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August 29th, 2009, 03:04
My name is John and I last posted a question re: where to stay in Bangkok and Pattaya. Thanks to all that responded. Now my partner and I have another problem. We were planning to stay in Bangkok for 4 days then travel to Pattaya. Now we need to fly out to the Phillippines due to family illness. We would like to know, whether it would be easier and cheaper to purchase our tickets from Bangkok to the PI upon arriving in Bangkok or simply purchase it in the states. I've checked on line and I am puzzled by all the various restrictions of flights, cost, and luggage weight. We would appreciate any helpful information. I have followed this forum and it is great. (Arriving in Bangkok on 09-10-09, hoping to depart Bangkok 09-14-09 to PI and returning to Bangkok 09-18-09)

Thank you,
John and Francis

August 29th, 2009, 03:10
I've been out of the loop for a while, so this is not an expert opinion, but my gut feeling would be to buy RT form BKK to Manila in Thailand separately from your RT to Thailand.

August 29th, 2009, 03:18
Cebuair.com has a $300 round trip from Manila to Bangkok or Cebu to Bangkok, that is as cheap as most one way. I would look at it and purchase it online if I were you. I assume you can get the same deal from Bangkok RT.

August 29th, 2009, 03:22
About the same price to fly rt on Thai air. Presuming you know now when you're going, probably best to book online.

August 29th, 2009, 05:40
the bad part is teh flights come in once a day, almost always at midnight or close going and coming, maybe Thai air has some better flight times if they are the same price.


August 29th, 2009, 06:22
I like Cebu Pacific for flying within the Philippines.
Their flights outside the country are usually at strange times. But at least they arrive in Manila and not out in Subic Bay...
My problem has been making a purchase with a Credit Card. Cebu Pacific just will not accept Visa and most Master Charge cards. They claim it is not their fault. HUMMM So try first to book online and if you are flying LIGHT (carry-on only) you can get an even better fare.
Check also the new Philippines Air Lines low budget fares. I do not know if they fly outside the country??
Good Luck!!

August 29th, 2009, 07:02
Here are a couple of agencies in Bangkok to check ticket prices:


Looks like Phillipine air is the cheapest around 9000 THB and it is non-stop

August 29th, 2009, 07:31
The Filipinos I know in Thailand fly Kuwait Air since it is the cheapest. I know you can book them on line with Orbitz or someother site.

August 29th, 2009, 07:37
I like Cebu Pacific for flying within the Philippines.
Their flights outside the country are usually at strange times. But at least they arrive in Manila and not out in Subic Bay...
My problem has been making a purchase with a Credit Card. Cebu Pacific just will not accept Visa and most Master Charge cards. They claim it is not their fault. HUMMM So try first to book online and if you are flying LIGHT (carry-on only) you can get an even better fare.
Check also the new Philippines Air Lines low budget fares. I do not know if they fly outside the country??
Good Luck!!

I agree,

I love domestic flights in Cebu air and yes if you are not taking a lot of luggage you do get a betrter fare, but as I mentioned the out of country flights are really late coming and going. but if you are just goign to vist and pay your respects for a sick family person, it may be a good flight plan, and damn the visa and master card deal they tell you you can get discounts to do it online but they will not take your card. I did find out that part of it was my fault . I gave them my departure date and they (My card holder) would not clear a charge out of country until that date. So, you may want to call your card carrier before you try to book.


August 30th, 2009, 00:03
Hi I'm going on 4 intensive trips over the next 6 moths Philippines/Cambodia/Vietnam.Burma/Myanmar.. Some friends of mine are looking for a Base other than Thailand even though I love it here, some are a bit frustrated with the sudden changes in the last couple of years, they notice it more if they have not been here for a while, only subtle changes in my book. Its called Progress. some say?

To start with can any one tell me where a good place in the Philippines to go to apart from Manilla, where a few farangs live and its reasonably safe, they would like to buy some land as I have been informed they can there and open a Gay Resort near or on the beach. but looking for Information PM or open, about where to visit in any of the above destinations.

Has any one had a memorable trip to any of the above, can you let us know. I have heard CEBU mentioned, any thing much there to keep travellers happy.

However, if you want a multitude of guys, manila is the plce to go, I am able to find 3 to 4 a weeks that just want to go out with a white guy, especially Americans

Thank you for your kind help B>U

Cebu is where all the farnge go, its nice has its own airport and roads are good but much, much slower then Manila, if that is what you are looking, lots of boys all around just need to look them up. I know a few right off hand looking a farange try Planet Romeo for that and look in Cebu you will find plenty of listings for guys. The land the is cheaper than Manila and most farnge go there. I know a few there and a few in Manila. but most that just want a Island paradise go to Cebu not Manila. Some have a place there in Cebu and in Jomtien If you need a guy to show you around I know a guy that works in a resort there that is gay and quite a nice guy let me know. He is handsome as well as available

Any where much further south of there may not be safe long term.


August 30th, 2009, 05:04
The place for beaches is Borocay, the only gay place that can is considered to be very gay friendsly and almost to the point of being a gay resort is Banana Saging Guesthouse. I will eb there in October from the 16th to the 25th hope you enjoy. The owner is gay and he can help you find all the gay venues in the area. feel free to contact them.Banana Saging <bananasaging2004@yahoo.com> is the address and a letter will get you a letter and an explanation of the gay venue there.

All the best,


August 30th, 2009, 19:50
Oh thats so helpful Wes, Borocay seems to have been bought up by farangs already, we were looking for the next place to take off, on the beach, where the prices are yet to rise with over kill of Farang purchasing.

Ok Ill relate this Information to my friends, I'm sure we will see you there some time soon.

we are looking for a Sansuk type gay Sauna Hotel near the beach, provably one that is yet to be famous. How do you think the authorites now take to gay business I know from before they were having a witch hunt not that I have been there before. http://www.sansukpattaya.com/

I posted a link and entry of a boger that recently compared the Philippines to SF and felt the Philippines were more open that the USA . The business's I go in don't care wht you are long as you are a good customer and I have never seen a police raid in Manila at all. it may be different in the south but in Manila there afre no problems that I have seen. Check out the blog in other country's or Global I can't remember which deals with Human rights and the Philippines and its an objective Blog. I personally feel liek I t ois more open than Thailand but I dont keep up with the owners all that much and I hve noticed most of the owners are local that could make a difference.


August 31st, 2009, 05:54
I can not see the link you mentioned,

So is there only Gay businesses in Manila or any in Cebu or any other towns out side Manila you know of?

By the way this Gay Hotel in Boracay Island philipines, looks great is there much gay action there.


Banana Saging Guesthouse
Bolabog Beach, 288-6121. The first gay guest house in Boracay. ]
They offer lodging, food and fun to ecotourists at one of the best beaches in the world. Utopia Member Discount

Other gay Fillipino Venues.

It was recmended to me by another eposter here so, I guess I will know for sure in October how gay it is, the letter I got informed me the boss was gay and that we were welcome. also that her boss would anwer any wuwastion we neded to know, I recommnend you wrote them.

this is the post

Peace Member
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Joined: Wed 11 Oct, 2006 6:46 pm
Posts: 1647
Location: USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines
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http://www.imdiversity.com/Villages/Asi ... ppines.asp

Is It Better to be Gay in the Philippines?
Youth Commentary
By Nelson Everett Toriano, Pacific News Service
Americans often think the U.S. is the world's most accepting places for gay, lesbian and transgender people. But a young gay American man finds out differently in the mostly Catholic, socially conservative Philippines.

Mar 26, 2004 - During my trip to the Philippines, my cousin introduced me to people in her high school ROTC program. Carrying paper fans, her male friends skipped toward me from the back of their exercise lines. They called me guapo, or "handsome" in Tagalog.

I blushed, having never been approached before by flamers in fatigues.

I was surprised to find that in the mostly Catholic society of my homeland, gay culture is more tolerated than in America. From nightlife to the media, baklas (Tagalog for gays) are the norm. The strangest part of the entire experience was realizing that although I'm a gay male, as an American I was uncomfortable with such tolerance.

While the recent court ban on gay marriages in San Francisco -- as well as President Bush's proposed constitutional amendment outlawing gay marriage -- attacks me personally, my visit to the Philippines taught me the only way to counteract fear of the unknown is to try to understand it. During my trip, I did just that.

Though a fairly conservative country, the Philippines oozes sex, especially in its gay club scene. I paid five dollars to get into BED, one of Manila's hottest gay clubs. Inside, I was immediately struck by the club's musky heat. I never made it to the bar in the back because the club was too crowded. Sweaty men were standing so close together that no one could move their arms to dance.

Almost every guy had the same look: spiked hair, plucked eyebrows, fitted jeans, white collared shirts with the top button undone and the sleeves rolled halfway up. Some men even wore sunglasses in the club. In the Philippines, smoking and crowded rooms are everywhere, and I found the club nauseating.

Outside, I noticed a few white men who stood tall among the short Filipinos. Then there were the cross-dressers, skinny and without breasts. At an outdoor bar, my cousin broke down the Filipino gay scene. She said some of the men are actually heterosexual, with girlfriends at home. But it's common for closeted gay men to pay straight men for their "company." The straight men then spend the money on their girlfriends, who don't know where it comes from.

My cousin said you can spot a gay man or a "straight gigolo" in the Philippines by looking for those dressed in "couture" fashion. And since the Philippines is a developing country where medicine is costly, male cross-dressers can't afford the hormones for breasts. "Professional" drag queens tend to be of the upper class. She said straight gigolos are so common that almost any Filipino's "gay-dar" is finely tuned.

In my hotel room that night, I watched a man dressed as a goth sing Madonna's "Broken" on MTV Philippines. On another channel, a girl in a soap opera was crying, asking her brother if the reason he is so distant is because he's gay.

Later on during my stay, I took a field trip to ABS-CBN, the Philippines' most popular television station. I sat in the audience during a three-hour variety show. While everyone watched contestants run around, I watched a few male crewmembers kiss each other.

In the Philippines, I was aware of almost every gay interaction or innuendo. But no Filipino seemed to give any such occurrences a second glance. Upon returning to San Francisco, I realized that in the so-called "gay Mecca" of the United States, most public displays of gay affection take place only in the Castro district. Gays in the media have only recently increased in presence. And gays who act flamboyant in the hood are asking to get beat.

I was overwhelmed by the Philippines' social acceptance of gays. It was also fascinating to see how men in a different country interpreted femininity: thin bodies, long hair, thick layers of makeup. But what was most surprising was how much I, as a gay man, noticed these things while my straight friends there didn't even care.

Growing up in America, I tried my hardest to be the best person I could -- never working less than two jobs for five years, graduating college with honors, and being one of the most driven members of student government -- all because I didn't think anyone would accept who I really was. So when I saw pictures of 70-year-old lesbians crying and hugging each other after getting married in San Francisco, I thought that finally, it's possible that I might actually be treated as an equal in American society.

But it looks like it may be awhile before I experience the same type of acceptance here that I experienced in the Philippines. I question President Bush and other policy makers when they describe America as a model nation for the rest of the world, especially for developing countries. How can they say that when they don't even understand the people they're supposed represent here in this country?

PNS contributor Nelson Everett Toriano, 21, is a writer for YO! Youth Outlook, a magazine by and for San Francisco Bay Area youth, and a PNS project.

All the best ,


August 31st, 2009, 06:08
I can not see the link you mentioned,

So is there only Gay businesses in Manila or any in Cebu or any other towns out side Manila you know of?

By the way this Gay Hotel in Boracay Island philipines, looks great is there much gay action there.


Banana Saging Guesthouse
Bolabog Beach, 288-6121. The first gay guest house in Boracay. ]
They offer lodging, food and fun to ecotourists at one of the best beaches in the world. Utopia Member Discount

Other gay Fillipino Venues.

It was recmended to me by another eposter here so, I guess I will know for sure in October how gay it is, the letter I got informed me the boss was gay and that we were welcome. also that her boss would anwer any wuwastion we neded to know, I recommnend you wrote them.

this is the post

Peace Member
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Joined: Wed 11 Oct, 2006 6:46 pm
Posts: 1647
Location: USA, Kyrgyzstan , Philippines
Blog: View Blog (2)
http://www.imdiversity.com/Villages/Asi ... ppines.asp

Is It Better to be Gay in the Philippines?
Youth Commentary
By Nelson Everett Toriano, Pacific News Service
Americans often think the U.S. is the world's most accepting places for gay, lesbian and transgender people. But a young gay American man finds out differently in the mostly Catholic, socially conservative Philippines.

Mar 26, 2004 - During my trip to the Philippines, my cousin introduced me to people in her high school ROTC program. Carrying paper fans, her male friends skipped toward me from the back of their exercise lines. They called me guapo, or "handsome" in Tagalog.

I blushed, having never been approached before by flamers in fatigues.

I was surprised to find that in the mostly Catholic society of my homeland, gay culture is more tolerated than in America. From nightlife to the media, baklas (Tagalog for gays) are the norm. The strangest part of the entire experience was realizing that although I'm a gay male, as an American I was uncomfortable with such tolerance.

While the recent court ban on gay marriages in San Francisco -- as well as President Bush's proposed constitutional amendment outlawing gay marriage -- attacks me personally, my visit to the Philippines taught me the only way to counteract fear of the unknown is to try to understand it. During my trip, I did just that.

Though a fairly conservative country, the Philippines oozes sex, especially in its gay club scene. I paid five dollars to get into BED, one of Manila's hottest gay clubs. Inside, I was immediately struck by the club's musky heat. I never made it to the bar in the back because the club was too crowded. Sweaty men were standing so close together that no one could move their arms to dance.

Almost every guy had the same look: spiked hair, plucked eyebrows, fitted jeans, white collared shirts with the top button undone and the sleeves rolled halfway up. Some men even wore sunglasses in the club. In the Philippines, smoking and crowded rooms are everywhere, and I found the club nauseating.

Outside, I noticed a few white men who stood tall among the short Filipinos. Then there were the cross-dressers, skinny and without breasts. At an outdoor bar, my cousin broke down the Filipino gay scene. She said some of the men are actually heterosexual, with girlfriends at home. But it's common for closeted gay men to pay straight men for their "company." The straight men then spend the money on their girlfriends, who don't know where it comes from.

My cousin said you can spot a gay man or a "straight gigolo" in the Philippines by looking for those dressed in "couture" fashion. And since the Philippines is a developing country where medicine is costly, male cross-dressers can't afford the hormones for breasts. "Professional" drag queens tend to be of the upper class. She said straight gigolos are so common that almost any Filipino's "gay-dar" is finely tuned.

In my hotel room that night, I watched a man dressed as a goth sing Madonna's "Broken" on MTV Philippines. On another channel, a girl in a soap opera was crying, asking her brother if the reason he is so distant is because he's gay.

Later on during my stay, I took a field trip to ABS-CBN, the Philippines' most popular television station. I sat in the audience during a three-hour variety show. While everyone watched contestants run around, I watched a few male crewmembers kiss each other.

In the Philippines, I was aware of almost every gay interaction or innuendo. But no Filipino seemed to give any such occurrences a second glance. Upon returning to San Francisco, I realized that in the so-called "gay Mecca" of the United States, most public displays of gay affection take place only in the Castro district. Gays in the media have only recently increased in presence. And gays who act flamboyant in the hood are asking to get beat.

I was overwhelmed by the Philippines' social acceptance of gays. It was also fascinating to see how men in a different country interpreted femininity: thin bodies, long hair, thick layers of makeup. But what was most surprising was how much I, as a gay man, noticed these things while my straight friends there didn't even care.

Growing up in America, I tried my hardest to be the best person I could -- never working less than two jobs for five years, graduating college with honors, and being one of the most driven members of student government -- all because I didn't think anyone would accept who I really was. So when I saw pictures of 70-year-old lesbians crying and hugging each other after getting married in San Francisco, I thought that finally, it's possible that I might actually be treated as an equal in American society.

But it looks like it may be awhile before I experience the same type of acceptance here that I experienced in the Philippines. I question President Bush and other policy makers when they describe America as a model nation for the rest of the world, especially for developing countries. How can they say that when they don't even understand the people they're supposed represent here in this country?

PNS contributor Nelson Everett Toriano, 21, is a writer for YO! Youth Outlook, a magazine by and for San Francisco Bay Area youth, and a PNS project.

There likely 50 gay bars in the Manila Metroplex, the mlate are is the most strikingly gay.

I recommed a Utopia for a list

this is my post on Ting and tong

Everything You Need To Know About Manila, Courtesy of Wesley View

Facts and Fiction

The Philippines from a ForeignersтАЩ Perspective
Having spent the last ten years running back and forth from Kyrgyzstan to Thailand, it was to my credit that when I left Kyrgyzstan after the Coup that I decided to come to this remarkable place called the Philippines.
As far as the sex tourist kind of thing you would normally find in Thailand, you find more of an underground sex scene in Manila and all over the Philippines. It is by far the most active gay place I have ever lived. That would include the USA, Kyrgyzstan and Russia and my time I have spent in Thailand. Although Thailand has a more open Go Go scene and boys are offed here there is a much more likely chance you will run into a guy almost anywhere and at any time that is just simply horny. I find the guys not quite as oriental looking as the Thai or the Kyrgyz. But they are clean well spoken in English and moderately trustworthy. Almost all will tell you they are Christians while making love and seems not to understand the significance of the western thought on this subject. Almost as the Kyrgyz never really were Muslims after the Soviets finished with them. They are Christian in name only. When I first came here, I went to the Go/Go bars, which are for the mostly straight women and an occasional gay or Bi couple who just want to play. However, when they are on stage with everything showing, I do mean everything, in the more expensive bars. They will have a big huge cross around their neck as if it were quite normal to be a part of the sex trade industry such as it is here and still be a Christian. There is a lot who do not wish to come out who play around on guys4men. http://www.guys4men.com/members/1438535 I would say that this is the best personals site I have ever seen anywhere anytime free. I can on average Find 3 to 4 guys a week on this site and had a 21-year-old just leave with a smile. I would say that unless you enjoy the nightlife you would never need to leave your house unless you wanted to. As the FilipinoтАЩs say they love white cock here and at 57 I can partner with 5 to 6 a week counting the bar scene and guys for men and keep a bf or two happy at the same time as most prefer and open relationship although all of their profiles say they are looking for that special someone, they re but with loopholes. I was willing more than willing to keep a monogamous relationship with the person I am currently seeing. He however prefers we keep it open as long as I am planning to go to the USA for 3 months of every year for Business. So having given an over view let me mention some subjects separately.

Go/Go bars

The Go Go scene here is illegal, like Thailand, it turns its head when needed but not much. Several bars in the Quezon City area offer people for rent. The cost is high. Usually 100 USD and up. The guys are professionals however and you will be pleased or get your money back(within reason) As mentioned before the guys are mostly straight and after having met one on guys for men who wanted out of the business and was willing to live with me if I would take him as a lover. Found out that in his entire career he only had to sleep with a man alone twice. So most of the trade goes to the upper calls Filipino women who in a land where most men has a wife and a mistress the wife usually keeps the family and the money at home and also keeps herself occupied with men of her own while her husband is with the mistress which is culturally acceptable here although it does leave two family units with one disregarded as the family of the man and the mistress recognized as such but usually provided for if the man is wealthy enough to do so if not then the women will work in the markets to provide for their children. I meet many of the gay people who have only seen their real father only once or twice in their lifetime. They fill in the blanks with godfathers who are usually uncles of the mistress and usually if possible put the children through school and at Christmas and birthdays, it is the godfather, who provides and is expected to give them a gift.

So, getting back to the subject matter at hand there are alternatives to this, Show bars will have a show, and at intervals when a customer will ask 10 to 20 boys are lined up on stage and you can buy them drinks and make your own deal from 20 a night to 50 depending on his looks and abilities or how he may perform in bed as a top or bottom, some having a more likable appendage which here can be quite large to quite small, although I have found on average larger here than in Thailand and smaller than Kyrgyzstan. I have seen here the largest of any Asian country and the smallest. Although I am not a size queen myself I am trying to cover all the bases here as I know some care as do I if I am going to be versatile and choose a long term partner.

In this type of setting, it is illegal and usual the police have not been paid off to turn the other cheek so the guys keep their clothes on. You can find out what you need to know when buying him a beer or drink. This is usually a drink for the use of the bar and likely a cut of the profits for the boy. In my opinion, These boys are much better looking than the professionals who have tattooтАЩs and the bodies that normal slim Asian guys usually do not possess and could not if they worked out all the time.

Where to look

If you are looking for guys there are really only two cities that have gay bars that are openly gay bars. Manila in all the provinces of the city Quezon city Malate, Makati, Cubao and on it goes. However the largest island and the one in which Macarthur was supposed to have returned named Cebu and having its own language other than Tagalog the native of most of the country. Although I he not been I am told they have 3 bars there on that island and you can look it up on the net to try and find if there are others. (Borochi) spelled Boroclay is the next place to go to fine men, claiming to be the largest white sand beach in the world in a place where there are side to be 7,000 separate Islands is the place to find the beach boys. That and Palawan are the two main places to go for a beach. I have been to Palawan but he high season here in around Christmas so I have avoided Boroclay, until I am about to go back to the USA. Being only 5degreeтАЩs off the equator you will find it only gets cool here in December and January and here cool is enough for short sleeves for me but will bring them out in coats and sweaters and toboggans s if they were in Kyrgyzstan at 20 below.

The main gay scene is Malate although Quezon City and Makati can be fun; Malate is the main section of town to find a guy. Anyone who is under 70 can find a guy on the weekend at Malate pronounced (MalaTAтАЩ) which is within 4 or five city blocks of manila bay which if I may try to download some pictures later of what I have seen so far. Malate has about four blocks that are full of some of the best gay bars I have ever seen for a third world country. One being good enough to only open 4 days a week and often will fly in someone from SF USA to D.J. the name of the bar is bed and is surrounded with the mafia bar and Obar and Chelu with another one open this weekend right beside it. There are within the area likely 20 to 30 bars all, which cater to one kind of person or another. Mafia a show bar for Drag and Obar a dance club and favorite Cruise spot for everyone. Almost everyone goes to Obar first for drinks, food or conversation and then on to one of the better bars for dancing and shows. The cost of Beer fluctuates from 40 peso at Obar and three for 100 specials on weeknights 100 in bed and time it is open. They do offer some specials early in the night at bed if you want look it up in guys4 men where most specials are announced weekly and monthly for all participating bars. bar by comparison is small to bed and mafia but gets a tremendous amount of business since older guys like me, tend to not like a lot of techno I prefer Obar then later if I canтАЩt find a guy at Obar will go to bed for an hour or so and find the guy I could not find anywhere else.

Hotels I have mentioned before but a simple search for hotels for Malate will tell you everything I now since I live in my own place. I do now that the Hyatt regency will allow rooms to rent for 300 peso for an hour or two if they happen to have a room available. In addition, there are other rooms to rent in the district for rather low rent for an hour or two. Some I found by accident and others I was taken to see.

MANILA HOTELS - Philippines discount hotels and resorts up to 75% discount on pre-payment arrangement. http://www.islandsaccommodations.com/ho ... /index.htm

Sought-After Destinations
Quezon City

Luzon Hotels and Resorts
Metro Manila Hotels
Makati Hotels
Ortigas Hotels
Quezon City Hotels
Alabang Hotels
Baguio City Hotels
Banaue Hotels
Bataan Hotels and Resorts
Batangas Hotels and Resorts
Cavite Hotels and Resorts
Ilocos Hotels and Resorts
La Union Hotels and Resorts
Laguna Hotels and Resorts
Laoag Hotels and Resorts
Mindoro Hotels
Palawan Hotels and Resorts
Pampanga Hotels and Resorts
Pangasinan Hotels and Resorts
Puerto Galera Hotels
Subic Hotels and Resorts
Tagaytay Hotels
Tarlac Hotels and Resorts

Visayas Hotels and Resorts
Bacolod Hotels and Resorts
Bohol Resorts and Hotels
Boracay Resorts and Hotels
Cebu Hotels and Resorts
Guimaras Hotels and Resorts
Iloilo Hotels and Resorts
Leyte Hotels and Resorts
Negros Hotels and Resorts
Ormoc Hotels and Resorts

Mindanao Hotels and Resorts
Cagayan de Oro Hotels
Camiguin Resorts and Hotels
Davao Hotels and Resorts
Zamboanga Hotels and Resorts

Packages and Resources
3D/2N Hot Boracay Deals
3D/2N Palawan Adventure Trips
3D/2N Philippine Honeymoon Specials
Complete List of Philippine Packages
3D/2N Bohol Countryside Holiday
3D/2N Bohol Dolphin & Whale Watching w/ Pamilacan Island Sidetrip
3D/2N Bohol Pamilacan & Balicasag Island Hopping Special
4D/3N All Out Bohol Holiday Package
Complete List of Bohol Packages
Diving Packages
Maps of Destinations

Featured Metro Manila Hotel
The Manila Hotel
One Rizal Park, 1099 Manila, Philippines

Manila Hotel embodies a rich tradition of elegant living, fine dining and gracious service that goes back over 80 years. Here the city celebrated its most important events and the world's personages held court and left their mark. At once ageless and historic, Manila Hotel has always been everything a hotel should be: comfortable and gracious.
more info about this hotel...

List of Hotels
Travel directory of hotels in Manila - This section contains an organized layout and comprehensive tables of information of which each Manila hotel is listed with details on room accommodation prices, discounts of up to 75%, special packages, and instant quick reservation form. Click on the links to view complete information of a particular hotel in Manila, Philippines.

Atrium Hotel Bayview Park Hotel Best Western La Corona

PhP 2,100/room/night

Studio Suites
PhP 2,500 Room Accommodation
PhP 2,200/room/night
w/ breakfast
Standard Room
Location: Gil Puyat cor. Taft Avenue, Pasay City,
Philippines Location: Roxas Boulevard cor. United Nations Ave., Ermita, Manila Location: 1166 MH del Pilar Corner Manila 1000 Philippines


City Garden Suite Manila City State Tower Hotel Executive Plaza Hotel

PhP 2,700/room/night
w/ breakfast
Superior Double Room PhP 1,870/room/night
w/ breakfast
Superior Room
PhP 2,200 Room Accommodation
Standard Room
Location: 1158 A Mabini St., Ermita, Manila, Philippines Location: 1315 A. Mabini St., Ermita, Manila, Philippines Location: 1630 A. Mabini St., Manila, Philippines


Garden Plaza Hotel - Suites Cherry Blossoms Hotel Las Palmas Hotel

PhP 2,200+/room/night
Room Accommodation
Superior Room PhP 2,250/room/night
w/ breakfast
Deluxe PhP 1,600/room/night
w/ breakfast
Standard Superior Room
Location: 1030 Belen Street, Paco, Manila, Philippines Location: 550 Jorge Bocobo St., Ermita, Manila Location: 1616 A. Mabini St., Malate, Manila, Philippines


Legend Hotel Mabini Mansion Mabuhay Manor Manila Hotel
. .

US$ 60/room/night
w/ breakfast
Superior Room PhP 2,000 Room Accommodation
US$ 50/room/night
w/ breakfast
Premium Room Special discounted rates available upon request

Location: Pioneer St. Cor. Madison St., Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Location: Metro Manila, Philippines Location: 2933 F.B. Harrison
cor. Ortigas St., Pasay City,
Metro Manila, Philippines Location: One Rizal Park, 1099 Manila, Philippines


Miramar Hotel Orchid Garden Suites Palm Plaza Hotel Waterfront Manila Pavilion Hotel & Casino

PhP 2,500/room/night
w/ breakfast
Deluxe PhP 2,300 Room Accommodation PhP 1,900 net

Standard/Superior Special discounted rates available upon request
Location: UN Avenue Corner
Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, Metro
Manila, Philippines Location: 620 Pablo Ocampo Sr. St., Malate, Manila, Philippines Location: Pedro Gil corner M. Adriatico Streets,
Malate, Manila Location: United Nations Avenue, Ermita Manila 1000 Philippines


G Hotel Manila

Special discounted rates available upon request
Location: 2090 Roxas Boulevard, Malate, Manila

Atrium Hotel Gil Puyat cor. Taft Avenue,
Pasay City, Philippines PhP 2,100 Reserve now
Bayview Park Hotel Roxas Boulevard cor. United Nations
Ave., Ermita, Manila PhP 3,300 Reserve now
Best Western La Corona 1166 MH del Pilar Corner Manila 1000 Philippines Inquire rates Reserve now
Cherry Blossoms Hotel 103 C. Palanca St. Legaspi Village,
Makati City, Philippines PhP 2,365 Reserve now
City Garden Suite Manila 1158 A Mabini St., Ermita, Manila,
Philippines PhP 3,100 Reserve now
City State Tower Hotel 1315 A. Mabini St., Ermita, Manila,
Philippines PhP 3,300 Reserve now
Executive Plaza Hotel 1630 A. Mabini St., Manila, Philippines PhP 3,300 Reserve now
G Hotel Manila 2090 Roxas Boulevard, Malate, Manila Inquire rates Reserve now
Garden Plaza Hotel and Suites 1030 Belen Street, Paco, Manila,
Philippines PhP 2,500 Reserve now
Las Palmas Hotel Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Metro
Manila, Philippines PhP 2,200 Reserve now
Legend Villas Pioneer St. Cor. Madison St.,
Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines Inquire rate Reserve now
Lotus Garden Hotel 1227 A. Mabini cor Padre Faura Sts. Manila PhP 3,000 Reserve now
Mabini Mansion Metro Manila , Philippines Inquire rate Reserve now
Mabuhay Manor 2933 F.B. Harrison cor. Ortigas St.,
Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines Inquire rate Reserve now
Manila Hotel One Rizal Park, 1099 Manila,
Philippines PhP 4,000 Reserve now
Miramar Hotel UN Avenue Corner Roxas Boulevard,
Ermita, Metro Manila, Philippines PhP 2,000 Reserve now
Orchid Garden Suites 620 Pablo Ocampo Sr. St., Malate,
Manila, Philippines PhP 2,300 Reserve now
Palm Plaza Hotel Pedro Gil corner M. Adriatico Streets,
Malate, Manila PhP 2,200
Reserve now
Waterfront Manila Pavilion Hotel & Casino United Nations Avenue, Ermita Manila 1000 Philippines Inquire rate Reserve now


Amorosolo Mansion 130 Amorsolo cor. Herrera Sts.,
Legaspi Village, Makati City Inquire rates Reserve now
Asian Mansion II Dela Rosa St. cor. Nieva St.,
Legaspi Village, Makati City PhP 2,800 Reserve now
Best Western Astor Hotel 7385 Makati Ave. cor Eduque St.
corner Makati Avenue, Makati City PhP 3,100 Reserve now
BSA Mansion 108 Benavidez Street, Legaspi Village
Makati City, Metro Manila Condotel PhP 2,500 Reserve now
BSA Suites 103 C. Palanca St. Legaspi Village,
Makati City, Philippines PhP 3,100 Reserve now
BSA Tower 08 Legaspi Street, Legaspi Village,
Makati, Philippines PhP 3,300 Reserve now
Citadel Inn Makati City, Philippines Condotel PhP 1,800 Reserve now
Crown Regency Hotel Makati Makati City, Philippines US$ 80 Reserve now
Dusit Thani Hotel 1223 Ayala Center, Makati City,
Philippines PhP 5,400 Reserve now
Makati Palace Hotel Makati City, Philippines PhP 2,650 Reserve now
Makati Prime Tower Suites Kalayaan Ave., cor. Mercado St.,
Makati City, Philippines PhP 1,780
Reserve now
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Makati Ave., cor. Paseo de Roxas,
Makati City, Philippines PhP 8,999++
Reserve now
Millenium Plaza Hotel Makati Avenue, Makati City, Metro
Manila, Philippines PhP 2,640
Reserve now
Oxford Suites P. Burgos cor. Durban Streets,
Makati City, Philippines PhP 3,200
Reserve now
Perla Mansion 117 C. Palanca St., Legaspi Village,
Makati City PhP 3,100 Reserve now
Prince Plaza II 101 Dela Rosa St., Legaspi Village
Makati City, Metro Manila Service
Apartment PhP 2,700 Reserve now

About Metro Manila
The capital of the Philippines - its heart and soul -- is Manila. It sets the rhythm of life in this archipelago and is a pulsating hub that blends the Oriental with the Occidental, the quaint with the modern, the mundane with the extraordinary. Manila was born out of the ashes of a once flourishing Malay settlement by the banks of the Pasig River. In 1571, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi established the Ever Loyal City of Manila which, until 1898, was the seat of Spanish colonial rule in Asia. He built the city within walls and called it Intramuros. An anchor tourist destination, Manila is the very core of the 7,000 times more islands that make up the Philippines. It is a center for the performing arts in Asia. more...

Metro Manila Travel Information
Map of Metro Manila, Philippines

Freelancers and boys of most any age can be found in and around Obar, especially between 2 and 5 AM where the majority of the bars close at 4 to 430 with last call at 4;45. It is during this time not anyone who was luck enough to find a freebee will find a freelancer that will go home with you. The prices range from 500 pesosтАЩ to 1000 and so far I have not seen anyone who argued much about the price as long as it was at least 500 and with an exchange rate that fluctuates on the USA between 47 and 50 that can be quite a good deal. Almost any college guy will go home with you for 500 if he is trying to get through school. Some are quite nice looking.

STDтАЩs I have found it so far not to be a problem however, they guys do and will bareback. Although personally I keep condoms available. However, I have so far not heard of any cases of AIDS and I guess a Google will tell you the stats on the subject here.


I have never seen any person carded for age here at any bar at any time. The legal age is18, however I am sure that no asks and no one cares as long as they look of age. Personally, I ask. However, like most Asians you really cannot tell. The obvious you should stay away from although I have never seen much of a police presence here at any time. Driving home drunk is expected. I take a Taxi there and back. However, I would get lost in the city after dark any way.

If there are other questions feel free to PM me and I will do all I can to answer any unanswered questions.

All the best,


All the best ,


August 31st, 2009, 07:26
not sure why bananasaging was pointed out as gay friendly. most hotels do not mind their guest's sex preference. as long as you do not have public display of affection, everything should be okay.

August 31st, 2009, 08:00
not sure why bananasaging was pointed out as gay friendly. most hotels do not mind their guest's sex preference. as long as you do not have public display of affection, everything should be okay.

I think that the difference may be is that the owner is Gay, and will help you find other gay venues in the area. A good friend and poster here recommend it and I took their advise after I wrote them and they assured us we were welcome and that the boss was Gay and he could help us find other gay venue's in the area. In addition, they mentioned that it might be better to bring the person you like with you in as much as it may not be the most gay spot on earth just has some of the best beaches. I find the statement you made to be true all over the Philippines. Money is what makes the world go around and although I was affectionate and open with the last person in Cebu, which by the way ting and tong has all my pics from Cebu in a post over there. However, in the end the American express card was the attraction, not my person. I posted some things as well and ooglleman gave a link to the pictures, the problems was the person I was with had not come out yet and I was unable to show many of the close up pictures of him and so I was not able to share the hundreds I have of there. However, oogleman does have some good ones that are available if you are willing to do a search I think all you need to do is search my name and a lot of Philippine stuff will pop up as I felt they were more interested there than on this particular board about the Philippines.

I think the one factor about the Philippines is the exchange rate is still around 46-48 so you can more bang for the buck. If you are dealing with Dollars anyway.

All the best


August 31st, 2009, 09:02
I had spent 2 weeks at Banana Saging (Saging = Banana) on Boracay 6 years ago and when I returned this winter, I reserved a room for 3 weeks.

I left after the first night.

Banana Saging is a disaster these days (February 2009) and is rundown, neglected, and well worth a pass. The staff was surly, the guests were high testosterone kitesurfers who partied till 4 AM,, and the physical plant looked like nothing had been repaired in the 6 years since I was there.

The restaurant is, as before, a 6-10 seat affair and food remains uninteresting but more expensive than some other 1/2 star joints.

Can I suggest any other place would be better?

I was told by staff that Enrique who owned it previously had sold it and that the place, beachfront property, was for sale again as it was ripe for condos.

Bolabog Beach is not nearly as good as White Beach on the other side of the island BUT there are good hours to be spent watching the kite boarders.

Lessons are available.

Overall rating 1/2 star out of 5.

August 31st, 2009, 09:30
I had spent 2 weeks at Banana Saging (Saging = Banana) on Boracay 6 years ago and when I returned this winter, I reserved a room for 3 weeks.

I left after the first night.

Banana Saging is a disaster these days (February 2009) and is rundown, neglected, and well worth a pass. The staff was surly, the guests were high testostorone windsurfers who partied till 4 AM,, and the physical plant looked like nothing had been repared in the 6 years since I was there.

The restaurant is, as before, a 6-10 seat affair and food remains uninteresting but more expensive than some other 1/2 star joints.

Can I suggest any other place would be better?

I was told by staff that Enrique who owned it previously had sold it and that the place, beachfront property, was for sale again as it was ripe for condos.

Bolabog Beach is not nearly as good as is White Beach on the other side BUT there are good hours to be spent watching the kite boarders.

Lessons are available.

Overall rating 1/2 star out of 5.

I was tole by a guy from ther that the Juice bar is a bi bar here in Boracay.
So where do you recommend we go, I don;t need to spend all that money getting there then find the kind of mess you are talking about.

can you recommend a better place.


August 31st, 2009, 09:59
Boracay Gay Friendly Accommodation
Looking to explore this great wide world of ours? Whether it's your own back yard, or you're travelling abroad, there is a rapidly growing gay and lesbian tourism industry worldwide; and as such, in most countries you'll not be hard pressed to find welcoming accommodation for you and your partner.

Whether you are looking for Boracay gay friendly accommodation like a 5 star hotel, or perhaps something a bit more homely, Wotif.com has an accommodation style to suit your needs.

Stay in our Boracay gay accommodation and enjoy all that the area has to offer. Ranging from gay and lesbian owned properties to properties that are gay friendly, there's sure to be something to make your stay comfortable with our Boracay gay hotels!

* Hotel List
* Related Options

Boracay Gay Friendly Hotels
Showing a Selection of Gay Friendly Hotels in Boracay
Rating Location Make a Booking
Boracay Hills BORACAY Book & Pay Securely
The Panoly Resort & Spa, Boracay BORACAY, PHILIPPINES Book & Pay Securely
Crown Regency Prince Resort AKLAN, BORACAY ISLAND Book & Pay Securely
Crown Regency Resort MALAY 5608, AKLAN Book & Pay Securely
Island Jewel Inn MALAY Book & Pay Securely
Boracay SandCastles The Apartments MALAY Book & Pay Securely
Reef Retreat Resort BEACH

August 31st, 2009, 10:05
There are a ton of accommodations on Boracay, with price ranges from USD$10 to USD$1000, so deciding where you fit on the continuem is the key. Most are on White Beach.

Cheap and cheerful is Frendz Resort (http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g294260-d579236-Reviews-Frendz_Resort_Boracay-Boracay_Visayas.html) with rooms starting at 500 pesos which is where I went after Banana Saging but there are a ton of other spots.

Depending on what your looking at in terms of location on White Beach, the areas by the Boat Stations or D'Mall (Boracay has an outdoor "mall" called "D'Mall" located roughly between Boat Stations 1 and 2) are tourist central while the traffic (only by foot on the beachfront) peter out the further you go away from them.

Trip Advisor (http://www.tripadvisor.com/Search?q=boracay&geo=&returnTo=__2F__&hid=556005&verbose=&hur=&ssrc=h) has 66 hotels with reviews for your perusal...



Brad the Impala
September 1st, 2009, 05:35
Recommendations is what its all about, not reams of Gobble de Guk.

Oh bless! You ask for his advice for your "business enterprise", and when he gives you, gratis, chapter and verse on his knowledge, you complain!

Talking of "Gobble de Guk", you surely wear the crown.

September 1st, 2009, 09:11

I was going to share with him, all I found out by talking to the guys that live there on Guys for men last night, he can cruse the place for himself now. I found a good place and plan to take my staff there, Not the Banana Sauging Place, its getting ready to close according to the boys who live there. So spend your evening talking to them yourself,


September 2nd, 2009, 04:28
Nerw Forum listings Philippines

stayed 4 nights in Albay Condo (named Baywatch) in Manila.
It was easy to find from the Airport and very central located. The place was clean and very nice decorated, felt good to be there! Owners extreme nice and good advisors. Next time if I go back to Manila (and I will do! so much to do and to discover :) ), will stay again in this place. I can recommand this to everybody. Am frequent traveller and stayed in many places, this one is almost perfect!

hi, there are 3 airports in Manila. 1. Terminal 3 ( exclusively for cebu pacific airlines and mostly for asian international travel and Domestic travel). 2. Terminal 1 ( exclusively for Philippine Airlines and globally international and domestic travel). 3. NAIA or Ninoy Aquino International Airport ( exclusively for different airlines around the globe ). Hope it helps! :)

September 5th, 2009, 02:30
This thread has gone a off course. Like so many on Sawatdee. And it probably should be in the Other Forum. But anyway...
I am not an expert on the Philippines like Wesley. But I have been there many times and visited many of the beaches there.

Boracay had been bought up by the BIG hotels and investors. Even the other side of the Island has been developed.

Nearer to Manila is Puerto Galera on the island of Mindoro Oriental. Just a short pump boat trip from Batangas and a place where many Filipino Men like to go on Holiday. I stayed at Small La Laguna. Reminded me of a Mexican village. But the beach is rocky. Many small properties there so that might be a good place to shop.

Cebu is great, but the nice beaches are on Mactan Island, far from the City. And the good properties have been developed by the big players. I think no steals anymore. The beach is beautiful. White sand, and the buys are so handsome!!!

Across from Cebu is Bohol and at the end of Bohol is the island of Panglao. Nice beaches along the North and South shores. I stayed at Bohol Beach Club. Like the resorts in Hawaii. Very self contained. Far from the City of Tagbililaran. Still you can book a car and driver and enjoy a tour of Bohol. Go to the Chocolate Hills. Beautiful trip. It looked like many parcels of land are still undeveloped on Panglao.

Next across the waters is the big island of Mindanao. I love it there. Both Cagayan de Oro on the North and Davao on the South are safe Cities. And they offer many things to do and many guys to do them with. Beaches are not so good. Near CDO is Opol. Wide beach but brown sand. Looks like property is available. The only Resort is Apple, used to be called Lauremar Beach Resort. Near Davao the beaches are on the island of Samal. Easy to get to from Davao. But I do not know about property that is available. Look at Paradise Cove Resort for medium price and Pearl Farm for Best of the Best.

One beach I want to visit in south of General Santos City; White Beach outside Glan in Sarangani. It is definitely NOT developed. My friends call it the Boracay of the South. But GenSan still has this problem with bombings... Seems there is one or two every year. Keeps me away. But it does have an airport with direct flights from Manila and Cebu.

Finally, look at Puerto Princessa. Wes is the authority here. But I think most of the beach property is owned by the wealthy Filipino families.

So that is my long report!!! Good luck!!

September 5th, 2009, 03:07
Excellent re[port, I am just getting started in the country, I probably know more about Thailand right now, But I hope that will change this year,

thanks for the great report, I sent a copy to my staff to review and keep for reference.

Thanks George,


September 8th, 2009, 11:28
I'll be in Pattaya again for 3 weeks in December and plan to take my trip to the Phillipines, for 5 days.

I'm wondering where to stay and found this thread interesting and informative.

Can anyone tell me what are of the Phillipines is most like Pattaya/Jomtien? I live being near the ocean best for my hotel and general socializing in the evening, and like spending the days at a beach where there's some cute boys to oogle?

Would Cebu most like Pattaya/Jomtien, or Manila? For those of you who have been to Phi Phi island, I liked the island alot last year, but you need to bring your own entertainment (boy) as the island is 95% straight.

September 9th, 2009, 02:41
Thanks for all that great info, Wes. Great to be able to find out things i such detail prior to visiting a country.

My first Asian BF was a Filipino with his beautiful glistening black hair down to his shoulders! Since then I have always wanted to go there. But there, as in Thailand and, I guess everywhere else, most guys have cut off their beaufiul hair and opted for (IMHO) the Queeny look:

"Almost every guy had the same look: spiked hair, plucked eyebrows, fitted jeans, white collared shirts with the top button undone and the sleeves rolled halfway up"

Are there any 'normal' looking guys around and where would you look for them? I have some FF miles I must use before the end of the year (from Bangkok) - had thought of going to Manila but am just turned off by the current styles.

At my age (over four score) I shouldn't be so fussy but as they say - what turns you on, turns you on!

September 9th, 2009, 08:18
At my age (over four score) I shouldn't be so fussy but as they say - what turns you on, turns you on!

You are over 80?

September 14th, 2009, 02:06
Yep, afraid so but still get around and altho some of the parts don't work all that well, the drive (fortunaltely or unfortunalely) is still strong. So definitely not a beauty any more

September 19th, 2009, 06:23
I do not know any one place in the Philippines that is like Pattaya...

Maybe Boracay.
Lots of foreign tourists and lots of handsome Pinoy men from Manila.
Beautiful beach along the West side. Many hotels or all price ranges and great restaurants and discos. On the pricey side!!!
The East side is just developing. Rocky and best for wind surfing. But hotels are less. I would not suggest going to that side of the island.

Cebu is BIG and has a number of gay bars and discos.
But the nice beaches are FAR out on Mactan Island. About 1-1 1/2 hour taxi ride back into Central.

You might like White Beach near Puerto Galera on the island of Mindoro Oriental.
It is a hugh white sand beach. Not many facilities there, so book in advance.
All the hot guys from Manila go there on weekends and holidays.
You can take a bus from Minla, about 2-2 1/2 hours. Then a wonderful pump boat ride to Puerto Galera. To get to White Beach you take a smaller pump boat.

Hope this helps!!!
George :hello1:

September 19th, 2009, 07:12
well, any place with 'beautiful' or 'nice' beaches is nothing like Pattaya.

September 20th, 2009, 16:41
Yep, afraid so but still get around and altho some of the parts don't work all that well, the drive (fortunaltely or unfortunalely) is still strong. So definitely not a beauty any more

One more acronym for the list:

GIUG ("Give It Up, Gramps")

September 22nd, 2009, 00:54
Ageism.. Most younger people think men over 50 y.o. should hang it up and be celibate.
Live and let live, guys..
I personally think it is great to still feel horny at four score.. It has been my observation that
few farangs over 80 years of age are still in Thailand and playing the game and still out looking..
My guess is that those past 75 y.o. probably need to be back in their home country for government
health plans to work or just because the sex drive dries up and the reasons for being out of ones
home country are less appealing past 75 y.o. and certainly in one's eighties..
Wheelchair accessability would be another reason for some but if you still get some morning wood,
thats great imho... :bounce:

September 22nd, 2009, 18:42
Many years ago a friend that was a regular visitor to the Phillipines mentioned he usually stayed in a town that trained the young officers to be, in their Merchant Navy. He has long gone but I have never been able to remember the name of the place, he had many stories that I do remember.

Anyone care to suggest a name?

September 22nd, 2009, 19:02
Ageism.. Most younger people think men over 50 y.o. should hang it up and be celibate.

Well I like watching older farangs have fun... the happy ones (not bitter/rude/unappealing ones).

Watching some older farangs in Thailand, you can see a certain kind of joy in their faces that's refreshing. I think some Thais like to see this as well.

I walked into this gogo bar to watch the show but they didn't start it until later. While the boys were dong their dancing/posing thing on stage there was this boppy music playing. The boys on stage looked terribly bored (same old routine). This smiling/laughing middle-aged farang lady jumped up on stage (asked if it was ok first) to liven things up. She started dancing in such a comical way while her friends rolled about laughing.

They were playing songs like YMCA and the Macerina and it was hilarious watching this middle-aged lady in a dress dancing enthusiastically with a bunch of brown-skinned Asian boys in skimpy underwear trying to follow her moves LOL.