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September 14th, 2009, 07:28


September 14th, 2009, 08:27
Whats really sad is the guy doing the harassing must be gay himself.Why else on gay romeo and has a roomate.

September 14th, 2009, 08:43
I just hated to see the anguish and pain. I have enjoyed the Pattaya video he did some time ago. There are petty people in the world but I hate to see pettiness in action. It is one burden to carry health issues around and a whole other thing to be the brunt of outragous behavior. Remember the Karma points we used to be able to pass around. I would like to give a boatload of karma to the author.

September 14th, 2009, 09:18
Nicholas is a very pleasant and entertaining guy. Hope the incident doesn't cause him too much distress and that he keeps showing the fun to be had in Thailand.

September 14th, 2009, 09:38
Nicholas does sound like a really friendly, fun guy. I like some of his videos.

The guy going nuts is cute without his shirt :-) ... if it weren't so serious I would say he's pretty funny going beserk.

On the whole safe sex thing... I have never done it without a condom so I have no idea what it feels like. But the condom is so thin that I don't really see much benefit in not wearing one. So why wouldn't you use one?

September 14th, 2009, 10:26
"Gay persons worst nightmare"? No...how about "HIV positive person's worst nightmare"?

September 14th, 2009, 13:24
When Nicklaus first learned he was HIV positive he came out on his column on Spice and then walked around often with a black T shirt that proclaimed his positive status and urged others to get tested. Thais looked at it and though it very strange that he would be so public about what most people keep private.

I don't know if his Gay Romeo theory is valid. Everyone knows he's HIV pos in his building, the T shirt he used to wear lets you know that. I see he now back to a PRIDE T shirt.

He's always been a bit of a flamboyant drama queen. He showed up at the Bangkok International Film Festival with a black tux with a red sash bearing his "press" credentials as a Spice correspondent. He brought his own mikes and posed for pictures he took of himself looking as if he were being interviewed.

Still, he's a nice guy and does not mean anyone harm. I did not know he was back in Bangkok, last I was told a few months ago by him was he was going home to Los Angles for personal reasons and did not have plans to return to Thailand.

September 14th, 2009, 14:10
obviously I dont know what had been going on before that was filmed, but it seems the HIV+ guy was trying to provoke the other guy to get a reaction to film to post on youtube.
he has a right not to be harassed, but so does the other guy.

September 14th, 2009, 22:33
Why is it "A Gay Persons Worst Nightmare?" HIV positive is something that one doesn't want to be but it certainly isn't a 'Nightmare' if treated.

By using that kind of heading you are showing (probably not intended) ignorance, stigma and a complete misunderstanding of those that are infected, something that Nick in the video is trying very hard to educate people about.

I would say that the Thai queen shouting his mouth off is more of a Nightmare :happy7:


September 14th, 2009, 23:39
Being automaticaly associated with other gays just because we happen to have similar sexual preferences - rather like a black man being typecast because he is black, a muslim because he is muslim, etc.

September 14th, 2009, 23:42
I interpreted the title as the "nightmare" being a knife banishing crazed neighbor that does not like you because your gay or HIV pos not just being HIV. Agreed, there could be a better title.

Nick better watch his back. If he's found dead with a knife in the back the police might be quick to rule it a suicide or an accident, the stupid farang fell on a knife. Must have been drunk, despondent or clumsy. Case closed.

Nick's agenda is honorable, good luck to him.

September 15th, 2009, 04:28
So nobody else thinks the boy is cute?... Going nuts in his boxers?

I think he's just reacting out of fear. I mean, look at him. He is hysterical and going bezerk... acting irrational... "I don't care"... "you f*cking person"... "you can go put newspaper... choc dee!"... "[goes nuts in Thai]"

You can see the boyfriend trying to calm him down.

On another note, if all the Thai boys walk around the building like that, I wouldn't mind living there LOL.

September 15th, 2009, 05:40
Nick's agenda is honorable, good luck to him.

Perhaps, but his methods seem less than sensitive to local ways and feelings.

September 15th, 2009, 09:17
Nicholas is a DRAMA QUEEN..... provoking others to get a reaction... nuff already!!!!!

September 15th, 2009, 13:41
Looks like this boy....lost face, one of the worst things in Thai culture. My heart felt support and courage for the farang who maintained his dignity and face. Remember we love you!

September 15th, 2009, 14:22
Nicholas is a DRAMA QUEEN..... provoking others to get a reaction... nuff already!!!!!

Absolutely correct khorthodkrug!
What does Nicholas expect from his behaviour? What amazes me is that the Thai Government hasn't cancelled his visa and deported him.

Does Nicholas think, acting the way he does in BKK, that he would get a royal welcome in his home country of America anywhere outside of a few gay ghettos? He should think about what happened to Harvey Milk and Matthew Shepard, just for starters. Gays worldwide are barely tolerated by the overwhelming majority of people even if they keep their mouths shut and don't go out of their way to provoke others.

September 15th, 2009, 14:39
Gays worldwide are barely tolerated by the overwhelming majority of people even if they keep their mouths shut and don't go out of their way to provoke others.

Absolutely. In fact, why don't we close all the overtly gay bars and clubs and have secret meeting places so that we don't upset 'the overwhelming majority of people'

September 15th, 2009, 16:53
Absolutely. In fact, why don't we close all the overtly gay bars and clubs and have secret meeting places so that we don't upset 'the overwhelming majority of people'

Gay bars and clubs are precisely the kind of gay ghettos in which the queens can do what they please since these places are created and intended to isolate their patrons from the reality of the outside world. It's when you forget that you are no longer within the safe confines of your ghetto that the trouble is most likely to start.

In big cities, the gay ghettos can consist of entire districts, or even whole towns as in the case of Provincetown, and not just bars and clubs where different standards, values, emotions and ideologies apply.

This is what Matthew Shepard forgot when he was hanging around with two boys his own age in Laramie, Wyoming. Curiously Shepard also had similar problems on a High School trip to Morocco where was he was beaten and raped which leads me to believe that he may have found it difficult to adjust to his surroundings, not only in Wyoming, but in Morocco as well. Yet for many, Morocco is a gay paradise and has been for centuries, and if you wish to savour its delights, you must behave accordingly.

Had Shepard been in the Castro District of San Francisco or on Greenwich Avenue in Manhattan I am certain that this tragic incident which is now immortalized by his name would have never occurred.

As Dorthy said to Toto, "We're not in Kansas any more."

Most of this applies to Nicholas as well.

September 15th, 2009, 19:28

I love the two microphone set up.

Nicklaus lives in a budget apartment building where it seems that the majority of the occupants are gay.

September 15th, 2009, 19:55
Nicklaus lives in a budget apartment building where it seems that the majority of the occupants are gay.

Yes, you can see the inside of his 'loom' in the video in the first posting of this thread ... doesn't fit with the image he tries to portray in his other videos. So maybe that's all he can afford?

Maybe he considers himself to be sincere in his message but he comes across as a self-publicist and attention seeker. His pompous message of :pukeright: "Expressing the truth of our lives and transforming the planet" :pukeleft: is so wanton and over the top.

September 15th, 2009, 20:13
Nicklaus lives in a budget apartment building where it seems that the majority of the occupants are gay.

So then I would assume it is safe to say that Nicholas Snow was not a victim of "gay bashing" if he lives in an apartment that is already a gay ghetto, but rather that he inspires the hatred of others on principle by the very nature of his personality which I would take to be something less than charming.

By the way, he doesn't look too healthy in this video. Maybe it would be a good idea if he returned to West Hollywood where he will be in his own element amid all the other catty queens who will know how to handle him rather than inflicting himself further on the poor Thais who are forced to endure him as a neighbor.

September 15th, 2009, 21:13
Nicklaus lives in a budget apartment building where it seems that the majority of the occupants are gay.

So then I would assume it is safe to say that Nicholas Snow was not a victim of "gay bashing" if he lives in an apartment that is already a gay ghetto, but rather that he inspires the hatred of others on principle by the very nature of his personality which I would take to be something less than charming.

By the way, he doesn't look too healthy in this video. Maybe it would be a good idea if he returned to West Hollywood where he will be in his own element amid all the other catty queens who will know how to handle him rather than inflicting himself further on the poor Thais who are forced to endure him as a neighbor.

I would not say that Nicholas inspires hatred among his fellow Bangkok gays or those in his building. He a flamboyant drama queen and a self proclaimed actor/correspondent/journalist. What he does not tell you is that the only thing he ever acted on was public access LA, U tube and the only writing is on Spice. Most who meet him just shake their heads and say nothing. He quite friendly, and pleasant once you get past his unusual personality. I don't think he has many close friends, he's usually alone.

I am really surprised that he's back in Bangkok. He told me he was going back to LA and had no plans to return to Thailand. He was looking into a few other international correspondent/consultant offers outside of Thailand.

September 16th, 2009, 13:14
Ahh, I see playing a Counsel not a consultant. I either half listen to him or he was not clear. I do tend to tune him out.

September 21st, 2009, 03:35
Nicholas is a DRAMA QUEEN..... provoking others to get a reaction... nuff already!!!!!

You know nothing about him.
He's a saint. A great man, He's devoted his life to the gay community.
What are you - some kind of retard?

September 21st, 2009, 03:40
Nicklaus lives in a budget apartment building where it seems that the majority of the occupants are gay.

So what honey. It shows he is member of the gay community. I am sure that if he wanted Nicholas would live in a palace but he likes to live among his adorers.
What do you live in? A trash can? You filthy bitch.

September 21st, 2009, 03:46
I would not say that Nicholas inspires hatred among his fellow Bangkok gays or those in his building.

Of course he doesn't. Only from jealous queens like you.

and to that old asshole in the restaurant who talks behind Nick's back : Nicholas is not a 5 Baht tipper.

September 21st, 2009, 05:44
This is a very one sided argument. What we've seen is a video of a confrontation between Nicholas and his irate Thai neighbor, (who looks pretty hot.)
What we don't know is what led up to this confrontation.
There are many maybe's but no facts and only Mr. Snow knows what events led up to this knife wielding incident.

I have many gay neighbors and we generally get along but when they get too in my face, they get a very clear signal to 'Back off'.

IMHO, it was unfair of Mr. Snow to post this video of his neighbor for the world to see and for the world to judge, considering we don't, and never will know all the facts. All we hear is a story from one side, with the words HIV throw out towards the man. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, maybe this is the direction this confrontation went in, but when does that Thai hottie get to tell his side of the story? If we're judging, should we not have all the facts?

I would like to meet with him in person to hear his version of events. :love4:

I don't condone violence, the man had a knife. Perhaps the police, if they would or could do anything, would have been a better target audience for this video. I know if this happened to me, I would be calling 911. Maybe Mr. Snow has already gone to them, I don't know.

All the best to Mr. Snow, I hope this doesn't escalate and they're able to sort this, peacefully.

September 21st, 2009, 07:28
....a confrontation between Nicholas and his irate Thai neighbor, (who looks pretty hot.)

Finally... someone acknowledges the boy is cute LOL. :D

September 21st, 2009, 10:01
Regardless ... no gay or straight HIV+ person deserves this shit.
