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View Full Version : Qeer eye for the straight guy

April 9th, 2006, 08:52
Is it just me or do others also find the TV programme "Queer eye...blah blah blah" cringe making. For those that dont get it, its about a team of American gays who go around and "tastefully" reorganise (straight gay lover) peoples lives, last week they did Kevin Bacon's impoverished brother,while Kevin looked on bemusedly and introduced us to his horrible little family values rock group. Yes this was a good one, for obvious voyeur value. But mostly they do run of the mill middle American men.

The team consists of a beauty queen an interior tart a fashion slut and a foodie,and a few others I cant remember, who are just camp, and all are, you guessed it gay. Ok maybe I made it sound more interesting than its is.

April 9th, 2006, 10:42
I can go in two....

Kyan Douglas (the "grooming" gay guy) before attending the Vidal Sassoon academy, attended a medium-sized, private, southern University. I did some graduate work there, and then went on to work in one of the departments. A few years later, on a trip back for Mardi Gras, i stopped in to see former co-workers - and here was this cute student with an unusual name who was a part-time assistant in the office.

I was instantly smitten when I met him and we chatted a bit in the office. I overheard him telling another student that he had to go to the library after he'd put in his hours - so I made it a point to go see the new library (It was a perfectly legitimate excuse since it had been completed after my tenure).

Lo and behold! There is Kyan...so we chatted, and then settled in for a long conversation. We exchanged phone numbers and e-mail addys and then went on our separate ways. The next day I call him and ask him out. Needless to say, I am firmly rejected - and he is actually offended by my thinking he was gay...something that amuses me more and more each day.

Granted, I am no prize, and as far as he was concerned, I was a nice guy who was able to offer him advice on some career possibilities - not a marauding old lecher. I suppose he must have wised up by now!

So, I am two degrees from Kevin Bacon

April 9th, 2006, 12:11
I woulnt worry Clawdaddy non of them are worth knowing any-more. I think the programme is grossly insulting to gays. You probably had a helping hand in Kyans gay passage, the hair dressing academy then finished it of.

I suppose all heterosexuals are raving truck drivers and lumber jacks?

April 9th, 2006, 15:22
I woulnt worry Clawdaddy non of them are worth knowing any-more. I think the programme is grossly insulting to gays.
I suppose all heterosexuals are raving truck drivers and lumber jacks?

Cedric, I feel that you are being a bit over sensitive here.

I have only see two series of the programme and found them to be funny and very good entertainment. Sure they play up the stereotypical image of the gay guy but for me that is what makes it even funnier.

In one series they did in fact 'make-over' a truck driver, a police officer and road construction worker so they have featured a fair cross section of guys.

You do not have to look far either here in Bangkok or down in Pattaya to see many Americans ( sorry but it does tend to be Americans mostly) who are far more camp both in their dress an mannerisms than those in the TV series and who seem to delight in making an exhibition of themselves in public holding themselves up to public but silent ridicule.

April 10th, 2006, 09:12
I am always calm Wanderingsabout.

Its a long story but trying to make gays palatable in this way "sucks" to coin a phrase. I liked Will&Grace. Seems as though the soapies (?) are more enjoyable than the real thing. I dont dislike camp people.

April 10th, 2006, 09:32
I don't mind the camp bits so much (although I do cringe about 5-6 times if I watch the programme), but the fact that they are supposed to be performing a miracle make-over when in fact they have such revolting taste in fashion makes it difficult to watch.

April 10th, 2006, 12:55
of Queer Eye, I think it was a good idea, well cast with interesting characters and produced interesting, amusing and sometimes downright hilarious television. The fact that it was over the top and had 'some' stereotypical people in it, is no bad thing. We all know people like Karson (whatever his name is) who is quick with the bitchy comments, we all know a 'Ted', the boring foodie type with the aura of middle management accountant about him, we all know the handsome good looking 'Kyan' type, who is all about looks, but shows he is somewhat deeper by occasionally talking about his 'chee' and inner self.

Oh, I started of by saying in defence of the programme, well, it was a good idea, of it's time, promoted tolerance and showed gays in a positive light, as people you know or meet everyday, it's just that one series was more than enough and after that it just became repetitive - the remakes such as the one made and shown in the UK were just horrendous and showed what a good bunch of people they got together for the original US series.

The same could be said for Will & Grace, although watching this show would be too tiresome without the spark of genius that is/was Jack and Karen. And, waiting for a long wet sloppy gay kiss (which as far as I am aware never came), when Grace is constantly snogging her next bf was more offensive to me than anything.

April 10th, 2006, 13:44
Fatman I suppose I stand corrected after a bit of thought. The programme might have actually helped middle America come to terms with Gay people. The problem is the programme didn't stay in the US it left for China for example, I am just not so sure I like the idea of my sexuality being considered amusement. It comes under enough ridicule the world over. Thankfully brokeback mountain arrived in time. But still people were dissapointed because they didnt find it funny enough???

I consider "Qeer eye for the ......." crass to the extreme and horribly thought out. I didn't know there was a UK version. I just cant see any thing like this getting good reviews in the UK but who knows. I did not like it from the very first couple of episodes,in my opinion the whole concept is ghastly.

April 10th, 2006, 16:53
It's a "reality" show - of course it's going to be ghastly. Getting people to line up to make complete fools of themselves for free just so they can be on television is every programming executive's idea of nirvana

April 10th, 2006, 17:52
I am just not so sure I like the idea of my sexuality being considered amusement.

You got it! If anyone's going to laugh at my sex life it should be me!...As soon as I stop crying.

(Un) Reality shows. A-year-and-a-half-ago most were in danger of being canceled, then one of the network dim-bulbs figured out it's cheaper than hiring actors who can act--So more, and worse, are on the way.
One of the latest--dumb--ideas: a group of people locked in a room have to decide which one will get (What is left of) $1┬╜-million: the amount of money drops with every second they take to make a decision.
Then there's Wife Swap and Trading Spouses: Singeresque dysfunctional families trade wives, and The Nanny: A Brit from hell (Just south of Wales.) tries to reform the kids from hell. If I want to watch a couple hours of screaming bitches I'll find a chair at Rlit's.
'Oh, boy!' I thought, when I saw a listing in TV Guide for a show called Behind! Then I noticed it's on the bible-thumper channel. Crap!
It's all enough to drive one to WWD Friday Night Smackdown! I prefer the, off, button on the remote.
PS: The new Ten Commandments will be on ABC tomorrow and Tuesday. The old one's on Saturday. The new one has to be better: no one but DeMille could assemble all those bad actors for one movie--But maybe it's a reality show: four hours of Jewish people shopping in Cairo.

April 10th, 2006, 20:29
You got it! If anyone's going to laugh at my sex life it should be me!...As soon as I stop crying.

Oh, Edith, I know whence you come - I laugh myself to sleep most every night!

I keep waiting for "Queer Hands for the Straight Man" in which non-faggy careeres are represented. The gay mechanic, carpenter, athlete setcd. where they take a clueless bredder and show him how to rebuild his transmission (or should I say trannie?) repair the flashing on his roof and understand the infield fly rule.

April 11th, 2006, 08:48
Reality TV with a bit of real imagination and thought is fantastic and very amusing, there are some good ones around, my favourite is "Project Runway" with Heidi Klum. Each week the contestants, all budding designers, are given a concept to play with and come up with an outfit. With out sounding snobbish it helps that Heidi is European and has a brain. It just takes the quality of the show up a few notches. She is also heavily pregnant and as sexy as all hell in her negligee maternity numbers, lucky Seal. The programme is a real delight.

Heidi I quickly add, would be my first candidate for a rents womb deal. That sounded tacky, but her kids are going to be gorgeous.

Good ideas Clawdaddy!

April 11th, 2006, 18:06
The (Chubby Chaser heaven) Biggest Loser.

Coming Soon: Cooking with the Celebrities: More over-the-hill hams, half-baked has-beens & never weres. Might be fun--If the chefs make them, actually, work the line or--better--chase them out of the kitchen with 'beaver' cleavers.

April 27th, 2006, 20:41
I like Queer Eye for the Str8 guy, it's fun. It's entertaining. Afterall that's what it's suppose to be. I don't feel it says anything about my sexuality as a gay man, but then why would it? That's not the shows purpose.The way men express their gayness is so varied - there's room for all of us. I think str8 people know that better than we think.

April 27th, 2006, 21:05
I perfectly agree Aunty, there is room for us all, so why give such a clinched view of us. I like very much Clawdaddy's suggestion for entertainment.