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August 25th, 2009, 13:43
Now we no longer have cnx4shan - homi - fattman - george to name but a few.can we still get sensible answers to questions on this board.
Does anyone know the name of the purple oval shaped sleeping tablets you can get from chemists in thailand.I have bought them twice without difficulty but can't remember the name of them.

August 25th, 2009, 13:51
Now we no longer have cnx4shan - homi - fattman - george to name but a few.can we still get sensible answers to questions on this board.
Does anyone know the name of the purple oval shaped sleeping tablets you can get from chemists in thailand.I have bought them twice without difficulty but can't remember the name of them.

"Purple oval" sounds like 1mg Xanax. They are very effective; in fact, half of one will do. However, it is illegal to purchase them without a prescription. Buying them from a chemist without a prescription is risky.

Or, maybe it was some other drug.

August 25th, 2009, 14:45
Better not have any on your person if you get searched by the BIB at Ekamai Bus Terminal or elsewhere...

August 25th, 2009, 15:26
There are several brand names but the drug is alprazolam. It is widely available from the mom and pop Rx shops "under the counter."

August 25th, 2009, 15:33
Xanax does the trick nicely on long flights, though I get a bit of a hang over next morning. You could also try Imovane 7.5mg (zopiclone) my doctor prefers giving me these, also I find the day after side effects a bit better.

August 25th, 2009, 16:17
My doctor gave me a few samples of Ambien, extended release. Worked like a dream.

August 25th, 2009, 16:49
I think you are talking about over the counter doxylamine succinate --brand name unisom. Also, works good for jet lag,I buy them in the states.

August 25th, 2009, 17:40
Better not have any on your person if you get searched by the BIB at Ekamai Bus Terminal or elsewhere...Why not if they can be bought in many pharmacists in Thailand?

August 25th, 2009, 17:48
[quote="Beach Bunny":2zs1yhzc]Better not have any on your person if you get searched by the BIB at Ekamai Bus Terminal or elsewhere...Why not if they can be bought in many pharmacists in Thailand?[/quote:2zs1yhzc]

When you buy them "under the counter" you don't get a label with a doctor's name on it. So, you are in illegal possession of a restricted drug. This also applies to Viagra et al. The fact that you can buy it doesn't make it legal.

And yes, the Ekamai bus terminal is the #1 place to get searched.

August 25th, 2009, 18:02
[quote="Beach Bunny":22vfswuy]Better not have any on your person if you get searched by the BIB at Ekamai Bus Terminal or elsewhere...Why not if they can be bought in many pharmacists in Thailand?When you buy them "under the counter" you don't get a label with a doctor's name on it. So, you are in illegal possession of a restricted drug. This also applies to Viagra et al. The fact that you can buy it doesn't make it legal. And yes, the Ekamai bus terminal is the #1 place to get searched.[/quote:22vfswuy]Oh of course - "This Is Thailand" (TIT). I should have known. Perfectly respectable businesses like pharmacies sell drugs illegally. No wonder the police are so corrupt, end to end, side to side, top to bottom. The whole place is one interwoven scam.

August 25th, 2009, 20:48
My doctor gave me a few Ambian for travel, and once when I forgot them and the local pharmacy just down from the Bamboo Bar was able to offer me a yellow pill that did not give me a full nights sleep on the long flight back from Korea to USA., but it did allow for a few hours of good sleep. I believe it was 20 baht for each pill. The pharmacy man sold me two pills. I don't ordinarily take sleeping pills, but these long flights are a lot easier if I can get a few hours or sleep. With out the sleeping pill I arrive after 24 hours of travel and feel exhaused. The sleeping pill makes a huge difference. The slpping pill permits me to arrive in Korea, and be able to wander around and airport and enjoy eating and shopping.

August 25th, 2009, 21:33
The purple pill mentioned in the first post is not what is mentioned in the following posts. I know what it is but won't mention it. It is addictive. Do some physical activity and you will sleep better without drugs. Get off your ass. That bar stool is deadly.
Good luck!

August 25th, 2009, 22:00
It is easy to get sleeping pills in Thailand and especially in Pattaya. My favorite I can't find in LOS. It is Tylenol PM. You can buy it over the counter in the USA and it is very inexpensive. It does not knock you out like a Xanex or Ambian but it once you are asleep, it helps you to sleep longer.

There is also a powder called Calm at most heath food stores in USA. They have them at any Whole Foods Store. It is a burst of magnesium I think. You drink it like a hot tea and it also helps you to relax and wind down and rest. Again, it will not knock you out but it is a great healthy way to get some sleep.

August 25th, 2009, 23:36
My favorite I can't find in LOS. It is Tylenol PM.

TYlenol is paracetamol. Tylenol PM is paracetamol and diphenhydramine; taking diphenhydramine to make you sleep is unwise, at best - it is the active ingredient in many cough mixtures such as benylin and it is currently being investigated by the FDA after it was claimed in a number of medical reports to be addictive and, if taken in sufficient dosage, fatal - it is believed to be the preferred/most popular suicide drug for American teens.

August 26th, 2009, 02:47
[quote="Beach Bunny":njxk7lbf]Better not have any on your person if you get searched by the BIB at Ekamai Bus Terminal or elsewhere...Why not if they can be bought in many pharmacists in Thailand?[/quote:njxk7lbf]

I have found out, at least in the Philippines, you are better off if you have a prescription bottle at home, they will search you and yes they would love to catch a white guy with another guy and you have Cialis or what ever on you. Immediately they call the media or say they will. I was stopped and I have bad headaches and usually keep something with me if I have one, They thought a darvocete was Viaagra haha, of course my bf was a nurse so he showed his identification and told them I had a prescription at home and they would be wasting their time, by the time they went though it all and then found out I was legal it would be 8 hours later and they would have locked up a guy for no reason. So, better to not take anything with you at all. If he had not have been with me I am not sure what would have happened. However, if he had not been with me with his arms around me I think we would have never been stopped.

August 26th, 2009, 02:57
Mr. Jackson's demise report released today is a sound guide to chemically induced sleeping. On intercontinental flights my own preference is for a good meal followed by the airline provided Sauternes. Avoid coffee.

August 26th, 2009, 03:17
The purple pill mentioned in the first post is not what is mentioned in the following posts. I know what it is but won't mention it. It is addictive. Do some physical activity and you will sleep better without drugs. Get off your ass. That bar stool is deadly.
Good luck!
I think that I've decided that the tablet in question is xanax but I was surprised looking it up on google that it is mainly prescribed for anxiety and panic attacks,neither of which I have.There is no name or markings on the tablet so it must be an oriental version of it.But I know half a tablet works for me.As for physical activity, I work 40 to 70 hours a week take my dog for long walks and spend a couple of hours a week in my garden.As for that bar stool you can count on 1 hand how many times a year i drink alcohol, perhaps that is the problem.After talking with a friend about insomnia he said "you want to do what I do, drink 5 cans of extra strong lager a night and i won't have a problem sleeping". I think I will stick with half a xanax thanks. LOL.

Better not have any on your person if you get searched by the BIB at Ekamai Bus Terminal or elsewhere...
Thanks for the advice BB but I don't tend to hang around bus terminals or other places frequented by the police and some members of SGT. :hiding:

August 26th, 2009, 03:37
Xanax is an incredible drug.Nine years ago I had a problem at work which resulted in severe anxiety. Was eating,sleeping very little,had never felt this way. So my doc presribed xanax and nothing bothered me after that.I started eating,sleeping,and was able to function normaly.I even lost $10,000 on a football game and it didnt bother me. When I went back to my doctor,I tried to get a refill but he wouldnt allow it. If I was about to be electrcuted by the state,and they asked me for a last request.....it would certainly be for a xanax.

August 26th, 2009, 03:45
I think BB and Andynoiz are the same, if not they were certainly poured out of the same mold

August 27th, 2009, 10:04
I even lost $10,000 on a football game and it didn't bother me.

About that. I have a very interesting proposal for you it involves your 7 million pound inheritance your long lost uncle left you in a trust account.

I his close friend and associate am its administrator. I need admin charges paid at 20% of that amount per month indefinitely, this is so I can make arrangements to send the bulk to you eventually. Any bank in Nigeria will do, just send me your credit card details and an open cheque to initiate the process speedily at your convenience. Please as so many have made mistake before and thus halted procedure to get inheritance do not fill in an amount on cheque, just leave it blank signed and dated.

The will and testament expires unless you comply within six working days. My apologies for rush but it took six months to find you.

Hope your mother is at peace, your best life long friend and caretaker of your uncles deepest wish,

Swindler Lagos P.D.H - M.M.B.A Her Majesties Service

August 27th, 2009, 14:08
Dear Mr. Lagos, You must have located my uncle Martin's will.However he passed away well over ten years ago.He was the most ambitious member of our family and was always working on some new invention.He infuriated my aunt Mabel as he sent the family finances to a company which promised to make him a fortune in patents on some of his oddball ideas.International Ventures was the name as I recall.Im assuming his desalination system actually worked. My boy friend in Thailand will be thrilled to hear this news!He tells me Im the smartest,most handsome man,and this will prove to him it runs in my family. Thankyou so much,you will find my debit card and banking information included herein.

September 1st, 2009, 05:33
The purple pill mentioned in the first post is not what is mentioned in the following posts. I know what it is but won't mention it. It is addictive. Do some physical activity and you will sleep better without drugs. Get off your ass. That bar stool is deadly.
Good luck!

This is putting it mildly #1. I have had to take xanax for anxiety disorder (panic attacks) since I was 18yo. Compared to heroine, cocaine, alcohol, painkillers, this is without a doubt the hardest drug to detox from, and one of the only 2 drugs whose withdrawls can kill you. I get my prescriptions here, and always carry around my script bottles or bags in the case of the hospitals, and a letter from my doctor in the states saying that I need to have the medicine on me at all times, as I can go into seizures without it. I am on the far end of the spectrum of the people that really need to take this drug, as opposed to the people that self-medicate, want something to take the edge off, or just take them for recreational use.

DO NOT TAKE XANAX IF YOU ARE NOT PRESCRIBED IT. I have had friends use it recreationally, and have called me up begging me for some of my prescription because they felt their bones burning, and like they were dying. I have had to show tough love to friends, and lost my brother to a fatal overdose of xanax and oxycodone. My brother btw would take 20 -2mg xanax at a time, and do nothing more than sleep like a baby. So you never know when your number is up when messing with this drug. I can't stress enough, how much I would rather not take them, but because of the length of time I have been on the medication, I will be taking them for the rest of my life, always dependent upon them.

Please use natural things like melatonin, or 5HTP, or even over the counter sleeping pills, but only as a last resort.

September 1st, 2009, 07:27
So you never know when your number is up when messing with this drug. I can't stress enough, how much I would rather not take them, but because of the length of time I have been on the medication, I will be taking them for the rest of my life, always dependent upon them.

Thanks for the warning - I hope people learn from your misfortune and I'm truly sorry you're still having to wrestle with it.

By the way, you are not yourself doing any of the driving for your business at this point, are you?? With tolerances increasing over time there couldn't possibly be any "safe" level after so many years of dependency.

September 1st, 2009, 21:13
I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure.
I have now decided that the tablets were not XANAX they sound a bit more than sleeping tablets.
I will go back to the original question. Does anyone know the name of the purple, oval shaped sleeping tablets that you can buy from any chemists in Pattaya.They cost about 600 bht for 50 tablets.