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View Full Version : Laser teeth whitening

September 22nd, 2009, 11:09
Has anyone had this done? Im looking to get it done in Pattaya on my next trip.I REALLY dont want to go to BKK,but if theres an exceptionally good Dentist that does a really good job,Id consider Bangkok. Ive done the trays,which work well,but now want the best,which is laser. Oh,and what can I expect to pay? Thanks.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:21
In Bangkok it's anywhere between 7,000 and 12,000 baht, depending on how fancy you require the clinic's lobby to look.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:56
I had it done in Chiang Mai by a very reputable dentist a few years back for 6000 or so. My teeth looked very white for about three months and were painfully sensitive to heat, cold, and just about everything short of planetary alignments for two years. I trust others have fared better.

September 22nd, 2009, 13:16
Thanks BB.its about double that here in the states. Chillnorth,Im sorry to hear of your bad experience,to have it last only 3 months and then to continue to endure sensitivity for 2 years is disapointing.Hope it has stopped now.

September 23rd, 2009, 01:19
Pattaya prices vary from 3,999 in Central (special offer) to 12 - 14,000 in BHP (depending on what special offers are available). BHP also offer a similar but slightly more expensive treatment than laser, apperently without the effects chillnorth had which I have been told are not that unusual.

September 23rd, 2009, 03:45
thought the dentist told me I had to use trays anyway,
never had a problem wih sensitivity

Ron-Heng Vancouver
September 23rd, 2009, 08:57

When my Thai bf took me to his sister's friend, a reputable dentist in BKK with beautiful offices and excellent staff, I made an appointment for whitening. The next day the dentist wife called my bf and said that her husband was reluctant to whiten my teeth as white people tend to have extreme sensitivity thereafter for a LONG time. I went back to him and he repeated the warning. He said he would love to make the $$ but I should know what faced me. I changed my mind and did not have it done. I did have my teeth examined and cleaned....nice job and he even gave me a 25% discount. My bf had a root canal and crown..... nice people.

Be careful if you are going to get your teeth whitened.... possibly may out a damper on your Thai holiday....

September 24th, 2009, 04:17
won't do shit for
tetracycline stains

September 24th, 2009, 05:40
I always carry some Tetracycline with me in Thailand.It is very good for treating Rocky mountain spotted fever. :drug:

September 24th, 2009, 09:20
OK,thanks for the replies,not very encouraging as no one has had a positive result so far.I think I might get it done here in U.S,and pay a little more.

Brad the Impala
September 24th, 2009, 18:05
OK,thanks for the replies,not very encouraging as no one has had a positive result so far.I think I might get it done here in U.S,and pay a little more.

I read the negatives as relating to the procedure rather than to the location.

September 24th, 2009, 18:39
Bit off topic, and I have no idea about whitening as I've never done it, but there's one thing I can recommend. Go to any dentist office in Thailand, and grab yourself a tube of "GC Tooth Mousse". It has a bunch of calcium and phosphate in it, put it on every night before you sleep, and it strengthens your teeth, plus makes them whiter.

Cost me 750 baht, and after 6 weeks, seems to be working well enough to make it worth its money. My teeth are whiter, breath doesn't get stinky as easily, and teeth aren't as sensitive anymore. I wouldn't say there's a massive difference, but more than enough to make it worthwhile.

September 24th, 2009, 20:10

Sounds like great stuff. How come I've never heard of this before? Anyone else used it?

Wonder if I can get it in Australia...

September 24th, 2009, 20:24
http://www.dogpile.com/dogpile/ws/resul ... ceUrl=true (http://www.dogpile.com/dogpile/ws/results/Web/gc%20tooth%20mousse/1/417/TopNavigation/Relevance/iq=true/zoom=off/_iceUrlFlag=7?_IceUrl=true)

September 25th, 2009, 05:55
Rocket, I've had mine done twice. Reasonable price and no sensitivity afterwards.
Look up my posts and you will find the name of the clinic I visited.
I wouldn't hesitate doing it again.

September 29th, 2009, 22:59
Nothing under laser, teeth, whitening, or clinic, so I finally tried dental!

You did not give any details, but what was the gap between treatments - I was under the impression it lasted several years?

September 30th, 2009, 01:43
It should last a couple years I would think.Ahobni didnt say what the gap was.And I tried going thru his post to find where he went but I gave up.
Rocket, I've had mine done twice. Reasonable price and no sensitivity afterwards.
Look up my posts and you will find the name of the clinic I visited.
I wouldn't hesitate doing it again.

September 30th, 2009, 17:17
How long it lasts is partially dependent on your eating and drinking habits. I've heard from some colleagues who had their teeth whitened that coffee and tea can discolor newly whitened teeth pretty quickly.

September 30th, 2009, 20:21
* Reply with quote

I hadn't realised how little information I gave when posting. I should have have added more.

The treatment is recommended every two to three years. It is advised not to drink tea or coffee, especially black, or red wine for a short while after treatment. Obviously the longer the better the longterm result. It does make a difference. I will be having the treatment again, for the third time, next month. The clinic is very reputable and well run with many dentists in residence.

I can't remember exactly how much I paid but I did ask for an estimate before hand and it must have been reasonable otherwise I wouldn't have booked, between Bt6 - 10,000.

Dental work

PostAuthor: ahobni on Tue 25 Apr, 2006 3:41 am
I have used the following, http://www.promjaidentalclinic.com/ and was pleased with the results. Very professional and not over expensive (at least compared to the UK). Click on the web page and you will find all the information you want.

October 1st, 2009, 05:59
From the Melbourne Age Thursday 1 0ctober What seems a growth industry in Pattaya could be under threat

Court rules on white teeth
October 1, 2009
Suong Van Thi.

Suong Van Thi.

BEAUTY therapists and other cosmetic treatment providers have, in effect, been banned from performing teeth-whitening procedures by an Australian-first court ruling in Melbourne.

The ruling comes amid claims that dentists are trying to protect their control of the booming industry of teeth whitening during a so-called ''turf war'' with cosmetic surgeons and beauty therapists.

Greensborough beauty therapist Suong ''Becky'' Van Thi was convicted and fined $2000 as an unregistered person who performed ''invasive or irreversible'' procedures by whitening teeth in a beauty salon.

The decision gives the Dental Practice Board of Victoria, the relevant prosecuting agency, a legal precedent with which to charge other unregistered people who perform teeth-whitening procedures.

The Heidelberg Magistrates Court heard yesterday that Van, 29, had applied a bleaching cream containing 6 per cent peroxide to a client's teeth as part of a whitening procedure. After two rounds of cream, the teeth were placed under light, and the client then told to brush them.

The woman found her teeth had become marbled in texture and her throat was sore; it was later diagnosed as burnt. Shortly after, her gums became ulcered, magistrate Jill Crowe said in sentencing.

Defence lawyers argued that the procedure was not invasive and was not covered by the legislation. Ms Crowe said protection of the public was what the legislation had in mind.

Van has lodged an appeal with the County Court

October 1st, 2009, 08:11
I have just tried to contact http://www.promjaidentalclinic.com to make an appointment for next month and found this site no longer serves the promjaidentalclinic but is a general board advertising various dental clinics, treatments, etc. Can't understand why, it seemed a well run place and very professional. All I can remember is that it was within a half hour taxi journey from Silom.

October 1st, 2009, 12:54
I have just tried to contact http://www.promjaidentalclinic.com to make an appointment for next month and found this site no longer serves the promjaidentalclinic but is a general board advertising various dental clinics, treatments, etc. Can't understand why, it seemed a well run place and very professional. All I can remember is that it was within a half hour taxi journey from Silom.

That's interesting. I have been going to Promjai for about 10 years. Last time just a few months ago. The BF and I have all sorts of dental procedures done there. There's lots of fancy equipment and specialists.

Lately though, the place has been short on customers. The waiting room used to be full of Japanese customers. There are a dozen or so treatment rooms and last time I was there, only a few were staffed. I don't know if the customers dried up or they lost dentists. The last few appointments I had were changed a few times by them too. I go to a periodontist who used to work at Promjai several days a week and now only on Thursdays.

Still, I have no complaints about Promjai. I had a problem for years with one molar. My US dentist kept saying it's OK, noting to do and just live with the occasional discomfort. Promjai fixed it with three visits. Not cheap but I am now pain free.