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View Full Version : Websites Blocked?

September 1st, 2009, 03:18
Just curious if perhaps the Thai authorities have once again blocked some websites from persons inside Thailand? We have experienced a sudden drop to near zero postings on my own message board (cruisingforsex.com) and the last time this happened it was because of government action. Anyone able to confirm with perhaps some details? One person has told me that actions were recently taken to block some sites.


September 1st, 2009, 03:40
Hi there,

This might have something to do with it

http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/index ... -controls/ (http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4609-website-controls/)

Welcome btw!

September 1st, 2009, 03:45
Thanks for that lead. The last time this happened I never figured out why things ultimately returned to normal, but they did.

September 1st, 2009, 06:00
Some service providers are actually starting to block out sites now. Many of the forums I am active on, had no problems at all, but a few months back, my sites were all getting loading errors. I would go to different internet cafes and sometimes the sites would be available on IE, but not FF. Other times they would not be available on either browser.

Luckily the service providers I have now, allow me full access, although youtube is still blocked on one of the 2 I use.

September 1st, 2009, 11:32
This site was blocked for a while, but we promoted a constantly updated list of proxies via email list, and we didn't seem to suffer much from it traffic-wise, but it was a PITA for some users in Thailand for a few months. I think it was just an election year get tough on internet porn thing, and they just banned any site with certain keywords in it, but after the election it became irrelevant and too complicated, so they just try to block sites that meet a more extreme criteria for inappropriateness. That's just my hypothesis, though.

September 11th, 2009, 09:41
The filter is really stupid.

I stumbled across a few banned sites when I was in Thailand... ironically, not a single one of these had anything to do with gay/sex/government so I have no idea why they were blocked. And none of the gay-related websites I went to had any issues!

September 11th, 2009, 10:20
The filter is really stupid.

I stumbled across a few banned sites when I was in Thailand... ironically, not a single one of these had anything to do with gay/sex/government so I have no idea why they were blocked. And none of the gay-related websites I went to had any issues!

Daht becau re saneaky, La! :hiding:

September 11th, 2009, 11:46
Just curious if perhaps the Thai authorities have once again blocked some websites from persons inside Thailand? We have experienced a sudden drop to near zero postings on my own message board (cruisingforsex.com) and the last time this happened it was because of government action. Anyone able to confirm with perhaps some details? One person has told me that actions were recently taken to block some sites.


That's because the old queen Sextile who tried to control everything and everyone on your board (and sends nasty PM's to those who s/he dislikes) threw a hissy fit and stopped posting. Most of the rubbish she posts is incoherent nonsense, but without that nonsense your board is left with little else but the likes of ShamelessMack who is not content with his own blah-blah-blog or a few other whinging dweebs like StillThrobbing and TSTPaul, who appear to be Sextile ID clones. Maybe if Sextile takes a six month leave some normal people might feel free to post. There's no access problem from Thailand, it's just a quality control issue, which your moderators have failed to implement.

September 11th, 2009, 14:12
I see three posts from yesterday. I had no problem accessing using FF from ISP Hutch Broadband. Every now and then I get a 401 error from IE but try again in a few min and it loads.

Sextile and Mack may appear as somewhat unusual posters but the information is spot on. Sometimes more information than you want but I have never found an inaccurate fact.

September 11th, 2009, 15:50
I see three posts from yesterday. I had no problem accessing using FF from ISP Hutch Broadband. Every now and then I get a 401 error from IE but try again in a few min and it loads.

Sextile and Mack may appear as somewhat unusual posters but the information is spot on. Sometimes more information than you want but I have never found an inaccurate fact.

An "inaccurate fact" is a logical fallacy, and no, a fallacy is not something in a condom.

What does the accuracy have to do with the fact they swamp the message board? 50% of the posts in any thread are from Sextile.
While Sextile provides useful information she is labouring under the impression that she and her idiot-syncracies are the Alpha & the Omega of cfs and believe me you better not question her or you'll get some nasty messages.

ShamelessMack is just a racist who likes Thai cocks served on a platter, but doesn't want to have anything to do with the humans attached to the dicks or their brethern. If you want basic information and can wade through all his right-wing racism and Aryan Nation propaganda he isn't too bad, but the point was that if those two stop posting there won't any messages. There are no other regular contributors aside from those that post every few months when they visit Thailand.

September 11th, 2009, 16:56
There are no other regular contributors aside from those that post every few months when they visit Thailand.Do you want to declare an "interest" yourself, Nalong?

x in pattaya
September 12th, 2009, 12:11
Saw this on a blog devoted to the photographic display of beautiful bodies :occasion9:

So maybe if you've seen the "police" notice you have a surprise residing in your computer or the one you use at the Internet shop.

Hey guys,
a snout made it's way into my computer and the first thing he did was to prevent me making posts by posting a bogus message alleging to be from the Royal Thai Police stating that my blogsite had been closed. He or some like minded crank has now put a virus of my access to publish which makes posting a bit more difficult than before. I'm not angry I just feel sorry for sick people like these who waste their talents and knowledge attempting to make other folks lives as miserable as their own. I cannot understand why they don't make GOOD use of their time and energy and get a life.
Don't worry "Iframe.boi" we're following you closely and have you in our sights.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The snout in my trough
After a long meeting with my computer wizz today we are now aware of the source of the snout in my trough.
The police have been informed and for now no action will be taken but piggy, prenez garde


September 12th, 2009, 14:54
What does this actually mean?... There's a virus doing this? A trojan?

Anyone else had this experience?