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September 16th, 2009, 08:18
One topic of conversation that pops up frequently when chatting to Thai boys is the subject of overweight falangs. In my experience, Thais don't seem to be too bothered about age or looks, but they do seem to be bothered about fat guys. And let's face it, who can blame them?

I could say that I'm fortunate enough not to be overweight, but that would be a lie. Fortune has nothing to do with it. The truth is that I take care of my health, I eat well, and I make sure I get enough exercise to keep myself looking reasonably fit. It's because of this that Thai guys are more open with me about the subject of overweight westerners than they perhaps are with others.

The truth be told, I'm often ashamed when I look around and see fat foreigners. Fat, lazy, slobbish westerners who couldn't give a shit about the way they look, fat westerners who believe that they have the right to look how they want because they're paying for their sex so who cares? Well, that's a good question. Who does indeed care?

As a fellow falang, I care. I feel utter shame and contempt at the way some other falangs look. I often find myself hanging my head in shame, wondering just what the Thai's think of us and our culture. Just tonight, I was watching a couple of very fat falangs sitting at a bar, both precariously balanced on their chairs, with a couple of young boys. I could see in the faces of the falangs that they truely believed they were God's Gift. In their own minds, they were Brad Pitt and George Clooney. They had no idea, absolutely no idea, that the boys they were with felt nothing but disgust towards them. They had no idea that I was looking at them, feeling nothing but disgust. That the people walking past felt nothing but disgust towards them. They drank their drinks, smoked their cigarettes, laughed, joked, and believed they were the masters of their own universe, with young boys at hand, at their beck and call, and life couldn't be sweeter.

Well, if you're reading this and your very overweight, here's an inconvenient truth for you... Thai boys absolutley hate having sex with you. They find you ugly, repulsive and disgusting. They would rather fuck a stuffed Christmas Turkey, if only it paid them as well. You bring shame on the rest of us westerners, and you need to take a long look in the mirror while asking yourself "would I like THAT bouncing up and down on ME?"

And instead of getting really pissed off and angry at this post, instead of using up valuable energy thinking of ways you can "get me back" by coming up with smart arsed comments, instead of putting your triple decker sandwich to one side in order to bang your fists on the table a couple of times, I have a suggestion for you...

Get yourself down the fucking gym.

Seriously. You might even enjoy it. ;)

September 16th, 2009, 08:39
Hey you han-sum, skinny man, looking for a date? :-)

Really though, what crawled up your ass to make you feel obliged to make a thread like this? Only if everyone acted the way you want them to, eh? Then the world would be a good place! :-)

And don't pick on the fat people. They need lovin' too. Besides, from all the Thais I've talked to, there's a good handful who would much prefer a 53yo fat guy over me. Simply because it's more stable, more reliable, not as demanding, and they think they can get more money out of the old guy. With me, who knows what will happen tomorrow, let alone next week or month. I'm still somewhat young, so if I get pissed off, I disappear to a different continent for a week or two. Not exactly the stability a 53yo offers.

Besides, the Thai guys can deny service to anyone they want. If they don't want to go with someone, they don't. For example, I know a good handful of Thais who simply refuse to go with Arabs, even if they're being offered 5000 baht for the night. From the stories I've heard, this usually causes some tension with the mamasan, but not enough for them to lose their job, so they're happy.

September 16th, 2009, 08:41
What AGE are you?

September 16th, 2009, 09:41
Well, thanks for this post. I always feel wrong that I should be so desirous of young, thin good looking guys and yet not be so my self.

I do go to the gym, if I had a training partner it would be easier. I am naturally 'bigger' but I still manage to keep my weight down. I too am somewhat disgusted by the fat old guys who don't seem to give a shit about how they look. It's more than that. Oh I know that we are 'using' the boys but shouldn't we at least try to give them some reason other than money to like us? Ah that's the romantic in me, I can just hear some of you saying "who gives a f... if they 'like' us, it's all about money". Yes I am a bit naive I want to see them as more than a casual fuck.
By the way if you are in Auckland and want to go to the gym let me know cause I'd love a training partner.

September 16th, 2009, 10:15
Im follicolly challenged myself,but nothing I can do about it.So I cannot afford to let myself get fat. Maybe its the lack of business,but I have many bois wanting me to take them away with them.Im always surprised by this but I thought about it and Ive decided that there are so many overweight punters out there that they make me look good in comparison..So help yourselves to that extra scoop at the buffet,and dont skip desert either. Cause your making me feel more like Tom Cruise every time I make my rounds. And no need for any silly excersise,hopping on that baht bus or climbing the stairs at Tom Yums is all the exersise you need. :alc: Have another beer!!!!

September 16th, 2009, 10:24
What broad brush strokes and pure western values regarding what looks good are propounded by the OP, including the one that we all pay for sex!

I'm definitely not obese, but do have a tummy. I also have Thai friends who love tummies on falang. Three of those are young gym bunnies, another two just cute as buttons, and they find my tummy a turn on. I don't understand it either but I'm not complaining. And before you ask money doesn't enter the equation with any of these guys. Amazingly none of them are bar boys. Hard to believe eh?

I didn't go looking for any of these guys - they found me.

And a true story - quite a few years ago now a stunning guy who did steal my heart left me after three years to go with his new bf who weighed in at 140kg, almost twice my weight! It really hurt at the time but find it very funny now ... but they are both happy so what, Mr Doomedmind, is wrong with that?

The really sad thing is that apparently your sole source of sex seems to be paid prostitutes. Nothing wrong with that, just don't judge everyone by your values.

Having said that, there is NO EXCUSE for smelly, sweaty, rude or badly dressed falang, and there ARE far too many of those around, and not just in the bars!

September 16th, 2009, 10:27
If the issue of fat guys pops up frequently in the OP's conversations with Thai boys, I would bet the farm that it is because it is an bigger issue for the OP than for the boys.

I have offed many boys for many years and the fat topic has never come up. I am not fat, but I am old. I have a personal issue about old farts with kids. Guess what "pops up" in my conversations with the boys. Right!

My personal hot button regarding farong disgust has to to with body odor. A poster notes that some Thais refuse to go with Arabs. This is in part, at least, because they stink. But Arabs have no lock on bad b.o. Why oh why do some guys refuse to use antiperpirants? I can only guess that they can't smell themselves..... Maybe TakeCare should add antiperspirant to their safe sex packs.

While I'm at it, why are some guys too lazy to shower only once a day? I agree completely with the boys that a stinky farong is the pits. But I have watched with amazement while boys cuddle "blissfully" with smelly customers. They earn their money in more ways than one.

Minding one's odor is much more manageable than one's weight.

And while I'm at it, what about those tatoos? Just kidding...

September 16th, 2009, 10:47
A poster notes that some Thais refuse to go with Arabs. This is in part, at least, because they stink.

Surely, allieb will be along shortly to call you a Nazi and a racist. Allie, dear? Where are you?

September 16th, 2009, 11:05
I apologize. I wanted to say that b.o. was a factor, not that all Arabs smell bad, because of course they don't.

September 16th, 2009, 11:55
One topic of conversation that pops up frequently when chatting to Thai boys is the subject of overweight falangs. In my experience, Thais don't seem to be too bothered about age or looks, but they do seem to be bothered about fat guys. And let's face it, who can blame them?
The truth be told, I'm often ashamed when I look around and see fat foreigners.
As a fellow falang, I care. I feel utter shame and contempt at the way some other falangs look. I often find myself hanging my head in shame, wondering just what the Thai's think of us and our culture.
I guess maroonedmind has low esteem, boosted only by the flattery of Thai Boys and the satisfaction of slagging off the fatter guys amongst us. At the end of the day it depends on money not weight or do you as a slim guy payout less on the tips due your attractiveness? I have to say I pay no more than what I perceive to be the norm even though they get nearly 2 of me for the price of 1.

September 16th, 2009, 12:10
I apologize. I wanted to say that b.o. was a factor, not that all Arabs smell bad, because of course they don't.

So what did you mean?

That the large majority of Arabs stink? That a higher percentage of Arabs stink than farangs?

Come on, allie -- help me out here. We have a racist on our hands. Where are you? Probably pinned under some hairy, smelly Arab.

September 16th, 2009, 13:02
The truth be told, I'm often ashamed when I look around and see fat foreigners. Fat, lazy, slobbish westerners who couldn't give a shit about the way they look, fat westerners who believe that they have the right to look how they want because they're paying for their sex so who cares? Well, that's a good question. Who does indeed care?

That's 'the inconvenient truth'??? That all those poor old fatties are cluttering up our vision? Phew, I was expecting something much more 'weighty' (in a moral sense).

September 16th, 2009, 13:37
What broad brush strokes and pure western values regarding what looks good are propounded by the OP, including the one that we all pay for sex!

I'm definitely not obese, but do have a tummy. I also have Thai friends who love tummies on falang. Three of those are young gym bunnies, another two just cute as buttons, and they find my tummy a turn on. I don't understand it either but I'm not complaining. And before you ask money doesn't enter the equation with any of these guys. Amazingly none of them are bar boys. Hard to believe eh?

I didn't go looking for any of these guys - they found me.

And a true story - quite a few years ago now a stunning guy who did steal my heart left me after three years to go with his new bf who weighed in at 140kg, almost twice my weight! It really hurt at the time but find it very funny now ... but they are both happy so what, Mr Doomedmind, is wrong with that?

The really sad thing is that apparently your sole source of sex seems to be paid prostitutes. Nothing wrong with that, just don't judge everyone by your values.

Having said that, there is NO EXCUSE for smelly, sweaty, rude or badly dressed falang, and there ARE far too many of those around, and not just in the bars!

Usually, I cut out bits of a post to express my agreement or more commonly,to dispute. There is nothing in the above that does not align with my experience, except the departure story. I have lived with a younger gym bunny for more than a couple of decades and get dragged to the gym regularly. I try to lose the tum but my regular side partners, mostly self-reliant middle income Chinese and ThaiChi, threaten departure the day it goes completely.

Thanks Pat, you boosted my self-esteem this morning.

The real inconvenient truth is that not everybody here pays for sex.
I would, but it is never as satisfactory as with an enthusiastic "amateur".

September 17th, 2009, 01:43
The obsession with weight and obesity is a Western first world phenomenon.. Fat still equals wealth
and is a status symbol of sorts in third world countries and even some second world countries..

I was watching the Biggest Loser on US TV and more than a dozen morbidly obese men and women
got up on the scales and several topped 400 lbs (200+kilos) and wore no shirts and exposed all
the rolls of excess fat for the world to see. Manboobs are not hot..

These people represent the apex of the weight control problem in the West, with little or no exercise
and fast food omnipresent. Diseases such as diabetes type 2 and heart problems are also common
as well as shortened life spans.
None of the people on the Biggest Loser wanted to be fat and all were desparate to lose weight and
become fit and perhaps even desirable as sex partners.. They have a disease and needed help
not derision and scorn..

If you think a teenage Thai boy is repulsed by going to bed with an overweight 65 y.o., do you really
think it matters if the man is very fat, fat, medium fat or even skinny.. He is still an old man and still
not any teenager's (or 20 something) idea of attractive or appealing.. Many find it funny to poke a finger
in a big stomach and ask if you have one or two babies inside.. They smile and are not repulsed but of
course, not being repulsed doesn't equal liking it..

Dyeing your hair, using expensive cologne, wearing the latest fashion are things you do to make yourself
feel more attractive.. You are still older than their grandfathers and it matters little if you have a 46"
waist or a 40" waist..
If the boy can handle the situation and perform, it is the miracle that most of us
are in Thailand for and it is well worth the costs..
It is really silly to think you are more desirable if you weight less or are younger. You are a customer and
it is your wallet and personality that make you desirable.
Being unclean and having bad body odor is about the worst thing you can do, so shower often.. :sharm:

September 17th, 2009, 06:56
Being unclean and having bad body odor is about the worst thing you can do, so shower often..

Luke 4:23 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+4%3A23%2CJohn+2%3A12&version=NASB)

September 17th, 2009, 07:19
Most Thai boys rely on a westerner with a good heart ,which most dont have on this board,I have thai friends ( without sex ) that i talk openly to as i reguraly go to thailand these days,The big issue with them is how they are treated ....If you treat these boys as a piece of meat the word gets around so quick...And i agree would you choose a boy who had a BO problem ? so why would they....

September 17th, 2009, 08:13
Most Thai boys rely on a westerner with a good heart ,which most dont have on this board,I have thai friends ( without sex ) that i talk openly to as i reguraly go to thailand these days,The big issue with them is how they are treated ....If you treat these boys as a piece of meat the word gets around so quick...And i agree would you choose a boy who had a BO problem ? so why would they....

Oh Dear your not trying to tell us that you are one of those NON SEX TOURISTS who just happen to hang out with PROSTITUTES....................... :glasses7: :glasses7: :glasses7: :glasses7:

September 17th, 2009, 11:41
I believe there's a full spectrum of attributes that make up your "value proposition" as a person;

- Age

- Looks/cuteness

- Body/weight/fitness

- Grooming/dress sense

- Behaviour/courtesy/

- Personality/character/how interesting you are/how much fun you are to be around etc...

- How long you're around for

- Wealth/success/money

- and more....

Some dynamics to keep in mind are:

- Low marks in some attributes can often be made up for to a in other attributes. Someone who isn't terribly young or cute can still be attractive if they are well dressed and appealing in character. Perhaps they are fun or interesting to be with. Maybe they are one of those people you enjoy talking to... good conversationalists.

- There are some things you can't change - e.g. age or cuteness. But you can do other things to make up for this to a certain extent, like good grooming, fun/interesting character etc.

- Yes, everyone has different tastes. Not everyone is desperately after the young/cute type. Not everyone likes the hunky types. Some like Asian. Some prefer farang. After about 3-4 unforgettable hours of unbelievable sex and fooling around in the spa bath, I asked one 20 year old boy what types of guys he likes. He said I looked too young for him (I'm early-20s). He prefers someone closer to 30. In fact he was quite specific... he likes Asian (but not Thai), aged around 30 or late 20s, fun/funny personality and "nice guy". Darn... I failed the "close to age-30" test.

- For some Thai boys... money makes up for a lot of shortfalls. But I think (though I have no experience) that to have a half-decent relationship, even if you have lots of money (to take care him), you need to have some good attributes. You might not be young or good looking. But you can make an effort to be a "nice guy"... "good heart"... "fun to be with"... dress well... be well groomed... etc.

As for losing weight? Yes, in general, this is a good idea and being overweight is not a good thing. It's harder for some than it is for others.

But If you are retired, on holidays or work relaxed hours... then if you are motivated enough, you should have no problems spending some time exercising. I would exercise twice a day if I could.

Do something you enjoy. I don't find gyms terribly stimulating. If you live in Pattaya it's much nicer to go for long runs on the beach. Find a nice swimming pool and immerse yourself in swimming laps for 30 mins each day. Or go for a long bike ride... find something that excites you. Exercising releases such great endorphins (like sex)... you feel great afterwards. Make it a routine. Something to get you up in the morning.

In the long run... we're not built to be inactive... we were supposed to be out hunting and building huts. Not being served by cute waiters and sitting at a desk all day. Our bodies degenerate if we don't exercise. We feel slobbish, slow, unnatural, unhealthy.

September 17th, 2009, 12:17
At the end of the day it depends on money not weight.
Couldn't agree more . Two nice, rich 20 year old Thais offered me (I probably weigh as much as three of them) a thousand Bath to go with them. Don't have a working permit, so had to take them for free. Had very nice experiences in other Asian countries as well. Stop whining about us fat guys ; why don't you just go to Swensens and treat yourself to some nice ice cream? I saw some very nice cake shops today too.
No, seriously, Thais seem to have a very different attitude towards towards overweight people. They'll also talk in a more open way about it. Can be a nuisance when the baht bus operators want to charge me twice "you very fat". I never take the motorcycle taxis as I fear I might overload their supension. At least all the walking helps to keep me somewhat in shape.
I don't know how popular apple shapes walking on two thin sticks would be though. Many Thais love rubbing big bellies (I understand it's for good luck - quite an obsession in Thailand).

September 17th, 2009, 23:33
..... I think (though I have no experience) .....

The latter is clear, the former questionable. You have selected the "attributes" of a narcissist while overlooking compatability, the key to any relationship, and given "jai dee", the key in most successful farang/Thai relationships, no more than a passing mention.

Looks like you failed all the tests.

September 18th, 2009, 00:45
..... I think (though I have no experience) .....

The latter is clear, the former questionable. You have selected the "attributes" of a narcissist while overlooking compatability, the key to any relationship, and given "jai dee", the key in most successful farang/Thai relationships, no more than a passing mention.

Looks like you failed all the tests.

Silly old me, I thought a well stocked ATM was the key in most successful farang/Thai relationships.

September 18th, 2009, 03:36
There are some things you can't change - e.g. age or cuteness. I think cuteness can be worked on,How about hair loss,well you could get a hair transplant or a rug. Also exercising does not lose weight very well.It tends to make one more hungry and they eat more.The key to taking wieght off is to eat less. I excercise for my arteries and overall health,not to lose weight. Running triathalons will make you lose weight,but for the average person its about lowering calorie intake.

September 18th, 2009, 10:08
I believe there's a full spectrum of attributes that make up your "value proposition" as a person;

- Yes, everyone has different tastes. Not everyone is desperately after the young/cute type. Not everyone likes the hunky types. Some like Asian. Some prefer farang.


In many western societies, where homosexuality for the most part has been accepted and the culture has a foot hold, the demographic will rage quite a bit from one person to another. People have all sorts of tastes and you can see evidence of this simply by going to gay social sites and seeing what people are doing, into, wearing etcтАж

I recall writing an article a few years back on the way gay farangs dress in Thailand which received, for the most part, similar negative feedback. That post was never meant to be derogatory, but rather to acknowledge that there are some pretty good looking mature men out there who would look a heck of a lot better if they chose their clothes a little better. Truly, many if not most would look much better if they were in better shape, looked after themselves better and maintained their hygiene the way they should.

And so, for me coming to Thailand is like going to Mars in comparison to what IтАЩm used to back home. The prostitute thing isnтАЩt real. Getting the better guy when you go out is all about getting to him first, with your money. TheyтАЩll tell you it was them that picked you and that even though they just met you 30 seconds ago, they love you already. If something develops beyond that cash attachment, thatтАЩs where it might be important how attractive you are to them. And how many stories have you heard where somebody thought they had a тАЬone and onlyтАЭ relationship with a Thai boy only to discover тАЬothersтАЭ on the boyтАЩs dance card later?

Back home, fags hang out, compare notes, shop together, work out together, learn from one another, compete against one another for the better man and for the most part this drives local gay culture. The absence of this in Thailand with farangs creates a void that leads to a lot of people becoming detached from what their mirror is telling them.

Yes, you are free to be who they want to be and as long as you can get to the boy you want first with your money, what do you have to worry aboutтАжbesides quality of life?
If your quality of life doesnтАЩt mean anything to you and the people who care about you, carry on being who you are!

September 18th, 2009, 18:42
I just returned from a week in Pattaya. Every boy that I was with had a strong erection and wanted to have a climax before finished. So not all boys are turned off by body fat.

September 18th, 2009, 21:12
..... I think (though I have no experience) .....

The latter is clear, the former questionable. You have selected the "attributes" of a narcissist while overlooking compatability, the key to any relationship, and given "jai dee", the key in most successful farang/Thai relationships, no more than a passing mention.

Looks like you failed all the tests.

Must be something pretty major crawling up your arse today... or maybe it just retired there.

I indicated this wasn't a comprehensive list of attributes by saying "and more". Of course there are other dynamics involved.

I've never been in a sustained relationship with a Thai boy (in Thailand) because I'm never in the country more than a week. I make this clear before accepting any "want to see movie tomorrow?" offers from boys. I'm just out to have lots of fun. Work/business keeps me pretty focused so I'm not interested in commitment (though I have been tempted).

Don't know what exactly you mean by "looks like you failed all the tests" but as someone who picks up cute boys at clubs pretty easily I'd say I rate ok... certainly better than a grumpy 40-year old farang retired in Pattaya with a neurotic desire to be important and correct about everything and prove everyone else inferior.

You sound like you might be ex-military. You know how the nicest officers you meet are often the highest ranking ones? The most successful ones... Major Generals, Air Chief Marshals etc. You expect them to be quite stern and authoritative but most often they're very friendly.

You know why? Because they feel no need to prove themselves. They're comfortable with it all. No need for ego trips or put downs. You know who the grumpy, authoritative ones sometimes are? The guys who are 45 or 50 and only made it to Captain or Squadron Leader. They're self-conscious of their lack of success so they see everyone as a threat.

Wherever they go, they need to stamp their authority and prove themselves.

September 18th, 2009, 21:22
I believe there's a full spectrum of attributes that make up your "value proposition" as a person;

- Yes, everyone has different tastes. Not everyone is desperately after the young/cute type. Not everyone likes the hunky types. Some like Asian. Some prefer farang.


In many western societies, where homosexuality for the most part has been accepted and the culture has a foot hold, the demographic will rage quite a bit from one person to another. People have all sorts of tastes and you can see evidence of this simply by going to gay social sites and seeing what people are doing, into, wearing etcтАж

I recall writing an article a few years back on the way gay farangs dress in Thailand which received, for the most part, similar negative feedback. That post was never meant to be derogatory, but rather to acknowledge that there are some pretty good looking mature men out there who would look a heck of a lot better if they chose their clothes a little better. Truly, many if not most would look much better if they were in better shape, looked after themselves better and maintained their hygiene the way they should.

And so, for me coming to Thailand is like going to Mars in comparison to what IтАЩm used to back home. The prostitute thing isnтАЩt real. Getting the better guy when you go out is all about getting to him first, with your money. TheyтАЩll tell you it was them that picked you and that even though they just met you 30 seconds ago, they love you already. If something develops beyond that cash attachment, thatтАЩs where it might be important how attractive you are to them. And how many stories have you heard where somebody thought they had a тАЬone and onlyтАЭ relationship with a Thai boy only to discover тАЬothersтАЭ on the boyтАЩs dance card later?

Back home, fags hang out, compare notes, shop together, work out together, learn from one another, compete against one another for the better man and for the most part this drives local gay culture. The absence of this in Thailand with farangs creates a void that leads to a lot of people becoming detached from what their mirror is telling them.

Yes, you are free to be who they want to be and as long as you can get to the boy you want first with your money, what do you have to worry aboutтАжbesides quality of life?
If your quality of life doesnтАЩt mean anything to you and the people who care about you, carry on being who you are!

True... I see some badly dressed mature men (nothing against them) and wonder why on Earth they don't put just a little bit of effort into looking smarter and more appealing.

I think one of the reasons you see this a lot in Thailand is that money plays such a big role in many gay interactions. Those men who look unbelievably slobbish but act like they're on top of the world? (no offence intended)... they do this because to them, it's easier to just flash some money around. It's like a shortcut...

September 18th, 2009, 21:25
There are some things you can't change - e.g. age or cuteness. I think cuteness can be worked on,How about hair loss,well you could get a hair transplant or a rug. Also exercising does not lose weight very well.It tends to make one more hungry and they eat more.The key to taking wieght off is to eat less. I excercise for my arteries and overall health,not to lose weight. Running triathalons will make you lose weight,but for the average person its about lowering calorie intake.

I agree... it takes both exercise and eating habits. Exercise alone won't do much (unless your eating habits are already good).

I actually find if I exercise I feel like eating healthier foods and get turned off by the fatty, sugary stuff that's no good for you. If I stop exercising and get lazy... I start to crave sweets and junk food a little more.

I think the most important factor in eating is WHAT you eat.... some foods will make you hungry sooner... other foods give you sustained energy so you don't feel hungry again for sometime. Good foods leave you pretty content and not craving foods so you naturally eat less.

September 20th, 2009, 03:14
Nothing unusual up there, according to the last medical examination - just getting rather bored by someone who posts such absolute rubbish quite so consistently; I would hardly "rate OK" anyone in their early twenties who has nothing better to do than boast about who he "picks up" on a Gay Forum where most members are 50 to 60+.

The "tests" was a reference to your "Low marks ..... I failed the "close to age-30" test". For the record (again) I am not 40, I do not live in Pattaya, I retired in my mid-30's (I was not a Major General or an Air Chief Marshal, neither was I a Squadron Leader or a Captain (Army or Navy)) - and I am perfectly comfortable with what I achieved and the success I had.

Don't worry, I don't see you as any sort of threat, nor do I have any neurotic desire to prove you inferior - you do an excellent job at that by youself.

September 20th, 2009, 05:02
and I am perfectly comfortable with what I achieved and the success I had.Just very, very sensitive to the opinion of others, having to respond to every slight, real or imagined.

September 21st, 2009, 09:30
..... I think (though I have no experience) .....

The latter is clear, the former questionable. You have selected the "attributes" of a narcissist while overlooking compatability, the key to any relationship, and given "jai dee", the key in most successful farang/Thai relationships, no more than a passing mention.

Looks like you failed all the tests.
Compatability? From com-pata, not com-pati? Oh, our eminent Latinist from the Pattaya area! Guaranteed without any pedagogical Eros! Never mind our PRIMA DONNA, Beach Lover. Love the beach and sing a song. Don't imitate her wretched unrefinement. And forgive her. She was created that way. By not so intelligent design.

[quote="smiling-straitjacket":231e2do3] De mortuis nil nisi bene.

Why? Does that maxim (do not speak ill of the dead) apply universally or are there exceptions - Hitler or Pol Pot, for example?

Or are you using the phrase in its legal context, that defaming the dead is not actionable?

Either way, and whatever the reason, MiniMee's guess (whether correct in this instance or not) is yet another reason for anonymity, whatever the requests for CVs or even now exact locations may be.

I will leave it to KT to correct your latin (de mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est)![/quote:231e2do3]
The pompous lash of the exclamation mark at the end of a sentence with a missing capital letter in "latin"! "Your latin?" We already know the eXQUISITE hOME-bAKED lATIN of our "narcissistic" and "neurotical" :crybaby: PRIMA DONNA. Remember this?

[quote="Gone Fishing":231e2do3]
Quisque comoedum est

Comoedum is the nominative or subject.. Quisque (everyone or everybody) is the actual subject of this sentence so it is comoedus (direct object) not comoedum.

I thought it only fair to correct your Latin since everyone else is correcting your English. :cheers:[/quote:231e2do3]
"Your latin?" Not my "latin". And my CITATION is correct. Generations of students had to write essays about it. It's common knowledge today, so the citation was used as an abbreviation. Is our PRIMA DONNA a tabula rasa? How foolish to use the argumentum ad absurdum to make sense of a sentence! She used a Wikipedia article without quoting it. But of course she doesn't know the two Greek authors not mentioned in the article. Unmasked by Wikipedia. A brilliant pedagogue! A fear biter. Without manners. In Asia! She is nothing but a stiff-necked GOOGLER, our self-important cave dweller of the 21st century.
Relax, Beach Lover. SooneR or LateR she will be prevented from posting. By intelligent design. De mortuis nil nisi bene. :sunny:

September 21st, 2009, 17:44
just getting rather bored by someone who posts such absolute rubbish quite so consistently

Getting bored of yourself at last eh?

Oh I know you're referring to me... it's just that you seem to be the one many observe "posts such absolute rubbish quite so consistently".

September 21st, 2009, 18:14
... I am middle aged, in good shape for one being in his lower 50's but it takes alot of discipline and work. One needs to cut down on the amount of food he consumes since ones metabolism slows down as he gets older (especially hitting 40 +) Also, one cannot eat fried foods daily and must cut down on the starches and no sweets. Also, if you want a younger looking physique with no flab, you have to hit the gym and do over 30 minutes of cardio and hit the weights. Exercise doesnt' only make one look healthier and younger but also it improves ones health. But one will get fatter around the waist if he doesn't adjust his life style.

When I get home from work, I could go out to eat with friends but I choose to have just a salad with tuna, guzzle down my protein drink and then hit the fitness center for 90 minutes, about 5 times a week. It is hard, hard work but it is nice to have a size 33 waist, wear more "youthful clothes" and meet Thais that don't expect to be "Paid" for a night of "romance".

When I see the white whales in Pattaya, I don't get upset, but feel sorry for them because I know it would take a lot of discipline for them to loose that weight..and most likely, they won't live as long.

September 21st, 2009, 18:31
it takes alot of discipline and work.
Exercise doesnt' only make one look healthier and younger but also it improves ones health.
I know it would take a lot of discipline for them to loose that weight.So the rumours are true - you do teach English illiteracy in Pattaya.

September 21st, 2009, 19:07
... I am middle aged, in good shape for one being in his lower 50's but it takes alot of discipline and work. One needs to cut down on the amount of food he consumes since ones metabolism slows down as he gets older (especially hitting 40 +) Also, one cannot eat fried foods daily and must cut down on the starches and no sweets. Also, if you want a younger looking physique with no flab, you have to hit the gym and do over 30 minutes of cardio and hit the weights. Exercise doesnt' only make one look healthier and younger but also it improves ones health. But one will get fatter around the waist if he doesn't adjust his life style.

When I get home from work, I could go out to eat with friends but I choose to have just a salad with tuna, guzzle down my protein drink and then hit the fitness center for 90 minutes, about 5 times a week. It is hard, hard work but it is nice to have a size 33 waist, wear more "youthful clothes" and meet Thais that don't expect to be "Paid" for a night of "romance".

When I see the white whales in Pattaya, I don't get upset, but feel sorry for them because I know it would take a lot of discipline for them to loose that weight..and most likely, they won't live as long.

Haha... English literacy.

Yeah, it must be a lot easier to keep fit than to try to gain it back. Sometimes I look at some of the bigger guys wonder how horrible I would feel... with so little momentum or energy... it must take a unbelievably gigantic effort to lose all that weight and regain normal fitness levels.

Well done on keeping fit. The exercising is fine... but I wonder if I could stand the food/drink side of that lifestyle. Right now, when I go out with friends, I eat and drink whatever the hell I want. I'm naturally drawn to healthier foods but eat my fair share of less healthy stuff. And drink lots.

It would be quite demoralising to sit down with friends after a long week to enjoy a big dinner... only to eat salad and drink water. I guess you get used to it and decide, which you value more.

September 23rd, 2009, 03:27
As a personal fitness trainer I would be horrified if any client of mine in your age group and already 'in good shape' found it necessary to go to the gym for a 90 minute workout 5 times a week that is 'hard hard work' as well as follow the diet that you do.

Having attended and qualified on a couple of courses at one of the UK's oldest and best known physical training schools I could not agree more - and that's without the dangerous amount of protein in his inadequate diet of 2,000 calories a day which TB referred to some time ago.

"A size 33 waist" ..... so TB's what used to be commonly known as "Mr fat bastard", then?

September 28th, 2009, 04:12
You guys should go on the celebrity training course
