View Full Version : will wonders never cease!!

October 27th, 2009, 11:39
Just got back from a fun filled long weekend in Bangkok. Picked up a hot muscle rent number outside DJ station, negotiated a good over night rate (usually only do short time...max 2 hours) had a real good time, boy was very accomodating/attentive/good ....let himself out at about 9.30 the next morning and i went back to sleep.
An hour later reception calls me, my mobile phone has been handed in....totally confused and in a slight panic scan the room...yes my mobile is gone...stumble downstairs only to be told that the rent boy had taken my phone by mistake as it was identical to his..realised the mistake and brought it back...check..no calls made...didn't wait around for an extra tip or anything...

October 27th, 2009, 19:20
..must be a cheap phone :rolling:

October 27th, 2009, 21:55
a real happy ending.. :headbang:

October 28th, 2009, 15:24
yes, it was a fairly cheap phone, cost about 250 euro two years ago, but thats not the point, he took the trouble of bringing it back and didn't hang around expecting a reward or even a thank you; I was (am) amazed by the honesty and consideration shown; totally unexpected.

October 28th, 2009, 17:30
Were you surprised based upon your own experiences here or because of what you've read about Thailand? I ask because I've gotten to know 3 Thais so far on my trip and they were all honest and decent people. The tally so far: 1 money boy (first night), one college-educated guy that I picked up at Babylon and spent 4-5 evenings with (didn't ask for a baht and paid for taxis, etc...quite surprising), the current guy isn't exactly a money boy but he isn't shy about having me cover *all* of his expenses (gave him 500 baht to go get a hair cut today. I obviously know that they don't cost that much). An interesting mix of people and they've all been transparent about who they are and what they're about.

What I've gathered is that looking for educated/working guys is the best bet.

October 28th, 2009, 17:48
What I've gathered is that looking for educated/working guys is the best bet.

Well, sure, if that is your photo, then looking for (and getting) educated/working guys is the best. For the rest of us, in the over-50 category, it takes a lot more than personal charm to gain the favors of young men.

October 28th, 2009, 18:25
For the rest of us, in the over-50 category, it takes a lot more than personal charm to gain the favors of young men.

College-educated also implies late 20's or early 30's, which is what I'm attracted to. Most of the farang here in Pattaya prefer genuine boys, too young to be educated or have a decent job anyway...

It is my photo. I'm a bit fat at 100 kilo right now but my face is okay and I'm 37. I hope to find the ambition to go to the gym more when I get home. This is the land of skinny people, and I definitely feel out of place.

October 28th, 2009, 18:35
Not quite sure why I'm so surprised, all my experiences in Thailand (bangkok and Pattaya) have been good, despite all the warnings of pick pockets, thieves, muggers,short changers,etc...I seem to glide through without a hitch.
Guess that I simply associate rent boys with "untrustworthy" as someone who fakes "love" and sells himself on a regular basis must eventually harden and turn into an opportunist....frankly was pleasantly surprised.

October 28th, 2009, 21:45
yes, it was a fairly cheap phone, cost about 250 euro two years ago, but thats not the point, he took the trouble of bringing it back and didn't hang around expecting a reward or even a thank you; I was (am) amazed by the honesty and consideration shown; totally unexpected.

Why would you be surprised... he left his phone in your room and he needed it back as it is more valuable - ALL his friend's, families' and most important of all - CLIENTS' phone numbers are in his phone. He didn't care if you give him a tip or not he just wanted his phone back! Got it!!!!!!!!!! :boxing:

October 28th, 2009, 23:51
khorthodkrub........i didn't note in the OPs post that the Thai guy exchanged phones.......it seems he picked up the phone as well as having his own and realising later that he had two phones simply returned the one taken in error...rather than your cynical and what appears totally incorrect view of the situation.......... i may be wrong here but even if i am.......................................

I would hope never to be the victim of mistaken identity relying on a jury made up of guys like you to set me free. Guilty m'lord!

October 29th, 2009, 01:07
College-educated also implies late 20's or early 30's, which is what I'm attracted to. Most of the farang here in Pattaya prefer genuine boys, too young to be educated or have a decent job anyway...

I'm a bit fat at 100 kilo right now but my face is okay and I'm 37.

You've been in Pattaya for less than a week and you've not only already met "most of the farang here in Pattaya" but you've got to know them sufficiently well to know their sexual tastes??

Obviously still a plonker (or actually a fat plonker - even some of the whales stranded at Dongtan don't weigh in at 100 kgs; and as for the face ...).

A conventional "college education" takes three years, so "college-educated" implies 22+, although in your case I can understand why it took a little longer.

October 29th, 2009, 01:23
khorthodkrub........rather than your cynical and what appears totally incorrect view of the situation.......... i may be wrong here but even if i am.........

How could you be wrong? The guy, as reported, clearly gave the phone to reception and "didn't wait around". KTK is obviously as dumb as he is cynical.

latintopxxx, to be honest I am amazed too - not because he was Thai but because because although you have never made it any secret that you are far from the most generous tipper (and that is not a criticism, just an observation!) a freelancer rent-boy (what some here regard as the lowest of the low, regardless of nationality) still went out of his way to return the phone. It just goes to show that you should never judge a book by its cover.

October 29th, 2009, 01:35
GF, that is most uncharacteristic of you. Poor mlomker is relatively new to the board and certainly new to Thailand ... cut him some slack and play nice.

Perhaps mlomker there is no time like the present to start your fitness routine. You obviously know that you need to tighten up and lose a few kg's, so get to it. By the way ... have a ball.

I am afraid I have I have been "burned" in the past in Thailand. Only once ... but it was a ripper! It leaves a very long after taste but I am getting over it and so is my bank manager.


October 29th, 2009, 05:29
Just got back from a fun filled long weekend in Bangkok. Picked up a hot muscle rent number outside DJ station, negotiated a good over night rate (usually only do short time...max 2 hours) had a real good time, boy was very accomodating/attentive/good ......

Some of these older Silom Road boys are very good tops. I love to take the big ones back and have them dominate my bottom, then jizz up all over my beard.

October 31st, 2009, 21:15
Yes he lives with mother in florida when everything went belly up here, poor thing the closet he can get back here now it by writing on this forum, like quite a few guys and fugitives who have been struck with the finantal turn down, they are chomping at the bIt to get back, but cant on welfare checks. I dont think Ton Catty's other half had much luck working in the old updated sammy's bar, unless he met a chubby chaser, so he wont be sending the plane fair soon, may be hios buddy is saving now he only pays 20 baht for a cup or tea if he brings his own tea bag can you believe. :hiding:

Yet another very venomous post written in LMTU's normal gibberish .............


October 31st, 2009, 22:53
now hearfromme is sending me pms. It is obviously lmtu/bottoms/etal., who also sends me
the poor pathetic sociopath must be lonely and needs attention.

I remember the assholes who hung out around schoolyards in my childhood, who made comments about other
boys mothers. All of us have long outgrown childish shit like that except for the village idiot and
his 30 or 40 different handles.. How sick the man must really be to obsess about other posters
and how insecure and unwanted and certainly detested.

Why the moderators allow this most vile of posters to return with new handles over and over
and spew forth his lies and hate messages is beyond me?
How about some new rule about leaving mothers and fathers of posters out of postings?
Is it possible to get more tacky and classless..?

Hitler had some thoughts about telling a big lie and it went something like if you tell it often enough
people will believe it. two peas in a pod imho.. :pottytrain3:

October 31st, 2009, 23:49
now hearfromme is sending me pms. It is obviously lmtu/bottoms/etal., who also sends me
the poor pathetic sociopath must be lonely and needs attention.

I remember the assholes who hung out around schoolyards in my childhood, who made comments about other
boys mothers. All of us have long outgrown childish shit like that except for the village idiot and
his 30 or 40 different handles.. How sick the man must really be to obsess about other posters
and how insecure and unwanted and certainly detested.

Why the moderators allow this most vile of posters to return with new handles over and over
and spew forth his lies and hate messages is beyond me?
How about some new rule about leaving mothers and fathers of posters out of postings?
Is it possible to get more tacky and classless..?

Hitler had some thoughts about telling a big lie and it went something like if you tell it often enough
people will believe it. two peas in a pod imho.. :pottytrain3:

Cat if you are receiving PM's from this pathetic fool perhaps (and anyone else who receives them) you might paste and print them so that the rest of the board can see just what a venomous illiterate retard he really is. At least when he was sulking in Canada the forum had a break from his continous ramblings........


November 1st, 2009, 00:14
If you don't want to receive PMs from someone, mark them as a foe and adjust your pm rules and settings to delete pms from foes.

November 1st, 2009, 06:21
From: hereforme
Sent: Sat 31 Oct, 2009 7:31 am
To: catawampuscat


You post very often! I have been told you so not live here,,,Why post here?

duh... liar and stupid as well.. so easy to cut and paste.
I won't bother to search for the pathetic pm from hereforme's alter ego. It basically was a plea
for me not to put him on ignore.
bottomsuckshitup is now on ignore but unfortunately someone
quoted him and I saw his lies and bullshit..

thanks to sanook for the idea of cutting and pasting the pm..

November 1st, 2009, 06:24
Catawampas... I have never sent you any PM..Unlike you to me......Your interest here is amusing to me!
Bottoms Up ....It is never too late for spelling lessons and look at what constitutes a run on sentence!

I forgot to quote the liar and he could have gone back and deleted his lies, so here it is again..
It is true that I replied to the pm and if the gutless doppleganger has the balls to cut and paste it,
be my guest.. :evil4:

November 1st, 2009, 13:33
Funny, everyone else here thinks that it's hereforme and his doppelganger (LMTU / BU) that have been made to look foolish (for the zillionth time).

November 1st, 2009, 17:53
Beachbonnet forget those here that think your are an idiot. I think you are much more than that!

Hands up all those that think this is LMTU under yet another alias?..........


November 1st, 2009, 21:03
Why not start a poll?

November 2nd, 2009, 00:18
only a true sociopath responds with silly nonsense, when called out in public as a liar ..
typical lack of shame, typical amoral reaction, what a sad sick creature!

Very glad to see action by the moderators to clear out the debris but they have to be careful
and put the liar out to pasture to play with the bullshit he thrives on.

I regret all the attention to lmtu but at least we can celebrate that this halloween, evil lost... :hello1: :notworthy:

I know this whole subject bores the shit out of most posters here and especially newer ones and I
will cease all postings on this subject and move on..

November 2nd, 2009, 04:17
only a true sociopath responds with silly nonsense, when called out in public as a liar ..
typical lack of shame, typical amoral reaction, what a sad sick creature!

Very glad to see action by the moderators to clear out the debris but they have to be careful
and put the liar out to pasture to play with the bullshit he thrives on.

I regret all the attention to lmtu but at least we can celebrate that this halloween, evil lost... :hello1: :notworthy:

I know this whole subject bores the shit out of most posters here and especially newer ones and I
will cease all postings on this subject and move on..

Well put cat, lets move on and hope he might just have moved on also..........


November 2nd, 2009, 04:42
only a true sociopath responds with silly nonsense ...Is this a professional opinion or are you simply indulging in name calling? And what might a false sociopath be?