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September 22nd, 2009, 02:10
Anyone current on flu shot (H1N1) availability / cost in Bangkok ?

September 22nd, 2009, 06:26
Anyone current on flu shot (H1N1) availability / cost in Bangkok ?

Vaccine to be ready in the first quarter of 2010. That is an optimistic scenario ! :crybaby:

September 22nd, 2009, 07:59
Vaccine will reportedly be available in America sometime in October. I plan to get it before my trip to Thailand in November.

September 22nd, 2009, 09:34
Has anyone here caught swine flu from visiting Thailand?

September 22nd, 2009, 09:45
Ohhh, don't worry about swine flu. Since inception, the WHO has reported less than 2000 deaths due to swine flu. If anything, you should be more worried about getting killed while on a motorcycle taxi than the swine flu.

I had a good bout of the flu while I was in Thailand, which put me into bed for a good four days. I can only hope it was swine flu, as that would mean my body has a natural immunity built up towards it now. :-)

September 22nd, 2009, 09:51
I know, I know... I'm not worried about dying from swine flu... I'm just keen not to spend 4 days of my holiday in bed!

September 23rd, 2009, 10:38
The coming flu season will definitely include the usual seasonal increases in flu cases with H1N1 infections included.

Depending on how the virus mutates, where these mutations surface and how prepared the health care sector is to deal with it will determine how severe the impact will be.

If you have a great deal of confidence in how the country you are in is going to deal with this additional challenge this yearтАжdonтАЩt worry.

Every flu is different. If four days is your usual down time youтАЩll probably hope that at worse the same remains true should you become infected. If you develop the harsher symptoms of H1N1, you could be down for a longer period of time. If you are pre-booked to travel, this could be problematic for you. If itтАЩs any worse than that, you may need someone to look after you. Travelling / trying to get home for treatment wouldnтАЩt be a good idea.

If you are older or not in great health, if you have a compromised immune system you should probably consider the vaccine. Even if you are in good health, you may want to consider it this year if youтАЩre going to be away. ThereтАЩs no guarantee you wonтАЩt come down with a flu, but its going to give you a level of protection against something that could prove terribly inconvenient for you.

Sanitizing your hands frequently is one of your best initial levels of defence. If you travel while you are symptomatic, you risk infecting many people and could be detained where countries use detection systems.

Think about the bigger picture and take care!

September 23rd, 2009, 11:04
Sanitizing your hands frequently is one of your best initial levels of defence. If you travel while you are symptomatic, you risk infecting many people and could be detained where countries use detection systems!

I still dont see how using an anti-bacterial handwash is going to prevent the transmission of a flu virus. seems more like a token effort by to make people think that the government is 'doing something'.

September 23rd, 2009, 11:23
" ... I still dont see how using an anti-bacterial handwash is going to prevent the transmission of a flu virus. seems more like a token effort by to make people think that the government is 'doing something' ... "
The CDC website recommends the primary ways you can help yourself keep the Flu away: one being "Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub."

I think you are accenting the 'anti-bacterial' part of the hand washing, when of course, as a virus, the flu bug would be immune to anything 'anti-bacterial'.
The soap being 'anti-bacterial' is not mentioned in the CDC advice, which leads me to believe that they mean that the flu virus ~ along with other bugs ~ can be washed off the hands with simply a good hard wash with hot water and (any old) soap.
Or, it may be saying that ordinary soap, or alcohol can actually kill the virus. Maybe both.
So, for many on this Board, perhaps dunking your hands in the ever-present gin and tonic would be easiest, and more convenient.

September 23rd, 2009, 11:31
of course, as a virus, the flu bug would be immune to anything 'anti-bacterial'.

Perhaps you were unaware that anti-bactierial and anti-viral are not mutually exclusive? Many things, including alcohol gel, Clorox, and plain soap-and-water, can eliminate both.

September 23rd, 2009, 19:53
There's a big difference between anti-bacterial soap and antibiotics. Antibiotics like penicillin have no effect of viral infections. An anti-bacterial soap or any soap for that matter could be effective with reducing viral transmissions. You need to wash your hands with soap for at least 40 seconds minimum. You arenтАЩt killing whatтАЩs on your hands, you are washing it off. As soap, water and towels arenтАЩt always present in Thai washrooms, its best to carry a hand disinfectant (There are plenty available out there - Purel makes small bottles to carry with you). Using Clorox on your hands will damage your skin, turning one problem into another.

If you are into the water down at Jomtien beach, itтАЩs probably a good idea to disinfect your hands and to keep your face clean around your nose, mouth and eyes. This would reduce the chance of a bacterial infection, mainly E Coli (from human waste) the source of many nasty stomach / intestinal problems. While there shouldnтАЩt be raw sewage going into the ocean, it really goes back to what I said earlier about trusting that the country you are in is doing the right thing.

Brad the Impala
September 24th, 2009, 06:43
There's a big difference between anti-bacterial soap and antibiotics

Well that's a surprise!! I expect no one here knew that!

September 24th, 2009, 07:28
There's a big difference between anti-bacterial soap and antibiotics

Well that's a surprise!! I expect no one here knew that!

Now now brad ... don't let's get started.

Ad for the 40 second hand-wash ... if you recite the happy birthday song in your mind at pace that's about 40 seconds. I'm just full of trivia like that but I do use this scenario when washing my hands.

I always have a small bottle of Purell hand sanitizer about my person and utilise all bottles found in public places such as BTS entrance/exits, supermarkets and the like (especially supermarkets ... cough, cough, hack, hack).

But lets face it ... while we may be more conscious about becoming sick in Thailand, it is more a case of wasting time being sick on holiday. We could just as easily become sick in our own countries. Be vigilant always and just enjoy life. Things happen or they don't. Simple.


September 24th, 2009, 09:34
I've just heard on the news tonight (and interpreted it as meaning) that swine flu affects gay people more then anyone else. :crybaby:
They said "every single person will be affected".

September 24th, 2009, 19:29
Ad for the 40 second hand-wash ... if you recite the happy birthday song in your mind at pace that's about 40 seconds. I'm just full of trivia like that but I do use this scenario when washing my hands.
Either you have a significant stutter or sing awfully slowly. Most advice articles I've read say to sing "Happy Birthday" twice to equal 30 seconds, the minimum time to spend washing one's hands.

Try it: Sing one verse of "Happy Birthday" and it's about a 15-second song.

September 25th, 2009, 01:32
Post Author: giggsy ┬╗ Wed 23 Sep, 2009 6:34 pm
I've just heard on the news tonight (and interpreted it as meaning) that swine flu affects gay people more then anyone else. :crybaby:
They said "every single person will be affected".

WTF news do you listen to the CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network. Doing your interpretation, does that mean you were totally shit faced at the time.

September 26th, 2009, 09:04
Some soaps being sold as "antibacterial" have an active ingredient bactericide like 'Triclosan'. These chemicals will not work on viruses. Hence the advice to use "alcohol based" soaps which may kill the viruses as well as bacteria (viruses are harder to kill because...well... for too many reasons to go into here).

I still think the whole "Swine Flu" thing has been over hyped by drug companies, hysterical 24/7 news media and self-serving Health Care bureacracies. Just like Bird Flu, SARS and I can't remember how many other "next Great Plague" scares all using 1918 for their model.

If you're traveling during flu season it might be a good idea to get a flu shot though. :idea: