View Full Version : My nightmare

October 20th, 2009, 15:38
There I was reading the Bangkok Post, when this story caught my eye:
Two police officers have lost their jobs and have been charged with corruption and other offences. The officers raided tobacconists and pretended to seize illegal loose tobacco, which they then allegedly sold through associates. One officer also admitted to his involvement in several fake drug raids. There were also allegations of theft, extortion, soliciting corrupt payments, conspiracy and unauthorised possession of firearms.
OMG, not in Thailand I thought. Thailand is not the West. Our finest have never been held to such standards heretofore. And then I woke up. It was not the Bangkok Post on my lap but an emailed link (http://www.smh.com.au/national/officers-sacked-charged-over-fake-raids-20091020-h67w.html) on my laptop from a friend in Australia. Thank God!