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August 21st, 2009, 01:14
As some one who gave to mikes fund, can any one please tell me how the fund is going to be used now that mike is back in the uk.

August 21st, 2009, 01:24
As some one who gave to mikes fund, can any one please tell me how the fund is going to be used now that mike is back in the uk.

I believe the fund was set up to pay his medical bill and for his repatriation. So (call me stupid) I would have guessed it may have been spent on that. Anyway its all down to the British taxpayers now. (funny how they always head for home when they get too ill)

August 21st, 2009, 01:45
I believe the fund was set up to pay his medical bill and for his repatriation.


Have you directed this question to Tim or Tom who administered Mick's medical treatment and repatriation, etc, whose e-mail address has been published here regularly, as Bob suggested you do one week ago when you first raised this question?

If not, why not?

The repatriation alone cost approximately three times the amount collected. MIck is unable to access his own funds in the UK or to have them accessed until after his repatriation when a UK court can appoint an appropriate proxy. Do the maths yourself.

funny how they always head for home when they get too ill

Not that Mick had much choice in the matter, but what alternative would you choose, stupid?

August 21st, 2009, 04:07
Not that Mick had much choice in the matter, but what alternative would you choose, stupid?

Im not the one under insured..........

August 21st, 2009, 06:08
guessing the fund was set up for expenses not covered by insurance.
i.e. living while not working,
obviously traveling back.

to ask someone with such an illness
how he spent your paltry contribution
compared to his situation
really goes well beyond bad taste

August 21st, 2009, 07:01
Khor tose asked in an another thread, "are we all assholes?"
Guess we can answer that at least one member of this board is.

August 21st, 2009, 22:21
i think that anyone who contributed to this fundraiser is entitled to know what happened to the money. With all the tub thumping that went on prior to the event there has been a deafening silence hereafter.
I was not at the event nor did I contribute but last year I was wait listed for a knee operation, I could of had the operation done privately and pay, or wait as I did and have the operation 5 months later. This is about choices if you don't have the gold plated insurance cover you can then examine in my case of taking a small loan against my apartment, in Micks case what was the problem with a orderly disposal of his Thai assets or for the case of expedience a loan against them. Instead the hat came out to be passed at the Cafe Royal Fundraiser this should of been an act of last resort not as it appears of first.
How many of the expat community are covered for air vaccing and for that matter tourists in the event of a medical emergency. There has been no warning from Traveler Jim on whatever policy Mick was covered by as one to obviously avoid despite being amongst the tub thumping brigade was this a slip up or does he no longer wants ownership of this.

August 22nd, 2009, 11:30
I was not at the event nor did I contribute

Given that, I don't believe the issue is any of your business.

August 22nd, 2009, 16:36
I was not at the event nor did I contribute

Given that, I don't believe the issue is any of your business.

Nor yours Bob.....................................

August 22nd, 2009, 22:27
I maybe wrong , but i was led to belive that the insurance policy was going to cover his return to the uk Now hes there, its the uk taxpayer who picks up the bill

August 22nd, 2009, 23:38
I maybe wrong , but i was led to belive that the insurance policy was going to cover his return to the uk Now hes there, its the uk taxpayer who picks up the bill

You are wrong. If you were "led to believe" this it would be interesting to know who by, as this was never hinted at here and it was made very clear by Tim and Tom in their e-mails/updates concerning Mick. Presumably you did not ask them to be included in the e-mail list, nor have you asked them for the information you are asking for here. There appears to be little point in asking "why not?"

The British NHS, in case you are as unaware of it as you are of much else, is both paid for and available for "the uk taxpayer". Mick was one of them.

i think that anyone who contributed to this fundraiser is entitled to know what happened to the money. With all the tub thumping that went on prior to the event there has been a deafening silence hereafter.

.....in Micks case what was the problem with a orderly disposal of his Thai assets or for the case of expedience a loan against them. Instead the hat came out to be passed at the Cafe Royal Fundraiser this should of been an act of last resort not as it appears of first.

.....no warning from Traveler Jim on whatever policy Mick was covered by as one to obviously avoid despite being amongst the tub thumping brigade

If "anyone who contributed" asked the organisers of the event I expect they would be told. Since neither of the organisers, as far as I am aware, post here there is as little justification for expecting an answer here as there is for asking for one. What "tub thumping" are you refering to? One post was made about it.

You appear to be as unaware of Mick's circumstances as you are of the law and your assumption of what was a "first" and a "last resort" is as ill informed and unnecessary as the rest of your post. Without going into any detail, Mick had no assets in Thailand worth disposing of and, even if he had had, to have done so without his legal consent would have been highly illegal.

Although TJ got his fingers burnt for posting personal and insurance details on another person, he has done no "tub thumping" whatsoever that I can recall in Mick's case; medical repatriation by air ambulance, as required here, is extremely expensive and seldom covered in the majority of general medical insurance policies and this board is hardly the place for mass marketing (or condemning) of medical insurance policies.

Khor tose asked in an another thread, "are we all assholes?" Guess we can answer that at least one member of this board is.

Shouldn't that be "at least two" gg?

August 23rd, 2009, 00:08
I am happy that Mick is now in his home country. Anyone who attended the fundraiser knew that the fundraiser was for Mick. His friends were generous. The Free buffet was outstanding. The auctions where done very well.

Progress reports were posted on GayThailand and Ting Tong almost daily.

Mick has many friends. Friends that are there to help each other. None are forced to do anything. They give freely.

Apparently there are some who have not experienced this type of friendship. So they become jealous or bitter. Most of us are fortunate to have good friends that help us when we need it and need no praise or need to question motives.

It is sad, so sad that some may never feel that friendship. They must be terribly lonely people. I pity them.

August 23rd, 2009, 00:34
medical repatriation by air ambulance, as required here, is extremely expensive and seldom covered in the majority of general medical insurance

Not the infomation given out on the forums and emails, he went home on scheduled flight to Heathrow if it was a privately hired airambulance they would have took him closer to Halifax like Leeds Bradford.

August 23rd, 2009, 00:57
gonefishing, appears to be three on this thread.

August 23rd, 2009, 01:03
medical repatriation by air ambulance, as required here, is extremely expensive and seldom covered in the majority of general medical insurance

Not the infomation given out on the forums and emails, he went home on scheduled flight to Heathrow if it was a privately hired airambulance they would have took him closer to Halifax like Leeds Bradford.

To describe the flight as a "scheduled flight" is totally misleading and, without being funny, simply stupid. Air ambulances can be privately chartered or they can be shared in which case you take what is available as happened here.

(gg, you posted while I was writing. Some people are simply unbelievable.)

August 23rd, 2009, 12:49
Let this be a lesson to all those old guys who find it too expensive to get proper insurance.

August 23rd, 2009, 18:38
Mike, as stated was on a normal thai airways flight from bangkok to london with fare paying passengers not a pvt or shared medevac flt

August 23rd, 2009, 19:25
guessing the fund was set up for expenses not covered by insurance.
i.e. living while not working,
obviously traveling back.

to ask someone with such an illness
how he spent your paltry contribution
compared to his situation
really goes well beyond bad tasteWhy? What is wrong with accountability and transparency?

August 23rd, 2009, 19:40
Gonefisting get his facts wrong once again ...........

August 23rd, 2009, 23:03
guessing the fund was set up for expenses not covered by insurance.
i.e. living while not working,
obviously traveling back.

to ask someone with such an illness
how he spent your paltry contribution
compared to his situation
really goes well beyond bad tasteWhy? What is wrong with accountability and transparency?

was accountabibity demanded before your donation
or whined about after the fact?
he is in serious situation
and doesn't need to be bothered with queens
wondering where their lousy 100 bt went

nothing wrong with accountability and transparency

when it's offered and not demanded by clueless cunts

August 23rd, 2009, 23:58
Mike, as stated was on a normal thai airways flight from bangkok to london with fare paying passengers not a pvt or shared medevac flt

Gonefisting get his facts wrong once again ....

Mick was not medevaced???

What a pair of absolute morons.

August 24th, 2009, 00:34
Although TJ got his fingers burnt for posting personal and insurance details on another person, he has done no "tub thumping" whatsoever that I can recall in Mick's case; medical repatriation by air ambulance, as required here, is extremely expensive and seldom covered in the majority of general medical insurance policies and this board is hardly the place for mass marketing (or condemning) of medical insurance policies.

Do Thai International fly many AIR AMBLANCES? No sign of it on here Mr Moron. http://www.thaiairways.com/thai-service ... rcraft.htm (http://www.thaiairways.com/thai-services/in-the-air/en/our-aircraft.htm)

August 24th, 2009, 00:48
As some one who gave to mikes fund, can any one please tell me how the fund is going to be used now that mike is back in the uk.

When you give charity thats the end of that. If you feel the need to ask for accountability, you shouldn't give. This is not an organization its a collection by a bunch of his friends. I don't know Mike but from what I have heard he was in a bad way and needed help.

Just how much did you donate. You probably don't want to answer but its worth a try

BTW There are three ways to get bak to the UK if your sick and need treatment.

1 Life and death. Airvac private Ambulance plane No Idea how much it costs

2 Really sick. On a regular passenger plane where 3 rows of seats are blocked, curtained off with an air stretcher inside. You must travel with a nurse. You will be charged anything between 6 and 9 one way full price fares depending on the seat config of the craft as well as for the nurse. I would guess That could run up at least 7 to 10,000 quid

3 If your well enough as an ordinary passenger.

I have full insurance with Axa and all this was explained to me at the time I took out my policy.

August 24th, 2009, 07:56
and #2 is the way that Mick was transported back to the UK; from a post on gaythailand.com:

"Mick will be leaving Bangkok in the afternoon on Monday August 17th and will arrive in London that same night. He Will be transported to Halifax by an ambulance upon arrival at Heathrow airport. He will be traveling on a stretcher and will be accompanied by both a doctor and a nurse during the flight. He is being met in London by his best friend who will travel to Halifax with him and take care of details on the other end."

now seems an appropriate time for the three of you on this thread that's making so much noise, to STFU.

what a bunch of twits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSqkdcT25ss

August 24th, 2009, 08:12
and #2 is the way that Mick was transported back to the UK; from a post on gaythailand.com:

"Mick will be leaving Bangkok in the afternoon on Monday August 17th and will arrive in London that same night. He Will be transported to Halifax by an ambulance upon arrival at Heathrow airport. He will be traveling on a stretcher and will be accompanied by both a doctor and a nurse during the flight. He is being met in London by his best friend who will travel to Halifax with him and take care of details on the other end."

now seems an appropriate time for the three of you on this thread that's making so much noise, to STFU.

what a bunch of twits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSqkdcT25ss

And the 3 are under insured Mick, Gonefisting and your goodself SFU

August 24th, 2009, 15:51
When you give charity thats the end of that. If you feel the need to ask for accountability, you shouldn't give. This is not an organization its a collection by a bunch of his friends. I don't know Mike but from what I have heard he was in a bad way and needed help.I never give without accountability, so it's either to a registered charity or someone I know personally.

August 24th, 2009, 18:03
When you give charity thats the end of that. If you feel the need to ask for accountability, you shouldn't give. This is not an organization its a collection by a bunch of his friends. I don't know Mike but from what I have heard he was in a bad way and needed help.I never give without accountability, so it's either to a registered charity or someone I know personally.

A registered Charity usually spends a lot on administration and only a portion gets to the needy, a well known fact
When you give to someone you know who needs a helping hand ,do you really ask him to account for where the money is spent?

If I needed money and one of my friends asked me to account I would tell him to shuve it up his ass.

I don't usually give to organisations but I have given to many a friend without question .

August 24th, 2009, 18:41
When you give to someone you know who needs a helping hand ,do you really ask him to account for where the money is spent?A friend is someone who will tell you without you needing to ask - that is a test of true friendship.

August 24th, 2009, 19:55
When you give to someone you know who needs a helping hand ,do you really ask him to account for where the money is spent?A friend is someone who will tell you without you needing to ask - that is a test of true friendship.

I totaly agree with you but in the case the person in question Mick. The poster aot87 who donated knew what he was donating to and is still asking for receipts or (accountability he calls it) as to how the money was spent. You must agree that this isn't good spirited giving. It seems the poster might be looking for change from a masive donation

August 24th, 2009, 20:48
Do Thai International fly many AIR AMBLANCES? No sign of it on here Mr Moron. http://www.thaiairways.com/thai-service ... rcraft.htm (http://www.thaiairways.com/thai-services/in-the-air/en/our-aircraft.htm)


Your link is to scheduled flights and services, so air ambulances, chartered flights, etc, are not detailed. Thai Airways, along with most airlines, provide what they describe as "a range of air ambulance and specialist repatriation services". The latter refers primarily to the repatriation of mortal remains (dead bodies); the former to anything that requires the presence of a nurse &/or a doctor and changes to the regular seating layout - as described by allieb and in the e-mail reproduced here by gg.

It is as debatable whether these are genuinely "air ambulances" as it is whether some taxis are genuinely "limousines"; anyone who disagrees with the description should take it up with those responsible, however, not with me or those posting here - judging by aot87's and stupid's posts here, however, that is unlikely.

After claiming that my partner was a drug addict who lived in my toilet, stupid now claims to know details of my medical insurance. Strange. For the record my medical insurance includes US$1,000,000 cover for medical evacuation and repatriation (alive or dead), and costs me just under 20,000 baht a year; I can see no point in responding to stupid any more.

Had aot87 genuinely known Mick he would have known that one of the few things that he disliked was being called Mike, so as it appears unlikely that he knew Mick I doubt if he actually contributed so much as 1 satang to his medical/repatriation costs. Raising the issue here rather than with those administering the funds, who have acted as true friends throughout and whose actions cannot be faulted, is simply mud-slinging at its lowest.

╪г╪н┘Т┘Е┘О┘В ╪о╪п╪з ╪н╪з┘Б

August 25th, 2009, 03:21
You must agree that this isn't good spirited giving. It seems the poster might be looking for change from a masive donationI don't agree. If I were to give to a group of people who claimed to be collecting on behalf of someone else I'd expect accountability and aot87's demands are whole appropriate. The only sense in which they are unreasonable is that people who organise informally often don't have any concept that it's still other people's money even when they have control of it. Hence my self-imposed rule about organised charities.

August 25th, 2009, 03:55
now up to four.

Brad the Impala
August 25th, 2009, 05:53
Do Thai International fly many AIR AMBLANCES? No sign of it on here Mr Moron. http://www.thaiairways.com/thai-service ... rcraft.htm (http://www.thaiairways.com/thai-services/in-the-air/en/our-aircraft.htm)


Your link is to scheduled flights and services, so air ambulances, chartered flights, etc, are not detailed. Thai Airways, along with most airlines, provide what they describe as "a range of air ambulance and specialist repatriation services". The latter refers primarily to the repatriation of mortal remains (dead bodies); the former to anything that requires the presence of a nurse &/or a doctor and changes to the regular seating layout - as described by allieb and in the e-mail reproduced here by gg.

The method of transportation described, on a scheduled flight with accompanying medical service, is known as a Commercial Medical Escort or Stretcher Service. "Commercial" specifically denoting that transportation is via a scheduled commercial flight.

This should not be confused with a genuine Air Ambulance service which costs considerably more and would have been a jet aircraft that specialised in and was specifically equipped for the transporting of critically ill patients. The Air Ambulance would also have landed at the nearest airport to the destination hospital.

This transportation would be covered by most travel Insurance policies, where medically justifiable, and in fact is one of their principal selling points.

August 25th, 2009, 07:21
Now now Brad we should not contradict GoneFisting after all he knows all. Wasn't that the name of Micks quiz team?

August 25th, 2009, 22:05
Agreed, Brad, but what is techncally correct and what is common usage are seldom the same thing. Also, while "this transportation would be covered by most travel Insurance policies" travel insurance is not relevant in this context.

Time to STFU!

(edit: in case there is any confusion, Brad, my last remark was aimed at myself not you)

August 26th, 2009, 00:10
The old dear's getting touchy.