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August 30th, 2009, 10:43
A copy of a post I have just placed on a different board.

After following this post it reminded me of my past problem in the bar so last night checked every member of staff myself
And I am happy to say that of the 53 tested only 4 failed I am quite pleases with the result as I had doubts about some boys.
I intend to keep this policy in place with a monthly check on all staff and new staff checked on applying to work the bar.
The pharmacy reduced the price of the test kits to 2000bht for a box of 40 kits although my personal views on what the boys do in their own time should be there business and not mine Its been proved that I as a bar owner have this crazy responsibility to check my staff and I also in a way feel I have a responsibility to the customer I feel a boy not on drugs is a lot less likely to be a problem when out with a customer.


August 30th, 2009, 11:42
Just wondering, Mark, what the pharmacy kits test for. Yaabaa only, or other things like E, K, C, H, etc.

August 30th, 2009, 11:52
Just wondering, Mark, what the pharmacy kits test for. Yaabaa only, or other things like E, K, C, H, etc.

To be honest I dont know the kit is a Bioline Methamphetamine test kit, the same as the police use when testing the bar boys,
I do know it does not detect Viagre or Marijuana, sorry cant be of more help.


August 30th, 2009, 12:18
Thanks. It sounds like it tests only for meth (yaabaa). That's what I thought.

August 30th, 2009, 15:32
I know you're a noble guy and all, but come on, at least be truthful with your intentions about the drug testing, instead of purporting that you're some noble businessman. I could be wrong, but I'd venture a guess that it's because the police won't stop raiding Sunnee, and you don't feel like getting in shit from the BiB. For example, just last night there was another raid, and the last one was what? A week ago?

August 30th, 2009, 15:39
Personally, I would immediately end any employment where my employer would require me to take monthly drugstest.

What ever happened to privacy. Not to mention the fact that these tests are all but reliable.

Brad the Impala
August 30th, 2009, 15:44
I know you're a noble guy and all, but come on, at least be truthful with your intentions about the drug testing, instead of purporting that you're some noble businessman. I could be wrong, but I'd venture a guess that it's because the police won't stop raiding Sunnee, and you don't feel like getting in shit from the BiB. For example, just last night there was another raid, and the last one was what? A week ago?

I don't know what post you read, but I didn't read anyone "purporting to be some noble businessman". Whatever Mark's reason for testing, the post pointed out that he intends to do this regularly, which is more than other bars seem to do. Are you aware of any other bar that does more?

August 30th, 2009, 17:20
Personally, I would immediately end any employment where my employer would require me to take monthly drugstest.

Ummm, considering how horrible things are for the boys right now, I don't think they'll be making any demands anytime soon. There's absolutely no customers at all. Hopefully things pick up for them come October. Or for you guys who aren't currently in Pattaya, now is a great time to come.

I don't know what post you read, but I didn't read anyone "purporting to be some noble businessman". Whatever Mark's reason for testing, the post pointed out that he intends to do this regularly, which is more than other bars seem to do. Are you aware of any other bar that does more?

My question was WHY did he all of a sudden start drug testing? I could really care less, but more than likely it's because of the constant raids in Sunnee, and not because he wants to provide a clean, drug-free environment for his customers. Again though, kudos to him for doing it, but at least be honest with your intentions, instead of shadowing them with some noble gesture. If it wasn't for the constant police raids, I bet he wouldn't be doing monthly drug tests.

August 30th, 2009, 17:35
I havenтАЩt just started testing the boys if you want to catch up on all that was said you can take a look at GayThailand.com Forum I am just stating a fact that how happy I am with the boys that work with me.

August 30th, 2009, 17:51
Personally, I would immediately end any employment where my employer would require me to take monthly drugstest.

What ever happened to privacy. Not to mention the fact that these tests are all but reliable.

The tests are not very reliable and I let any boy that fails take a second the same day then he can come back at any time for a retest.
I already stated that I believe that what a boy does at home should really be his own business but the law makes it difficult and puts bar managers and owners in to the responsibility picture.
You can believe me or not but many of the boys like to get checked by me rather than the police, one of the main reasons they donтАЩt get a second chance for a re test until 3 days in a police cell and secondly some over the counter drugs make them positive.


August 30th, 2009, 21:46
I saw a few filippino movies about bar boys and drug use was always of a part of the movie.
Is it the same in Thailand ? Is it very common that the boys use strong drug ?

August 30th, 2009, 23:50
Thanks. It sounds like it tests only for meth (yaabaa). That's what I thought.

Ecstacy is chemically similar to methamphetamine,
so would probably be detected, along with several
cold/allergy/diet medications that would give a
false positive

August 31st, 2009, 14:12
Someone Stated:

Personally, I would immediately end any employment where my employer would require me to take monthly drugstest.

Exactly the reason these tests should continue to be given; To weed out the drug users, not only for the bars benefit, but for the benefit of the boys as well. For most of the boys, the gogo bar or beer bar where they are employed serves as more than just a place of employement, it serves as the center of their universe - as they have absolutely nothing else going on in their lives. If anything, performing regular drug tests would help motivate those who are not fully addicted yet to quit, as well as, put those who are addicted closer to the bottom of their barrels, where, with the help of Buddha and a good tail wind, just may see their way clear of this crap.

The tests that Mark gave exhibited extremely low results in terms of failure rate, as the percentage of working boys, especially in places like Sunee Plaza, well exceeds 70% on any given night of the week, as evidenced a few weeks back when 35 of the 45 boys employed at Villa Rouge were carted off to the monkey house. The drug usage, especially "yaba", as "Ice", another poplular street drug, is too costly for most under the current economic conditions, is so baltent that the boys don't even try to hide it any more. During my last holiday (April-May) I witnessed drug deals going down on the sois in Sunee Plaza almost nightly...and ironiclally, this also included the nights when BIB raids were launched.

It's simply gotten out-of-hand, and this effects more than just the boy himself. It has become the highest contributer to the increase in violent street crimes, including farang muggings and home theft over the past few years, and has no signs of slowing down. I spent almost 5 years of holidays with the same boy living with me full-time and never once had any concerns about him stealing money from me, but once he fell to the yaba craze, I had to start locking every single satang in the safe at night or it would be gone, and finally, had no other choice but to pack his bags and tell him to hit-the-road.

The drug tests administered by bar owners such as Mark won't stop the problem, but it certainly makes a statement to the users, addicts and distributers, that it is not acceptable any more, and I think that is a good thing.

August 31st, 2009, 16:24
certainly want to weed out those with hay fever too

August 31st, 2009, 16:30
How about a test for somtam breath?