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October 30th, 2009, 05:16
Does any one have any knowledge about the split of the copa rooms from the rest of the cafe royale ie why is this happening and when will it happen.

October 30th, 2009, 06:28
... and when will it happen.

April 2010

October 30th, 2009, 16:47
Really Bottoms up? well, one of them must have a very good double then, because I was in Amor Restaurant last night for dinner (PGF) and sitting at a table of about 8 or 10 people, were indeed the 2 owners of The COPA, so, as usual Bottoms Up, that is precisely what you are talking out of! Regarding the split, I noticed that the area where the cage used to be is blocked off, I asked one of the Waiters what was happening and he explained that they "make reception for new Hotel" don't know when though, but when I next see one if the owners I will ask them, a far more accurate way to get correct information!

October 30th, 2009, 16:58
One of the owners is in prison and the other one, is trying to hang on to the rest of the business, but its dubious if he can with large depts to the TAX Man in the Uk.
LIBEL: a definition
a) A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.
b) The act of presenting such material to the public

October 30th, 2009, 17:52
Really Bottoms up? well, one of them must have a very good double then, because I was in Amor Restaurant last night for dinner (PGF) and sitting at a table of about 8 or 10 people, were indeed the 2 owners of The COPA, so, as usual Bottoms Up, that is precisely what you are talking out of! Regarding the split, I noticed that the area where the cage used to be is blocked off, I asked one of the Waiters what was happening and he explained that they "make reception for new Hotel" don't know when though, but when I next see one if the owners I will ask them, a far more accurate way to get correct information!

I would also bring (if they don't already know) to their attention the defamatory comments that LMTU has made against them. Proving yet again that he is living in his own cuckoo land, a gibberish cuckoo land at that.............


October 30th, 2009, 18:53
I would also bring (if they don't already know) to their attention the defamatory comments that LMTU has made against them. Proving yet again that he is living in his own cuckoo land, a gibberish cuckoo land at that.............

Me thinks you have a crush on this LMTU person you keep ranting on about! I have been browsing some of your posts, and so many of them mention this person.

Has he upset you in the past?

Maybe he has turned you down?

Perhaps you are jealous of him?

Maybe the reason you post so many negative things about him on here is because you know there is a possibility he may reply to your comments, and that is the closest you will ever get to being with him?

I'm just curious about this obsession you have.

Move on darling...

October 30th, 2009, 19:32
Well Bottoms Up. if you want clarification, phone Richard (the owner) at Amor Restaurant and ask him if they were there, unless, of course, you are talking about the previous owner, who is, indeed, in prison in Bangkok. This is such old news anyhow, as we have all seen the story from which you are quoting on a previous thread some weeks ago. If I could get away with not paying a Million Pound tax bill, I would be delighted (not that I have a Million Pounds, or anything near it)

October 30th, 2009, 20:03
I would also bring (if they don't already know) to their attention the defamatory comments that LMTU has made against them. Proving yet again that he is living in his own cuckoo land, a gibberish cuckoo land at that.............

Me thinks you have a crush on this LMTU person you keep ranting on about! I have been browsing some of your posts, and so many of them mention this person.

Has he upset you in the past?

Maybe he has turned you down?

Perhaps you are jealous of him?

Maybe the reason you post so many negative things about him on here is because you know there is a possibility he may reply to your comments, and that is the closest you will ever get to being with him?

I'm just curious about this obsession you have.

Move on darling...

Another 'new member sticking up for LMTU...


October 30th, 2009, 20:08
True to form LMTU/Bottoms Up tries to slur anyone who refuses him a freebie by searching Google then presenting half the facts to suit his own agenda.
If I have a choice of believing LMTU /BU or Andrew Drummond I will put my money on the latter. http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2009/09/ ... vice-blog/ (http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2009/09/21/on-her-majestys-pattaya-service-blog/)

I'm in your club romania. one couldn't have put it better.....


October 30th, 2009, 20:28
Another 'new member sticking up for LMTU...

If jinks were to delete his current name there's so many back-up names out there it would be like stamping out cockroaches, no offense to cockroaches intended.

October 30th, 2009, 20:43
Another 'new member sticking up for LMTU...

If jinks were to delete his current name there's so many back-up names out there it would be like stamping out cockroaches, no offense to cockroaches intended.

I couldn't agree more TrongpaiExpat.........perhaps if LMTU doesn't like my posts about his continous gibberish then he should go back to school. He might also check out his facts before posting his monotonous fulminations......


October 30th, 2009, 20:55
Unfortunately you are so right.
I am sure his library of names must read like a Websters Dictionary!
Bono whatever sounds like a recent addition or maybe he is just another cockroach like LMTU.

Another 'new member sticking up for LMTU...

If jinks were to delete his current name there's so many back-up names out there it would be like stamping out cockroaches, no offense to cockroaches intended.

Lunchtime O'Booze
October 30th, 2009, 21:50
the law is full of pitfalls ! :notworthy:

October 30th, 2009, 22:01
Another 'new member sticking up for LMTU...

Don't take it to heart honey, I just wanted to know your fascination with the poster that's all.

October 30th, 2009, 23:03
Another 'new member sticking up for LMTU...

Don't take it to heart honey, I just wanted to know your fascination with the poster that's all.

Ah! yet another poster who agrees that B.U. is also LMTU...............I wouldnt call it fascination, just utter disdain for want of a better word......


October 31st, 2009, 16:45
So Miss Bottom you have come to join the clan as well have you for a night of frivolity! Which Monster are you coming as,this year? You must have plenty of costumes. :hello1: :rolling:

Must be the silly season many of the Silly Buggers have come out together.
Mind you it is Haloween, when all the monsters show their true self, but not all at once normally :8(

October 31st, 2009, 17:15
Bono whatever sounds like a recent additionPro Bono or Sonny Bono do you think?

October 31st, 2009, 18:24
Well Bottoms Up. if you want clarification, phone Richard (the owner) at Amor Restaurant and ask him if they were there, unless, of course, you are talking about the previous owner, who is, indeed, in prison in Bangkok. This is such old news anyhow, as we have all seen the story from which you are quoting on a previous thread some weeks ago. If I could get away with not paying a Million Pound tax bill, I would be delighted (not that I have a Million Pounds, or anything near it)

He was also in the WWB club later that night with Glen.


October 31st, 2009, 19:13
Sorry guys...if you think you know some things tryu to get your info right ok? The reason for the split of Copa is about the change in Thai laws. Hotels and other activities are not longer allowed to run under 1 license. That's why Copa is making the split now and it's almost done allready. Besides that most venues are owned by the BBB group they have to follow the law as well and so they do. Nothing to do with trouble or conflicts...is just to addapt to the new Thai Law.

Sabai Sabai......Tommy.

October 31st, 2009, 20:48
. . . I was in Amor Restaurant last night for dinner (PGF) and sitting at a table of about 8 or 10 people, were indeed the 2 owners of The COPA . . .

. . . he is here eating his way around pattayas finest restaurants.

Clearly, I need to take another look at the Amor now it's been given the thumbs up from Bottoms Up.

October 31st, 2009, 21:59
Its a fine restarant if you dont mind being looked at by Tourists gay watching . I hear the food is very tasty, is this true :happy7:

You refer to the Amor as one of Pattaya's finest restaurants, yet you are unimpressed with the location and have never tried the food. Curiouser and curiouser!

October 31st, 2009, 22:09
Quite bizarre the ramblings from this board - very amusing however

November 1st, 2009, 04:48
bottomsup...I am not a spokes person...just came back from thailand 1 day ago. Also stayed in pattaya untill the 29th Oct
and saw the 2 owners in the restaurant....yes! The info about the changing Thai Law came from the German owner from
the BBB group in Bangkok who told me about this. Somehow you sound a but frustrated about the owners anyway....but
that's your problem..deal with it like a man a go to the owners...they are in Pattaya right now...both of them.

Sabai Sabai........Tommy.

November 1st, 2009, 08:57
The menu consists of French specialties (Caesar Salad, Lobster Bisque)

Caesar Salad is a French specialty? Gee, I never fail to learn something new when attempting to wade through LMTU's blatherings.

November 1st, 2009, 12:29
[quote="Bottoms Up":17zpa8qs]
... Gee, I never fail to learn something new when attempting to wade through LMTU's blatherings.[/quote:17zpa8qs]

It's mostly a cut and paste not an original blathering. The first 3 lines are original.

November 4th, 2009, 21:46
Sorry guys...if you think you know some things tryu to get your info right ok? The reason for the split of Copa is about the change in Thai laws. Hotels and other activities are not longer allowed to run under 1 license. That's why Copa is making the split now and it's almost done allready. Besides that most venues are owned by the BBB group they have to follow the law as well and so they do. Nothing to do with trouble or conflicts...is just to addapt to the new Thai Law.

Sabai Sabai......Tommy.

Sorry Folks, but I think this info is not relevant to The Copa/Cafe Royale split, as they already have their own licenses for their own Businesses, my understanding is that they were simply unable to agree terms on a new agreement between the 2 Businesses, and have therefore decided to go their seperate ways, which, judging by The Copa, is probably a shrewd move. Most nights, Copa (first show) Full, Cafe Royale, (including El Duo nights) Empty, so maybe they think they can improve their Business independently had a nose at the new reception area today, (I was on my way for a massage) small(ish) but looking quite nice. I wonder what the room rates will be, 3 Hotels in the Soi, must be good for competition?