View Full Version : Is BKK going to be safe come Nov 29th?

November 19th, 2009, 04:40
After the yellow shirts had their rally of a measly 20,000, the red shirts are gearing up for theirs beginning Nov 29th, with hopes of having 1,000,000+ protesters. They seem pretty adamant that they're going to overthrow the government this time around, now that Thaksin is just a stone's throw away. Sounds like they'll continue as long as needed, although they'll take a three day break for the King's birthday.

The majority of you have been here far longer than me, so what's likely going to happen here? Is Bangkok going to remain safe, and there'll continue to be no problems traveling to/from BKK? Or is hell going to break loose, military gets called in, checkpoints around the city setup, forced airport closures, and so on?

I wish I could share the BFs enthusiasm for this, but I just can't. He's absolutely thrilled though, and says we have to celebrate on the 29th. I never get to watch TV anymore, because now it's always on channel 4 (red shirt channel). He absolutely loves this stuff. So I'm going to go buy a bright yellow shirt tomorrow, just to piss him off. :-)

November 19th, 2009, 05:50
so your BF supports the facists?

November 19th, 2009, 06:12
so your BF supports the facists?

No, he just supports the group who's looking out for people like himself; the poverty stricken folk from Issan. Not the group who is looking out for the already wealthy, university educated folk, who are already doing ok in life.

Don't be such a dick...

November 19th, 2009, 06:19
who is being a dick?

Under Thaksin Thailands poor were fooled into submission with a few baht whilst he murdered and jailed his opposition and stripped its assets for his own personal gain

the red shirts are under the complete and direct control of thaksin

My Bf too is part of the "the poverty stricken folk from Issan" and he sees right through the left wing rhetoric of the reds... they are just like the so called "union" leaders here in the west are you a communist or facist too?

November 19th, 2009, 06:23
cdnmatt.......I wouldn't either support or argue against his preferences....so you are quite right not to share his enthusiasm irrespective of whatever side he supports....it is best just to have no comment not to be involved... much better that way..... i wouldn't show support for either faction red or yellow... your support for what ever side will be resented by the other...and wearing the colours of one or the other will just likely get you into trouble as the interfering foreigner.....

You are an outsider and nothing you do can influence the outcome as you cannot vote..... so it is not worth the bother.

Some very stupid foreigners feel it is clever to get involved.... some maintain they are giving support to their bf or Thai friend
but the simple fact of the matter is.......as you are not Thai your view would not be taken seriously anyway.

Both sides shoulder some responsibility for Thailand's current financial woes..... and now the Red Shirts aim to make things even worse...... their selfishness in putting their "whats in it for me" attitude before that of their countries interests is unbelievable.....

For foreigners to get involved and be party to that is insane...... Mind you there are some thick foreign sheep out there....so don't be surprised if one or two of the more brainless ones do.

November 19th, 2009, 06:26
they are just like the so called "union" leaders here in the west are you a communist or facist too?

Yep! I'm one of them commie, socialist bastards just like Obama! heh...

But yes, I believe in the "weakest link" philosophy. If you're poor and working class keeps worsening, it's going to eventually drag your entire country down into the shitter. You need a strong, well cared for working class in order to have a stable and thriving economy. Sure, the wealthy, well educated, and powerful run the show, but if you don't have a vibrant and happy workforce to make that show happen, you're fucked.

If you don't believe me, take a look at what happened to the US economy during the 8 years Bush was president. He didn't give a shit about the poor or working class, and only concentrated on the wealthy. Look at where that landed the US.

November 19th, 2009, 06:31
Sorry but Thaksin doesn't give a shit about the poor either... He just used his money to BUY their support
Try reading up on some independent and recent history of thailand before calling any body else a dick...

November 19th, 2009, 06:36
For foreigners to get involved and be party to that is insane......

Mr M.
You are probably correct
However after witnessing first hand the relatively placid closure of Suvanabhumi Last November by the yellow shirts

And the violent protests of the mob of red shirts that ruined both Songkran in Bkk and the Asean Summitt in Pattay this April

I know whose side I firmly support...

November 19th, 2009, 06:47
cdnmatt.......I wouldn't either support or argue against his preferences....so you are quite right not to share his enthusiasm irrespective of whatever side he supports....it is best just to have no comment not to be involved... much better that way..... i wouldn't show support for either faction red or yellow... your support for what ever side will be resented by the other...and wearing the colours of one or the other will just likely get you into trouble as the interfering foreigner.....

Yeah, yeah, no worries there. I don't care about Canadian politics, let alone Thai politics. That's for the Thais to figure out, not me. I'll just do the typical Canadian thing, and enjoy my beer, while they battle it out.

I'm just going to buy a yellow shirt, to playfully piss him off, and hopefully help him see the absurdity in holding onto one ideology so strongly, that's all. After all, there's always many different sides to any given situation. It's never black and white, like it used to be when we were 10 years old. :-)

Still though, and nobody's answered my original question, which I'm curious about. For those that have been around quite a while, do you foresee a disruption in Bangkok? If so, how much so? Minimal, or quite substantial?

November 19th, 2009, 06:55
To answer your original question...

I was in Bkk during the red shirt protests in April

I saw people with red bandannas attempting to comandeer tanks and blocking the street i was staying with a petrol tanker... all on the same day

That evening we left for pattaya... even my Bf who is usually up for a "stare" at anything wanted to get out of there!

So i would stay well away...

November 19th, 2009, 07:33
I will let you know on the 30th - anything that anybody else tells you is just a guess. the longer you watch Thai politics, the more you realise that people who make predictions about it usually end up with egg on their faces.
and if you want to remind yourself of what Thai politics was like when Thaksin was in charge, just look at the circus in Cambodia at the moment. as colmx said, Thaksin didnt care about the poor, he just saw them as a means to an end, a source of a lot of cheap votes. but mostly he used public money to secure their votes, not his own money.

November 19th, 2009, 07:49
They can claim they will have a million people all they want. I would be skeptical of that until it happens. Happily for me I am out of here on the 25th so I won't get to see it firsthand myself.

November 19th, 2009, 08:44
He absolutely loves this stuff. So I'm going to go buy a bright yellow shirt tomorrow, just to piss him off. :-)

Haha... in a playful way, that's cute. Ever notice cute boys are even cuter when they're mad? lol.

Thanks for the heads up.... I had no idea there was this protest planned for this period.

I wonder what the probability is of this causing significant disruption... I imagine the worst case scenario (stuck in hotel room for a few days) isn't too bad (could it be worse?) so unless it's almost CERTAIN to cause big problems... it's probably ok to be in Bangkok those few days if you've already made plans.

November 19th, 2009, 09:04
" ... He absolutely loves this stuff. So I'm going to go buy a bright yellow shirt tomorrow, just to piss him off ... "
I'll rest under the assumption that you're joking.
But, in case not ... my advice would be to curb your enthusiasm for game playing (something you've already demonstrated a predilection for) with your Thai guy. You will lose huge face for this, and make him lose some himself because your demonstrating that you have no respect for his opinions (and I don't mean this particular opinion itself, but his ability to form opinions in the first place). The second 'face' is the more important, and very difficult to recoup.

" ... I'm just going to buy a yellow shirt, to playfully piss him off, and hopefully help him see the absurdity in holding onto one ideology so strongly, that's all. ... "
That's all?
But go ahead ... have some good old western fun. You and Beachlover are quite clueless.

November 19th, 2009, 09:54
They can claim they will have a million people all they want. I would be skeptical of that until it happens. Happily for me I am out of here on the 25th so I won't get to see it firsthand myself.

They will have that if they have the money and transportation. I hear it's 350B per day per protester, food and transportation. If the red shirt organizers predict one million then someone might have done the math.

November 19th, 2009, 10:56
well, they've claimed big numbers before that have failed to materialize. So I will take their prediction with a grain of salt until proven otherwise. Moving a million people is not easy. How many people fit onto one bus/car/truck/motorbike? To get to a million you will need a lot of vehicles. Unless all of the taxi drivers in Bangkok are joining in. :-)

Was this what they were all doing in Cambodia the other day meeting with Thaksin? Plotting the logisitics? Will they have some sort of viable agenda or are they just going to make some more speeches like all of the other ones?

November 19th, 2009, 11:06
No matter how much we want to compartmentalize things we donтАЩt understand or suggest it is either black or white, in this case red or yellow, I donтАЩt think any of us really understand the whole picture.

I also think the timing of the protest is quite interesting.

Many different scenarios can be played out in this time frame between November 29th and December 5, of course the 5th being the birthday of the unspeakable.

If even half the numbers predicted show up, there will be logistic challenges not to mention whatever planned events are scheduled.

In a nut shell here is the scenario I think will play out more or less.

It goes to hell in a hand basket after the 29th but before the 5th.

The unspeakable person will address the nation as he usually does around the 4th.

Mr. T will be royally pardoned for all his horrible crimes and be allowed to return to his home in Thailand with the understanding he cannot involve himself in politics ever again and maybe some of his ill gotten gains (Money) be returned with a percentage being deducted and donated to various social causes for the good of Thailand.

Mr. T will re-marry his wife.

Everyone is thrilled and pleased.

The happy index shoots up to 85%.

All is well in the Kingdom once again. :love4: :love4: :love4:

Just my thoughts.

What are yours?

November 19th, 2009, 11:34
Mr. T will be royally pardoned for all his horrible crimes

Not the faintest chance of that happening.

November 19th, 2009, 12:10
Mr. T will be royally pardoned for all his horrible crimes

Not the faintest chance of that happening.

Agreed. Only chance of that happening is with another coup.

November 19th, 2009, 12:15
Mr. T will be royally pardoned for all his horrible crimes

Not the faintest chance of that happening.

Even under the reign of Rama X?

November 19th, 2009, 12:23
The majority of you have been here far longer than me, so what's likely going to happen here? Is Bangkok going to remain safe, and there'll continue to be no problems traveling to/from BKK? Or is hell going to break loose, military gets called in, checkpoints around the city setup, forced airport closures, and so on?I got out both my crystal balls for this one (and the Royal Doulton dildo) but it made for such a tasteful arrangement I had a good wank instead of addressing the question. However I concur with Khun Beach Bunny's question above. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't been following the recent changes in political allegiance of some of the old generals such as Chavalit who are clearly making plans ahead of the event we can't mention.
December 5, of course the 5th being the birthday of the unspeakableI suspect that isn't quite what you meant since, as it stands, it might be seen as lese majeste. Whatever people may say of Rama IX, "unspeakable" is an adjective I've yet to see used.

November 19th, 2009, 14:58
Even under the reign of Rama X?

That's another matter. Impossible to say with any certainty in the absence of inside information, but I doubt it. I would expect the vested interest of the monarchy to take precedence over any (perhaps) friendly feelings towards Thaksin. One thing I am quite sure of is that any move to restore Thaksin to power, whoever might instigate it, would lead to a civil war. He is loathed by far too many Thais of influence to be accepted back peacefully.

November 19th, 2009, 21:20
after witnessing first hand the relatively placid closure of Suvanabhumi Last November by the yellow shirts And the violent protests of the mob of red shirts that ruined both Songkran in Bkk and the Asean Summitt in Pattay this April I know whose side I firmly support...

If that is the basis on which you made your choice, then you obviously know nothing about the situation.

Thaksin didnt care about the poor, he just saw them as a means to an end, a source of a lot of cheap votes. but mostly he used public money to secure their votes, not his own money.

Very true, but that still made him a hero in their eyes and the first Thai politician with the intelligence to realise that the poor made up the majority of the voting population - and when he was voted in for an unprecedented second four year term very few votes were bought (at least by his side) as they did not need to be.

But go ahead ... have some good old western fun. You and Beachlover are quite clueless.

In this case I have to agree with you, Smiles - even if there were no limits to communication this would be a risky and pointless move at best; making fun of one of the few things his BF reportedly takes seriously is not a good move and, given some of his other recent posts, I am surprised and disappointed by Matt in this. As for Beachedblubber ....

I hear it's 350B per day per protester, food and transportation.

The recession must be biting - my in-laws were offered 500B per day by both sides before, but they declined once it became known that the "security guards" would not let them leave once they were there.

I donтАЩt think any of us really understand the whole picture. .....In a nut shell here is the scenario I think will play out more or less

A nut would be more than adequate for your understanding of the situation.

...and "to answer your original question", Matt, unless you intend visiting the area of the "goings on" for yourself you will probably barely notice anything different - as was evidenced by the vast majority of those who posted on the last couple of years' events who were living in Bangkok at the time.

November 20th, 2009, 01:37
He is loathed by far too many Thais of influence to be accepted back peacefully.As I recall Thaksin's party won a majority in the last election and opinion polls are not a feature of Thai political life. I'm therefore interested in learning the source of the facts on which you have based this assertion.

November 20th, 2009, 07:15
He is loathed by far too many Thais of influence to be accepted back peacefully.As I recall Thaksin's party won a majority in the last election and opinion polls are not a feature of Thai political life. I'm therefore interested in learning the source of the facts on which you have based this assertion.

Most of Thaksin's support comes from Isaan and the North. Since the last election, his support base in Isaan has been reduced by the defection of Newin Chidchob, who came to realise (was convinced by other political forces) that there was more to be gained by supporting a Democrat-led coalition than by supporting Thaksin and the latest re=badging of the TRT party. We will have to wait to see how many actual votes Thaksin will be able to get next election.
As Peter pointed out, there are many "Thais of influence" who do not support him and will not sit back and let him return to power - witness the 2006 coup and the PAD protests, as well as the army's reaction to the UDD protests (and lack of reaction to the PAD protests).

November 20th, 2009, 07:24
As Peter pointed out ...Peter merely asserted (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assert) something to be true, he produced no publicly available and independently verifiable facts to support his assertion and neither have you. His opinions (as are yours or mine) are no more than that and to state them, or your inferences, as facts does not make them so.

November 20th, 2009, 07:37
[quote="dave_syd":3d22y2h1]As Peter pointed out ...Peter merely asserted (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assert) something to be true, he produced no publicly available and independently verifiable facts to support his assertion and neither have you. His opinions (as are yours or mine) are no more than that and to state them, or your inferences, as facts does not make them so.[/quote:3d22y2h1]

Agree 100% that its merely opinion, but since we are discussing what is likely to happen in the future, what else do you expect apart from opinions?
You countered his opinion with an example which you said proved him wrong, I provided an counter to your example, and a couple of other examples to support Peter's opinion.
As for being "publicly available and independently verifiable facts", yours are no more so than mine.

November 20th, 2009, 10:01
One boy in Bangkok I casually know used to be a yellow shirt. I asked why, 300B per day. He then became a red shirt because they offered 400B. I told him no shirt better, he said OK, 500B.

November 20th, 2009, 10:48
His opinions (as are yours or mine) are no more than that ....
As for being "publicly available and independently verifiable facts", yours are no more so than mine.As far as I can see I've stated nothing more than to repeat what's been in the newspapers - a number of generals, including Chavalit, have announced a change of political allegiance to Thaksin. Other than that I've pointed out that no-one (except Beach Bunny) in this entire thread has said anything more than to re-state their prejudices, dressed up as facts. If you think you can infer my opinion from what I've written I'd be most interested to hear what you believe it to be (supported by quotes).

November 20th, 2009, 11:15
As far as I can see I've stated nothing more than to repeat what's been in the newspapers

As far as I can see I've stated nothing more than to repeat what's been in the newspapers.

November 20th, 2009, 11:23
As far as I can see I've stated nothing more than to repeat what's been in the newspapers.
As Peter pointed out, there are many "Thais of influence" who do not support him and will not sit back and let him return to power - witness the 2006 coup and the PAD protests, as well as the army's reaction to the UDD protests (and lack of reaction to the PAD protests).You have certainly repeated what the opinion writers in the newspapers have said - that is not the same as repeating the facts reported in the newspapers. You need to learn the difference between a fact and an inference based on facts. Your statements are inferences, not facts.

November 20th, 2009, 12:33
You have certainly repeated what the opinion writers in the newspapers have said - that is not the same as repeating the facts reported in the newspapers. You need to learn the difference between a fact and an inference based on facts. Your statements are inferences, not facts.

When trying to predict what will happen in the future, what else can you rely on apart from interpretation of the factual events of the past? Perhaps you can provide some facts to counter those interpretations, and show all of us how the experts do it?

You stated that the the PPP won the 2007 elections; yes, a fact, but irrelevant to the discussion. That fact does nothing to prove that there aren't influential Thai people who will not sit back and let Thaksin return to power. The 2006 coup shows that there were such people in 2006, have they all suddenly disappeared?

November 20th, 2009, 12:37
What absolutely bothers me is the total lack of competence on the part of any member of red shirts / Puea Thai.

All they can be is AGAINST something, and they are only FOR Thaksin. Maybe there would be a chance of reconciliation, with Thaksin out of the picture, but everyone knows that this power-hungry maniac will never give up his claim to power.

I don't prefer either side, red or yellow, I just would like them to stay wherever they come from and shut up.

It is ironic, however, that Thaksin seems to have understood the "Isaan prostitute" mentality and worked it to his benefit. Thaksin as giant sugardaddy for Isaan folk - something that even myriads of western tourists could never dream of.

It's also funny how all the farang with a BS from the northeast seem to support the red shirts - because BS tells them Thaksin can "take care" like they do? (How much is the going rate again?)

I believe in general it is safe to say that in Thailand, everyone can be bought. But I'd rather refrain from supporting a berlusconi-like Mini-Hitler who draws his support from the dumb masses of the northeast that either prostitute themselves or start drinking Mekong whisky at 8 in the morning.

November 20th, 2009, 17:34
When trying to predict what will happen in the future, what else can you rely on apart from interpretation of the factual events of the past? Perhaps you can provide some facts to counter those interpretations, and show all of us how the experts do it?I don't have an opinion and I'm certainly not so foolish as to predict the future, I'm merely pointing out that almost every single post in this thread comes from people who are simply airing their prejudices and producing not one jot or tittle of evidence to back their assertions up, but believe they are stating "facts". There are very few facts, they are subject to multiple inferences and anyone who believes they are capable of predicting the future from that flimsy foundation is certainly massaging their own ego and potentially some part of their anatomy as well.

As Beach Bunny rightly pointed out, when such people make assertions that something will never, ever happen in the future, asking the right question - such as his about the possible treatment of Thaksin in a future reign - shows how facile such assertions are. As Beach Bunny well knows, and his question alludes, one of the leading claimants to the title of Rama X is reputedly in Thaksin's pocket and there have been articles about the various business deals the two of them have been in together. So to assert that in the future Thaksin won't successfully claim some sort of payback is little more than pissing in the wind (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pissing+into+the+wind), as I believe you Australians say.

However all one can do at the moment is ask the sort of questions that should but probably won't puncture the pretensions of those who have an opinion.

November 20th, 2009, 17:44
I'm certainly not so foolish as to predict the future

Have you stopped gambling on your future predictions on intrade then?

November 20th, 2009, 23:09
I don't have an opinion and I'm certainly not so foolish as to predict the future, I'm merely pointing out that almost every single post in this thread comes from people who are simply airing their prejudices and producing not one jot or tittle of evidence to back their assertions up, but believe they are stating "facts". There are very few facts, they are subject to multiple inferences and anyone who believes they are capable of predicting the future from that flimsy foundation is certainly massaging their own ego and potentially some part of their anatomy as well.

Isn't it wonderful how rapidly someone capable of stooping so low as to deceive others into thinking he is dead, just for the vicarious thrill of reading his own 'obituaries', can become a pompous, curmudgeonly old windbag once more!

November 21st, 2009, 02:25
I'm merely pointing out that almost every single post in this thread comes from people who are simply airing their prejudices and producing not one jot or tittle of evidence to back their assertions up, but believe they are stating "facts".
Have you stopped gambling on your future predictions on intrade then?
Isn't it wonderful how rapidly someone capable of stooping so low as to deceive others into thinking he is dead, just for the vicarious thrill of reading his own 'obituaries', can become a pompous, curmudgeonly old windbag once more!Assertion*: Isn't it wonderful how rapidly someone capable of stooping so low as to deceive others into thinking he is dead
Inference: just for the vicarious thrill of reading his own 'obituaries'
Opinion: can become a pompous, curmudgeonly old windbag once more!

* Assertion - a statement supposedly of a fact with no supporting evidence

November 21st, 2009, 06:08
Since the topic of the thread is asking people to speculate about the future, what else to you expect apart from people's opinions based on observation and interpretation of relevant past events, countered by others with a different interpretation of the same or other relevant event.
You argued that Peter's assertion was incorrect due to Thaksin's party getting a 'majority' in the 2007 election. Perhaps you would like to back up that statement with some evidence? The PPP, 'Thaksin's party', did not get a majority, they got 36.63% of the constituency vote, and had to form a coalition with 5 other parties to form a government. You also failed to explain how the election result proved Peter's assertion wrong.
Since you now cant defend your own assertion, you fall back to criticising the logic of the posters (apart from BB, who you seem to have some special place in your heart for).

November 21st, 2009, 07:02
Since the topic of the thread is asking people to speculate about the futureIt has turned into one about getting people to pool their ignorance and they seem to have done so remarkably well. The topic is quite a specific one, relating to a particular date and event. Gone Fisting's answer was the most apposite, whereas most respondents have taken it to be an open invitation to wide-ranging speculation about the direction of Thai politics which is where I joined in this conversation.
(apart from BB, who you seem to have some special place in your heart for).The Bunny and I are joined at the hip; we can be found every Friday evening @Richards chewing the fat of the issues of the day. Sadly The Bunny's grasp of logic often fails him, exemplified by his most recent comment where he misunderstands the difference between an opinion and assigning a probability to that opinion. I was most recently (ie. last night) able to point out that locking up his profile on Gayromeo so only registered users can now view it doesn't do much to deter the prurient (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/prurient) (assumption) while giving the lie (inference) to his assertions in these Forums that the profile is not his.

November 21st, 2009, 09:13
All that tells us is that you are willing to bet on certain predictions, but not on others.

November 21st, 2009, 09:44
All that tells us is that you are willing to bet on certain predictions, but not on others.One thing I am prepared to bet on is that if you examine homintern's postings, who you claim that I am, you will find numerous references to the fact that you in your various incarnations are not only someone whom he has permanently on IGNORE but someone for whose opinions he has no time whatsoever. Whereas I am constantly engaging you in discussion and even quoting you with approval at times. Or perhaps you have some evidence you can produce, emails between us, recordings of our conversations @Richards?

November 21st, 2009, 11:37
Since the topic of the thread is asking people to speculate about the future, what else to you expect apart from people's opinions based on observation and interpretation of relevant past events, countered by others with a different interpretation of the same or other relevant event.

Perfectly true, dave_syd, but give it up. You must know by now that you can never get anywhere in an argument with Copper Pheel/homintern because his only interest is in tying people up in semantic knots for his own amusement. Having an interesting exchange of views about a subject is the last thing on his mind.

And be careful, Copper Pheel/homintern, you're starting to get sloppy. In the current 'Jomtien Update' thread you can't resist joining an attack on x in pattaya with the comment, 'Let's not forget his proud boast to having been deported from 34 countries in his working life'. This was one of homintern's many running lines that he liked to use (ad nauseam) to wind up selected posters; no one else used to use it. But it's not little slip-ups like that which convince me that you are the same poster as homintern. It is very hard for any writer to conceal his natural 'voice' over a long period and you're certainly not up to it. We all have preferences of subject-matter, style, vocabulary, phraseology, tone and the like and those things convinced me some time ago as to your identity. Bluster all you like, it doesn't concern me. One piece of advice: lay off the lectures on the need to adhere to factual truth, which don't look good coming from the likes of you.

November 21st, 2009, 12:26
Perfectly true, dave_syd, but give it up. You must know by now that you can never get anywhere in an argument with Copper Pheel/homintern because his only interest is in tying people up in semantic knots for his own amusement. Having an interesting exchange of views about a subject is the last thing on his mind.

of course, you are right. you certainly cant take him seriously. I do find him amusing at times though, same as the dear? departed? homintern was before his untimely departure.

November 21st, 2009, 14:42
I think Bangkok is not going to be safe on the 29th and perhaps some days after that. I expect the airport will be alright though. I would avoid non-essential travel to Bangkok starting the 29th and then see what happens. This is advertised as the final push and they aren't fooling around, they are desperate. That means there will be violence.

November 21st, 2009, 15:44
It is very hard for any writer to conceal his natural 'voice' over a long period and you're certainly not up to it. We all have preferences of subject-matter, style, vocabulary, phraseology, tone and the like and those things convinced me some time ago as to your identity.I think we can count this as a "Why I believe in the tooth fairy" moment.

November 21st, 2009, 17:42
I think we can count this as a "Why I believe in the tooth fairy" moment.

Just keep posting, Copper Pheel/homintern. As you do so, and more and more of your delightful personality leaks out, so more and more people will come to the same conclusion. It's what happened when you went from being the Colonel to homintern, only this time of course you can't own up to having been homintern due to that little matter of the faked death, which is a bit rank even by the none-too-demanding standards of this board. Must be frustrating for you to have to wonder all the time if you're revealing too much and to have to curb the full expression of your wide range of likes and dislikes. Oh, that reminds me, you mentioned an upcoming visit to Pattaya a couple of months back. How did that go? Bet you had a simply wonderful time.

November 22nd, 2009, 01:07
The topic is quite a specific one, relating to a particular date and event. Gone Fisting's answer was the most apposite

I'm flattered (I think).... and the festivities are now due to start on the 28th.

Brad the Impala
November 22nd, 2009, 01:58
[quote="Copper Pheel":3baq8r7e]The topic is quite a specific one, relating to a particular date and event. Gone Fisting's answer was the most apposite

I'm flattered (I think).... and the festivities are now due to start on the 28th.[/quote:3baq8r7e]

False modesty is such an irksome trait. Although I can appreciate how rarely your comments are referred to as "apposite".

November 22nd, 2009, 03:14
Oh, that reminds me, you mentioned an upcoming visit to Pattaya a couple of months back. How did that go? Bet you had a simply wonderful time.I did thanks, spending a lot of my time with the police volunteers - a fine body of men. I've now signed up for a place at Center Condo and Beach Bunny has agreed to come to the house-warming party on 5 December. Will you be popping along? I've heard tell you do a fine monologue on the Socratic method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method). Sadly for Beach Bunny (and the management of @Richards) that means an end to our regular Friday night festivities in Bangkok; I have to say I'm looking forward to making new friends among the denizens of Sunee Plaza.

November 22nd, 2009, 04:29
hihi, what a bunch of crazy people screaming at eachother. The question was is BKK going to be safe come Nov 29th?

Well, I will be in Bangkok from 27 to 30 november and again from 5 to 11 of december, please run away all you queers, if you are there BKK will be a very unsafe place :thebirdman:

November 22nd, 2009, 15:32
After the yellow shirts had their rally of a measly 20,000, the red shirts are gearing up for theirs beginning Nov 29th, with hopes of having 1,000,000+ protesters.......

i still remember news footage of people carrying their suitcases and running towards the airport in panic (road being blocked). i also recall several people had car accidents and died on their way to that military airport near pattaya. hopefully everything will work out at the end, as i dont know how many hoops i am prepared to jump for several cute boys. :evil4:

November 22nd, 2009, 16:53
Or perhaps you have some evidence you can produce, emails between us, recordings of our conversations @Richards?

That's the bar in Bangkok where I know at least 4 of the customers have been fucking one of the partners' boyfriend.
(oops sorry Jim , me and my big mouth)

November 23rd, 2009, 13:12
@RichardsThat's the bar in Bangkok where I know at least 4 of the customers have been fucking one of the partners' boyfriend.They must be desperate. Both partners have long-term boyfriends in their late thirties or forties. My Boy Special is only 28.

December 3rd, 2009, 18:13
Well the 29th rolled around and nothing seemed to happen... which was nice.

December 3rd, 2009, 18:30
Well the 29th rolled around and nothing seemed to happen... which was nice.

well, the planned demonstrations were postponed until after the King's birthday. Now they say they are planning to hold a gathering on Constitution day, December 10. However they dont intend that protest to last longer than one day. But they have been changing their plans a bit recently, so wait and see what happens.
http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews ... -on-dec-10 (http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/161729/reds-to-rally-on-dec-10)
http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politic ... -udd-rally (http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/161828/isa-won-t-be-imposed-to-control-udd-rally)

December 10th, 2009, 12:28
Can anyone tell me if they keep a forklift permanently at the Grand Palace or did they have to get one in specially?

December 11th, 2009, 13:06
Can anyone tell me if they keep a forklift permanently at the Grand Palace or did they have to get one in specially?Very naughty, Andrew.