View Full Version : pattaya passion opens up its board

December 8th, 2009, 17:18
pattaya passion is now open for all to read despite some users objections. check it out.

www.pattayapassion.com (http://www.pattayapassion.com)

Brad the Impala
December 8th, 2009, 17:42
You seem to have "betrayed" the posters by promising that their posts would only be visible to other registered posters, and then doing the opposite without warning them!

Way too pink, I almost expect the website to give off some sickly sweet floral odour.

December 8th, 2009, 18:09
You seem to have "betrayed" the posters by promising that their posts would only be visible to other registered posters, and then doing the opposite without warning them!

that seems to be a matter of debate but why not decide for yourself...
http://www.pattayapassion.com/pattaya-p ... d/new/#new (http://www.pattayapassion.com/pattaya-passions/betrayed/new/#new)

December 8th, 2009, 18:26
I took a look but as the members and owners seem currently to be fighting like cat and dog in a barrel, I don't think I'll be joining anytime soon.

:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

December 8th, 2009, 20:22
I took a look but as the members and owners seem currently to be fighting like cat and dog in a barrel, I don't think I'll be joining anytime soon.

:idea: I think we should all join - fun to stir things up a bit :idea:

December 8th, 2009, 21:31
I took a look but as the members and owners seem currently to be fighting like cat and dog in a barrel, I don't think I'll be joining anytime soon.

:idea: I think we should all join - fun to stir things up a bit :idea:

Even more fun to let it all settle down - THEN stir it up a bit

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:

December 9th, 2009, 04:55
I was a member when it 1st started.Didn't like the over the top moderation and still don't. Now that Gaybutton has gone it will die a slow death.

December 9th, 2009, 05:23
WTF , PP has only 74 members and some have only just joined

I cannot understand why gaybutton is blowing his breeches because some of his "private posts" can now be viewed by the unwashed. What on earth were they discussing.

I only joined PP to post a link back to this forum like Alf does on all his posts. It was a case of dont do as I do, do as I say. Goodbye. No sense of humour.

Did notice like gaybuttons board, almost all the posts have been originated by the owner.

December 9th, 2009, 06:02
hard to believe gaybutton wouldn't want the whole world wide web to know his every
thought on every subject. Not a shy man and certainly very opinionated, just like this
poster on a multitude of topics..

It is amazing that we have so many gaythailand forums and that some of us have the
patience and interest to check them all out.
Some have become almost blogs with a small number of insider posters, who make
a big deal over very small things and take each other very seriously..
For me, there are only two forums, this one and gaytingtong..

I have a mauve, fuchia, pink aversion and zero patience for the limp wristed image.
I also am bored shitless when forum owners post about everything they do and think
and turn fourms into boring blogs.
Forutnately there is a fourm for every taste and some even venture into heddaland on
bahtstop but I shudder to even think about the twisted mindset in place there.. :hiding:

December 9th, 2009, 08:59
I was a member of pattaya passion for a short while until it became apparent that the forum is heavily censured and edited to suit the opinions and agenda of the owner, without regard to common sense or free speech.
No wonder they have very few members.
The owner is totally clueless.
Is it right the person behind pp is the same individual with that awful "Spice" magazine?

Lets' face it the only reason the forum is being opened up is they are desperate for members and which is an example of someone running a business without knowing what he is doing.

December 9th, 2009, 09:07
An angst-filled thread resides there now ( http://www.pattayapassion.com/pattaya-p ... /betrayed/ (http://www.pattayapassion.com/pattaya-passions/betrayed/) ) piled high with accusations of betrayal, misuse of power, lying to the membership, sacred confidences breached, violation of trust, and much much worse ... neglecting to include Gaybutton in the Happy Birthday notices. Quite the hoot.

Le Passionista is full to the rafters with dudes who take themselves, and Boardieland, way to seriously, and can't see it for the cumulus clouds of pink posting froth rising furiously above their heads.

December 9th, 2009, 16:39
Smiles, I've got to confess your post made me laugh and I agree with you completely.

December 9th, 2009, 22:40
pattaya passion is now open for all to read despite some users objections. check it out.


Alf I don't know what you are on but the issue over there is that pure and simple the board owner broke a promise not to open the board without informing members. You were also pretty absent for weeks if not months before it was opened... If you like it over there, stay there, but be prepared that PP will change things as HE wants.

Smiles.... Don't take it out on GB or others who wanted to see a different kind of board destroyed by Mr Passion

December 9th, 2009, 22:45
I took a look but as the members and owners seem currently to be fighting like cat and dog in a barrel, I don't think I'll be joining anytime soon.

:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

There is only one owner.. Mr Passion himself!

December 10th, 2009, 20:58
Out of interest Alf as such a 'wonderful supporter of Pattaya Passions, when did you last post there? Prior to last weekl

December 10th, 2009, 21:06
if you want to know my reasons for leaving Pattaya Passions the check this link

Why I left (http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4934-pattaya-passion/)

I hate to post a link to another board here but I only posted there with the moderators agreement. If a mod here wants I'll replace the link with the quote

December 10th, 2009, 21:20
if you want to know my reasons for leaving Pattaya Passions the check this link

Why I left (http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4934-pattaya-passion/)

I hate to post a link to another board here but I only posted there with the moderators agreement. If a mod here wants I'll replace the link with the quote

That makes at least two of us who hate it..
This must be the revenge of gaybutton to all the gaythailand forums for encouraging
this nonsense.
You would think it was live and death for saturday.
Where oh where is beach bunny or dickhead to lambast this putritude when his
message board needs him?? :violent1:

Brad the Impala
December 10th, 2009, 21:51
These people seem to so far up their own arses! Does anyone care WTF a cosy coterie of pink queens are falling out about?

December 10th, 2009, 23:26
No offense, but why are you guys of Pattaya Passion bitching so much about this? You don't even seem to use the board. Well, except that "Betrayed" thread over this, which garnered 38 replies, which is almost triple than any other thread on the first page. You guys seem to love that thread, but don't seem to give a shit about any others, or about starting your own threads.

You look at the first page of topics there, and:

Total Topics = 27
Topics started by Pattaya Passion = 19
Topics with 0 Replies = 12
Topics with 10+ Replies = 3 (including the 'Betrayed' thread)

December 10th, 2009, 23:27
" ... if you want to know my reasons for leaving Pattaya Passions the check this link ... "
Perhaps I've missed a reply here, but who asked you what your reasons were/are?

The only exciting part of the thread about 'Betrayal' (titled by our Pattaya resident drama queen, Mr Gaybutton, Himself) is reading his multi-post exposition about why he Himself has been wounded to the core by other people (read: the Owner) deciding to take The Passion public without first running the idea past Himself.
The second part of the fun is the old Gaybutton modus operandi of puffing his quite ample chest up so far that any regular old run-of-the-mill pigeon would keel over in embarrassment and proceed to announcing in high dudgeon that he's leaving the Board forever, and "this will be the last post on this subject I'll have you know".
Then of course, he posts four more times.

It's BoardieLand ... can be entertaining if one is in the mood.

Brad the Impala
December 11th, 2009, 07:03
This isn't so much Pattaya Passion "opens up it's board", as Pattaya Passion spreads it's legs, from desperation. "Give it to me big boy", well actually any guy, because we've finally realized that the closed knitting circle doesn't actually cut it as far as our advertisers are concerned.

This couldn't be the schmuck who was advertising the best hamburgers in the galaxy to be served in Sunnee Plaza for 50 Baht, could it?

December 17th, 2009, 21:31
This isn't so much Pattaya Passion "opens up it's board", as Pattaya Passion spreads it's legs, from desperation. "Give it to me big boy", well actually any guy, because we've finally realized that the closed knitting circle doesn't actually cut it as far as our advertisers are concerned.

This couldn't be the schmuck who was advertising the best hamburgers in the galaxy to be served in Sunnee Plaza for 50 Baht, could it?
Yep and now promoting Pattaya Players

And desperate for people to join his board with under 80 members after over a year...

December 17th, 2009, 22:07
And desperate for people to join his board with under 80 members after over a year...

Talking of desperate (and I'm not that desperate that I have actually bothered to visit the PP board - for once I am content to believe everything reported here!), can anyone recall another board advertising itself here offering a holiday or some other prize for something like the poster whose thread got the most replies after their first 500 posts, or something like that?