an encyclopedia of homosexuality. ┬╗Perceptive and humorous, peppery and humane, and candid to an incredible degree, the letters of ┬╗Liselotte┬л to friends and relatives in Germany, France, England, and Spain are a major source for our knowledge of private life at the court of Louis XIV. Her temperament complemented her husbands: while he advised the ladies of the court on their coiffeurs and diamonds, she went riding and hunting with the king. [тАж]
Madame shared these details with her correspondents, most or whom she felt were naively ignorant of male love. ┬╗On this matter,┬л she informed her half-sister Amelise in the Palatinate, ┬╗I have become so knowledgeable in France that I could write books on it.┬л In 1705 she essayed a typology:

┬╗Where have you been hiding, you and Louise, that you know so little of the world?. . . Anyone who would detest all who loved boys could not be friends with ... six persons here. There are all kinds of them. There are some of them who hate women like death and can only love men. Others love men and women; my Lord Raby [an English visitor] is of this number. Others love only children of ten or eleven years, other youths from seventeen to twenty-five years and these are the most numerous.┬л

She tried to explain how devout Christians squared their behavior with their faith: ┬╗Those who have that taste and who believe in Holy Scripture suppose that it was only a sin as long as there were few men in the world and what they practised could hurt the human race . . . But now that the world is completely populated they consider it a simple divertissement. They hide it as much as they can in order not to scandalize the common people, but they speak openly or it among people of quality. They consider it a delicate refinement [gentillesse] and do not fail to say that since Sodom and Gomorrah God our Lord has no longer punished anyone for this reason.┬л

Louis Crompton. Homosexuality & Civilization. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003, p. 341-344.
The hardback edition is a beauty! +++ Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchesse d'Orl├йans. A woman's life in the court of the Sun King: Letters of Liselotte von der Pfalz, 1652-1722. Translated by Elborg Forster. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.
Dirk Van der Cruysse. Madame Palatine, princesse europ├йenne. Paris: Fayard, 1988. From the same author: Louis XIV et le Siam. Paris: Fayard, 1991.


Josef Spiegel. Sexual Abuse of Males: The SAM Model of Theory and Practice.
New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2003. 545 p.

In contemporary society, the sexual abuse of males is massively denied, misunderstood, and trivialized. This has much to doc with the stereotypes and myths that abound about being male and about the possibility of being sexually abused by either a male or a female. тАУ each carries its own negative connotations and burden of incredulity. тАж That male victims of sexual abuse still struggle today in silence, secrecy, and shame is itself shameful, for much is now known about the devastating consequences such abuse can have. тАж Sexual Abuse of Males: The SAM Model of Theory and Practice was written with the explicit goal of setting the record straight about the abuse of males and presenting a comprehensive conceptual framework from which to understand effects and to organize treatment. ... Christine A. Courtois

"This book is the most thorough and complete presentation and discussion of sexual abuse of males (SAM). It is an essential reading for all practitioners because the percentage of patients who have suffered sexual abuse is much higher than most realize. This book is also useful for those who assess and treat female victims. It is a gem for those of us who assess these victims and suggest treatment. This book is easy to understand and to read." -Harvey Armstrong, Book Review, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Canadian Journal Psychiatry, Vol 51, No 4, April 2006

Hence, тАЬSAMтАЭ [= Sexual Abuse of Males] is based on the life histories of more than 1,000 boys, adolescent males, and adult males with histories of CSA.


IMAGE: Suppressing sexuality. Feeling like victim. Feeling like perpetrator. Shame and guilt about sexuality. Feelings of sexual inadequacy. Deliberate"male" presentation Deliberate"female" presentation. Deliberate"androgynous' presentation. Overemphasis on sexuality.

PHYSICALITY: Preoccupation with body/physique. Self-mutilation. Obsessive-compulsive about hygiene. Distorted physical image. Disregard for hygiene, appearance. Discomfort with bodily elimination. Detached from body. Keeping body"boy like. Overweight to hide body. Shame regarding genitals.

CONFUSION: Confusion regarding sexual orientation. Confusion regarding gender ideniity. Fantasy to be another male during sex. Fantasy to be female during sex. Teasing/accosting effeminate males.

SEXUALIZATION: Sexualize social relationships. Flirtation seduction to gain attention. Sex to validate relationship. Seduction without sex. Misinterpretation of intimacy. Sex for self-esteem.

COMPULSIONS: Compulsive masturbation. Denying consequences of sex. Sex with strangers. Obsessing about sex. Sex as a means to find love. Desperate prior to acting out. Despair after acting out. Promiscuity. Intoxification. Dissociation during sex. Emotional numbing. Seeking "high" from sex. Inflicting pain to numb body.

FEARS: Fear of sex. Fear of intimacy. Fear of rejection. Fear of performance. Fear of emasculation. Fear of being dominated. Fear of being passive. Fear of sexual dysfunction. Fear of intrusive thoughts. Fear of losing control. Fear of sexually abusing others. Fear of the male gender. Fear of the female gender.

RELATIONAL DYNAMICS: Mistrust of partner. Idealization of partner. Aversion to being touched. Dependency. Feeling obliged to have sex. Abusive partners. Passive partners. Needs sex to feel loved.
SEXUAL DYNAMICS: Concurrent sexual relationships. Successive sexual relationships. Letting partner get sex from others. Sexual activity outside orientation. Using clubs. Internet, organizations for sex. Humiliating/degrading sex. Sexual role playing/ritualization. Celibacy.
REENACTMENTS: Abusive fantasies. Self-abusive behavior. Receiving harm/pain. Causing harm/pain. Withholding sex. Sexually exploitive of others.
DYSFUNCTIONS: Arousal dysfunctions. Lack of sensation. Premature ejaculation. Erectile dysfunction. Retarded ejaculation. Sexual withdrawal. Choking response. Muscle spasms. Involuntary responses.

Age at onset of abuse
Among boys, the mean age at the onset of abuse is usually between 8 and 11 years (LIT). While this is the mean age range, a minority (a mean of 28% across studies) of boys are abused between the ages of 0 and 7 (LIT), and often when they are preverbal (LIT). Boys abused by intrafamilial perpetrators tend to be substantially younger than boys abused by nonfamily perpetrators. On average, 7 is the age of onset for boys abused within the family whereas 10 is the age of onset for boys abused outside the family (LIT).

Age abuse terminates
On average, a boy's abuse experience ends between the ages of 12 and 13 (LIT). However, among boys abused by perpetrators with a sexual orientation toward postpubescent males, the abuse may not commence until the male's secondary sex characteristics have emerged.

Perpetrator age
The majority of perpetrators are adults (LIT), often ranging between the ages of 20 and 60 (LIT). Even so, a limited but considerably minority (10%-40%) of perpetrators are adolescents under the age of 20 (LIT) and boys are more likely than girls to have an older adolescent perpetrator (LIT).

Boys are likely to be one of several children being abused by one sexual offender (LIT). They are 15 times more likely than nonabused males to have a family member who was abused as well (LIT. If a boy is abused within the home, another abused child resides in the same home a majority (60%) of the time.

A near majority to narrow majority (49%-61%) of sexually abused males experience abuse on a weekly basis, while approximately one-sixth to one-fourth confront daily abuse (LIT).

The sexually abusive relationship often lasts from 1 to 3 or more years (LIT) The mean duration of these relationships generally extends from 2.5 to 4 years (LIT), with a typical range extending from one episode to 7 or more years (LIT). On average, abuse occurring within the family tends to last longer than abuse perpetrated by a nonfamily member тАж

Given the needs of perpetrators to secure cooperation and ensure concealment, it follows that virtually all sexually abused boys experience some form of coercion (LIT). тАж Emotional coercion is another predominant strategy. Emotional coercion frequently and ordinarily involves subjection the child to labels such as тАЬfag,тАЭ тАЬqueer boy,тАЭ тАЬwhore,тАЭ and тАЬsissy.тАЭ The perpetrator manipulates the boy into believing that he will be judged harshly if anyone were to find out, employing injunctions such as тАЬIf you tell, people will think you are a slutтАЭ and тАЬIf anyone finds out, you'll be scum for life.тАЭ

Threats and intimidation are the means by which perpetrators initiate and maintain the sexually abusive relationship and the concealment surrounding it (LIT). Quite commonly, something or someone important to the child is threatened (LIT). For example, threats often involve actual physical harm to the boy, threats against the lives of his parents and grandparents (i.e., if the sexual abuse is disclosed), threats of abandonment or rejection (e.g., mother will leave, family will separate, father will be angry), and consequences to the perpetrator (e.g., he or she will get into trouble with the law, will commit suicide) (LIT). Homicidal threats appear to escalate with the age of the boy (LIT).

Sexually abusive acts
Childhood sexual abuse typically follows a gradual progression from noncontact behaviors (LIT) to contact behaviors. Once the behaviors or activities advance to the sexual abusive stage, boys, in great measure, experience three or more types of sexual acts (LIT), the three most common being anal penetration of the boy, , fellatio of the boy, and fellatio of the perpetrator (LIT). тАж Among boys, penetrating sexual acts are more common than nonpenetrating acts, irrespective of perpetrator gender (LIT). Boys tend to confront more serious sexual abuse than girls and are up to 2.5 times more likely to be subjected to actual or attempted intercourse (LIT), whereas girls are more likely to experience fondling and exhibitionism (LIT). Boys also experience more anal penetration with objects than females (LIT) and more anal penetration with a penis than females(LIT). In fact, the mean act and/or modal act experienced by boys is coercive receptive rectal intercourse (LIT). The likelihood of genital (or genital versus digital)penetration increases with age (LIT). For boys 8 and above, anal intercourse is the most prevalent form of sexual abuse. For boys younger than 8, anal contact and anal penetration with an object occur more often than penile penetration (LIT). A near to substantial majority (48%-80%) of boys, regardless of age, experience oral intercourse (LIT). Children abused by strangers experience much higher rates of penetration (LIT). A substantial majority (78%) of boys are coerced into performing sexual acts on the perpetrator (LIT), including vaginal penetration (LIT). In fact, vaginal intercourse is the modal abusive act involving boys and their female perpetrators (LIT). Coerced fellatio upon the perpetrator is higher for boys than girls (LIT). In terms of sexually abusive acts, a preponderance of boys have to perform oral sex on their perpetrator, fondle him or her, masturbate him or her, digitally penetrate him or her, or perform either penile/anal or penile/vaginal penetration on him or her (LIT). A limited minority (10%) of boys are subjected to sadomasochistic bondage (LIT). Last, but not least, genital violence and mutilation, a particular and relatively undisclosed form of child abuse, may be even more common than CSA among boys (LIT).

Subsequent abuse
тАж Approximately two-thirds of males reporting sexual abuse by a family member also experience sexual abuse by a nonrelative outside of the nuclear family home (LIT).

The sexual abuse of females is significantly more likely to be disclosed and reported while, on the contrary, the sexual abuse of males is significantly more likely to remain concealed and, consequently, underreported (LIT). тАж In general, younger children, when compared to older children, are less likely to deliberately initiate the disclosure process (LIT). Adolescent boys, on the other hand, when compared to girls and when compared to younger boys, are significantly less likely to disclose under any conditions (LIT).


SUBJECTION: Perpetrator's Invasion of Sam's Body | Impales Self-Preservative Functions | Circuity of Fear | Hyperarousal & Dissociation | Female Perpetrator: тАЬI'm a mistake as a boy.тАЭ Male Perpetrator: тАЬI must be gay.тАЭ
SEXUAL ABUSE: Perpetrator's Distorted Perceptions | Boundary Diffusion | Role Diffusion | Premature and Discordant Sexualization | Target: Sam's Sense of Gender Integrity | тАЭI don't feel like a boy anymore.тАЭ

тЖУ Here the cycle begins: ConcealтЖТInvalidateтЖТReconcileтЖТCompen sate

CONCEALMENT: Pervasive Across Human Ecology | Gender-Socialization Demands Non-Disclosure | Abuse is Acceptance; Truth is Sinful | Body Betrayal | Social Mythology Inhibits Acknowledgement | тАЬThis isn't supposed to happen to boys.тАЭ
INVALIDATION: Habituating Hyperarousal | Protracting Dissociation | Altered States of Consciousness | Defensive Constellations | Distortions of Reality | Cannot Assimilate; Must accommodate | тАЬWhat happened? Was it my imagination? Don't talk. Don't think. Don't feel.тАЭ
RECONCILIATION: Dichotomous Thinking/Splitting | Minimize External Attribution | Maximize Self-Attribution | Rationalize & Reason the Abuse | Search for Empowerment | тАЭIt's my fault. I can do something to change.тАЭ
COMPENSATION: Cognitive Dissonance | Demarcation of Self Before, During and After Abuse | Theories of Self Based on CSA | Compensation measures | Hypermasculinity, Feminization or Undifferentiation | тАЬI can't let anyone see who I really am.тАЭ
The cycle continues: ConcealтЖТInvalidateтЖТReconcileтЖТCompen sate
