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View Full Version : Thailands own 'Steve Irwin'

September 28th, 2009, 04:18
Take a look at this guys.
The fearless gay celebrity Nicholas Snow in a death-defying, head on meeting with Big Game Wildlife in Thailand


September 28th, 2009, 06:27
Steve Irwin was finished off by a stingray Nicholas may cop it from his neighbour.

September 28th, 2009, 20:16
You have to wonder who's idea it was to stock the ponds at Lumpini with Water Monitor lizards. Maybe they were cheaper than Swans?

Steve Irwin would have straddled one of those puppies and looked down it's throat, not use a zoom on a hand held camcorder. At least it keeps high-so Bankgokians from letting loose their little yappy pedigreed miniature dogs in the park.

September 28th, 2009, 20:48
You have to wonder who's idea it was to stock the ponds at Lumpini with Water Monitor lizards.

You have to wonder why someone would think they are "stocked" rather than natural.

September 28th, 2009, 22:24
Managed would be a better word. Lumpini Park is a small closed ecological system, not natural. I have noticed in some of the National Parks in Thailand I see in some waterways a single species of fish, no diversity, and that's often a sign of management by stocking. Bangkok Post (http://www.bangkokpost.com/education/site2007/scjl3107.htm)

September 29th, 2009, 21:54
Which is the biggest lizard:
The one with the fish or the one with the camera?