View Full Version : Big Trouble 4

September 29th, 2009, 15:51




September 29th, 2009, 21:27
I once asked a pilot "how often do these planes crash"?
"Only once" came his reply.

You would think they would come up with better names than TERMINAL and FINAL DEPARTURE

September 30th, 2009, 02:59
Sensationalized drivel. Looks like one of the Discovery Channel programs we see here in the USA. I hope not too many people think that what they see in this "documentary" is really the way Thailand is.

In part 3, the tourist policeman makes the point that what you're seeing is the dummys that tried to peddle, or use drugs. And, they've found out that Thailand takes a very dim view of foreigners peddling drugs.

September 30th, 2009, 03:26
I hope not too many people think that what they see in this "documentary" is really the way Thailand is.

I hope most people realize this "documentary" has absolutely nothing to do with Thailand. If you decide to go around skipping countries and selling drugs, you can't really bitch when you end up in a prison cell, and blame it on the country who arrested you.

Or sensationalizing some plane crash where nobody died, except the pilot? A bit melodramatic, no? Like the one woman saying, "I don't know if I'll ever be comfortable flying again", as if it's somehow Thailand's fault. If you're going to document a plane crash, at least make sure everyone gets burned alive, and you actually have someone to blame other than bad weather.

September 30th, 2009, 19:41
This episode was pretty stupid and not so entertaining. The coverage of the plane trip was a bit over done.

I liked the tourist police guy in Chiang Mai though... he seems like a good guy.

October 1st, 2009, 06:24
The last time I flew to Thailand I was with GRA46, it was a smooth take off but after half an hour the captain came on the speaker and said тАЬI wish to notify all passengers that I have had to shut down one of the engines. There is nothing to worry about as this plane is able to fly on three engines the only difference is that it will take nine hours instead of the normal eight hours.тАЭ
тАЬHoly mother of godтАЭ said GRA46
Half an hour later the captain came back on and said тАЬI have got to notify the passengers that I have had to shut down another engine but there is nothing to worry about as this plane is designed to fly on two engines, the only thing is that it will take eleven hours to get to Bangkok rather then the normal eight hoursтАЭ.
тАЬHoly fucking mother of godтАЭ said GRA46
Half an hour later the captain came on again and said тАЬThis is very unusual but I have had to shut down the third engine but I can assure you that this plane is designed to fly with one engine the only thing is that it will take us 20 hours to get to Bangkok rather then the normal eight hoursтАЭ.
тАЬHoly mother of godтАЭ said GRA46 тАЬAnd if the other one packs in we will be up here all dayтАЭ.

October 1st, 2009, 13:51

October 1st, 2009, 15:18
"I don't know if I'll ever be comfortable flying again", as if it's somehow Thailand's fault.

...so how does that statement "blame Thailand"?

October 1st, 2009, 15:32
"I don't know if I'll ever be comfortable flying again", as if it's somehow Thailand's fault.

...so how does that statement "blame Thailand"?

Because the documentary is titled "Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand", and the introduction paints a pretty bleak picture of Thailand, stating just under 300 Brits died last year, blah, blah...

October 1st, 2009, 19:15
Sometimes you have to wonder how these farang drug runners could possibly be so dumb or desperate. As recently as a few months ago an Australian named Andrew Hood was caught... unbelievable, especially as there's been so much publicity on Australian drug runners being executed overseas, sentenced to life, in jail etc.

Has anyone come across farang (not Thai) drug dealers trying to sell in Thailand? I saw some French and American guys doing it and had to wonder why? Why on Earth would you take that risk?