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View Full Version : Sleeping Thais...

October 26th, 2009, 07:29
When I say "Thais", I'm generally referring to working boys in Pattaya, Bangkok, or wherever. You know, they usually sleep in pretty tight, closed areas, with two or three in the bed, maybe another two or three beside each other on the floor, etc. So they're used to sleeping like that.

Get one of them into a king sized bed though, and they seem to have no problem sprawling themselves out, and taking up the whole bloody thing, including entire blanket, both pillows, etc. You guys ever notice that? I'm tired too, have one too many whiskeys in me, and want to sleep. He looks way too peaceful for me to disrupt him though, so I'll bug you guys instead while I listen to some U2. :-)

Come on now, share some stories!

October 26th, 2009, 09:04
Why do you want our stories, don't you have any porn to wank off too? :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

October 26th, 2009, 09:14
If someone special did that to me then I'd use that as an excuse to spoon with him. :hello1:

I haven't kept a 'working boy' overnight quite yet so I'll have to let you know.

October 26th, 2009, 09:39
Why do you want our stories

Because this kinky little site is called a COMMUNITY forum.

October 26th, 2009, 09:58
Why do you want our stories

Because this kinky little site is called a COMMUNITY forum.

Another Sad Old Man

October 26th, 2009, 10:08
Why do you want our stories

Because this kinky little site is called a COMMUNITY forum.

Another Sad Old Man

I'm sorry, but why do you make such asinine posts all the time? Are you a chronic depressive, or something?

If it makes you happy, then by all means, go for it, but it just comes off as really stupid and immature.

October 26th, 2009, 10:59
cdnmatt is quite accurate about andyinoz, but maybe it's good to have andy around just to make the other posters look so much better.

The boys in bed- with most of them you can survive the night by keeping a firm hold on your half of the comforter and starting the boy off at the far edge of his side of the bed. But, my god, yes some of them do sprawl, roll around, tangle, tumble, just about anything to prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. Sure you can spoon, maybe turn that into another round of sex, but some sleep is necessary. A boy from Ubon: 18 yrs old, good for sex at least twice a day, but in sleep he is constantly in motion. An arm thrown across my chest (can't breathe very well that way), then the arm is replaced by a leg pinning down my legs or my cock, which is fine before sex but afterwards is just an annoyance. The last time he was with me I had only one way to get some sleep: I moved to the second bedroom for the rest of the night. Good idea? Not quite. At 7:00AM he inserted his perfect naked body into the small single bed, with his erection just inches from my face. Going back to sleep was not an option. :happy7:

October 26th, 2009, 12:53
Why do you want our stories

Because this kinky little site is called a COMMUNITY forum.

Another Sad Old Man

Like You

October 26th, 2009, 16:16
" ... If someone special did that to me then I'd use that as an excuse to spoon with him ... "
Absolutely. Just follow him wherever he goes on the bed and assume whatever position is appropriate for The Sprawl.
Thai Guy 2nd Law of Somnolence: A neurotic farang ~ which all are ~ will never sleep as deeply or as well or as long as he does ... so take advantage of it.

Why do you want our stories
Because this kinky little site is called a COMMUNITY forum.
Another Sad Old Man
I'm sorry, but why do you make such asinine posts all the time? Are you a chronic depressive, or something? If it makes you happy, then by all means, go for it, but it just comes off as really stupid and immature.
Andyinoz is a Message Board Troll. It's what he does ... he can't help himself. He has exactly zero to contribute to this Board.
Every time you reply to this troll it just feeds him all the more. There is only one way to fight a troll, and that's to ignore him altogether .... never never reply to him. Better yet, add him to your Foes List (found in your Control Panel) which is this Board's version of 'On Ignore'. Once on there you'll never have to even see his posts again, unless someone quotes him (unfortunately).

If you think I'm exaggerating, just click here << andyinoz-u21098-posts.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/andyinoz-u21098-posts.html) >> ... every message he's ever posted. Read 'em all and tell me he's not a full-blown troll.

October 26th, 2009, 16:33
Smiles' definition of "troll" is someone who posts comments he regards as "stupid" or "asinine", or whose opinions he does not share.

My definition includes those who take advantage of our host's generosity by spamming their partners' businesses without purchasing advertising space.

Different strokes, eh?

October 26th, 2009, 16:39
" ... Smiles' definition of "troll" is someone who posts comments he regards as "stupid" or "asinine", or whose opinions he does not share ... "
Naaah. You're as asinine a member here as I can think of, and didn't I change my mind about you being a troll? I definitely did.
'Asinine' will stay though.

October 26th, 2009, 16:46
I'm no longer a "troll"? I'm obviously not doing my job well enough. Will try to do better.

October 26th, 2009, 19:43
Get one of them into a king sized bed though, and they seem to have no problem sprawling themselves out, and taking up the whole bloody thing, including entire blanket, both pillows, etc. You guys ever notice that? I'm tired too, have one too many whiskeys in me, and want to sleep. He looks way too peaceful for me to disrupt him though, so I'll bug you guys instead while I listen to some U2. :-)

Yep.... when you're used to sleeping in a small, confined space, the moment you roll onto a big comfy bed, the first thing you want to do is sprawl out and enjoy the space! He might look peaceful but he's having the time of his life.

This is my experience with Thai boy "sleeping" habits...

12-midnight: Enter the club and start walking around enjoying the atmosphere

1230: Ok... I've had a drink or two... maybe a little dancing.

0100: Thai boy smiles a little and starts dancing with me... hello...

0130: I realise one of his friends is cuter... and gradually start flirting with him... noticing this, he perks up and starts showing off a little

0200: Cute thai boy is holding hands with me... sweet... he has such sensitive, charming eyes... he looks like a certain Thai actor I know... I mention this and he replies, "yes... many people tell me I look like him... I see him twice at Siam Square"

0245: The place is closing... we head outside... everyone grabs a chair beside a street stall and orders food. When the bill comes... I offer to pay (being the right thing to do)... the bill to feed 5 hungry Thai boys is a grand total of 134 baht.

0250: Cute Thai boy starts asking me where my hotel is... his friends skip off to the next club

0300: We arrive in my loom... cute Thai boy wants to shower with me

0315: We are in the shower. He washes me. I wash his body. Oh my god he's hot.

0330: The shower has turned into a bath. He grins at me from the other side of the bath tub and splashes around having fun. He takes a mouthful of water and spurts it at me like a dolphin. Adorable.

0400: The air con has kicked in and getting out of the warm bath is a chilly experience. We dry off quickly and leap under the covers.

0410: We have warmed up. I lead him out of bed and over to the window where we both stand naked in front of the full-length windows enjoying the view of the Bangkok city skyline at night. I stand behind him and molest him a little... fingers dancing over his smooth, warm skin... sensitive bits... nobody can see us because the room is dark right?

0425: He sure is tight. I look down at him and ask, "are you ok?"... he looks up replies with a big smile... "I velly ok!"... and sighs

0430: Change position

0435: Change position

0440: Change position

0445: Change position

0450: Change position

0455: Change position... I like this position.

0500: He doesn't want to cum yet... "later"

0505: Oh my god... halleluyah... what a climax

0510: We swap positions... I am a wuss and appreciate his gentle patience

0520: Oh my god... he sure likes to top and is very good at it

0525: Change positions

0530: Change positions

0535: Change positions

0540: I can't take this continual intrusion anymore... he eases out. Is that the sun coming up?

0550: I bring him off... he lies back looking very content. The sun is rising over the big mango. What a stunning view.

0552: He already came but I like his dick so much I start molesting it a little. He pushes my hand away, indicating it is still too sensitive. I wait a minute, then start playing with it again... "Stop!" he says, slapping my hand away laughing... "sorry... is beautiful".

0600: We start playing again and I get to halleluyah a second time.

0605: After making me climax his dick wakes up again and acts like it hasn't had its release yet...

0610: He gets his second halleluyah and is definitely satisfied now... The sun rise looks amazing. A new day dawns on Bangkok.

0615: We both shower... he closes the curtains

0620: Time to sleep... he cuddles up and we call asleep in each others arms... I manage to find a comfortable position... the warmth of his body feels incredible in the cool air conditioned room.

0925: I wake up... cute Thai boy is still sleeping soundly... I am feeling frisky but don't want to wake him. I go down to the gym and pool for some quick wake up exercise

0955: Back in the room... cute Thai boy is snoozing contently in bed.... I shower... and head downstairs to have my enormous breakfast

1020: Back in the room.... cute Thai boy has unconsciously realised he has the bed to himself and is now sprawled out hogging the quilt blanket

1030: I take my jeans off. I get my laptop out of the safe, put it on the big wooden desk by the window, flip it on and start churning through the day's work... a few phone calls... countless e-mails... things to think about and sort out.

1130: Working while on holiday? Don't mind it at all. I'm wearing a comfortable t-shirt and briefs. On one side of me is a stunning view of Bangkok. On the other side, a naked Thai boy is snoozing peacefully between the sheets. He looks so comfortable.

1230: I'm on the phone to a client...deep in serious conversation when I notice out of the corner of my eye, a stunning, stark naked Thai boy stands up and stumbles towards the bathroom. I miss something very important the client said. Darn. (BTW this is the reason why video phones never took off... nobody REALLY wants video phone calls).

1235: Cute Thai boy is back bed, lying amongst the sheets. I crawl into bed with him and find him very frisky...

1330: We swap contact details and part ways... The end.

October 26th, 2009, 19:51
You've forgotten to pay him dear. Don't count on him coming back !!!!

October 26th, 2009, 20:10
Ahhh, another thing about sleeping Thais I'll mention. This happens especially in the morning, while we're not in deep REM sleep. He's younger than me, so sleeps longer, and I usually sneak out of bed, and head behind my computer to check e-mail. Almost without fault though, within an hour he'll stumble out of the bedroom, and fall alseep on the couch using the pillows as a blanket.

There's no way that's more comfortable than a king sized bed, and I know it's just him being a typical Issan boy. He doesn't like this whole concept of a separate 1 bedroom. A 75sqrm 1 bdrm is too big for him. When he wakes up and realizes I'm not in the bedroom, he'll feel alone, and come stumbling out and fall asleep on the couch. This way, I'm in the same room as him, so he's more comfortable.

I know that's why he does it, and I don't know, but I find pretty damn cute. :-) It's either that, or he's hoping I'll drag him back off to bed to cuddle for a while, which I always do.

October 26th, 2009, 21:24
Because this kinky little site is called a COMMUNITY forum.

I'm sorry, but why do you make such asinine posts all the time? Are you a chronic depressive, or something?

If it makes you happy, then by all means, go for it, but it just comes off as really stupid and immature.

Sorry dear I don't do FanMail......... :occasion9: :occasion9:

BeachLover, Why no mention of a CONDOM?..............Didn't you use one?

October 26th, 2009, 21:37
Be careful.. you might get what you wish for.
One man's trool is another's source of amusement. Many posters needs a pinprick now and then
including this one and a little sarcasm goes a long way.
I also think of the story of the emperor's new clothes, where a child is the only one to point out
that he is naked..
While I think some of the jibes are needlessly crude and cruel, there is usually some truth and the
fact is many of us are old men, not that there is anything wrong with that. Agesim is a problem
in the first world countries but the irony is that the younger guys will end up as old farts too and
probably forget their agist opinions when they have to empty their bladders a couple of times a night..

I've been zapped by andyinoz and dear beach bunny but this forum would be a far duller place without
them.. think of a nice gaythailand forum and what a boring place that can be with everyone being nice
and phony as hell, imho anyhow.. :sharm:

I do agree 100% with Smiles and make good use of the foe list.. :idea:

October 27th, 2009, 01:11
.... he'll stumble out of the bedroom, and fall alseep on the couch using the pillows as a blanket. There's no way that's more comfortable than a king sized bed

Not to you (or me!), but to some Thais it may well be - some actually prefer sleeping on the floor, preferaby on a mat and particularly if it is for an afternoon "power-nap", to a bed which is so soft (even if its "hard") that it gives them a bad back. They seldom move around anything like so much on the floor or on a bamboo "bed", so maybe they do so in their sleep on a mattress just to try to get comfortable.

October 27th, 2009, 02:42
I'm sorry, but why do you make such asinine posts all the time? Are you a chronic depressive, or something?

If it makes you happy, then by all means, go for it, but it just comes off as really stupid and immature.

Best to ignore andyinoz... he's an unintelligent troll.

October 27th, 2009, 03:31
Thai guys never cease to amaze me with their ability to sleep under any circumstances and at any time.

Neung once slept in my hotel bed for 24 hours and never even woke when the room service girls made the bed with him in it.

Usually he'd just curl up on the bed after turning the television on and then fall asleep.


My boyfriend will sometimes pull the bedclothes off the bed and sleep on the floor which he seems to prefer to a mattress.

It's a terrible job to get him to wake up and trying to get him anywhere on time in the morning is impossible.

At least when you'd managed to wake Neung up he was ready and dressed in seconds and anxious for breakfast (a meal my boyfriend rarely eats).

October 27th, 2009, 03:56
Thai guys never cease to amaze me with their ability to sleep under any circumstances and at any time.

Neung once slept in my hotel bed for 24 hours and never even woke when the room service girls made the bed with him in it.

Usually he'd just curl up on the bed after turning the television on and then fall asleep.


My boyfriend will sometimes pull the bedclothes off the bed and sleep on the floor which he seems to prefer to a mattress.

It's a terrible job to get him to wake up and trying to get him anywhere on time in the morning is impossible.

At least when you'd managed to wake Neung up he was ready and dressed in seconds and anxious for breakfast (a meal my boyfriend rarely eats).

Must be the yaba

October 27th, 2009, 04:19
Must be the yaba

It's puss like you that are the reason that I've posted so little to this Forum in recent months. Now where's that "ignore list".

October 27th, 2009, 05:13
Must be the yaba

It's puss like you that are the reason that I've posted so little to this Forum in recent months. Now where's that "ignore list".

OOPS another pissed off grandad.............. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

October 27th, 2009, 08:57
.... he'll stumble out of the bedroom, and fall alseep on the couch using the pillows as a blanket. There's no way that's more comfortable than a king sized bed

Not to you (or me!), but to some Thais it may well be - some actually prefer sleeping on the floor, preferaby on a mat and particularly if it is for an afternoon "power-nap", to a bed which is so soft (even if its "hard") that it gives them a bad back. They seldom move around anything like so much on the floor or on a bamboo "bed", so maybe they do so in their sleep on a mattress just to try to get comfortable.

Ohhh... thanks for mentioning that. Stupid me, never even thought of that before. I know he's not comfortable in the whole luxury condo environment, but I never once thought about the bed. You're probably right though, and that actually explains quite a bit. See, this whole language barrier thing is such a pain in the ass, isn't it?

So that's why he usually only gets 6 - 8 hours of sleep here, whereas I hear stories of him sleeping a good 12 hours in his own room, while people are wandering around, having showers, etc. That also explains why he's usually so bitchy in the morning. :-)

Alright then, lets change that... thanks for pointing out the obvious though, as I never even realized it.

October 27th, 2009, 09:08
.... he'll stumble out of the bedroom, and fall alseep on the couch using the pillows as a blanket. There's no way that's more comfortable than a king sized bed

Not to you (or me!), but to some Thais it may well be - some actually prefer sleeping on the floor, preferaby on a mat and particularly if it is for an afternoon "power-nap", to a bed which is so soft (even if its "hard") that it gives them a bad back. They seldom move around anything like so much on the floor or on a bamboo "bed", so maybe they do so in their sleep on a mattress just to try to get comfortable.

Ohhh... thanks for mentioning that. Stupid me, never even thought of that before. I know he's not comfortable in the whole luxury condo environment, but I never once thought about the bed. You're probably right though, and that actually explains quite a bit. See, this whole language barrier thing is such a pain in the ass, isn't it?

So that's why he usually only gets 6 - 8 hours of sleep here, whereas I hear stories of him sleeping a good 12 hours in his own room, while people are wandering around, having showers, etc. That also explains why he's usually so bitchy in the morning. :-)

Alright then, lets change that... thanks for pointing out the obvious though, as I never even realized it.

This is a good example of 2 old queens encouraging each others fantasies a good shrink would have a ball with this pair :drv: :drv: :drv: :drv:

October 27th, 2009, 09:31
This is a good example of 2 old queens encouraging each others fantasies a good shrink would have a ball with this pair :drv: :drv: :drv: :drv:

what a fucking loser...

October 28th, 2009, 02:03
This is a good example of 2 old queens encouraging each others fantasies :sign5:

Strange ... I never thought my posts about cdnmatt here would have been seen as "encouraging" him!

... and I imagine (although of course I could be fantasising, but I doubt it) that Matt is hardly "old".

October 28th, 2009, 04:52

Reminds me of an Infamous bar owner in Sunee Plaza