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October 14th, 2009, 11:33

Yesterday morning my dearest and myself had the good fortune to be in tune at the same time, each having the same denouement firmly in mind, and after all was said and done, another snippet of 'something new' fell innocently into my lap. This is always the best way to learn such things, and as luck would have it I have ~ apparently ~ hooked up with the very guy who seems to be the very best at often tripping over, by accident, the limits of my knowledge (of Thailand and Thais) and how to fix it.

So it came about that The Event that morning was one of the small marvels of earthshaking eroticism that come about every so often to each other's great delight and we were left panting and holding and sweating etc etc etc and headed into the shower after the appropriate amount of snuggle and saying-stupid-things time.
It so happened that during those delicious twenty minutes or so I (apparently ... as I cannot quite remember the detail of its birth) had occasion to smack his ass on one cheek quite heartily and with great gusto. At the time this act of violence occurred it did not deter at all the events pleasurably unfolding, but after, during the shower, he looked at me deep in the eye and asked: " ... what you do? You think I am a buffalo ... ?"

This question took me aback (not least of all because of still being rather in a dreamy romantic mood) and I looked at him dumbly and asked for a repeat of the odd question. He then described how, as a young boy, he had many times ridden the buffalo down to the rice fields, and how he had one very favourite beast who he got along with perfectly (some certain buffaloes being right ornery) and whom he remembered often having to slap it quite sharply on the ass to get it to move.

So we moved, a bit wet, back to the bed for some gentle pillow talk ~ which is one of the happy check-off marks of this particular relationship ~ and it went somewhat like this (and here is the point where you can all learn a small tidbit of information that you may or may not have known):

ME: "What's the Thai word for buffalo honey?"
HIM: "Kwai"
ME: "Oh, you mean like Bridge on the River Kwai? So The River Kwai is 'Buffalo River?"
HIM: "No, the Kwai River is not pronounce 'kwai", but pronouce like 'kway'"
ME: "So 99% of farangs have been pronouncing the river name wrong for all these years?"
HIM: "Yep". So you know 'Saphan Kwai' in Bangkok?"
ME: "So that neighbourhood is 'Buffalo Bridge'?"
HIM: "Yep"

So, (phonetically) it's the River Kway folks, not the River Kwai. Correct pronunciation for that is thanks to a great roll in the, er, hai.


About a week ago, at about three in the morning, I woke up from a very deep sleep . . . a variety of unconsciousness much more common in this land than my own country. Whether it be the heat of day creating a general fatigue, or acute contentment I cannot say, but my regular pattern here is almost always a full seven or eight hours of dream-filled sleep.
But on this night my waking was acute and dramatic . . . my guy had reached across my body, grabbed my right arm, and had started to pull me violently towards him, which, by pure physics meant I was force to make a full 180 roll over until I was now facing him, whereas right before I had been snoring lightly into the the edge of the mattress about as far away from him as it's possible to get in our bed. Facing him fine ... but he was still asleep! And I most certainly was of the opposite, and rather painful persuasion.

Being awoken by means of such violence certainly needed some explanation, so I tapped him on the shoulder with that intention in mind. He awoke slowly and it was immediately apparent that he had been full asleep during the whole episode. He recounted his 'bad dream' to me ~ for to him, after I had explained what had taken place just previous, it was: He dreamed of when we had recently taken a short trip to the Pala-U Waterfall which is about 60 kilometers west of Hua Hin. We had become a bit tired from ascending up to level 5 and had taken a rest. We had laid down on a large rock right beside the waterfall which was only a foot or two from our bed place ... I next to the falls, he on the 'safe' side. We both fell deeply asleep in the cool, green, breezy shade there and it happened that I had turned over in my sleep and stated to slowly roll toward the edge of the rock and then an inch or two from plunging into the waterfall. It was it this very moment that he had commenced to violently grabbed my arm to drag me away from a watery death.

And it was at this pivotal moment that ~ in the 'real' bed ~ he had saved my life again and dragged my body, by my aching, arthritic(!) arm to the safety of ... the billowy, shushing sheets which the room fan is constantly moving around at night, like the water flowing in a gently moving river.

Thais take great meaning and seriousness from all dreams (which they are lucky enough to remember) and this particular one ~ forget my aching, close to broken, arm ~ apparently is hugely auspicious for our longevity and good luck together.
I'll drink to that. Whatever!

October 14th, 2009, 11:56
Every now and then I get shaken awake when having a dream if I am mumbling or moving. The BF always assumes it a pee (ghost) and it never is, just some stupid dream of me running or something, I never dream of ghosts. Unlike many Thai, I don't believe in ghosts and in the middle of the night we have this same conversation.
-- I wake you so pee don't take you.
--Take me where?
--I don't believe in ghosts
--don't have
--maybe America don't have but Thailand have
--and they are all bad?
--yes, no good ones

October 14th, 2009, 12:03
I wouldn't transliterated the river's name as "Kway". That sounds more like the vulgar Thai word for "penis".

The correct pronunciation is exactly as "QUACK" (as in a duck) with the final "K" left off.

Most textbooks would transliterated it as "Khwae".

October 14th, 2009, 12:08
You're probably technically correct. When he said it, my ear heard 'ay' on the end of the 'kw', but it could easily have not been exactly 'ay' but a subtle variation on that which was close but not perfect. That often happens that I don't hear it fully enough to differentiate when trying to explain.

October 14th, 2009, 16:51
I wouldn't transliterated the river's name as "Kway". That sounds more like the vulgar Thai word for "penis".

The correct pronunciation is exactly as "QUACK" (as in a duck) with the final "K" left off.

Most textbooks would transliterated it as "Khwae".

Oh my god... this will be a tough language to learn

October 14th, 2009, 20:01
Thanks for the fine post, Smiles. Those seemingly small observations are what gives the culture it's true flavor, I think.

I liked TrongpaiExpat's share about ghosts, too. I've had similar conversations with friends about them - one in particular stands out that took place when I happened to be in booked into a room on the rear side of the Om Yim, overlooking the old cemetery (below).

...and I thought Filipinos had the fanatical lock on superstitions!


October 14th, 2009, 20:22
Try figuring this one out! Some Thai's think that a bad dream means that you will have good luck, where as a good dream means bad luck will follow..... :dontknow:


October 14th, 2009, 20:43
Yeah, and some farangs think a black cat crossing your path is bad luck, or a condo on the 13th floor---of course it's all good if they rename the floor 12A. Who are the dumb ones, I'm not so sure.

October 15th, 2009, 18:34
Every now and then I get shaken awake when having a dream if I am mumbling or moving. The BF always assumes it a pee (ghost) and it never is, just some stupid dream of me running or something, I never dream of ghosts. Unlike many Thai, I don't believe in ghosts and in the middle of the night we have this same conversation.
-- I wake you so pee don't take you.
--Take me where?
--I don't believe in ghosts
--don't have
--maybe America don't have but Thailand have
--and they are all bad?
--yes, no good ones

Hahaha... that's so cute. Thai boys sure seem to worry about ghosts a lot.

When I mentioned to my Thai BF in Sydney I was working late he asked if "when you work late, do your employee also work late?"...

I said "no... in Australia, the boss works the hardest... it's the opposite to Thailand".

"Huh!?"... he looked horrified... "you in office alone?! You crazy ah... not scared of ghost??!"

Later when I texted him, "no ghosts here :-) ..." he replied, "Look behind you... I see someone!"... lol it actually kind of spooked me out a little... all alone in that big dark building.