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September 13th, 2009, 07:18
Hi again you maniacs.

Well, aside from sharing my routine post-trip babblings, I felt inclined to share some feelings on the eve of me returning to Adventure Land - just for the heck of it.

For those who had the patience to read my last trip Report, you will probably be able to follow along with this. For those who were wise enough to avoid reading it, you will be completely in the dark.

Three months have elapsed since the passing of my mother and father and my break-up with Tape, who I will now refer to using the proper spelling of his family nick name тАЬThep,тАЭ and I have to say that the time has passed at the speed-of-light. Just 2-1/2 weeks to go and IтАЩm right back in the saddle again.

IтАЩve already jerked my legendary backpack off the shelfтАж dusted it off a bit, and gave it a heavy coat of waterproofing to help prepare for the monsoon rains which always seem to creep into October. I also picked up a few new pair of snug fitting Polo briefs, a re-supply of my trusty Astro Glide and a case of condoms. Well, that should just about do it. IтАЩll wait until the day before my departure to trim those renegade grey pubes so my guy will actually think IтАЩm younger, and last but not least, IтАЩll endure about 15 minutes of brisk exercise to help convince myself that I look and feel better physically. This marathon event is always followed by me turning around backwards so I can check out my ass in the mirror, as if that 15 minutes of exercise is going to re-shaped the dam thing.

After a two month gap in communications between Thep and I, we finally connected on the phone in an attempt to put pieces of our puzzle back together again. Thep, thinking that our relationship was doomed beyond repair after out last falling out, decided to do something which I found truly amazing. He decided to actually tell me the truth. Most of our major battles in the past have always been centered on what he was going to be doing when I returned to work in the U.S. After we completed the building of his new family house, his intentions, well not actually his intentions, but what he claimed were his intentions, were to stay at home with the family until I returned. Like clock-work, every time I return home, he spends 3 weeks with the family and then ends up on a bus to PTY, and ultimately back on the yaba trail againтАжthis last trip being no exception.

After 5-1/2 years I thought I had been exposed to the full scope of Theps vocal tones, but I was about to hear a new one. He sounded dead serious. Not that manipulating tone that IтАЩve heard all too often where he tries to sound dead serious, just these very monotone sounding words that presented a higher level of maturity than I was accustomed to hearing from him.

Understanding, that Thep has never once, in all these years, admitted to telling a lie, as if the entire universe would explode and shatter in a thousand pieces if he were to violate this sacred internal oath.. He would rather be burned at the stake than lose face. Well, he was about to take his maiden voyage. He told me he had be lying to me since the very beginning regarding his plans to live at home and there wasnтАЩt anything he could do about it. He went on to say that he likes being home with his family when I am there with him because we always have fun, but when I leave he canтАЩt handle more than 3 or 4 weeks of the boredom and then wants to get back to his friends. He even went as far as to tell me the House stuff was all bull shit as well. He said he wanted the house was for his mother and father, although never pictured himself staying there for long periods of time, regardless of what he told me. Still with that monotone voice, he went on to say that he is not a farm boy тАУ he is a lady boy. He cannot do the same kind of work that the other boys do тАУ nor would he ever want to. He said he was very sorry for this тАУ but basically, that was the truth.

That little bastard left me speechless.

Here I am, a self-educated professional who consults and teaches technical business platforms on an international level, and this little ladyboy who was spawned in the fucking jungle - who never graduated second grade, just left me speechless. Instead of turning this into another emotional debate, I remembered something that Abraham Lincoln was once quoted as sayingтАжтАЭfools rush in, where angels dare not tread..тАЭ and decided to keep my mouth shut and just think about what he was saying at that precise moment.

The reason I was speechless wasnтАЩt because I couldnтАЩt come up with a line at the time, it was because he was right, and I knew he was right. If he was honest with me about not wanting to stay at home prior to the house building, I would probably have never built it in the first place. If he told me that he was going to be hanging around PTY when I was at home working, I would probably not have kept him as a full-time partner this long either.

For years, every time Thep and I would have a serious battle, he would crawl out of bed the next morning at the ungodly hour of 4:00 AM, and return home an hour latter holding a rotten chicken in his hands. Not one of those chickens you see at the market, which are intended for eating, but a musty dark brown, and severely aged, rotten chicken. He would then place the chicken on a large platter, carry it out to the balcony, and adorn the platter with all sorts of strange decorations. The final touch was always a few candles and two or three bunches of incense. He would then light the candles and incense and inform me that this must stay on the balcony for the next 24 hours. In Theps village, they hold true to this old Buddhist (or tribal) superstition as being the means in which you rid your household of bad spirits which create disharmony. Believe me, weтАЩve had at least one or two of these rotten chicken ceremonies every holiday.

The amazing part of this was that the day after the rotten chicken had all but disintegrated in the hot sun, was always followed by an exceptionally rewarding romantic/sexual interaction between us, followed by a distinct feeling of calm in the air.

A few years back, when Thep and two of his friends were out shopping, I decided to go out and purchase one of those rotten chickens. It looked really cool lying in the front basket of my motorbike as I zoomed back to Chateau Dale. If my friends back in Chicago could have caught that sceneтАж555

I arrived home and tossed the goofy looking corpse on a platter, decorated the hell out of it (I think I even tossed in an old Steely Dan CD), lit the candles and incense, and slid the balcony doors closed. An hour later, Thep and his two friends walked in the door to find me lounging on the sofa. Thep immediately looked out on the balcony тАУ turned to face me with this twisted expression on his face тАУ and with a high shrilled voice, yelped outтАжтАЭyouтАжyou ting tong - what you doingтАжwe not fighting long time nowтАжyou ting tong.тАЭ? His two friends just stood there silent and motionless. I just grinned and told him that the day after we do this тАЬthingтАЭ with the rotten chicken we always have such a great time, so I thought IтАЩd just toss one on the balcony for good luck. A moment later he burst into laughter, laughing so hard he could hardly explain what was going on to his friends. Once they caught the drift, they in-turn burst into laughter - until all three of them had tears rolling down their cheeks.

YouтАЩre probably wondering why I just shared that stupid story with you. Well, keep wondering, because I havenтАЩt got the foggiest clue.

I have no idea how this next holiday will play out, as thereтАЩs still the issue of Theps yaba problem to deal with, although, I have a funny feeling that I may just find myself walking around that smelly market again in search of another rotten chicken or two. I think the recent passing of my parents has re-solidified the fact that we are only here for a short time, and we should embrace every moment of every day as being special, and if it doesnтАЩt seem special, then we should do something to make it special.

Mai pen rai

September 13th, 2009, 08:49
ANOTHER SUCKER...........YOU SHOULD STAY IN THE STATES WHERE PEOPLE DON'T LAUGH AT YOU SO MUCH :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:

September 13th, 2009, 09:09
As usual, Dodger, an enjoyable read.

September 13th, 2009, 10:49
You are a great story teller. Thanks for sharing this. As someone who has been there on many occasions, I am sure you really don't know what will happen on your next trip. Who does? But, you have gotten to a point of honestly in the relationship and that is a good start. I hope your next trip is full of wonders that you have yet to experience in LOS.

September 13th, 2009, 15:53
Thanks Dodger... wow, you can't make this stuff up. Reading your reports is an education.

I hope your next trip brings more amazing and hopefully more positive experiences.

I couldn't imagine Thep staying home with his parents. I know as the guy going back to farangland, this is what you would like to picture. But when you put yourself in his shoes... it becomes hard to imagine him staying put.

He's a young guy. Brought up in a tiny village. Comes out to the exciting, big-city scene of BKK/Pattaya. How could he possibly stay home with all the excitement there is to be had. If he were older and had all this out of his system it might happen... but no young guy will stay in a small town when there are bigger things to be had.

It's just a real shame yaba comes with it.

The same applies to his future. I don't think he could stay on the farm and look after it. Not after he's seen the big city. He needs an occupation where he can work in the city, be productive and feel constructive.

I wonder if it's time to let Thep go, but remain friends and help guide him in the right direction when he has the will to go there.

September 13th, 2009, 17:37
Thanks for the responses guys.


First and foremost, Khun sabaidee mai?

I was gald to see your avatar appear back in our galaxy again, and hope you are doing well.

Regarding this soap opera with Thep:

My expectations have been modified greatly which will help calibrate my reaction to things (including my little drama queen) going forward. He (Thep) did fine during most of my last holiday, although tested the limits during my last week in town (fun with yaba again) which resulted in him living back in his loom and me going solo. Only one rotten chicken during the entire holiday - which indicates a significant positive trend. With no drama in my life, I'd wither of dullness.

BTW...in proper response to the exhilerating effects of mid-life-crisis, I went out and purchasing a REAL bike here in the States. No continental tours yet, but it's great to feel the wind back in my face. Hey, did those bugs that sting you face get bigger - or is this just an illusion caused by aging?

Chok dee

September 13th, 2009, 17:53
Thanks for the responses guys.
BTW...in proper response to the exhilerating effects of mid-life-crisis, I went out and purchasing a REAL bike here in the States. No continental tours yet, but it's great to feel the wind back in my face.

Great news. There is a great company in Thailand that organizes bike trips. http://tourdethailand.com

I have been on trips with them in the past and they are wonderful to deal with. Congrats on getting the bike.

September 13th, 2009, 23:51
Dodger, good luck to you - I really think you are going to need it, and I mean that quite genuinely.

September 14th, 2009, 01:33
[quote="Bottoms up]
Yes its good to see now his is a story that so many want to hear, do we have to wait till he writes the book or is he going to do a joint book then the film, with film director Roman Polanski their stories are so much alike. quote]

Typical John you have to stick the knife and get personal Cant resist it can you.
Watch the screaming when it gets reversed and it is your turn.
How is your boyfriend of 5 years enjoying his army service.

September 14th, 2009, 01:51
Perhaps the biggest reason I enjoy Dodger's trip reports are the basic honesty in them..
He lays it out without sanitizing and doesn't really care what you think as he knows some
people get it and some never will..
Dodger remains one of the most refreshing of posters as he doesn't hold back and just
lays his story out.
Almost all of us do foolish things in the name of love/lust but most of us pretend we never
bought the gold, mobile phone, land, house, motorbike etc. and somehow we stayed above
the fray and never lost our heads.. Very few of us wash our clothes in public and few admit
errors in judgement, mistakes made over and over and over again and being fools in love/lust..

How many of us have sworn off a Thai guy and then went back again for another try (tryst) only
to have the same results? It is hard to be logical when someone really gets under your skin but
in the end it is about survival and reality and of course relapses..

I applaud Dodger for his unique style of reporting and am glad he doesn't let the scalywags dissuade
him for continuing.. I am also pleased to see Rainwalker back as he also has a unique style and
basic honesty which enrich this forum in my humble opinion anyway... :headbang:

September 14th, 2009, 08:29
Dodger this time you let the chink in your armor expose your inner Florence Nightingale. That is not bad, it is just that you are acting in a classic co-dependency role. You will probably take Thep back in the hopes of being a good influence, but in fact, you will enable him to do what he has been doing for years. He will play you like a honky tonk piano and go back to what he wants to do once you leave him alone to do it. It is certainly OK to resume your relationship with him, but go into with eyes wide open. You will not change him, but you can continue to enable him. You know I respect you and always enjoy your postings. Do you really wnat to pound your head with a hammer again?

September 14th, 2009, 09:55
Dodger: your report is hilarious, so keep us closely infomed with plenty more laughs as your current trip unfolds. Sounds like you and this Thip are well suited. Assuming the rotten chicken story is true it is either a ritual from some ding dong Thai village, or you and your druggie are truly, madly, deeply and totally crazy(and still 'in love'). :laughing3:

September 14th, 2009, 17:00
I want to thank you all again for your responses.


You caught me by surprise regarding your bout with cancer, although very happy to hear that you have beaten it. Between those radioactive beads and the looks of that R1200RT, the pavement must be melting under your tires. Great to hear from you again...and don't remain a stranger.

Bing and Gonefishing:

I appreciated your objectivity, and want you to know that you are absolutely correct in what you are thinking and saying. I know that I, or no one else for that fact, will never be able to change HIM, and that all I have the power to do is change MYSELF, and there resides the real challenge.


I liked your comments the best...Yes, I am a wonderful person...555


September 14th, 2009, 23:47
..... all I have the power to do is change MYSELF, and there resides the real challenge.

Why would you want to? You know exactly what you are doing, you have accepted it, and if people don't like it for any reason then that is up to them, and if they don't understand it then they are missing something special.

Again, good luck ....

September 15th, 2009, 16:00
You are so right Girl Friend...we are here, we are queer, and if people have a problem with that f___ them!! I am a homosexual and I tell everyone I meet that I am. If they have a problem with that then they need to get a lesson! Yes, we are all homosexual on this board and love young 18+ Thai boys. I am almost 70 years old and if straight people have a problem with me cuddling and kissing my 19 year old future husband, in public that is their problem. How dare straight people think they rule the world!

September 15th, 2009, 23:20
I'd think twice about visiting allieb in his little Arab paradise, Diec.

September 15th, 2009, 23:37
I am a homosexual and I tell everyone I meet that I am.

Why? Maybe its not as important to them as you imagine.

September 16th, 2009, 06:05
Diec Wrote:

I am a homosexual and I tell everyone I meet that I am.

I don't recall ever feeling the need to announce to anyone that I was a homosexual, probably because sharing my sexual orientation with other people would not be of any value to me, unless of course I was trying to hit on another gay male.

Most people could care less...the ones closest to you already know...and the homophobic's have enough problems as it is.

September 16th, 2009, 07:09
I'm curious, how old is Thep now? You say you've been together for 5.5 years, so I'm guessing mid to late 20s? Nonetheless, hope you guys have a great time together!

Sorry, I'd comment more, but I have absolutely no clue who you or Thep are, so it'd be pretty stupid of me to say anything. :-) So I'll just say happy travels!

September 16th, 2009, 07:55
I'm curious, how old is Thep now? You say you've been together for 5.5 years, so I'm guessing mid to late 20s? Nonetheless, hope you guys have a great time together!

Sorry, I'd comment more, but I have absolutely no clue who you or Thep are, so it'd be pretty stupid of me to say anything. :-) So I'll just say happy travels!

He is 40 and has a face like the back end of a motorcycle that has been hit by an 18 wheeled truck.

September 16th, 2009, 16:54
cdnMatt Wrote:

I'm curious, how old is Thep now?

Thep is 22.

When we met, he was 17 - I was 47. Of course we waited until his 18th birthday before we had sex...555

September 16th, 2009, 17:11
Nice. The truth always seems to come out about our members here sooner or later, doesn't it?

September 16th, 2009, 18:48
How the fuck would I know?

September 16th, 2009, 19:10
You teamed up with The Colonel? Now there's a match made in heaven.

Anyway, where does Chiang Mai fit into the picture?

September 16th, 2009, 19:19
You asked me how Chiang Mai was, then you edited it out. Typical.

September 16th, 2009, 19:30
You mean "if I write it it's wrong", I think.

Like your tsunami picture and @Richards the money-making treasure chest?


September 17th, 2009, 02:55
Dodger, I'm a big fan of yours - your honesty about your life in Thailand is refreshing.

It's a shame that others feel the need to hijack your really interesting thread for their own sad agendas.

Dodger, I wish you well when you return. Keep us posted, 'cos some of us actually care (in so far as we can from internet land)