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View Full Version : Khun Dew and his new 'do' ...

January 7th, 2006, 05:08
The sweet smile of Khun Dew (fave waiter & bar tender at Balcony) is topped now by a radical new hair style.

I think the New Dew is quite terrific . . . what say you? VOTE for your favourite "look" of one of our favourite Thai guys in the Big Mango (always taking into consideration that Khun Dew would look sensational in a Mohawk with side tattoos!

(1) The OLD DEW


(2) The NEW DEW


January 7th, 2006, 06:33
... I can't remember ever disagreeing with an opinion of yours, but I do find you less than trustworthy on the aesthetic front.

First, those hats. You have a b/f who chooses wonderful hats with wide brims and who then wears them with confidence and bravura - and looks terrific. [And it's great when you let us see him from time to time.] But you spoil it usually with a reference to 'silly hats'. They aren't silly - just more interesting than the hats we wear ourselves.

Now we have a reference to Khun Dew's latest 'hair-do'. As you say, nothing could detract from Dew's smile and eyes, but I doubt whether he has anything that could be called a 'hair-do'. It looks like a rough, all-over cut that will soon need a bit of attention again. It's honest and down-to-earth and no doubt suits his personality, but a 'hair-do' it ain't! Now, if we saved up hard and put him into the creative hands of one of the girls at 'Cutie & Beautie' it might be a different matter. No doubt he would lose some of that devastatingly innocent look; but some of us might sleep more soundly in our beds.

January 7th, 2006, 06:57
Why don't you just off him and put yourself (and us) out of misery.

Perhaps he will even live up to your fantasized dreams - but most probably (according to WowPow in another thread) he wont!!

Sorry - it was Boxer and not Wowpow

700 short time 1000 overnight is fine more if you feel a good night was had, but I believe many are not getting a good nights sex. There is too much bravo and "OH he was fantastic" when all you got was a hand job and a sleeping body next to you or a star fish lying there waiting for you to do it all? Does this ring a bell for so many who pay lots more? Ok I suppose if you don't get sex at home it is marvelous so cough up and pay!

January 7th, 2006, 07:04
- but most probably (according to WowPow in another thread) he wont live up to your fantasized dreams!!
Do give us the link, dear boy

January 7th, 2006, 07:11
" ...Why don't you just off him and put yourself (and us) out of misery... "
:lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry Fungi, you'll just have to 'Ignore'. This is a "look-but-no-touch" situation & I'm happy with it like that. Leave us our silly little enjoyments won't you.
But I will buy a drink from him quite soon ... and tip like it's an official "off".

In the meantime, consider yourself smited!

Cheers ...

January 7th, 2006, 07:29
In the meantime, consider yourself smited!

Likewise - I'm sure!! :twisted:

BTW the name is FUNGUS not Fungi


Juho (Fun) Gustafsson

January 7th, 2006, 07:33
I voted in favour of the new short haircut... my bf also has taken to wearing his hair short, although I think he looks gorgeous when its long. He says it makes him look younger, and short hair is fashionable. Given his keen sense on fashion, I'll take his word.

I voted, but with a pang of conscience. Khun Dew is a familiar face to those who visit Soi 4 and to those who avidly oogle at his popularity on the Board. It's almost as if we were voting on an old friend.... and that made it not some anonymous figure, but someone personal. Do we like people casting opinion on someone we know on a public forum? I know voting on hair style is innocent enough, but it gripped my conscience enough to ask myself whether I should be doing this.

Truth be told, I'm sure he would relish the attention. But somewhere deep down, it just doesn't feel right people voting on him.

January 7th, 2006, 08:59
I've been wondering if he knows he has a fan club here? Balcony (presumably the bar's owner) is a poster here. I wonder if he has gotten a reaction from Dew about all the public admiration he receives here.

January 7th, 2006, 09:10
I agree with Smiles. The New Dew is quite attractive.

January 7th, 2006, 10:20
The short cut is cuter.
Anyone here do Dew?

January 7th, 2006, 10:29
"This Board needs a good dollop of hot sex ...
.... and I wish I could provide it, but in fact I'm just browsing for it. Weather reports for Pattaya & environs, and airline reviews are OK, but hardly make loins quiver." Smiles

and haircuts do make one's loins quiver?

I'd rather dwell on Khun Dew's bee-sting cute lips. Each to his own.

January 7th, 2006, 10:54
Probably a wonderful person with a great personality - BUT- Sorry - but he does absolutely nothing to get my loins quivering.

Each to his own.

January 7th, 2006, 11:25
Probably a wonderful person with a great personality - BUT- Sorry - but he does absolutely nothing to get my loins quivering.

Each to his own.
What is more painful to hear:

You have a great personality


We can still be friends?

January 7th, 2006, 11:43
How about: "Of course I will still respect you in the morning"

January 7th, 2006, 13:43
"I am not a money boy. But can you help me?"

January 7th, 2006, 13:47
Oh dear, this thread has really hit the bottom of the shit pile. Now I am not a prude by any means (and those who know me can testify to the veracity of that statement) but I find this thread just a little prurient and sordid.

You are discussing a very nice guy who would be mortified if he knew of this thread. If you knew the man (no he is not a boy) you would realise that he is sensative and just a little shy, his job requires him to be pleasant to some very unpleasant people, like some of you who frequent this board.

If you respect Dew, and the other waiters in Soi 4, then to use the vernacular 'shut the fuck up'.

January 7th, 2006, 13:48
"I have never met anyone like you before. I really do love you. Is 1000 baht OK?"

Dear Charlie

How nice of you to join us - and pass judgement on us - in your VERY first post.

Everyone's job requires them to be "nice" to unpleasant people at some stage - waiter and prostitutes included. It comes with the territory

AND if you had actually read the preceding posts properly you would realise that NONE of them were in any way derogitory to Khun Dew

So with respect why dont you just "shut the fuck up!!"

January 7th, 2006, 13:59
You are discussing a very nice guy who would be mortified if he knew of this thread.
While this thread started off as a discussion of Khun Dew and specifically his latest hair cut, I'm surprised anyone thinks it is still "on topic". I agree that were it still a discussion specifically of that young man then indeed there are responses that need some review, if only because I doubt that he is a registered member and can therefore respond. Unfortunately it began on a downwards path when the Man From Uncle asserted that another member (wowpow - and then corrected to Boxer) had suggested that Khun Dew is somewhat disappointing as a horizontal jogger; it would appear that that assertion is somewhat a flight of fancy since it has never been substantiated by cross-reference to the supposed thread

On the other hand I have certainly given "travel advisories" about the performance (or lack) of specified go-go boys in this Forum's predecessor. It's a fine line

January 7th, 2006, 14:03
Dear Fungus
I haven't 'just joined' but like lots of others here a new name.

And I have known Dew for some considerable time, and I do object to some of the implications on this thread.

Yours respectfully (of everyone) even fungus.

January 7th, 2006, 14:13
Perhaps you would like to tell us the name you relinquished - just to keep the hydra hunters happy

January 7th, 2006, 14:19
Unfortunately it began on a downwards path when the Man From Uncle asserted that another member (wowpow - and then corrected to Boxer) had suggested that Khun Dew is somewhat disappointing as a horizontal jogger

Did I ever say that Khun Dew was disappointing as a horizontal jogger? No! Did I ever say that WowPow (later corrected to Boxer) ever said that Khun Dew was disappointing as a horizintal jogger? No!

My comments were about the fact that fantasies never turn out the way that the fantisizer wanted.

If you took it the wrong way then that is your mistake - not mine.

My only comments about Khun Dew was that he was not to my liking although he was probably a nice guy with a good personality

January 7th, 2006, 15:30
Was it Lucy who said; "When you're pretty, it doesn't matter how you wear your hair!"

But once I parted my hair from side-to-side, instead of front-to back, and people kept whispering in my nose! A situation I, of course, took advantage of. :lol:

January 7th, 2006, 15:58
I chose hair style #1 - because I imagine him standing next to a stream wearing a beaded headband and deerskin thong.

January 7th, 2006, 16:13
I chose hair style #1 - because I imagine him standing next to a stream wearing a beaded headband and deerskin thong.

I have an outfit just like that!

January 7th, 2006, 22:34
Did I ever say that Khun Dew was disappointing as a horizontal jogger? No! Did I ever say that WowPow (later corrected to Boxer) ever said that Khun Dew was disappointing as a horizintal jogger? No! My comments were about the fact that fantasies never turn out the way that the fantisizer wanted.

I think there's only one way to take the original statement, which was:

Perhaps he will even live up to your fantasized dreams - but most probably (according to WowPow in another thread) he wont!!

January 7th, 2006, 23:11
I think Uncle Fungus was refering to a remark by Boxer about reality usually not living up to the fantasy.

As far as I know, employees of Balcony are not available for "offing", so that trail of the disscussion is pretty much fantasy anyway, but I suppose you could always ask him out on a date.

Brad the Impala
January 7th, 2006, 23:25
Homintern I think that you have misread this one. I don't believe that anyone is implying carnal knowledge of the gentleman, merely referring to a comment by Wowpow or Boxer in a thread, in which they referred to the starfish syndrome and the fact that fantasies rarely disappoint, but reality sometimes does. If anyone was referring to prior knowledge of the aforementioned, my sentiments would be similar to those of Charlie.

Not in favour of kissing and telling.

January 8th, 2006, 07:26
Not in favour of kissing and telling.
You're off my list of possible friends then!