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December 2nd, 2009, 17:40
Hi guys-- boyfreinds passport just arrived,quick question-- does he need a visa for hong kong,or is it part of the asean group of countries

thanks for the replies

December 2nd, 2009, 22:30
Thai immigration also "can (and do) turn away young men and women at the airport" in Bangkok if they do not have sufficient funds for their holiday.

December 3rd, 2009, 05:34
I have taken my Thai b/f with me to Hong Kong and he was not questioned. When I took him to Singapore, he was sent to a counter for a 1 minute interview in which he simply pointed at me and said "I'm with the old farang". No problem.

Since then, wherever we go, I make sure he carries a good chunk of cash in his wallet as we enter.

December 3rd, 2009, 09:41
First have him dress like a business man not a go-go boy. Second, not a bad idea to have a hotel conformation printed out, pre paid would be even better. Better for him to have some bank cards and charge cards in his name. Go-go boys can get master cards but they are really debit cards and/or limited to the amount in a saving account but look pretty much the same. AEON is offering them.

A young looking Thai boy is suspect. A new passport is suspect, if he has an old one take it too if it's full of stamps showing a history of no overstays. They will ask him where he works and a go-go bar is not a good answer. They can but don't always confirm employer claims, depends on the time of day, but do ask for some proof like a business card.

If the counter hits the red light, count on at least 2-3 hours of wait time for an interview. You can go with him but they ask both of you questions. They don't speak Thai.

December 3rd, 2009, 10:33
The OP did not say his BF was a go-go boy. Maybe he has a job. Dress conservatively is what I mean. I noticed a few ladies getting red flagged in Hong Hong that looked as if they just got off shift at a Patpong go-go, boots and all.

December 3rd, 2009, 10:43
Assuming he is a kept boy, all you need to do is to be behind him just in case. As mahjong guy said, the immigration officers have seen it all. So long as they know there is a deep pocket behing, it will be fine.

December 3rd, 2009, 13:09
Thanks for the replies and info,he is not a go-go boy ,nor does he dress like a toot gay boy,-so that should help- his job for the last 4 months has been one of the male dancers with Tiffaney show, he is only 18 but funnily for a thai boy looks 3/4 years older than he is
I will make sure he has hotel details,cash etc on him and possibly employment details as i did not think he could be sent back (as per the replies)-- so thanks for that

i will try to stay near him in immigration but in hkg that could prove difficult,as its so big

Ocean City here we come !!!!!!!!!!!!my stomach is turning as i think about it :) :)

December 3rd, 2009, 14:08
The correct procedure is "none of the above". You march/stroll/saunter up to Immigration, put both of your passports down together maing it perfectly clear at once that you are travelling together as a couple. Boy Special and I do that all the time; works without anyone blinking. If you think there's some magic about ASEAN counters and lines - there isn't, just ignore that and have him stand in the same line as you.

December 3rd, 2009, 15:06
Hi guys-- boyfreinds passport just arrived,quick question-- does he need a visa for hong kong,or is it part of the asean group of countries

thanks for the replies

I can't believe you're taking your boyfriend, you call him, abroad after knowing him only 5 minuites.

December 4th, 2009, 19:56
Thanks for the replies and info,he is not a go-go boy ,nor does he dress like a toot gay boy,-so that should help- his job for the last 4 months has been one of the male dancers with Tiffaney show, he is only 18

24 hours and no response from martin 911. I didn't think there would be. This boy is 18 years old and he is Martin's boyfriend. One of the questions asked at imigration might be "how long have you known each other"? well Martin 911 you might find yourself up shit creek without a paddle.

December 4th, 2009, 20:15
Do you really think a gogo boy dressed up as a "businessman" is going to be convincing? LOL. The entire gig would be up the second he was asked a question about his "line of business".

My advice is to appear like a genuine TOURIST...not some phony businessman who wouldn't fool Stevie Wonder.

Good advice!

The correct procedure is "none of the above". You march/stroll/saunter up to Immigration, put both of your passports down together maing it perfectly clear at once that you are travelling together as a couple. Boy Special and I do that all the time; works without anyone blinking. If you think there's some magic about ASEAN counters and lines - there isn't, just ignore that and have him stand in the same line as you.

Good advice!

i will try to stay near him in immigration but in hkg that could prove difficult,as its so big

Ocean City here we come !!!!!!!!!!!!my stomach is turning as i think about it :) :)

Actually Martin, itтАЩs quite simpleтАжunless you have a Hong Kong passport you simple line up with him and do as Copper Pheel suggests. As long as the documentation is there and the paperwork is completely filled outтАжI canтАЩt imagine any snags for you in HKG.

With the exception of the PandasтАжOcean Park is a waste of timeтАж.itтАЩs all ripped up as they try to expand and compete with DisneylandтАж.and the Mainlanders make it like a picnic over run with ants.

December 5th, 2009, 01:03
I have never heard of that happening in Thailand, not even once

So what? I know two Thais personally who were going to Hong Kong for brief "escort duties" who were turned back by Thai immigration because they had insufficient money for a holiday; they both returned the following day, properly briefed and financed, and were allowed out.

I have encountered several Thais, however, who have been sent home upon arrival in HK and Singapore -- despite the fact that visas are not required for entry.

So what? I have never "encountered" any, but that does not mean that it did not happen. Personal experience can only validate so much .....

December 5th, 2009, 13:55
Thanks for the replies and info,he is not a go-go boy ,nor does he dress like a toot gay boy,-so that should help- his job for the last 4 months has been one of the male dancers with Tiffaney show, he is only 18

24 hours and no response from martin 911. I didn't think there would be. This boy is 18 years old and he is Martin's boyfriend. One of the questions asked at imigration might be "how long have you known each other"? well Martin 911 you might find yourself up shit creek without a paddle.

u a perfect example of why i dont get involved on this board so much --U say i know him 5 minutes --what the fuck do u know about us asshole -- for ur info i have being coming to Thailand for 7 years now,never got involved with a thai boy before as i did not think a long distance relationship worked. -- so i am not a newbie as thailand is concerend -- i know what happens here

however this year i have taken a 1 year break from work ( i own the bloody business ) -- last may i met the most wonderful guy i could imagine and we have been together since ,he makes me laugh every day that we are together,i have cast all my sceptism aside and am enjoying every minute ,right now he is snuggled up beside me as i write this , we are just in from Nab/ and scan clubs as i speak -- u put urself in my shoes , friday night, first dinner for 9 euros.go to club ,surrounded by bfs friends ( all coyotes in nab club) fun fun fun-

tonight we took E together for the first time ,lost count of the times he came up to me ,hugged he and said about how much fun --YES that was FUN he was having ,then on to scan club (probably a little to much for u oldtimer ) where i watched his co workers from tiffaney show (the male dancers ) and him strip to their jeans and dance their asses with me up on the stage --

meanwhile we were having a discussion about what other boy we were going to try and take home with us at the end of the night haha

probably never happened to u without having to pay for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

and for your info seeing as you made the comment regarding his age , this weekend i am planning what we (me and his pals ) will do for his 19th birthday next monday -- not that it is any of your fucking business he was 18 (and unuasually for a thai guy looks about 3/4 years older than he is )when i met him !!!!!!!!!!
I was asking a question about whether he needed a visa for hong kong and this is what i have to read !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get a fucking life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 5th, 2009, 15:13
Hi guys-- boyfreinds passport just arrived,quick question-- does he need a visa for hong kong,or is it part of the asean group of countries

thanks for the replies

Hong Kong is not and never has been a part of ASEAN.

December 5th, 2009, 16:13
Wow Martin 911 a very long post to an asshole as you call me!!!! Trying to justify your reckless behaviour. Lets asume you did meet him last May and he's 19 next month so he's was just within legal age when you started molesting him. Now you're doing drugs with him , Who's the asshole YOU YOU STUPID CUNT.

And BTW clever of you to mention going to Scan club loaded up with E and dancing your tits off. If the authorities read your post they know where to go to do their next random pee tests. Do you look as dumb as you are? Even the name you chose 911 represents disaster.

December 5th, 2009, 17:44
tonight we took E together for the first time ,lost count of the times he came up to me ,hugged he and said about how much fun --YES that was FUN he was having

So in a year or two from now, when he's all fucked up on drugs, and asking you for money, are you still going to love him, and be there for him like you are now? Not to mention, you have to feed him E for him to constantly hug you, and say he's enjoying his time with you?


probably never happened to u without having to pay for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, who paid for the drugs and drinks? You're acting as if none of us are capable of finding some 18yo to get drunk and high with.

Hey, who knows, maybe we'll see you on the next edition of "Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand".

December 5th, 2009, 19:19
Wow Martin 911 a very long post to an asshole as you call me!!!! Trying to justify your reckless behaviour. Lets asume you did meet him last May and he's 19 next month so he's was just within legal age when you started molesting him. Now you're doing drugs with him , Who's the asshole YOU YOU STUPID CUNT.

And BTW clever of you to mention going to Scan club loaded up with E and dancing your tits off. If the authorities read your post they know where to go to do their next random pee tests. Do you look as dumb as you are? Even the name you chose 911 represents disaster.

There u go again making presumptions -- "just within legal age when you started molesting him " what are u on about-- mabye molesting is what u do --dont judge others by your own standards --as i said already u dont know us and therefore not in a position to talk as if u do--
oh the authorities -- i am so afraid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,chill man ,doing a little e is hardly pumping herion into his veins --chill out

for your info my name on here has nothing to do with disasters as u state

(then again u seem to jump to conclusions very rapidly when you dont have a clue what u are on about --fair enough if u know me/us, u are perfectly entitled to form opinions,its a free world , )
its simply i am a car nut and its a name i use on car forums --relates to a Porsche 911--- nothing sinister or to do with disasters

am suprised with u allieb ,u normaly post reasonable stuff --good luck

December 5th, 2009, 19:36
tonight we took E together for the first time ,lost count of the times he came up to me ,hugged he and said about how much fun --YES that was FUN he was having

So in a year or two from now, when he's all fucked up on drugs, and asking you for money, are you still going to love him, and be there for him like you are now? Not to mention, you have to feed him E for him to constantly hug you, and say he's enjoying his time with you?


probably never happened to u without having to pay for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, who paid for the drugs and drinks? You're acting as if none of us are capable of finding some 18yo to get drunk and high with.

Hey, who knows, maybe we'll see you on the next edition of "Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand".

Nope i dont have to "Feed him e for him to constantly hug u ""--- he does it every day on his own initative--haha --what makes u in a position to judge me,u dont know me/us

as i said a little e is hardly pumping hardcore drugs into his veins--relax with the "all fucked up on drugs in a year rubbish--u dont know my guy ,he is actually a very level headed person,we were just having some fun !!!!!!!!!! remember what that is ??
i didnt make any aspirations as to anybodys abilities on finding "an 18yo to get drunk and high with "--each to their own ,so why so touchy about it --guess u know the awnser to that yourself !!!!!!!!

this is a public forum and everybody are entitled to their opinions ,fair enough if u are in a position of knowledge --but its not right to spout off about stuff or people u dont even know--

Brad the Impala
December 5th, 2009, 22:15
The board's moral police seem to be in full cry in this thread.

Molesting 18 year olds indeed!

Clubbers dropping E, shlock shock horror! They'll be injecting heroin between their toes by Christmas!

December 6th, 2009, 02:08
You know, I donтАЩt think there are many members here that feel more strongly against illicit drug use and the lives it ruins, damage it leaves behind than I.

I donтАЩt, however, see a big problem with as (martin911) describes of having had Ecstasy once with his partner here. There are chemical impurities to the drug that make it somewhat problematic and it certainly can be dangerous when mixed with a heart condition or a prior history of anxiety and the risk of damage by dehydration if one isnтАЩt carefulтАжbut it certainly isnтАЩt Ya ba.

ItтАЩs yet another example of being cold cocked by the usual name calling, newbieтАЩs that have already demonstrated a lack of understanding to their own situationтАжfor them to be giving misguided advice themselves to otherтАЩs.

I suspect Beachlover, Sprinco and hereforme will be the next to wade in?

December 6th, 2009, 03:31
You know, I donтАЩt think there are many members here that feel more strongly against illicit drug use and the lives it ruins, damage it leaves behind than I.So you're less concerned about alcoholism, nicotine (which is more addictive than heroin) and gambling, all of which are addictions but legal? So if a drug (alcohol, for example) is legal in one country but illegal in another, how do you feel about that? If it's an addiction, is that a medical problem that requires medical treatment or a criminal problem that requires penal treatment? Why is Ectasy (an illegal substance) less worthy of your attention than, say, cocaine which is arguably less harmful? Does illicit drug use ruin more lives and cause more damage than alcoholism and gambling and if so, where's the proof in the statistics? Does illicit drug use ruin more lives and cause more damage because the drugs are illicit or because they are more harmful than alcoholism and gambling? From what I've seen in my job I'd have to say that alcohol is the cause of much, much more harm and misery than any Class A drug, but it's a legal drug - in some countries. Legal gambling, which is what most stock market and money market activity is, has brought the world to its current economic state. Has that caused more or less misery, do you think, than illicit drugs? Have you got the message yet that I think your feelings are complete bollocks (widely held but complete bollocks nevertheless)?

Declaration of interest: I am an alcoholic who has given up drinking.

December 6th, 2009, 07:43
No, I'm not of the belief that Ecstasy is addictive. I'm not of the mindset that marijuana is addictive either and us Vancouverites are probably just as likey to have a smoke as we are a drink.

All of your other selections...including crystal meth (Ya ba), cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, gambling are all addictive....you could probably add plenty more....that's where the difference is.

I think we've had this discussion before....where's Thaiquila when you need him...huh?

December 6th, 2009, 12:08
You know, I donтАЩt think there are many members here that feel more strongly against illicit drug use and the lives it ruins, damage it leaves behind than I.

I donтАЩt, however, see a big problem with as (martin911) describes of having had Ecstasy once with his partner here. There are chemical impurities to the drug that make it somewhat problematic and it certainly can be dangerous when mixed with a heart condition or a prior history of anxiety and the risk of damage by dehydration if one isnтАЩt carefulтАжbut it certainly isnтАЩt Ya ba.

ItтАЩs yet another example of being cold cocked by the usual name calling, newbieтАЩs that have already demonstrated a lack of understanding to their own situationтАжfor them to be giving misguided advice themselves to otherтАЩs.

I suspect Beachlover, Sprinco and hereforme will be the next to wade in?

Good a little bit of balance and rational to the table-- what a reaction from allieb i still cannot understand--from his perspective he was "barely legal bofore i started molesting him "--complete horserubbish--what was your adgenda there A??-- it was made clear the boy was 18,,18 and a half when i meet him ,not any younger so why get your knickers in a twist,--u dont know us so what s with the attitude,or are u just a shit stirrer --get a life

December 6th, 2009, 16:17
what a reaction from allieb i still cannot understand--from his perspective he was "barely legal bofore i started molesting him "--complete horserubbish--what was your adgenda there A??-- it was made clear the boy was 18,,18 and a half when i meet him ,not any younger so why get your knickers in a twist,--u dont know us so what s with the attitude,or are u just a shit stirrer --get a life

Agreed perhaps a little over the top on my part. What I was trying to do was to warn you that when you arrive in Hong Kong you could be asked questions about your relationship with this boy. It might seem a little strange to an immigration officer you would be traveling with a young Thai boy and the relationship is other than prostitution. Remember many people asume that when a Farang and young thai boy travel together it's often punter with trick, and you have known each other only 6 months. On the other hand you might be tempted to say you have known him longer than you have thus puting him below the 18 mark and opening up another agenda

As for the E I am not a prude and I have taken a fair amount of the stuff over a 5 year period on trips back to the UK. I would not encourage anybody else to do it though as it basicly affected my short term memorry, and it was definately down to the E. I took my first E at at 45 years old and did it only on summer hollidays for the following 5 years.It makes the whole sense of life unreal and gives a false sence of security. I think that your boy could get to like it and and at such a young age get fucked up pretty quickly. Also Thailand is not like the UK if I had goten caught with a couple of E's in London the worst case would be a warning and fine. In Thailand You could become an inmate at the Bangkok Hilton for at least 10 years and possible 30 if the boy said that you gave it to him or encouraged him.

My advise to you is enjoy your time with him and if as you say he is really into you. then you don't need the drugs.

December 8th, 2009, 02:47
what a reaction from allieb i still cannot understand--from his perspective he was "barely legal bofore i started molesting him "--complete horserubbish--what was your adgenda there A??-- it was made clear the boy was 18,,18 and a half when i meet him ,not any younger so why get your knickers in a twist,--u dont know us so what s with the attitude,or are u just a shit stirrer --get a life

Agreed perhaps a little over the top on my part. What I was trying to do was to warn you that when you arrive in Hong Kong you could be asked questions about your relationship with this boy. It might seem a little strange to an immigration officer you would be traveling with a young Thai boy and the relationship is other than prostitution. Remember many people asume that when a Farang and young thai boy travel together it's often punter with trick, and you have known each other only 6 months. On the other hand you might be tempted to say you have known him longer than you have thus puting him below the 18 mark and opening up another agenda

As for the E I am not a prude and I have taken a fair amount of the stuff over a 5 year period on trips back to the UK. I would not encourage anybody else to do it though as it basicly affected my short term memorry, and it was definately down to the E. I took my first E at at 45 years old and did it only on summer hollidays for the following 5 years.It makes the whole sense of life unreal and gives a false sence of security. I think that your boy could get to like it and and at such a young age get fucked up pretty quickly. Also Thailand is not like the UK if I had goten caught with a couple of E's in London the worst case would be a warning and fine. In Thailand You could become an inmate at the Bangkok Hilton for at least 10 years and possible 30 if the boy said that you gave it to him or encouraged him.

My advise to you is enjoy your time with him and if as you say he is really into you. then you don't need the drugs.

Fair enough i take your point re Hkg immigration,
Interesting your point on the E re the memory ,had not heard that before,in my time with him it has been only once we took it (6 odd months) we get enough kicks from Jhonnie red as it is